Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egpalusung, migpalusung, palusung, agent, eg><ø-) place where work done (egpalusungan, migpalusungan, palusungan, location, eg><an-) to help someone clear a field (egkamet), or to weed (eggilamun)
Wrd.Gloss: help_work
Ka igpasabut te palusung iya ka pegpabulig te pegkamet wey ke peggilamun naa. Seini ne batasan, meupiya ne subla su kenad keilangan te seleppì eyew igbayad su egpakeenen . Tinapa, salmun, bihun wey miki ka igpaserè te egpangilamun wey ke egpangamet.
Egpalusung key kaaselem te kamet ney.
We will held a help work tomorrow in our farm.
Migpalit si Nuwil te tinapa su egpalusung sikandin kaaselem.
Nuwil buy a can good because he will ask+help for his farm tomorrow.
Eng. help; assist; labor
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,TME,RAA
Last updated: 06/Mar/2018