Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkuleyì; egbalukan; egderekul
MS: egkuleyì; egbalukan; egderekul
If you shout, you use your voice very loudly, maybe because you are speaking to someone far away, or because you are angry.
You don't need to shout at me, I can hear you.
Kenè keilangan ne egkuleyian a nikeykew, egpakarineg a kuna.

Def.: kuleyì; balukan; dekul
MS: kuleyì; balukan; dekul
a loud voice sound
I heard shouts from the people as they watched the horse fighting.
Nakarineg a te kuleyì puun te me etew te pegtengteng te egpegbuteng te kuddè.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1051-1100
Status: not yet fully checked

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012