Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary Missing Words List

companionVernacular word: companion
rodentVernacular word: rodent
the Vernacular word: the
to breakVernacular word: to break
were caused to promiseVernacular word: were caused to promise
"hoyVernacular word: "hoy
#Vernacular word: #
$Vernacular word: $
%Vernacular word: %
&Vernacular word: &
(YouVernacular word: (You
(justVernacular word: (just
(youVernacular word: (you
-al-Vernacular word: -al-
-anVernacular word: -an
-aw-Vernacular word: -aw-
-edVernacular word: -ed
-enVernacular word: -en
-erVernacular word: -er
-estVernacular word: -est
-iVernacular word: -i
-in-Vernacular word: -in-
-ladVernacular word: -lad
-nessVernacular word: -ness
-sVernacular word: -s
-teenVernacular word: -teen
/Vernacular word: /
/h/Vernacular word: /h/
0.37kgVernacular word: 0.37kg
0.45kgVernacular word: 0.45kg
Vernacular word: 0°
1-cupVernacular word: 1-cup
1/1000Vernacular word: 1/1000
1/2Vernacular word: 1/2
1/36Vernacular word: 1/36
10%Vernacular word: 10%
10+Vernacular word: 10+
10,000PVernacular word: 10,000P
100%Vernacular word: 100%
100PVernacular word: 100P
100mVernacular word: 100m
10ftVernacular word: 10ft
10mVernacular word: 10m
10pmVernacular word: 10pm
11pmVernacular word: 11pm
11thVernacular word: 11th
122°Vernacular word: 122°
12ftVernacular word: 12ft
12pmVernacular word: 12pm
13°Vernacular word: 13°
14thVernacular word: 14th
15thVernacular word: 15th
16/Feb/09Vernacular word: 16/Feb/09
1960sVernacular word: 1960s
1990sVernacular word: 1990s
1cmVernacular word: 1cm
1mVernacular word: 1m
1pmVernacular word: 1pm
1stVernacular word: 1st
2/17/98Vernacular word: 2/17/98
2000mVernacular word: 2000m
20kmVernacular word: 20km
20mVernacular word: 20m
20thVernacular word: 20th
22ndVernacular word: 22nd
24-hourVernacular word: 24-hour
2kmVernacular word: 2km
2ndVernacular word: 2nd
2pmVernacular word: 2pm
30%Vernacular word: 30%
30.48cmVernacular word: 30.48cm
30°Vernacular word: 30°
31stVernacular word: 31st
360°Vernacular word: 360°
3pmVernacular word: 3pm
3rdVernacular word: 3rd
4-year-oldVernacular word: 4-year-old
40mmVernacular word: 40mm
45°Vernacular word: 45°
4kmVernacular word: 4km
4pmVernacular word: 4pm
50%Vernacular word: 50%
500mLVernacular word: 500mL
5:30amVernacular word: 5:30am
5cmVernacular word: 5cm
5pmVernacular word: 5pm
60%Vernacular word: 60%
6:30amVernacular word: 6:30am
6amVernacular word: 6am
6ftVernacular word: 6ft
70%Vernacular word: 70%
70kgVernacular word: 70kg
70kmVernacular word: 70km
7:15amVernacular word: 7:15am
7amVernacular word: 7am
7pmVernacular word: 7pm
80%Vernacular word: 80%
85%Vernacular word: 85%
8amVernacular word: 8am
8thVernacular word: 8th
90°Vernacular word: 90°
9amVernacular word: 9am
9pmVernacular word: 9pm
;toVernacular word: ;to
=Vernacular word: =
?-anVernacular word: ?-an
?-enVernacular word: ?-en
???ToVernacular word: ???To
???orVernacular word: ???or
?affixVernacular word: ?affix
?andVernacular word: ?and
?asVernacular word: ?as
?ayowVernacular word: ?ayow
?classVernacular word: ?class
?gVernacular word: ?g
?habatVernacular word: ?habat
?lVernacular word: ?l
?ma-Vernacular word: ?ma-
?ma-in-delC-Vernacular word: ?ma-in-delC-
?paN-Vernacular word: ?paN-
?rdpCVC-Vernacular word: ?rdpCVC-
?somethingVernacular word: ?something
?tin-Vernacular word: ?tin-
@Vernacular word: @
A littleVernacular word: A little
A-frameVernacular word: A-frame
ABS-CBNVernacular word: ABS-CBN
AD476Vernacular word: AD476
ALSVernacular word: ALS
A_littleVernacular word: A_little
AbakadaVernacular word: Abakada
Abdil'sVernacular word: Abdil's
AbiVernacular word: Abi
AbidingVernacular word: Abiding
AbitVernacular word: Abit
Abit'sVernacular word: Abit's
Abraham,[glVernacular word: Abraham,[gl
AcasiaVernacular word: Acasia
AccordingVernacular word: According
AccordinglyVernacular word: Accordingly
AceVernacular word: Ace
AchillesVernacular word: Achilles
AdamVernacular word: Adam
Adam'sVernacular word: Adam's
AddiVernacular word: Addi
Adduy'sVernacular word: Adduy's
AdiVernacular word: Adi
AdilinaVernacular word: Adilina
AdingVernacular word: Ading
Ading'sVernacular word: Ading's
AdjectivesVernacular word: Adjectives
AdjustmentVernacular word: Adjustment
AdulteryVernacular word: Adultery
AdungVernacular word: Adung
Adung'sVernacular word: Adung's
AdvertisingVernacular word: Advertising
AdyungVernacular word: Adyung
Agang'sVernacular word: Agang's
AgdahanVernacular word: Agdahan
AggiyuVernacular word: Aggiyu
AgkeyVernacular word: Agkey
AgohoVernacular word: Agoho
AgsamVernacular word: Agsam
AgustinVernacular word: Agustin
AgustingVernacular word: Agusting
AhVernacular word: Ah
AhaVernacular word: Aha
Aha'sVernacular word: Aha's
Akeb-akebVernacular word: Akeb-akeb
AknitVernacular word: Aknit
AlanVernacular word: Alan
AlasigVernacular word: Alasig
AlcantaraVernacular word: Alcantara
AlexVernacular word: Alex
AlgaeVernacular word: Algae
AliVernacular word: Ali
AliksVernacular word: Aliks
AlinguwegVernacular word: Alinguweg
AlisVernacular word: Alis
AlkantaraVernacular word: Alkantara
AlmightyVernacular word: Almighty
AmadoVernacular word: Amado
AmaduVernacular word: Amadu
Amadu’sVernacular word: Amadu’s
AmanVernacular word: Aman
AmareyVernacular word: Amarey
AmaurornisVernacular word: Amaurornis
AmayVernacular word: Amay
AmazingVernacular word: Amazing
AmbakegVernacular word: Ambakeg
AmebaVernacular word: Ameba
AmericaVernacular word: America
AmericanVernacular word: American
American'sVernacular word: American's
AmericanaVernacular word: Americana
AmericansVernacular word: Americans
AmeyVernacular word: Amey
AmoebaVernacular word: Amoeba
AmpalayaVernacular word: Ampalaya
AmutagVernacular word: Amutag
An-anVernacular word: An-an
An-an'sVernacular word: An-an's
AnaVernacular word: Ana
AnamarieVernacular word: Anamarie
AnamieVernacular word: Anamie
AncestralVernacular word: Ancestral
Andi'sVernacular word: Andi's
AndongVernacular word: Andong
AndrutVernacular word: Andrut
AndungVernacular word: Andung
AnduwawVernacular word: Anduwaw
AndyVernacular word: Andy
Angel'sVernacular word: Angel's
AngkalVernacular word: Angkal
AningVernacular word: Aning
AnisVernacular word: Anis
AnitVernacular word: Anit
Anit deityVernacular word: Anit deity
Anit_deityVernacular word: Anit_deity
AnituVernacular word: Anitu
AnlakobVernacular word: Anlakob
AnnattoVernacular word: Annatto
AnselewVernacular word: Anselew
AnsemelVernacular word: Ansemel
AntunVernacular word: Antun
AnulVernacular word: Anul
ApaVernacular word: Apa
ApingVernacular word: Aping
ApoVernacular word: Apo
AppleVernacular word: Apple
AprilVernacular word: April
ApuVernacular word: Apu
AquinoVernacular word: Aquino
Aquino'sVernacular word: Aquino's
ArakanVernacular word: Arakan
ArmaliteVernacular word: Armalite
ArnilVernacular word: Arnil
ArugVernacular word: Arug
AsianVernacular word: Asian
AteneoVernacular word: Ateneo
AtoVernacular word: Ato
AttachedVernacular word: Attached
AttaliaVernacular word: Attalia
AtuVernacular word: Atu
AugustVernacular word: August
Aunt'sVernacular word: Aunt's
AuntieVernacular word: Auntie
AustraliaVernacular word: Australia
AustralianVernacular word: Australian
AxlesVernacular word: Axles
Ay-ayVernacular word: Ay-ay
AyeVernacular word: Aye
AyitVernacular word: Ayit
Ayit'sVernacular word: Ayit's
Ayit’sVernacular word: Ayit’s
AyunVernacular word: Ayun
BVernacular word: B
Babalu'sVernacular word: Babalu's
BabelVernacular word: Babel
BabiVernacular word: Babi
BabiesVernacular word: Babies
BachelorVernacular word: Bachelor
BachelorsVernacular word: Bachelors
BadaVernacular word: Bada
BaddaVernacular word: Badda
BadidVernacular word: Badid
BaeVernacular word: Bae
BaganihanVernacular word: Baganihan
BagasVernacular word: Bagas
BagoboVernacular word: Bagobo
BaguioVernacular word: Baguio
BahaVernacular word: Baha
BahuntetaleVernacular word: Bahuntetale
BalatikVernacular word: Balatik
BalbalVernacular word: Balbal
BalensiyaVernacular word: Balensiya
BalitiVernacular word: Baliti
BaltazarVernacular word: Baltazar
BaluhuwanVernacular word: Baluhuwan
BambooVernacular word: Bamboo
BananaVernacular word: Banana
Banana'sVernacular word: Banana's
BanbanVernacular word: Banban
BandageVernacular word: Bandage
BangganVernacular word: Banggan
