Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: alamanan
MS: alamanan
something that you can choose out of two or more things.
When you buy sugar , there are two alternatives: white and brown.
Ke egbebeli ka te asukal, due daruwa ne alamanan: maangkag wey malalab.

Def.: minsan nekey ne lein ne egkaalaman nu ke kenè ka te sabeka
MS: egkaalaman
An alternative thing is something that you can choose if you don't choose another thing.
If there are no motorbikes at the crossing, you'll need to find alternative transport.
Ke warè me mutur diyè te krusing, keilangan ne egpamitew ka te lein ne unturanan.

Def.: Senge lein seini te nalayaman e ne batasan wey pamaahi (malasi seini diyè te kineiyahan wey kenè amana te seleppì).
MS: nalayaman e
Something alternative is different from the usual or traditional ways. It usually has more focus on nature and less focus on money and 'western' science (e.g., alternative music, alternative medicine).
In alternative medicine, herbs and plants are used more than chemical drugs.
Sem.Dom.: AWL3
Status: ready

Last updated: 14/Jan/2013