Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpakaangey
MS: egpakaangey
If you gain something that you didn't have before, you get it.
He gained a lot of skills when he worked at the Barangay.
Nakaangey sikandin te dakel ne katuenan te pegtrabahu rin te Barangay.
He gained many new friends when he moved to a new town.
I gained a lot from the free classes.

Def.: egpakaangey te masalig wey ke dakel pad
If you gain something that you have already (e.g., weight), you get more of it.
The bus gained speed as it went down the mountain.
Migmeiyal pad ka terak te pegpatupang e te bubungan.
The baby gained 1 kilogram in her first month.

Def.: pegpakaangey te karakelan
MS: pegpakaangey te karakelan
the action of something becoming bigger.
The baby had a gain of 1 kilogram in weight.

Def.: naangey ne meupiya
MS: naangey ne meupiya
something good that you get.
It was a gain for us when the player left his team and joined our team.
No pain, no gain!
Sem.Dom.: GSL0726-0750
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012