BanksVernacular word: Banks
BanlakVernacular word: Banlak
Bansilan’sVernacular word: Bansilan’s
BantolVernacular word: Bantol
BanugVernacular word: Banug
BaptismVernacular word: Baptism
BaptistVernacular word: Baptist
Barag'sVernacular word: Barag's
BarangayVernacular word: Barangay
Barangay'sVernacular word: Barangay's
BaranggayVernacular word: Baranggay
BaritVernacular word: Barit
BarkVernacular word: Bark
BarredVernacular word: Barred
BarrierVernacular word: Barrier
BasakVernacular word: Basak
BasicallyVernacular word: Basically
BasketballVernacular word: Basketball
BasketsVernacular word: Baskets
BatuVernacular word: Batu
BeansVernacular word: Beans
BeefVernacular word: Beef
BeesVernacular word: Bees
BeiVernacular word: Bei
Being troubleVernacular word: Being trouble
Being_troubleVernacular word: Being_trouble
BelievingVernacular word: Believing
BeltingVernacular word: Belting
BenVernacular word: Ben
BenitoVernacular word: Benito
BenjaminVernacular word: Benjamin
Berni'sVernacular word: Berni's
BertingVernacular word: Berting
BetelVernacular word: Betel
BeyiVernacular word: Beyi
Beyi'sVernacular word: Beyi's
BibiVernacular word: Bibi
Bibing'sVernacular word: Bibing's
BibitVernacular word: Bibit
BibleVernacular word: Bible
BibuyVernacular word: Bibuy
BigtawanVernacular word: Bigtawan
BikuVernacular word: Biku
BikungVernacular word: Bikung
BilinVernacular word: Bilin
BilyuVernacular word: Bilyu
BinakilingVernacular word: Binakiling
BinelaranVernacular word: Binelaran
BiningVernacular word: Bining
BinjaminVernacular word: Binjamin
BinoyVernacular word: Binoy
BirdsVernacular word: Birds
BirinyaVernacular word: Birinya
Birinya'sVernacular word: Birinya's
BirmudaVernacular word: Birmuda
BirniVernacular word: Birni
Birting'sVernacular word: Birting's
BirulVernacular word: Birul
BisayaVernacular word: Bisaya
BisayanVernacular word: Bisayan
BiscuitVernacular word: Biscuit
BlackboardVernacular word: Blackboard
BlindedVernacular word: Blinded
BoatsVernacular word: Boats
BobVernacular word: Bob
BobbyVernacular word: Bobby
BoholVernacular word: Bohol
BoiledVernacular word: Boiled
BolosVernacular word: Bolos
BondpaperVernacular word: Bondpaper
BonifacioVernacular word: Bonifacio
BoraVernacular word: Bora
BorrowedVernacular word: Borrowed
BossVernacular word: Boss
BotanyVernacular word: Botany
BrahminyVernacular word: Brahminy
Brinda'sVernacular word: Brinda's
BroVernacular word: Bro
BronzeVernacular word: Bronze
Brother-in-lawVernacular word: Brother-in-law
BrothersVernacular word: Brothers
BuayaVernacular word: Buaya
BubungVernacular word: Bubung
BubuyVernacular word: Bubuy
BudaVernacular word: Buda
BuddhismVernacular word: Buddhism
BuelanVernacular word: Buelan
Buelan'sVernacular word: Buelan's
BuhaVernacular word: Buha
BuildingVernacular word: Building
BukenyaVernacular word: Bukenya
BukidnonVernacular word: Bukidnon
BuldungVernacular word: Buldung
BuldusserVernacular word: Buldusser
Buleyi'sVernacular word: Buleyi's
BulingVernacular word: Buling
BuntetaleVernacular word: Buntetale
BuraVernacular word: Bura
Bura'sVernacular word: Bura's
BurnedVernacular word: Burned
BurningVernacular word: Burning
BusenggeyetVernacular word: Busenggeyet
BusesVernacular word: Buses
BusinesspeopleVernacular word: Businesspeople
ButanlegVernacular word: Butanleg
ButsukuyVernacular word: Butsukuy
BuuVernacular word: Buu
BuwalewVernacular word: Buwalew
BuwsanVernacular word: Buwsan
CVernacular word: C
CDVernacular word: CD
CDsVernacular word: CDs
CEOVernacular word: CEO
CMUVernacular word: CMU
CRVernacular word: CR
CVVernacular word: CV
CagayanVernacular word: Cagayan
CahtyVernacular word: Cahty
Calamus usitatusVernacular word: Calamus usitatus
Calamus_usitatusVernacular word: Calamus_usitatus
CalinanVernacular word: Calinan
CalledVernacular word: Called
CallsVernacular word: Calls
CamelVernacular word: Camel
CanadaVernacular word: Canada
CaneVernacular word: Cane
CannotVernacular word: Cannot
CarabaoVernacular word: Carabao
CarlitoVernacular word: Carlito
CarloVernacular word: Carlo
CarrotsVernacular word: Carrots
CassavaVernacular word: Cassava
CatholicVernacular word: Catholic
CatholicsVernacular word: Catholics
CaucasiansVernacular word: Caucasians
Cause to fellVernacular word: Cause to fell
Cause_to_fellVernacular word: Cause_to_fell
CeasarVernacular word: Ceasar
CebVernacular word: Ceb
CebuVernacular word: Cebu
CebuanoVernacular word: Cebuano
CelciusVernacular word: Celcius
CellphoneVernacular word: Cellphone
CentralVernacular word: Central
CeriopsVernacular word: Ceriops
CfVernacular word: Cf
ChanVernacular word: Chan
ChaseVernacular word: Chase
CheatingVernacular word: Cheating
Chee-etVernacular word: Chee-et
Chicken+cropVernacular word: Chicken+crop
ChickensVernacular word: Chickens
ChieftainVernacular word: Chieftain
ChinaVernacular word: China
ChineseVernacular word: Chinese
ChoosingVernacular word: Choosing
ChristVernacular word: Christ
ChristianVernacular word: Christian
ChristianityVernacular word: Christianity
ChristiansVernacular word: Christians
CicadasVernacular word: Cicadas
CigaretteVernacular word: Cigarette
CitiesVernacular word: Cities
ClausVernacular word: Claus
ClustersVernacular word: Clusters
CoVernacular word: Co
Co-parentVernacular word: Co-parent
CoconutVernacular word: Coconut
CoconutsVernacular word: Coconuts
CoglingVernacular word: Cogling
CokeVernacular word: Coke
CollectingVernacular word: Collecting
ComawasVernacular word: Comawas
CommandmentsVernacular word: Commandments
CommittingVernacular word: Committing
CommunionVernacular word: Communion
ConservationVernacular word: Conservation
ConsideredVernacular word: Considered
ConsumersVernacular word: Consumers
CooVernacular word: Coo
Coo-cooVernacular word: Coo-coo
CookedVernacular word: Cooked
CookingVernacular word: Cooking
CorintiansVernacular word: Corintians
CoryVernacular word: Cory
CotabatoVernacular word: Cotabato
CountingVernacular word: Counting
CreatedVernacular word: Created
CreatorVernacular word: Creator
CrumbleVernacular word: Crumble
CuttingVernacular word: Cutting
CylinderVernacular word: Cylinder
DDTVernacular word: DDT
DVDVernacular word: DVD
DabawVernacular word: Dabaw
DadVernacular word: Dad
Dad'sVernacular word: Dad's
DadayVernacular word: Daday
Daday'sVernacular word: Daday's
DadduVernacular word: Daddu
DaddyVernacular word: Daddy
Daddy'sVernacular word: Daddy's
DadotVernacular word: Dadot
DaduVernacular word: Dadu
DadutVernacular word: Dadut
DalikamagVernacular word: Dalikamag
DalurongVernacular word: Dalurong
DalurungVernacular word: Dalurung
DamilagVernacular word: Damilag
DanVernacular word: Dan
DanaVernacular word: Dana
DandanVernacular word: Dandan
DangelegVernacular word: Dangeleg
DanielVernacular word: Daniel
Danilo'sVernacular word: Danilo's
DaniluVernacular word: Danilu
DantiVernacular word: Danti
DarilVernacular word: Daril
DarkyVernacular word: Darky
DarlingVernacular word: Darling
DatuVernacular word: Datu
DatusVernacular word: Datus
DavaoVernacular word: Davao
Davao-to-MaramagVernacular word: Davao-to-Maramag
DavidVernacular word: David
DayanVernacular word: Dayan
DayanaVernacular word: Dayana
DeaconVernacular word: Deacon
DecemberVernacular word: December
DeliaVernacular word: Delia
DeliveringVernacular word: Delivering
DerivedVernacular word: Derived
DerrisVernacular word: Derris
DeuVernacular word: Deu
DeulVernacular word: Deul
DeuteronomyVernacular word: Deuteronomy
Dia-onVernacular word: Dia-on
DidingVernacular word: Diding
Didn'tVernacular word: Didn't
DieselVernacular word: Diesel
DignityVernacular word: Dignity
DiguVernacular word: Digu
DigunganVernacular word: Digungan
DihunganVernacular word: Dihungan
DikuyVernacular word: Dikuy
DilapaVernacular word: Dilapa
DimiwataVernacular word: Dimiwata
DinVernacular word: Din
DinaVernacular word: Dina
DinduVernacular word: Dindu
DinoVernacular word: Dino
DinuVernacular word: Dinu
DinuradoVernacular word: Dinurado
DioditaVernacular word: Diodita
DionelVernacular word: Dionel
DionieVernacular word: Dionie
DirtyVernacular word: Dirty
DiscourseVernacular word: Discourse
DisneyVernacular word: Disney
DivingVernacular word: Diving
DiwataVernacular word: Diwata
DiyandiyanVernacular word: Diyandiyan
DiyelungVernacular word: Diyelung
DiyunVernacular word: Diyun
