Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: iya
MS: iya
You use indeed to say that something is very much the case.
Q: Do you like coffee? A: I do indeed.
Q: Keupian ka te keppi? A: Uya buwa iya.
He is a very good swimmer indeed.
Egkateu iya sikandin ne eglumbuk.

Def.: te pegkamalehet
MS: pegkamalehet, te
You use indeed when you give more details about something, and say it more strongly.
She was tired; indeed, she was ready to lie down right there.
Nabeley sikandin; te pegkamalehet, egkeupian e sikandin ne eggibat due.
Sem.Dom.: adverbs; GSL0651-0675
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012