Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(maamuk, mA1-) used to being handled by people (of a baby domestic animal such as a chicken, horse or water buffalo)
Maamuk ka neitit ne piyak.
The orphaned check was tame..
Ant. meila
Eng. tame; friendly; familiar; used to people
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (eg-amuk-amuk, mig-amuk-amuk/in-amuk-amuk, agent, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to give special attention to an animal (or a person) (eg-am-amuken, in-amuk-amuk/mig-amuk-amuk/pig-amuk-amuk, am-amuken, patient, eg><ø-rdpCVC-) so that it becomes used to people
Eg-am-amuken ku ka kalabew ku eyew kenè egpanungey.
I will give special attention to my kalabaw so that it won't attack with its horn.
Cult. If it is a chicken (manuk), egsungguran, if it is a pig (babuy), egkulingen, if it is a dog (asu), egdugduhuyen, it is is a child (batè), give small gifts.
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 21/Jun/2010