Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpakig-ehet te pegpangabang te duma eyew kenè egkasakitan
MS: egpakig-ehet te pegpangabang; egpangabang
If you defend a person, thing or place against someone or something, you fight to stop them from being hurt.
When the attackers came, he stood in front of his wife to defend her.
The soldiers defended the town.
The men defended the house against the fire.

Def.: egpangabang te pegpangatarengan
MS: egpangabang te pegpangatarengan
If you defend someone or something that people say bad things about, you say why that person or thing is not bad.
Nobody in the committee liked his idea, so he needed to defend it.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1226-1250
Note: include because related to 'defense'
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012