Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: me keilangan amana ne balaud wey pamaahi meyitenged te minsan nekey
The elements of something are the basic rules about it.
My friend taught me the elements of the guitar.
Ka alukuy ku migpanulù keddì te keilangan amana ne balaud te gitar.

Def.: egmakarereet ne timpu
MS: timpu, egmakarereet ne; egmakarereet ne timpu
the weather, especially bad weather.
We build houses to protect us from the elements.
Miggimu ki te me baley eyew egpakapangabang kanta puun te mareet ne me timpu.
Sem.Dom.: plural nouns; AWL2
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012