n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: pegpakig-ehet eyew te pegpeengked te etew, butang wey ke lugar ne egkasakitan; pegpangabang
MS: pegpangabang
the action of fighting to stop a person, thing or place from being hurt.
Their defense of the city was successful, and the attackers could not enter.
n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: pegpangabang te pegpangatarengan
MS: pegpangabang te pegpangatarengan
the action of saying why a person or thing is not bad.
Def.: egpakapangabang; egpakaalang; egpakaatang; egpakabulig
MS: egpakapangabang; egpakaalang; egpakaatang; egpakabulig
something which can stop a person, thing, or place from being hurt.
Vitamin C is a good defense against the flu.
Some ancient cities had walls as a defense against attack.
See defend
Sem.Dom.: GSL0601-0625
Status: ready
Last updated: 17/Jan/2012