Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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minced vegetables
Ka lumpiya manipis ne maangkag ne innimu puun te atelug wey harina. Kaayun ne igbukus te egpirituwen ne sahing, sere wey duma pad.
Nanti biyat-biyat ke pa bebeli te lumpiya su igbukus ta te sahing.
Nanti, please buy for me a piece of spring roll to wrap a banana.
Eggimu si Undon te lumpiya eyew due igpakabelegyè din diyè te iskuylaan.
Undon will make a piece of egg roll so that he can sale in the school.
Eng. spring roll; egg roll
Tag. lumpiyang sariwa
Ceb. lumpya
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
Created: 17/Dec/2013
Updated by: RAA&RSL,RJH
Last updated: 25/Mar/2014