Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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to pop up like the bottom of horse after defecating
Ka egkeput iyan ka egleput wey eglenep iling te lebut te manuk wey kuddè pegkapenga te eg-indes. Pitawa nu degma ka ketu-ketu wey leput.
Egkeput-keput ka balitang te manuk ke egpakaatulug e.
The bottom of the chicken will twitch after laying egg.
Migkeput e ka balitang te batè su eg-iindes nahud.
The anus of the child turned-inside-out because of diarrhea.
Kenè nu ipatutubù ka manuk su egkeput ka balitang.
Do not bend over the chicken because its bottom will protrude.
Eng. twitch; protrude
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: TME
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009