DiyuniVernacular word: Diyuni
DiyuningVernacular word: Diyuning
DoctorsVernacular word: Doctors
DodongVernacular word: Dodong
Dodong'sVernacular word: Dodong's
DoesVernacular word: Does
Doesn'tVernacular word: Doesn't
Dog-likeVernacular word: Dog-like
DogsVernacular word: Dogs
DomingVernacular word: Doming
Don'tVernacular word: Don't
Don't(plVernacular word: Don't(pl
DonilioVernacular word: Donilio
DontVernacular word: Dont
Don’tVernacular word: Don’t
DrVernacular word: Dr
DragonfliesVernacular word: Dragonflies
DrinkingVernacular word: Drinking
DrugsVernacular word: Drugs
DucklingVernacular word: Duckling
DucksVernacular word: Ducks
DudungVernacular word: Dudung
DuduyVernacular word: Duduy
Dul-dulVernacular word: Dul-dul
Dulag-AyuVernacular word: Dulag-Ayu
DumaconVernacular word: Dumacon
DumalegdegVernacular word: Dumalegdeg
DumingVernacular word: Duming
DuniVernacular word: Duni
DunyurVernacular word: Dunyur
DurianVernacular word: Durian
DutchVernacular word: Dutch
DutirtiVernacular word: Dutirti
Duwayin'sVernacular word: Duwayin's
DuyanVernacular word: Duyan
DyanganVernacular word: Dyangan
EVernacular word: E
E.gVernacular word: E.g
EDSAVernacular word: EDSA
Each/everyVernacular word: Each/every
EagleVernacular word: Eagle
EalierVernacular word: Ealier
EatingVernacular word: Eating
EclipsesVernacular word: Eclipses
Eddi'sVernacular word: Eddi's
EdgarVernacular word: Edgar
EdibleVernacular word: Edible
EdilingVernacular word: Ediling
EducationVernacular word: Education
EdwinVernacular word: Edwin
EggakitenVernacular word: Eggakiten
EggehakitVernacular word: Eggehakit
EggplantVernacular word: Eggplant
EgpamuhawanganVernacular word: Egpamuhawangan
EgseksekenVernacular word: Egsekseken
EgunVernacular word: Egun
EgyptVernacular word: Egypt
EgyptianVernacular word: Egyptian
EkitVernacular word: Ekit
ElVernacular word: El
ElderlyVernacular word: Elderly
EldersVernacular word: Elders
EldestVernacular word: Eldest
ElenaVernacular word: Elena
ElisaVernacular word: Elisa
Elisa'sVernacular word: Elisa's
ElmoVernacular word: Elmo
ElongatedVernacular word: Elongated
Elvin'sVernacular word: Elvin's
EmasVernacular word: Emas
Embac'sVernacular word: Embac's
Emerald-DoveVernacular word: Emerald-Dove
EmilyVernacular word: Emily
Emin'sVernacular word: Emin's
EminayVernacular word: Eminay
EmpocVernacular word: Empoc
EndangeredVernacular word: Endangered
EnggebVernacular word: Enggeb
EnglandVernacular word: England
EpolVernacular word: Epol
EpunVernacular word: Epun
EricVernacular word: Eric
Ernie'sVernacular word: Ernie's
EsingVernacular word: Esing
EstherVernacular word: Esther
EstimationVernacular word: Estimation
EtengVernacular word: Eteng
Eteng'sVernacular word: Eteng's
Eteng’sVernacular word: Eteng’s
Etug'sVernacular word: Etug's
EucharistVernacular word: Eucharist
EuropeVernacular word: Europe
EuropeanVernacular word: European
EvaluationVernacular word: Evaluation
EveVernacular word: Eve
EvelynVernacular word: Evelyn
EventhoughVernacular word: Eventhough
EverestVernacular word: Everest
Everett'sVernacular word: Everett's
EveryboyVernacular word: Everyboy
EvidentlyVernacular word: Evidently
ExamplesVernacular word: Examples
ExodusVernacular word: Exodus
ExpertsVernacular word: Experts
F. benjaminaVernacular word: F. benjamina
F. indicaVernacular word: F. indica
F. payapaVernacular word: F. payapa
F. retusaVernacular word: F. retusa
F. stipulosaVernacular word: F. stipulosa
F._benjaminaVernacular word: F._benjamina
F._indicaVernacular word: F._indica
F._payapaVernacular word: F._payapa
F._retusaVernacular word: F._retusa
F._stipulosaVernacular word: F._stipulosa
FacebookVernacular word: Facebook
FadedVernacular word: Faded
FagraeaVernacular word: Fagraea
FahrenheitVernacular word: Fahrenheit
FallsVernacular word: Falls
FamineVernacular word: Famine
FarmingVernacular word: Farming
Father'sVernacular word: Father's
FeVernacular word: Fe
FebruaryVernacular word: February
FelipeVernacular word: Felipe
FemmatricsVernacular word: Femmatrics
FerdinandVernacular word: Ferdinand
FernandoVernacular word: Fernando
FiestaVernacular word: Fiesta
FiestasVernacular word: Fiestas
FigVernacular word: Fig
FilipinaVernacular word: Filipina
FilipinoVernacular word: Filipino
FilipinosVernacular word: Filipinos
FirefliesVernacular word: Fireflies
FiveVernacular word: Five
FlareVernacular word: Flare
FlashedVernacular word: Flashed
Florante at LauraVernacular word: Florante at Laura
Florante_at_LauraVernacular word: Florante_at_Laura
FormerlyVernacular word: Formerly
FranciscoVernacular word: Francisco
FreedomVernacular word: Freedom
FridayVernacular word: Friday
FridiVernacular word: Fridi
FriendsVernacular word: Friends
G.IVernacular word: G.I
GIVernacular word: GI
GMAVernacular word: GMA
GUVernacular word: GU
GabiVernacular word: Gabi
GabiiVernacular word: Gabii
GabrielVernacular word: Gabriel
GagangVernacular word: Gagang
GaisanoVernacular word: Gaisano
GambudisVernacular word: Gambudis
GamesVernacular word: Games
Gammew-gammewVernacular word: Gammew-gammew
GammewhammewVernacular word: Gammewhammew
GawilanVernacular word: Gawilan
GenelynVernacular word: Genelyn
GenericVernacular word: Generic
GenerosityVernacular word: Generosity
GenesisVernacular word: Genesis
GenitiveVernacular word: Genitive
GeorgeVernacular word: George
GermanVernacular word: German
GermanyVernacular word: Germany
GettingVernacular word: Getting
GibangVernacular word: Gibang
GinaVernacular word: Gina
GinawatVernacular word: Ginawat
GirlsVernacular word: Girls
GivesVernacular word: Gives
GivingVernacular word: Giving
GlossVernacular word: Gloss
God'sVernacular word: God's
GoingVernacular word: Going
Gold-Tooth-ManVernacular word: Gold-Tooth-Man
GoodnessVernacular word: Goodness
GossipVernacular word: Gossip
GovernorVernacular word: Governor
GrandfatherVernacular word: Grandfather
GrandmaVernacular word: Grandma
GrandmotherVernacular word: Grandmother
GreaterVernacular word: Greater
GreatestVernacular word: Greatest
GreeceVernacular word: Greece
GreekVernacular word: Greek
GreenwichVernacular word: Greenwich
GrowsVernacular word: Grows
GuavaVernacular word: Guava
GumitanVernacular word: Gumitan
GupakuVernacular word: Gupaku
GusasaVernacular word: Gusasa
Gusasa'sVernacular word: Gusasa's
GutalidVernacular word: Gutalid
HailVernacular word: Hail
Hakub[glVernacular word: Hakub[gl
HalcyonVernacular word: Halcyon
Hand-washingVernacular word: Hand-washing
HandlebarVernacular word: Handlebar
HappinessVernacular word: Happiness
HarvestingVernacular word: Harvesting
HasVernacular word: Has
HasinVernacular word: Hasin
HawaiiVernacular word: Hawaii
He'sVernacular word: He's
He/SheVernacular word: He/She
He/sheVernacular word: He/she
HebrewVernacular word: Hebrew
HebronVernacular word: Hebron
HelenVernacular word: Helen
HeyVernacular word: Hey
HiVernacular word: Hi
HimalayanVernacular word: Himalayan
HinriVernacular word: Hinri
His/HerVernacular word: His/Her
HolesVernacular word: Holes
HonVernacular word: Hon
HoneyVernacular word: Honey
HopefullyVernacular word: Hopefully
HuhVernacular word: Huh
HumansVernacular word: Humans
HummerVernacular word: Hummer
HundredsVernacular word: Hundreds
HurasanVernacular word: Hurasan
Huwan'sVernacular word: Huwan's
HuwilVernacular word: Huwil
H₂OVernacular word: H₂O
I'dVernacular word: I'd
I'llVernacular word: I'll
I'mVernacular word: I'm
I'veVernacular word: I've
I+Vernacular word: I+
IDVernacular word: ID
IIVernacular word: II
IIIVernacular word: III
Ib-ibVernacular word: Ib-ib
Ib-ib’sVernacular word: Ib-ib’s
IbikVernacular word: Ibik
Ice-hockeyVernacular word: Ice-hockey
IdeallyVernacular word: Ideally
If/WhenVernacular word: If/When
IfiVernacular word: Ifi
Ig><i-Vernacular word: Ig><i-
IkuhanVernacular word: Ikuhan
IkwanganVernacular word: Ikwangan
IlangkanVernacular word: Ilangkan
IlayVernacular word: Ilay
IlayewVernacular word: Ilayew
Ilay’sVernacular word: Ilay’s
IlinVernacular word: Ilin
Ilin'sVernacular word: Ilin's
IlisaVernacular word: Ilisa
IlkVernacular word: Ilk
IllnessesVernacular word: Illnesses
IlmaVernacular word: Ilma
IlmuVernacular word: Ilmu
IlocanoVernacular word: Ilocano
ImVernacular word: Im
ImemeluVernacular word: Imemelu
ImiVernacular word: Imi
ImiraldaVernacular word: Imiralda
