Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(meinit, mA1-) strict or violent or very strong emotionally
Ke due egpakasubal ne iyam ne presidenti, subla bu pad ne meinit ka balaud ne igpeendini te kanta.
If there is a new president that replaces (the present one), the laws that come to us might be very strict.
Eng. violent; strict; strong (about feeling or management)
DDP: Strong (2.4.1)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,QDL
Last updated: 16/Aug/2010

Links to texts

"Initen" in text "Preparing Ground Corn"

Links to health books

"keinit" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"in-init" in healthbook "Natibbas te ugpit ka paa ni Biltu"

"keinit" in healthbook "Egmenuwen taa teg bawi kag lusungan"

"keinit" in healthbook "Egmenuwen taa teg bawi kag lusungan"

"keinit" in healthbook "Egmenuwen taa teg bawi kag lusungan"