Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var. kumpadri?
Var. pari?
Var. kumari?
Var. kumadri?
Var. mari?
Cult. A Spanish eclessiastical legacy, now used to extend the family alliance. A co-father is one other than one's spouse who has one of the following relations to oneself: he is either the father, godfather, or father-in-law of children to whom one also is a parent or godparent. The term is also used as a term of address to a person with whom one has this relation or to a close family of one's age group.
Eng. co-father
Tag. kumpáre; kompádre
Ceb. kumpári; kumpadrí; parí
Ilo.: kumpádre
OCM: Arranging a Marriage (584), Artificial Kin Relationships (608), Religious Experience (781), Ceremonial During Infancy and Childhood (852)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: RJH
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009