Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a fine arrow used in a blow-gun
Egkamangeen ku pad ka dalem te tunud ku su kenad ne mahalang.
I'll sharpen the dart of my blow-gun because it's not sharp.
Eng. arrow; blowdart; dart
OCM: Hunting and Trapping (224)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 28/May/2013

Links to health books

"diralem" in healthbook "Migderalu si Junjun te malariya"

"diralem" in healthbook "Eg-ay-ayaran ta ka me ngipen ta"

"diralem" in healthbook "Natibbas te ugpit ka paa ni Biltu"

"pariraleman" in healthbook "Nahepu ka belad ni Binuy"

"diralem" in healthbook "Nabekeg si Junjun teg keenen"

Links to songbook

"Egpariralem" in song "Ke egpalemlemen ta ka krus"

"egpariralem" in song "E Panisingan"

"Pariralem" in song "Seini a, E Hisus"

"maralem" in song "Innimu ni Hisus"

"diralem" in song "Miggeyinawaan ku sikeykew Hisus"