Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egkilkiluwen, agent) troubled; unpleasant feeling
Ka egkilkiluwen iyan ka kenè egkateuteu su iling te egkabebened ka sapù din wey egmalimereng. Egkemeren due wey kenè egkasabut se eggeramen su egkabantalan due.
Egkilkiluwen ad e ka egtetengteng te etew ne egpallentey te lubid su kema ke egkeulug sikandin.
I'm troubled upon watching the man crossing through rope for he might fell down.
Eng. uncomfortable; uneasy; troubled; unpleasant feeling; feeling unpleasant
OCM: Drivers and Emotions (152)
DDP: Worried (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 21/Dec/2011

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"kilu" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

"kilu" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

"kilu" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

"kilu" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

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