Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egpahehanè, migpahehanè, pahehanè, agent, eg><ø-pA-rdpCV-) to prophesy, often falsely or to perform sorcery
Wrd.Gloss: prophesy
Egpahehanè si Datù Duyan su nekeyimu te seleppì.
Datu Duyan will perform+sorcery because he is able to make money.
Ubat ne egpahehanè si Datù Dia-on su ware natuman ka ingkahi rin.
Datu Dia-on is false+prophet because his prediction was not happened.
Eng. prophesy; sorcery; magic; deceive; predict
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,RAA
Last updated: 16/Oct/2017