Def.: pamaahi te peglalag-lalag wey pegkalituk
MS: pamaahi te peglalag-lalag wey pegkalituk
Your accent is the way that you say the sounds of your language.
She speaks English with a strong Filipino accent.
Eglalag sikandin te Inglis ne Pilipinu ka pegkalituk.
Def.: egmanekalen ka lalag wey ka pegparahing
MS: egmanekalen ka lalag wey ka pegparahing
If you accent a word, part of a word, or musical note, you say or play it more loudly and strongly.
You need to accent the important words, don't just say them all the same.
Keilangan ne egmanekalen nu te eglalag ka impurtanti ne me lalag, kè nu lalaha ne nekeg-iling dè.
Def.: manekal ne peglalag wey pegparahing
MS: manekal ne peglalag wey pegparahing
An accent on a word, part of a word, or musical note, is the fact that you say or play it more loudly and strongly.
Sem.Dom.: extra
Status: ready
Last updated: 17/Jan/2012