Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: dè; rè (kenè amana masalig wey ke dakel)
MS: ;
You use mere to say that something is not very much or not very big. (used in formal language).
It was so cheap! We paid a mere 10 pesos for it.
Baratu amana! Migbayad ki te sapulù ne pisu.
She's a mere child, and is not yet ready to leave home.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0576-0600
Def.: dè; rè
MS: ;
You use merely to show that something is less than you expected.
She didn't say anything, she merely looked at me.
Warè miglalag sikandin minsan nekey, migtetengteng sikandin keddì.
The roadworkers merely filled the hole with dirt.
Sem.Dom.: adverbs
Status: ready

Last updated: 25/Jan/2012