ImitVernacular word: Imit
ImmediatelyVernacular word: Immediately
ImmiVernacular word: Immi
ImperataVernacular word: Imperata
ImungVernacular word: Imung
InaVernacular word: Ina
InayVernacular word: Inay
IncVernacular word: Inc
IncenseVernacular word: Incense
InchargeVernacular word: Incharge
IncludesVernacular word: Includes
IndayVernacular word: Inday
IndianVernacular word: Indian
Individually findingVernacular word: Individually finding
Individually_findingVernacular word: Individually_finding
IndonesiaVernacular word: Indonesia
Industrial actionVernacular word: Industrial action
Industrial_actionVernacular word: Industrial_action
IneeyVernacular word: Ineey
Ing-ingVernacular word: Ing-ing
IngadiVernacular word: Ingadi
Ingadi'sVernacular word: Ingadi's
InggutVernacular word: Inggut
InhabitantsVernacular word: Inhabitants
IningVernacular word: Ining
InlibenVernacular word: Inliben
InternetVernacular word: Internet
IpiVernacular word: Ipi
IraqVernacular word: Iraq
IrineVernacular word: Irine
IriplanuVernacular word: Iriplanu
IrishVernacular word: Irish
IronyVernacular word: Irony
Isaak[glVernacular word: Isaak[gl
IsayVernacular word: Isay
IskilaVernacular word: Iskila
IskoVernacular word: Isko
IslamVernacular word: Islam
IsraelVernacular word: Israel
IsraeliVernacular word: Israeli
IsraelitesVernacular word: Israelites
Istinu'sVernacular word: Istinu's
IsunVernacular word: Isun
IsusulukVernacular word: Isusuluk
It'sVernacular word: It's
It's necessaryVernacular word: It's necessary
It's_necessaryVernacular word: It's_necessary
ItingVernacular word: Iting
Iting'sVernacular word: Iting's
ItsVernacular word: Its
ItsìVernacular word: Itsì
It’sVernacular word: It’s
IyakanVernacular word: Iyakan
IyetVernacular word: Iyet
IyunVernacular word: Iyun
I’mVernacular word: I’m
JackieVernacular word: Jackie
JackyVernacular word: Jacky
Jacky'sVernacular word: Jacky's
JaimeVernacular word: Jaime
JanganVernacular word: Jangan
JanuaryVernacular word: January
JapanVernacular word: Japan
JapaneseVernacular word: Japanese
JapanessVernacular word: Japaness
JapanesseVernacular word: Japanesse
JaredVernacular word: Jared
JayhamVernacular word: Jayham
Jayham'sVernacular word: Jayham's
JehamVernacular word: Jeham
JerusalemVernacular word: Jerusalem
JesonVernacular word: Jeson
JessieVernacular word: Jessie
JesuVernacular word: Jesu
JesusVernacular word: Jesus
JewVernacular word: Jew
JewsVernacular word: Jews
JhunVernacular word: Jhun
JimVernacular word: Jim
JimmieVernacular word: Jimmie
JimmyVernacular word: Jimmy
JinVernacular word: Jin
JoeVernacular word: Joe
JohnVernacular word: John
John'sVernacular word: John's
JohnnyVernacular word: Johnny
JojoVernacular word: Jojo
Joke'sVernacular word: Joke's
JollibeeVernacular word: Jollibee
JonahVernacular word: Jonah
JonathanVernacular word: Jonathan
JonhVernacular word: Jonh
JonnyVernacular word: Jonny
Jonny'sVernacular word: Jonny's
Jony'sVernacular word: Jony's
JordanVernacular word: Jordan
JoseVernacular word: Jose
JosephVernacular word: Joseph
Joseph'sVernacular word: Joseph's
JoshuaVernacular word: Joshua
JoséVernacular word: José
JudaismVernacular word: Judaism
JudasVernacular word: Judas
JulietVernacular word: Juliet
JuliusVernacular word: Julius
JulyVernacular word: July
JummyVernacular word: Jummy
JumyVernacular word: Jumy
JunVernacular word: Jun
JuneVernacular word: June
KaamulanVernacular word: Kaamulan
KabahungVernacular word: Kabahung
KabakabaVernacular word: Kabakaba
KabalansiyanVernacular word: Kabalansiyan
KabalantianVernacular word: Kabalantian
KadayawanVernacular word: Kadayawan
KagawadVernacular word: Kagawad
KakkakVernacular word: Kakkak
KalaganganVernacular word: Kalagangan
KalasagVernacular word: Kalasag
KalatanVernacular word: Kalatan
KalebegVernacular word: Kalebeg
KallayagVernacular word: Kallayag
KaluyVernacular word: Kaluy
KamungayVernacular word: Kamungay
Kanaan,[glVernacular word: Kanaan,[gl
KarangVernacular word: Karang
KariisVernacular word: Kariis
KarsitenVernacular word: Karsiten
KarstenVernacular word: Karsten
KasalumayahanVernacular word: Kasalumayahan
KawananVernacular word: Kawanan
KawiliVernacular word: Kawili
KaykayVernacular word: Kaykay
KeleuuVernacular word: Keleuu
KelulungVernacular word: Kelulung
KelutVernacular word: Kelut
KemelVernacular word: Kemel
KenèVernacular word: Kenè
KindlyVernacular word: Kindly
KingiodendronVernacular word: Kingiodendron
KintakiVernacular word: Kintaki
KipilasVernacular word: Kipilas
KipulutVernacular word: Kipulut
KiramVernacular word: Kiram
KisunVernacular word: Kisun
KitaotaoVernacular word: Kitaotao
KitupangVernacular word: Kitupang
KiulemVernacular word: Kiulem
KiulumVernacular word: Kiulum
KoreanVernacular word: Korean
KristuVernacular word: Kristu
KubingVernacular word: Kubing
KuglungVernacular word: Kuglung
KuhìVernacular word: Kuhì
KulepengVernacular word: Kulepeng
KulepingVernacular word: Kuleping
KuleyienVernacular word: Kuleyien
KulutVernacular word: Kulut
KunchingVernacular word: Kunching
KunsingVernacular word: Kunsing
KuntrakVernacular word: Kuntrak
KurnalinaVernacular word: Kurnalina
KuyaVernacular word: Kuya
Kuya'sVernacular word: Kuya's
LadVernacular word: Lad
LadylynVernacular word: Ladylyn
LadysVernacular word: Ladys
LagunsayVernacular word: Lagunsay
LahaVernacular word: Laha
LamaVernacular word: Lama
LanceolateVernacular word: Lanceolate
Land'sVernacular word: Land's
LanduVernacular word: Landu
LangagVernacular word: Langag
LangilanVernacular word: Langilan
LantawanVernacular word: Lantawan
Lapu-lapuVernacular word: Lapu-lapu
LarryVernacular word: Larry
LaterVernacular word: Later
LawaanVernacular word: Lawaan
LeadingVernacular word: Leading
LearningVernacular word: Learning
LeavesVernacular word: Leaves
Ledawan'sVernacular word: Ledawan's
LeechVernacular word: Leech
LeechesVernacular word: Leeches
Leg+braceletVernacular word: Leg+bracelet
LemonVernacular word: Lemon
Let'sVernacular word: Let's
LetsVernacular word: Lets
Let’sVernacular word: Let’s
LeviteVernacular word: Levite
LevitesVernacular word: Levites
LeviticusVernacular word: Leviticus
LeyteVernacular word: Leyte
LibiVernacular word: Libi
LihawasanVernacular word: Lihawasan
LiluyVernacular word: Liluy
LilyVernacular word: Lily
LimeVernacular word: Lime
Limpung'sVernacular word: Limpung's
LindaVernacular word: Linda
LingganVernacular word: Linggan
LinlinVernacular word: Linlin
LiraVernacular word: Lira
LisaVernacular word: Lisa
ListinuVernacular word: Listinu
Lit.TwistVernacular word: Lit.Twist
LitaVernacular word: Lita
LitoVernacular word: Lito
LocFVernacular word: LocF
LolaVernacular word: Lola
Look(plVernacular word: Look(pl
LookingVernacular word: Looking
LopezVernacular word: Lopez
Lord'sVernacular word: Lord's
LoregaVernacular word: Lorega
LorenaVernacular word: Lorena
LorenzoVernacular word: Lorenzo
LosingVernacular word: Losing
LotsVernacular word: Lots
LowerVernacular word: Lower
LudiVernacular word: Ludi
LulutVernacular word: Lulut
LuminayaVernacular word: Luminaya
Luminaya'sVernacular word: Luminaya's
LurigaVernacular word: Luriga
LurinVernacular word: Lurin
Lut[glVernacular word: Lut[gl
LutiruVernacular word: Lutiru
LuwayVernacular word: Luway
LuweyVernacular word: Luwey
LuwinVernacular word: Luwin
LuzonVernacular word: Luzon
M.CVernacular word: M.C
MALEIVernacular word: MALEI
MLCAVernacular word: MLCA
MP3Vernacular word: MP3
MSVernacular word: MS
MSGVernacular word: MSG
MaagkapVernacular word: Maagkap
MabehatVernacular word: Mabehat
MaduVernacular word: Madu
Madu'sVernacular word: Madu's
MagbanuaVernacular word: Magbanua
MagdaleneVernacular word: Magdalene
MagellanVernacular word: Magellan
MagnetsVernacular word: Magnets
MagnoVernacular word: Magno
MahalimukenVernacular word: Mahalimuken
MahatungalVernacular word: Mahatungal
MahumaneyVernacular word: Mahumaney
MahuraluVernacular word: Mahuralu
MainsVernacular word: Mains
MaitgulVernacular word: Maitgul
MakilingVernacular word: Makiling
MakingVernacular word: Making
Makuy'sVernacular word: Makuy's
MalabuayaVernacular word: Malabuaya
MalagVernacular word: Malag
MalahatasVernacular word: Malahatas
MalakanyangVernacular word: Malakanyang
MalalaVernacular word: Malala
Malala starVernacular word: Malala star
Malala_starVernacular word: Malala_star
MalariaVernacular word: Malaria
