Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a lone monkey which stays away from the rest of the group
Wrd.Gloss: lone_monkey
Cult. Matigsalugs say that when a monkey is born, its mother tosses it away. If the monkey is able to grap a branch and hold onto it, it returns to the group. If the monkey falls to the ground, it is rejected by the group and becomes a loner.
O. Syn. aliwas
O. Syn. kusapeng
O. Syn. pilas
O. Syn. nanib
Genr. ubal
Eng. monkey, lone
OCM: Fauna (136), Ethnozoology (825)
DDP: Primate (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,NJK,QDL
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009