Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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siyam ne pulù
Var. siyew_ne_pulù
Var. kasiyawan_ne_pulù
Var. kasiyaman_ne_pulù
Kene egpekeutel ka seleppi te salual su hen-em de ne pulu, imbaliyan nahud te siyam ne pulu.
My money cannot afford to buy pants because I have sixty pesos while the price is ninety.
Siyam ma nud ne pulu ibehey ki Bura eyew warad utang nu.
Give ninety to Bura so that your credit removed.
Eng. 90; ninety
Ceb. kasiyaman
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 07/Jul/2009
Updated by: NJK,RAA
Last updated: 20/Dec/2016