Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eglalag ke hentew ka egbehayan
MS: eglalag ke hentew ka egbehayan
If you allocate something to someone, you say that they are the one who will receive it.
They allocated 5 kilograms of rice to each family.
Miglalag sikandan te egbehayan te tiglalimma ne kilu ne behas ka tagsè pamilya.

Def.: egtahahè te minsan nekey diyè te igkeupii
MS: egtahahè
If you allocate something for a particular purpose, you say that it will be used for that purpose.
They allocated 200 pesos for buying snacks.
Migtahahè sikandan te daruwan gatus eyew igbeli te egkakeen-keen.
Sem.Dom.: AWL6

n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: 1 pegbehey te egbehayan; 2 pegtahahè te minsan nekey diyè te igkeupii
MS: pegbehey te egbehayan; pegtahahè te minsan nekey diyè te igkeupii
the action of allocating.
The allocation of money was not equal: she received a lot, and he received a little.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012