Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a kind of viand; eggplant and egg
Ka turta ne lalag puun te biniseyè. Serè seini ne impegsewug te sehutung wey atelug. Masayun seini ne eggimuwen: egpeseheen ka atelug wey egtuug degma te sehutung. Meupiya wey mananam seini ne egsereen.
Egbebasbas a eggilutu te turta ne sere eyew egkatue a.
I will practice to cook a turta viand so that I know.
Atelug, sehutung, mentika wey lamas ka egkeilanganen ke eggilutu ki te turta.
Egg, eggplant, oil, and herbs are the needs when cooking turta.
Ceb. torta
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 19/May/2015
Updated by: RAA
Last updated: 10/Jul/2015

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