Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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/nee-ther, nayi-ther,/
conj,det, pron.
Def.: kenè...wey minsan; minsan...wey ke...kenè; minsan hendei...kenè
MS: kenè...wey minsan; minsan...wey ke...kenè; minsan hendei...kene
You use neither to talk about two things, to mean 'not one and not the other'. You sometimes use it together with nor.
Neither my father nor my mother likes durian.
Minsan ka amey ku wey ke ka iney kenè egkeupian te durian.
Neither of my parents likes durian.
Minsan hendei te ginikanan ku kenè egkeupian te durian.
That girl can't swim, and neither can her younger brother.
Sika ne malitan kenè egpakalumbuk wey minsan sikandin.
She neither ate nor drank anything, because she felt sick.
Kenè sikandin egkeen wey minsan eg-inum te minsan nekey, su egderalu sikandin.
Sem.Dom.: pronouns; conjunctions; determiners; GSL0751-0775
Status: ready

Last updated: 14/Jan/2013