MalayVernacular word: Malay
MalaybalayVernacular word: Malaybalay
MalaysiaVernacular word: Malaysia
MalaysianVernacular word: Malaysian
MalesVernacular word: Males
MalihèVernacular word: Malihè
Malun'sVernacular word: Malun's
MalunayVernacular word: Malunay
MaluntakVernacular word: Maluntak
MamaVernacular word: Mama
MammayVernacular word: Mammay
MamunVernacular word: Mamun
Man-apenVernacular word: Man-apen
Man-imbukVernacular word: Man-imbuk
Man-ombocVernacular word: Man-omboc
Man-ulasenVernacular word: Man-ulasen
ManalinganVernacular word: Manalingan
ManamaVernacular word: Manama
ManebaVernacular word: Maneba
ManggoVernacular word: Manggo
ManggoyananVernacular word: Manggoyanan
MangoVernacular word: Mango
MangulahingVernacular word: Mangulahing
MangyansVernacular word: Mangyans
ManilaVernacular word: Manila
Manila—RaniVernacular word: Manila—Rani
ManilynVernacular word: Manilyn
ManingVernacular word: Maning
ManluVernacular word: Manlu
MannalinganVernacular word: Mannalingan
MannikinVernacular word: Mannikin
MannyVernacular word: Manny
ManoboVernacular word: Manobo
ManobosVernacular word: Manobos
Mansaluut'sVernacular word: Mansaluut's
MantayuVernacular word: Mantayu
MantulemekVernacular word: Mantulemek
MantungeVernacular word: Mantunge
ManubuVernacular word: Manubu
ManuelVernacular word: Manuel
ManungVernacular word: Manung
MaramagVernacular word: Maramag
MarcosVernacular word: Marcos
MargaretVernacular word: Margaret
MariaVernacular word: Maria
MarijuanaVernacular word: Marijuana
MarilogVernacular word: Marilog
MariluVernacular word: Marilu
MarinaVernacular word: Marina
MarioVernacular word: Mario
MarisulVernacular word: Marisul
MaritisVernacular word: Maritis
MarkerVernacular word: Marker
MarlynVernacular word: Marlyn
Marlyn'sVernacular word: Marlyn's
MartinVernacular word: Martin
MaryVernacular word: Mary
MasaluutVernacular word: Masaluut
MashedVernacular word: Mashed
Mass-producedVernacular word: Mass-produced
MastersVernacular word: Masters
MatabiaVernacular word: Matabia
MateVernacular word: Mate
Matig-salugVernacular word: Matig-salug
MatigsalugVernacular word: Matigsalug
MatigsalugsVernacular word: Matigsalugs
MatigslugVernacular word: Matigslug
MatigulVernacular word: Matigul
MatimbesVernacular word: Matimbes
MatisalugVernacular word: Matisalug
MatthewVernacular word: Matthew
MayitVernacular word: Mayit
MayjoyVernacular word: Mayjoy
Mayjoy'sVernacular word: Mayjoy's
MaylanVernacular word: Maylan
MaylinsVernacular word: Maylins
MayorVernacular word: Mayor
MeVernacular word: Me
MediteraneanVernacular word: Mediteranean
MehesVernacular word: Mehes
MeibulanVernacular word: Meibulan
MelinVernacular word: Melin
MembersVernacular word: Members
MemieVernacular word: Memie
MemiesVernacular word: Memies
MeriVernacular word: Meri
MetroVernacular word: Metro
MetrobankVernacular word: Metrobank
MeupiyaVernacular word: Meupiya
MeuyVernacular word: Meuy
Meyra'sVernacular word: Meyra's
MichaelVernacular word: Michael
MickeyVernacular word: Mickey
MidiVernacular word: Midi
MigratoryVernacular word: Migratory
MigsalurayanVernacular word: Migsalurayan
MilaVernacular word: Mila
MilbinVernacular word: Milbin
MildaVernacular word: Milda
MilinVernacular word: Milin
MilisaVernacular word: Milisa
MimiVernacular word: Mimi
Mimi'sVernacular word: Mimi's
MimieVernacular word: Mimie
MimungVernacular word: Mimung
MindanaoVernacular word: Mindanao
MindanoVernacular word: Mindano
MindoroVernacular word: Mindoro
MiningVernacular word: Mining
MirianVernacular word: Mirian
MirkaVernacular word: Mirka
MirnaVernacular word: Mirna
Mirna'sVernacular word: Mirna's
MirrorsVernacular word: Mirrors
MisamelangVernacular word: Misamelang
MiulayanVernacular word: Miulayan
MixedVernacular word: Mixed
MiyegVernacular word: Miyeg
MoleVernacular word: Mole
MolechVernacular word: Molech
MomVernacular word: Mom
Mom'sVernacular word: Mom's
MommyVernacular word: Mommy
Mom’sVernacular word: Mom’s
MondayVernacular word: Monday
MonetVernacular word: Monet
MoralsVernacular word: Morals
MosesVernacular word: Moses
MosquitoesVernacular word: Mosquitoes
MosserVernacular word: Mosser
MotVernacular word: Mot
Mother'sVernacular word: Mother's
Mother’sVernacular word: Mother’s
MotorbikesVernacular word: Motorbikes
MountVernacular word: Mount
MozartVernacular word: Mozart
MrVernacular word: Mr
MrsVernacular word: Mrs
MtVernacular word: Mt
MukuVernacular word: Muku
Muku’sVernacular word: Muku’s
MuladVernacular word: Mulad
MuledVernacular word: Muled
MulungVernacular word: Mulung
MumVernacular word: Mum
MummyVernacular word: Mummy
MungcalVernacular word: Mungcal
MuslimVernacular word: Muslim
MutiVernacular word: Muti
MyVernacular word: My
NVernacular word: N
N.BVernacular word: N.B
NGOVernacular word: NGO
NKVernacular word: NK
NPAVernacular word: NPA
NakarungkewVernacular word: Nakarungkew
NalingawanVernacular word: Nalingawan
Nanggel'sVernacular word: Nanggel's
Nanit'sVernacular word: Nanit's
NanteVernacular word: Nante
NantiVernacular word: Nanti
NaraVernacular word: Nara
NasuliVernacular word: Nasuli
NativesVernacular word: Natives
NavarroVernacular word: Navarro
NecklacesVernacular word: Necklaces
NeddiVernacular word: Neddi
NeetiyanVernacular word: Neetiyan
NegritosVernacular word: Negritos
NeldaVernacular word: Nelda
NelsonVernacular word: Nelson
NeningVernacular word: Nening
NepheliumVernacular word: Nephelium
NeruVernacular word: Neru
NidaVernacular word: Nida
Nidu'sVernacular word: Nidu's
NiloVernacular word: Nilo
NinaVernacular word: Nina
NingVernacular word: Ning
NiniVernacular word: Nini
NiningVernacular word: Nining
Nining'sVernacular word: Nining's
NinoVernacular word: Nino
NinìVernacular word: Ninì
Nisan'sVernacular word: Nisan's
NitaVernacular word: Nita
NoahVernacular word: Noah
Noah'sVernacular word: Noah's
NoelVernacular word: Noel
Noel'sVernacular word: Noel's
Non-FocusVernacular word: Non-Focus
Non-Focus(IIVernacular word: Non-Focus(II
Non-Focus(IIIVernacular word: Non-Focus(III
Non-GovernmentVernacular word: Non-Government
NonoyVernacular word: Nonoy
NormallyVernacular word: Normally
NovemberVernacular word: November
Now thenVernacular word: Now then
Now/ThenVernacular word: Now/Then
Now_thenVernacular word: Now_then
NumbersVernacular word: Numbers
NunuyVernacular word: Nunuy
NursesVernacular word: Nurses
NursingVernacular word: Nursing
Nuwi[glVernacular word: Nuwi[gl
NuwilVernacular word: Nuwil
Nuwil'sVernacular word: Nuwil's
OKVernacular word: OK
ObliqueVernacular word: Oblique
OboVernacular word: Obo
OccursVernacular word: Occurs
OctoberVernacular word: October
OhVernacular word: Oh
OkVernacular word: Ok
OkayVernacular word: Okay
OkeyVernacular word: Okey
OliveVernacular word: Olive
OlympicVernacular word: Olympic
OlympicsVernacular word: Olympics
On-Vernacular word: On-
OrientalVernacular word: Oriental
OriginallyVernacular word: Originally
OrionVernacular word: Orion
OroVernacular word: Oro
OrphansVernacular word: Orphans
OscarVernacular word: Oscar
OsminVernacular word: Osmin
OstrichVernacular word: Ostrich
OthersVernacular word: Others
OtsingVernacular word: Otsing
OttoVernacular word: Otto
OuchVernacular word: Ouch
OurVernacular word: Our
OverviewVernacular word: Overview
OwlVernacular word: Owl
OwningVernacular word: Owning
PVernacular word: P
P1,500Vernacular word: P1,500
P100Vernacular word: P100
P11.50/kiloVernacular word: P11.50/kilo
P150Vernacular word: P150
P2000Vernacular word: P2000
P250Vernacular word: P250
P30/lataVernacular word: P30/lata
P500Vernacular word: P500
P6.30/kgVernacular word: P6.30/kg
P80Vernacular word: P80
P90Vernacular word: P90
PNA—Philippines News AgencyVernacular word: PNA—Philippines News Agency
PNA—Philippines_News_AgencyVernacular word: PNA—Philippines_News_Agency
PababaylanVernacular word: Pababaylan
PabloVernacular word: Pablo
PabuwalanVernacular word: Pabuwalan
PachuchayVernacular word: Pachuchay
PacificVernacular word: Pacific
PaguyurenVernacular word: Paguyuren
PahuyurenVernacular word: Pahuyuren
Painted-SnipeVernacular word: Painted-Snipe
PakyawVernacular word: Pakyaw
PalakataVernacular word: Palakata
PalangVernacular word: Palang
PalaquiumVernacular word: Palaquium
PalawanVernacular word: Palawan
Palawod'sVernacular word: Palawod's
PalmiraVernacular word: Palmira
