Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var.1: iyup
for someone (eggiyup/eg-iyup, miggiyup/inniyup/mig-iyup/inggiyup/in-iyup, giyup/iyup, agent, eg><ø-) to blow something (eggiyupen/eg-iyupen, inggiyup/in-iyup/miggiyup/mig-iyup/piggiyup/pig-iyup, giyupi/iyupi, eggiyupan/eg-iyupan, inggiyupan/in-iyupan/miggiyupan/mig-iyupan/piggiyupan/pig-iyupan, giyupi/iyupi, location, eg><en-, eg><an-) especially fire when trying to get it started
Naselut a te ebel ka eggiyup te hapuy.
I coughed when I inhaled smoke while blowing fire.
Eggiyupan ku pad ka hapuy eyew egkalegleg.
I will blow the fire in order to make it grow.
Ant. helut
Eng. blow; blow a fire; huff, to; puff, to
Tag. bumugá
Ceb. huyúp
Ilo.: puyután
OCM: Ethnophysiology (827), Fire (372)
DDP: Blow air (, Mouth (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(paliyup, pA-) an instrument use for blowing fire
Eng. instrument
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 07/Jun/2016