Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: 1 duen e wey sasangan e ne eggimu; 2 peg-uyan (te kumpanya); 3 peg-andar; 4 pegpaandar
MS: duen e wey sasangan e ne eggimu; peg-uyan; peg-andar; pegpaandar
the action of operating.
Note: see operate senses 1-4
The operation of heavy machinery needs training.
Ka pegpaandar te mabbehat ne me mekina egkeilangan te pegbebasbas.

Def.: hinimu ne me pamaahi
MS: hinimu ne me pamaahi
an organized process which includes many people.
There was a police operation to find the drug dealers.
Due hinimu ne me pamaahi te me pulis te pegpamitew te mameligyaay te druga.

Def.: peg-ebù; peg-upira
MS: peg-ebù; peg-upira
a process in which a doctor cuts open part of your body to fix or remove something.
She needed to have an operation to remove her appendix.
Egkeilangan sikandin te peg-ebù eyew te peg-awè te apindik din.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0476-0500

in operation
Def.: eggimu; eg-andar
MS: eggimu; eg-andar
If something is in operation, it is working or doing what it usually does.
Status: ready

Last updated: 24/Mar/2012