Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Fr. Ceb. tira
for someoneto shoot something
Ka tira iyan ka peggisuhat te minsan nekey ne eggisuhaten.
Kenè ka tira te babuy ne mahintalunan, ke kenè, ka egpakaayad-ayad su kema ke kenè egkasuhat.
Don't shoot wild pig, when you're not ready because it might your not hit it.
Eng. shoot
Ceb. tira
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
Created: 03/Aug/2012
Updated by: AAA,RJH,RAA
Last updated: 27/Nov/2017

Links to texts

"tire" in text "Long Ago I"

Links to phrasebook

"tire" in text "Keenen"