Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for a person or animal (egwayeng-wayeng, migwayeng-wayeng/inwayeng-wayeng, agent, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to move their head with their neck (egwayeng-wayengen, inwayeng-wayeng/migwayeng-wayeng/pigwayeng-wayeng, patient, eg><en-rdpRT-)
Ka seini iyan sika se weil te ulu wey lieg iling te eglingi-lingì.
Amana ka kalabew ne egwayeng-wayeng ka eglungkesu.
The carabao is running swinging head and neck.
Eng. head's move including neck
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
Created: 27/May/2009
Updated by: QDL,RJH,QDL
Last updated: 12/Feb/2010