PammulaVernacular word: Pammula
PamulaanVernacular word: Pamulaan
PamulewVernacular word: Pamulew
PamulinganVernacular word: Pamulingan
PanayanganVernacular word: Panayangan
PanderawaVernacular word: Panderawa
PangiVernacular word: Pangi
PantsVernacular word: Pants
PapaVernacular word: Papa
PaquiaoVernacular word: Paquiao
ParentsVernacular word: Parents
ParrotVernacular word: Parrot
PasabetVernacular word: Pasabet
PastorVernacular word: Pastor
PasturVernacular word: Pastur
PastureVernacular word: Pasture
PatagVernacular word: Patag
PatrikVernacular word: Patrik
PatrisyaVernacular word: Patrisya
PaulVernacular word: Paul
PaulinaVernacular word: Paulina
PaundagVernacular word: Paundag
PaustuVernacular word: Paustu
PayanVernacular word: Payan
PayiVernacular word: Payi
Payi’sVernacular word: Payi’s
PeanutsVernacular word: Peanuts
PedroVernacular word: Pedro
PedruVernacular word: Pedru
PeelVernacular word: Peel
PeggakVernacular word: Peggak
Peing'sVernacular word: Peing's
PendioVernacular word: Pendio
Penetrating deeplyVernacular word: Penetrating deeply
Penetrating_deeplyVernacular word: Penetrating_deeply
People'sVernacular word: People's
PepeVernacular word: Pepe
PepsiVernacular word: Pepsi
Per_centVernacular word: Per_cent
PeremanVernacular word: Pereman
PeteVernacular word: Pete
PeterVernacular word: Peter
PeunVernacular word: Peun
PeustuVernacular word: Peustu
PeyiVernacular word: Peyi
Peyi'sVernacular word: Peyi's
PhariseesVernacular word: Pharisees
PhilhealthVernacular word: Philhealth
Philip'sVernacular word: Philip's
PhilippineVernacular word: Philippine
Philippine-tarsierVernacular word: Philippine-tarsier
PhilippinesVernacular word: Philippines
PhllipVernacular word: Phllip
PhragmitesVernacular word: Phragmites
PicassoVernacular word: Picasso
PicturesVernacular word: Pictures
PidingVernacular word: Piding
Pile upVernacular word: Pile up
Pile_upVernacular word: Pile_up
PilipinasVernacular word: Pilipinas
PilipinoVernacular word: Pilipino
PiluVernacular word: Pilu
PilèVernacular word: Pilè
PinamaluyVernacular word: Pinamaluy
PinanguglunganVernacular word: Pinanguglungan
PineappleVernacular word: Pineapple
PipiVernacular word: Pipi
Pipi'sVernacular word: Pipi's
PipoVernacular word: Pipo
PitpitowVernacular word: Pitpitow
PlacedVernacular word: Placed
PlantsVernacular word: Plants
PlasticVernacular word: Plastic
PlatuVernacular word: Platu
PlayersVernacular word: Players
PlayingVernacular word: Playing
PlayisVernacular word: Playis
PleasedVernacular word: Pleased
PleiadesVernacular word: Pleiades
PlsVernacular word: Pls
PorkVernacular word: Pork
PossessesVernacular word: Possesses
PoundedVernacular word: Pounded
PregnantVernacular word: Pregnant
PrincessVernacular word: Princess
ProsperousVernacular word: Prosperous
ProtrudeVernacular word: Protrude
PsalmsVernacular word: Psalms
PtrVernacular word: Ptr
PulangiVernacular word: Pulangi
PulipugVernacular word: Pulipug
PuluyVernacular word: Puluy
PungesVernacular word: Punges
PungusVernacular word: Pungus
PunsuVernacular word: Punsu
PuntianVernacular word: Puntian
PurokVernacular word: Purok
PusedVernacular word: Pused
PutingVernacular word: Puting
PutulenVernacular word: Putulen
QVernacular word: Q
QuailsVernacular word: Quails
QueramVernacular word: Queram
QuezonVernacular word: Quezon
RafisuraVernacular word: Rafisura
RaidersVernacular word: Raiders
RambotanVernacular word: Rambotan
Ramon'sVernacular word: Ramon's
RandyVernacular word: Randy
Randy'sVernacular word: Randy's
RaniVernacular word: Rani
Rani'sVernacular word: Rani's
RapailVernacular word: Rapail
RatoVernacular word: Rato
ReachesVernacular word: Reaches
ReadingVernacular word: Reading
Reason/ResultVernacular word: Reason/Result
RedeemerVernacular word: Redeemer
ReefVernacular word: Reef
RegardsVernacular word: Regards
RelationsVernacular word: Relations
RemonVernacular word: Remon
Remove+Vernacular word: Remove+
Rene'sVernacular word: Rene's
RentersVernacular word: Renters
RepairingVernacular word: Repairing
RepresentativesVernacular word: Representatives
ResidueVernacular word: Residue
RicVernacular word: Ric
RichterVernacular word: Richter
Ricky'sVernacular word: Ricky's
RikrikVernacular word: Rikrik
Ring-shapedVernacular word: Ring-shaped
RioVernacular word: Rio
RizalVernacular word: Rizal
RoastedVernacular word: Roasted
Robert'sVernacular word: Robert's
RoditoVernacular word: Rodito
RolledVernacular word: Rolled
RollyVernacular word: Rolly
RomanVernacular word: Roman
RomansVernacular word: Romans
RomeVernacular word: Rome
RomeoVernacular word: Romeo
Romeo and JulietVernacular word: Romeo and Juliet
Romeo_and_JulietVernacular word: Romeo_and_Juliet
RosaVernacular word: Rosa
RosalindaVernacular word: Rosalinda
RosalynVernacular word: Rosalyn
RosesVernacular word: Roses
RoxsburghianaVernacular word: Roxsburghiana
RubenVernacular word: Ruben
RuelVernacular word: Ruel
RufousVernacular word: Rufous
RukiVernacular word: Ruki
Ruki’sVernacular word: Ruki’s
RunningVernacular word: Running
RunyVernacular word: Runy
RussetVernacular word: Russet
RuthVernacular word: Ruth
SEVernacular word: SE
SFMVernacular word: SFM
SImudVernacular word: SImud
SabbathVernacular word: Sabbath
SadlyVernacular word: Sadly
SafeguardVernacular word: Safeguard
Saglang'sVernacular word: Saglang's
SaharaVernacular word: Sahara
SaintsVernacular word: Saints
SalahapunenVernacular word: Salahapunen
SalalayanVernacular word: Salalayan
Salalayan'sVernacular word: Salalayan's
SaldiVernacular word: Saldi
SalduVernacular word: Saldu
SalebuVernacular word: Salebu
SalimbawengVernacular word: Salimbaweng
SalmayVernacular word: Salmay
SalugVernacular word: Salug
SalumayVernacular word: Salumay
SalumayagVernacular word: Salumayag
SalumiVernacular word: Salumi
SamalVernacular word: Samal
SambarVernacular word: Sambar
SamsonVernacular word: Samson
SanVernacular word: San
SanaVernacular word: Sana
SangkaranonVernacular word: Sangkaranon
SantaVernacular word: Santa
SantolVernacular word: Santol
SapVernacular word: Sap
SappinVernacular word: Sappin
SarahVernacular word: Sarah
SariVernacular word: Sari
SaturdayVernacular word: Saturday
SayisunVernacular word: Sayisun
ScabVernacular word: Scab
ScientistsVernacular word: Scientists
ScoreVernacular word: Score
ScorpionsVernacular word: Scorpions
ScottVernacular word: Scott
ScrapsVernacular word: Scraps
ScripturesVernacular word: Scriptures
SearchingVernacular word: Searching
SecondarilyVernacular word: Secondarily
SeemsVernacular word: Seems
SeganVernacular word: Segan
Segan'sVernacular word: Segan's
SeganaVernacular word: Segana
SenioritaVernacular word: Seniorita
SeptemberVernacular word: September
SequentialVernacular word: Sequential
SexualVernacular word: Sexual
SeydenVernacular word: Seyden
ShakespeareVernacular word: Shakespeare
Shakespeare'sVernacular word: Shakespeare's
SharonVernacular word: Sharon
She'sVernacular word: She's
She/heVernacular word: She/he
ShinyVernacular word: Shiny
ShrimpVernacular word: Shrimp
ShrinkedVernacular word: Shrinked
SikihurVernacular word: Sikihur
Simba-simbaVernacular word: Simba-simba
SimodVernacular word: Simod
Simud'sVernacular word: Simud's
Simud/SinudaVernacular word: Simud/Sinuda
SinaiVernacular word: Sinai
SingaporeVernacular word: Singapore
SingsVernacular word: Sings
SisarVernacular word: Sisar
SitioVernacular word: Sitio
SlantedVernacular word: Slanted
SlashVernacular word: Slash
Slate-blueVernacular word: Slate-blue
SmithVernacular word: Smith
SmokingVernacular word: Smoking
SolanumVernacular word: Solanum
SolarVernacular word: Solar
SolomonVernacular word: Solomon
SomedayVernacular word: Someday
SorghumVernacular word: Sorghum
SouthernVernacular word: Southern
SpaniardVernacular word: Spaniard
SpanishVernacular word: Spanish
SparkleVernacular word: Sparkle
SpeakingVernacular word: Speaking
SpearVernacular word: Spear
SpeciallyVernacular word: Specially
SplintsVernacular word: Splints
Spoke(sVernacular word: Spoke(s
SpriteVernacular word: Sprite
SrVernacular word: Sr
StagesVernacular word: Stages
StarfishVernacular word: Starfish
StatesVernacular word: States
StealingVernacular word: Stealing
Steere'sVernacular word: Steere's
SteppeVernacular word: Steppe
StickyVernacular word: Sticky
Stir upVernacular word: Stir up
