Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(eg-atuk, mig-atuk, atuk, eg><ø-) to guess
Ka atuk ne lalag iyan igpasabut ka pegtagna ke nekey ka igpasabut te panunggilingan wey ke te lalahen naa.
Eg-antuk eggeram si Nuwil te egpaantukan ni apu.
Nuwil trying to guess to be guessed by grandfather.
Wrd.Gloss: guess
Eng. guess
Gramm. -i, imperative, guess at something
Due inggeles ni Ina ne kumbalè diyè te peka rin, ne igpaatuk naa ki Patrik ke hendei rin gen-geni ka malalab.
Ina hide clothes behind her back and she get Patrik to guess which side she hold the red one.
Eng. guess; estimate?
Tag. manghúlà
Ceb. tag-an
Ilo.: púgto
OCM: Ethnopsychology (828)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(maatuken, mA1–en) prophetic
Eng. prophetic
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,RMU,RAA
Last updated: 12/Oct/2017

Links to texts

"atuk" in text "Examples of Anit"