Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (eggetad, eg><ø-) to chop something (eggetaren, theme, eg><en-) into sections with something, e.g., a bolo (ugpit) or a knife (ilab or gepes) (iggetad, instrument, ig-) e.g., to chop up an eel ready to cook
Wrd.Gloss: chop_up
Eggetad a te karni te manuk.
O. Syn. pisangslice
Eng. chop up; slice
Ceb. gutad
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for something (egkahetad, patient, egkA><ø-) to get chopped up
Eng. chop up
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009

Links to texts

"panggetaren" in text "Cooking in Bamboo"

"panggetaren" in text "Cooking in Bamboo"

Link to Bible concordance