Stir_upVernacular word: Stir_up
StokeVernacular word: Stoke
StretchVernacular word: Stretch
Striped-headedVernacular word: Striped-headed
StrongerVernacular word: Stronger
StudentsVernacular word: Students
SubiriVernacular word: Subiri
SubungVernacular word: Subung
SuccessfulVernacular word: Successful
SuddenlyVernacular word: Suddenly
SuddentlyVernacular word: Suddently
SuitableVernacular word: Suitable
SuluVernacular word: Sulu
SumaliliVernacular word: Sumalili
SumulewVernacular word: Sumulew
SundayVernacular word: Sunday
Sunya'sVernacular word: Sunya's
SuppliesVernacular word: Supplies
SurprisinglyVernacular word: Surprisingly
Susan'sVernacular word: Susan's
SwampVernacular word: Swamp
SymptomsVernacular word: Symptoms
T)bigásVernacular word: T)bigás
T)darákVernacular word: T)darák
T)ipáVernacular word: T)ipá
T)kaninVernacular word: T)kanin
T)lugawVernacular word: T)lugaw
T)pinipigVernacular word: T)pinipig
T)punlâVernacular word: T)punlâ
T-shirtVernacular word: T-shirt
T-shirtsVernacular word: T-shirts
TBVernacular word: TB
TMEVernacular word: TME
TVVernacular word: TV
TabernaeVernacular word: Tabernae
TadpolesVernacular word: Tadpoles
TagVernacular word: Tag
Tag)kulisapVernacular word: Tag)kulisap
Tag.Ceb.IlkVernacular word: Tag.Ceb.Ilk
TagalogVernacular word: Tagalog
TahabikalVernacular word: Tahabikal
TahalawanVernacular word: Tahalawan
TahasalugVernacular word: Tahasalug
TahenekenVernacular word: Taheneken
Take careVernacular word: Take care
Take_careVernacular word: Take_care
TalabugtèVernacular word: Talabugtè
TaleingedVernacular word: Taleinged
TalkingVernacular word: Talking
TalubiVernacular word: Talubi
TalumuVernacular word: Talumu
TambunaweyVernacular word: Tambunawey
TamburinVernacular word: Tamburin
TamuganVernacular word: Tamugan
TanduwayVernacular word: Tanduway
TaniVernacular word: Tani
TanoVernacular word: Tano
Tano'sVernacular word: Tano's
Tanu'sVernacular word: Tanu's
TanugVernacular word: Tanug
TanyaVernacular word: Tanya
TarungVernacular word: Tarung
TarzanVernacular word: Tarzan
TataVernacular word: Tata
Tata'sVernacular word: Tata's
TattoVernacular word: Tatto
TatuVernacular word: Tatu
TawasVernacular word: Tawas
TawurìVernacular word: Tawurì
TeachersVernacular word: Teachers
TeachingVernacular word: Teaching
TehiyaVernacular word: Tehiya
TellingVernacular word: Telling
TemmuhanVernacular word: Temmuhan
TempilùVernacular word: Tempilù
TemporalVernacular word: Temporal
TenVernacular word: Ten
TestamentVernacular word: Testament
TetherVernacular word: Tether
TetukVernacular word: Tetuk
ThanksVernacular word: Thanks
ThanksgivingVernacular word: Thanksgiving
That'sVernacular word: That's
ThatsVernacular word: Thats
The BarVernacular word: The Bar
The DevilVernacular word: The Devil
The EnglishVernacular word: The English
The countryVernacular word: The country
The futureVernacular word: The future
The gospelVernacular word: The gospel
The landVernacular word: The land
The leadVernacular word: The lead
The pastVernacular word: The past
The publicVernacular word: The public
The worldVernacular word: The world
The worstVernacular word: The worst
The_BarVernacular word: The_Bar
The_DevilVernacular word: The_Devil
The_EnglishVernacular word: The_English
The_countryVernacular word: The_country
The_futureVernacular word: The_future
The_gospelVernacular word: The_gospel
The_landVernacular word: The_land
The_leadVernacular word: The_lead
The_pastVernacular word: The_past
The_publicVernacular word: The_public
The_worldVernacular word: The_world
The_worstVernacular word: The_worst
TheirVernacular word: Their
There'llVernacular word: There'll
There'sVernacular word: There's
TheresVernacular word: Theres
TheresaVernacular word: Theresa
They'rèVernacular word: They'rè
ThievesVernacular word: Thieves
Thin-walledVernacular word: Thin-walled
ThiodanVernacular word: Thiodan
ThirtyVernacular word: Thirty
Those-from-DavaoVernacular word: Those-from-Davao
Those-from-MLCAVernacular word: Those-from-MLCA
ThreeVernacular word: Three
Throw somethingVernacular word: Throw something
Throw_somethingVernacular word: Throw_something
ThursdayVernacular word: Thursday
Thursday'sVernacular word: Thursday's
TibuliVernacular word: Tibuli
TibungolVernacular word: Tibungol
TiddiVernacular word: Tiddi
TidiVernacular word: Tidi
Tie aroundVernacular word: Tie around
Tie_aroundVernacular word: Tie_around
TigwaVernacular word: Tigwa
TilapiaVernacular word: Tilapia
TilitVernacular word: Tilit
TimbalungVernacular word: Timbalung
TimyVernacular word: Timy
TinakeranganVernacular word: Tinakerangan
TinamayVernacular word: Tinamay
TinongVernacular word: Tinong
Tinu'sVernacular word: Tinu's
TinungVernacular word: Tinung
TinuyVernacular word: Tinuy
Tinuy'sVernacular word: Tinuy's
TinyVernacular word: Tiny
TirednessVernacular word: Tiredness
TiriVernacular word: Tiri
TisiVernacular word: Tisi
TitingVernacular word: Titing
TitoVernacular word: Tito
TiwanVernacular word: Tiwan
TiyuduruVernacular word: Tiyuduru
TiyulewVernacular word: Tiyulew
TiyùVernacular word: Tiyù
TneVernacular word: Tne
ToastedVernacular word: Toasted
TomVernacular word: Tom
Tom'sVernacular word: Tom's
TonyVernacular word: Tony
Took-ko-uaoVernacular word: Took-ko-uao
TotoVernacular word: Toto
Toto'sVernacular word: Toto's
TotonVernacular word: Toton
TourismVernacular word: Tourism
TraditionalVernacular word: Traditional
TrafficVernacular word: Traffic
TranslatingVernacular word: Translating
TransplantVernacular word: Transplant
TrashVernacular word: Trash
TribalVernacular word: Tribal
TrimVernacular word: Trim
TrinityVernacular word: Trinity
TruckVernacular word: Truck
TsinillasVernacular word: Tsinillas
TubaVernacular word: Tuba
TubingVernacular word: Tubing
TuesdayVernacular word: Tuesday
TuhaweVernacular word: Tuhawe
TukayVernacular word: Tukay
TuklingVernacular word: Tukling
Tul-anVernacular word: Tul-an
TulalangVernacular word: Tulalang
Tulalang'sVernacular word: Tulalang's
TulayVernacular word: Tulay
TulerenVernacular word: Tuleren
TumibayVernacular word: Tumibay
TumuledVernacular word: Tumuled
Tungew-tungewVernacular word: Tungew-tungew
TuntunVernacular word: Tuntun
TupperwareVernacular word: Tupperware
TurtlesVernacular word: Turtles
TutongVernacular word: Tutong
TutuVernacular word: Tutu
TutungVernacular word: Tutung
TuwekVernacular word: Tuwek
TwentyVernacular word: Twenty
TwoVernacular word: Two
TypicalVernacular word: Typical
U.SVernacular word: U.S
UKAYVernacular word: UKAY
UNVernacular word: UN
USAVernacular word: USA
UbanVernacular word: Uban
UbinVernacular word: Ubin
UdduVernacular word: Uddu
UddùVernacular word: Uddù
UdingVernacular word: Uding
UduVernacular word: Udu
UdungVernacular word: Udung
UdùVernacular word: Udù
UggayanVernacular word: Uggayan
Ugut'sVernacular word: Ugut's
UhVernacular word: Uh
UhuVernacular word: Uhu
UkedVernacular word: Uked
UlayanVernacular word: Ulayan
UlibuwanVernacular word: Ulibuwan
UlmuVernacular word: Ulmu
UlnuVernacular word: Ulnu
UmalVernacular word: Umal
UmilVernacular word: Umil
UmilisVernacular word: Umilis
UnarmedVernacular word: Unarmed
UnatVernacular word: Unat
UnchangeableVernacular word: Unchangeable
UncountVernacular word: Uncount
UndonVernacular word: Undon
UndoubtlyVernacular word: Undoubtly
UnduVernacular word: Undu
UndunVernacular word: Undun
UnduwawVernacular word: Unduwaw
UnemploymentVernacular word: Unemployment
UnexpectedlyVernacular word: Unexpectedly
UnfortunatelyVernacular word: Unfortunately
UngkitinVernacular word: Ungkitin
UninhabitedVernacular word: Uninhabited
UnitedVernacular word: United
UnplantedVernacular word: Unplanted
UnyutVernacular word: Unyut
UritVernacular word: Urit
UsedVernacular word: Used
UsefulVernacular word: Useful
UsiVernacular word: Usi
Usida'sVernacular word: Usida's
UsingVernacular word: Using
UsintuVernacular word: Usintu
UsminVernacular word: Usmin
UstingVernacular word: Usting
UsuallyVernacular word: Usually
UtsingVernacular word: Utsing
UtuVernacular word: Utu
UtuwewVernacular word: Utuwew
UtìVernacular word: Utì
VVernacular word: V
VERB-ingVernacular word: VERB-ing
VacationVernacular word: Vacation
ValenciaVernacular word: Valencia
Valentine'sVernacular word: Valentine's
VarietiesVernacular word: Varieties
VegetablesVernacular word: Vegetables
