Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpegtimul
MS: egpegtimul
You use plus when you add one thing to another. Symbol: .
Two plus two equals four.
Ka daruwa egpegtimulen te daruwa egkeyimu ne hep-at.
They grow rice, plus a range of different vegetables.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions

Def.: bulig
MS: bulig
a good thing which helps you.
When you are looking for a job, it is a big plus if you have a letter from your last employer.
Ke egpamitew ka te trabahu, dakel amana ne bulig ke due sulat puun te miglihad ne natrabahuwan nu.
Sem.Dom.: AWL8
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012