Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for a person or a bird (esp. a chicken) (eg-akelup, mig-akelup/in-akelup/pig-akelup, agent, eg><ø-) to embrace; to hug (eg-akelupen, akelupen, patient, eg><en-) for a reason (ig-akelupa, in-akelupa, reason, ig–a)
Ka seini ne lalag iling te egkepkep ka te sabeka ne etew.Iling te manuk,ka me piyak diyè te diralem te pakpak te iney.
Emun ke egkumusta ka Melikanu eg-akelupen ka.
When the American shakes hands it is accompanied by an embrace.
Eng. embrace; hug
Tag. yakap
Ceb. gakus
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
Created: 29/Apr/2009
Last updated: 24/Dec/2009

Links to songbook

"in-akelup" in song "Sayeen ta si Hisus ne Manluluwas"