Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a good spirit; a benevolent deity responsible for plant caring
Wrd.Gloss: a_deity
Cult. responsible over the law of Manama.
Pammineg ka se Kallayag ne egtanud te me pinamula ne egbuyù key naa te tabang eyew kenè egkeenen te ingel ka me pinamula ney.
Oh! please listen caretaker or incharge of plants to grow and bearing fruit, we are asking your help for our plants to be protected from insects pest.
Eng. incharge of plants; deity; spirit variety; god
OCM: Spirits and Gods (776)
DDP: Soul, spirit (3.1)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: MN

Updated by: RJH,AAA,RJH,QDL
Last updated: 15/Jan/2010