Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Fr. Ceb. ???
Wrd.Gloss: metaphor
Ka sambingay iyan ka panunggilingan ne eggamiten te egpangguhud eyew egpakaal-alibed pad ka guhud wey kenè ne egkapantek su kema ke masakit ka kaluwasan wey mareet ne egpamminehen.
Amana ne maddalem ka me sambingay te me datù ke egmahuhurey.
The illustrations used by the tribal leaders in thier converstions are very deep.
Nakasabut ke red ganna te sambingay te datù ne eggenendue, igkamet pad ka egpangasawa ke mahalang naan ded?
Did you understand the illustration of the tribal leader which says, the groom should be used to clear an area to see if sharp?
Eng. metaphor; illustration; simile
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: RJH,TME
Last updated: 15/May/2009