Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var. ekad
for someone (eggekad/eg-ekad, miggekad/mig-ekad/inggekad/in-ekad, agent, eg><ø-) to untie a knot (eggekaren/eg-ekaren, inggekad/in-ekad/miggekad/mig-ekad/piggekad/pig-ekad, theme, eg><en-) on something (eggekaran/eg-ekaran, inggekaran/in-ekaran/miggekaran/mig-ekaran/piggekaran/pig-ekaran, location, eg><an-)
Wrd.Gloss: untie
Eggekad a te inniket te babuy.
I will untie the tie of the pig.
Eggekaran ku pad ka kalabew ku te hiket.
I will untie the carabao of its tie.
Eng. untie; untangle?
Tag. magkalág
Ceb. hubad
Ilo.: warwáren
OCM: Knots and Lashings (284)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for a rope or chains (egkeekad, egke:kad/egke-ekad, neekad, ne:kad/ne-ekad, actor, egkA><ø-) to come untied
Eng. come untied; untied, become; loosen
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,QDL,NJK,RJH
Last updated: 29/Jul/2014