Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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n.Picture of pispis
the young of all small animals that are still without hair or fur
Eng. young of all small animals
Tag. bulílit
OCM: Fauna (136), Ethnozoology (825)
DDP: Carnivore (, Rodent (, Animal life cycle (1.6.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
(pispis_te_miyew) kitten
Egkeupian a perem te me pispis te miyew piru egkatameneng a su egpangalusen a layun nikandan.
I love kittens but the worse thing is they scratched me always.
Eng. kitten; cat; cub
Tag. kutíng
Ceb. gamayng iring
Ilo.: bassít nga púsa
OCM: Fauna (136), Ethnozoology (825)
DDP: Carnivore (, Animal life cycle (1.6.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 12/Mar/2014

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"Pispis" in reader "Ka ngaran te me anak"

"Pispis" in reader "Ka ngaran te me anak"

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