Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Wrd.Gloss: eight
Nalaag ka utsu ne seleppì ku gabii diyè te dalan.
My eight pesos were lost yesterday on the way.
Gramm. Borrowed from Spanish via Cebuano, but in very common use, e.g., in domains such as money and telling the time.
Eng. 08 (Spanish); eight (Spanish)
Syn. walu
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Cardinal numbers (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L,B

Updated by: RJH,AAA,NJK,QDL
Last updated: 07/Jul/2009

Links to texts

"utsu" in text "Two carabaos fighting"

"utsu" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

Links to phrasebook

"utsu" in text "Pegseel"