Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka ginansya subra te puunan ne impamalit te minsan nekey eyew igbelegyè. Emun ke nekeuma ka P2,000 ne impamalit nu te minsan nekey ne igbelegyè te P2,500; P500 naa ka ginansya wey ke genensiya naa.
Nakaginansya si Ptr. Comawas te P500 puun P1,500 te pegbelegyè din te aheley rin.
Ptr. Comawas gained P500 from P1,500 when he sold his corn.
Ka nigusyu ne warè ginansya egkapurduy iya.
The business without profit will certainly go broke.
Nakagenensiya a te mahatus te impamelegya a te gulay gabii.
I earned one hundred (P 100) when I sold vegetable.
Eng. profit; surplus; income; addition; increase; profit
Tag. tubo
Ceb. ganasya
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: RJH,AAA,RAA
Last updated: 27/Mar/2014