Velvet-frontedVernacular word: Velvet-fronted
VenomousVernacular word: Venomous
Vigna sinensisVernacular word: Vigna sinensis
Vigna_sinensisVernacular word: Vigna_sinensis
VisayanVernacular word: Visayan
VisayansVernacular word: Visayans
VisitingVernacular word: Visiting
VisiyanVernacular word: Visiyan
VitaminVernacular word: Vitamin
VolunteeredVernacular word: Volunteered
VomitingVernacular word: Vomiting
WBMVernacular word: WBM
WalkingVernacular word: Walking
WaltVernacular word: Walt
WantsVernacular word: Wants
WariVernacular word: Wari
WarsVernacular word: Wars
WaterfallsVernacular word: Waterfalls
We'llVernacular word: We'll
We'reVernacular word: We're
We'rèVernacular word: We'rè
We'veVernacular word: We've
WearingVernacular word: Wearing
WednesdayVernacular word: Wednesday
WeedsVernacular word: Weeds
WeloVernacular word: Welo
WeluVernacular word: Welu
What'sVernacular word: What's
Where'sVernacular word: Where's
White-breastedVernacular word: White-breasted
White-collaredVernacular word: White-collared
Why'sVernacular word: Why's
WilsonVernacular word: Wilson
WilyamVernacular word: Wilyam
WindyVernacular word: Windy
WinningVernacular word: Winning
WishingVernacular word: Wishing
WoeVernacular word: Woe
WoodpeckerVernacular word: Woodpecker
Would likeVernacular word: Would like
Would_likeVernacular word: Would_like
Wounded everywhereVernacular word: Wounded everywhere
Wounded_everywhereVernacular word: Wounded_everywhere
WowVernacular word: Wow
WritingVernacular word: Writing
XVernacular word: X
X-rayVernacular word: X-ray
XXXVernacular word: XXX
XeroxVernacular word: Xerox
YVernacular word: Y
YahooVernacular word: Yahoo
YautiasVernacular word: Yautias
Year'sVernacular word: Year's
Yehu-yehu'sVernacular word: Yehu-yehu's
You'llVernacular word: You'll
You'reVernacular word: You're
You'rèVernacular word: You'rè
You'veVernacular word: You've
You(plVernacular word: You(pl
You(sgVernacular word: You(sg
YoungerVernacular word: Younger
YourVernacular word: Your
Your(plVernacular word: Your(pl
YulandaVernacular word: Yulanda
ZealandVernacular word: Zealand
Zingiber officinaleVernacular word: Zingiber officinale
Zingiber_officinaleVernacular word: Zingiber_officinale
ZitherVernacular word: Zither
ZubiriVernacular word: Zubiri
_companionVernacular word: _companion
_rodentVernacular word: _rodent
_the_Vernacular word: _the_
_to_breakVernacular word: _to_break
_were_caused_to_promiseVernacular word: _were_caused_to_promise
a bitVernacular word: a bit
a fewVernacular word: a few
a littleVernacular word: a little
a sense of purposeVernacular word: a sense of purpose
a+Vernacular word: a+
a.mVernacular word: a.m
a/theVernacular word: a/the
a_bitVernacular word: a_bit
a_fewVernacular word: a_few
a_littleVernacular word: a_little
a_sense_of_purposeVernacular word: a_sense_of_purpose
abacaVernacular word: abaca
abakaVernacular word: abaka
abaka'sVernacular word: abaka's
abaka's+outer+layerVernacular word: abaka's+outer+layer
abaka's+skinVernacular word: abaka's+skin
abakasVernacular word: abakas
abandonedVernacular word: abandoned
abandoningVernacular word: abandoning
abanonedVernacular word: abanoned
abbutVernacular word: abbut
abdomenVernacular word: abdomen
abductVernacular word: abduct
abideVernacular word: abide
abidingVernacular word: abiding
abilitiesVernacular word: abilities
ablazeVernacular word: ablaze
able to accompanyVernacular word: able to accompany
able to giveVernacular word: able to give
able+Vernacular word: able+
able_to_accompanyVernacular word: able_to_accompany
able_to_giveVernacular word: able_to_give
ablenessVernacular word: ableness
abnormalVernacular word: abnormal
aboardVernacular word: aboard
abrahamVernacular word: abraham
abscessVernacular word: abscess
absolutelyVernacular word: absolutely
absolutesVernacular word: absolutes
absorbedVernacular word: absorbed
absorbentVernacular word: absorbent
absorbingVernacular word: absorbing
absorbsVernacular word: absorbs
abstainVernacular word: abstain
abundanceVernacular word: abundance
abundantVernacular word: abundant
abusedVernacular word: abused
acaciaVernacular word: acacia
acapulcoVernacular word: acapulco
accelerateVernacular word: accelerate
acceptableVernacular word: acceptable
acceptedVernacular word: accepted
acceptingVernacular word: accepting
acceptsVernacular word: accepts
accessableVernacular word: accessable
accessedVernacular word: accessed
accessibleVernacular word: accessible
accessoryVernacular word: accessory
accidentallyVernacular word: accidentally
accidentlyVernacular word: accidently
accidentsVernacular word: accidents
accindentallyVernacular word: accindentally
acciudentallyVernacular word: acciudentally
accommodatesVernacular word: accommodates
accomodationVernacular word: accomodation
accompaniedVernacular word: accompanied
accompaniesVernacular word: accompanies
accompanimentVernacular word: accompaniment
accompanyingVernacular word: accompanying
accomplishedVernacular word: accomplished
accomplishingVernacular word: accomplishing
accomplishmentVernacular word: accomplishment
accordedVernacular word: accorded
accordingVernacular word: according
according_toVernacular word: according_to
accordinglyVernacular word: accordingly
accords withVernacular word: accords with
accords_withVernacular word: accords_with
account forVernacular word: account for
account_forVernacular word: account_for
accountedVernacular word: accounted
accountingVernacular word: accounting
accountsVernacular word: accounts
accounts forVernacular word: accounts for
accounts_forVernacular word: accounts_for
accrossVernacular word: accross
accumulatedVernacular word: accumulated
accumulatesVernacular word: accumulates
accumulatingVernacular word: accumulating
accumulationVernacular word: accumulation
accuracyVernacular word: accuracy
accuratelyVernacular word: accurately
accusationVernacular word: accusation
accusedVernacular word: accused
accuserVernacular word: accuser
accustomVernacular word: accustom
accustomeVernacular word: accustome
aceVernacular word: ace
achesVernacular word: aches
achievedVernacular word: achieved
achievementVernacular word: achievement
achievementsVernacular word: achievements
achievesVernacular word: achieves
achievingVernacular word: achieving
achingVernacular word: aching
achueteVernacular word: achuete
acidicVernacular word: acidic
acidityVernacular word: acidity
acknowledgedVernacular word: acknowledged
acknowledgingVernacular word: acknowledging
acquiredVernacular word: acquired
acquiringVernacular word: acquiring
acquisitionVernacular word: acquisition
acreVernacular word: acre
actedVernacular word: acted
actingVernacular word: acting
actionsVernacular word: actions
active (3SeeEntry
activelyVernacular word: actively
activenessVernacular word: activeness
activitesVernacular word: activites
activitiesVernacular word: activities
actorsVernacular word: actors
actsVernacular word: acts
actuallyVernacular word: actually
actuatedVernacular word: actuated
adaptationsVernacular word: adaptations
adaptedVernacular word: adapted
adavantage/grabVernacular word: adavantage/grab
addedVernacular word: added
addictVernacular word: addict
addictedVernacular word: addicted
addingVernacular word: adding
additinalVernacular word: additinal
additionVernacular word: addition
additionalVernacular word: additional
additiveVernacular word: additive
addressedVernacular word: addressed
addressesVernacular word: addresses
addsVernacular word: adds
adectiveVernacular word: adective
adeptVernacular word: adept
adequacyVernacular word: adequacy
adhereVernacular word: adhere
adherentVernacular word: adherent
adjVernacular word: adj
adjacentVernacular word: adjacent
adjectivesVernacular word: adjectives
adjournsVernacular word: adjourns
adjunctVernacular word: adjunct
adjustedVernacular word: adjusted
adjustingVernacular word: adjusting
adjustmentVernacular word: adjustment
adjustmentsVernacular word: adjustments
administeredVernacular word: administered
administersVernacular word: administers
admiredVernacular word: admired
admiringVernacular word: admiring
admitsVernacular word: admits
admittedVernacular word: admitted
adolescentVernacular word: adolescent
adoptedVernacular word: adopted
adoptingVernacular word: adopting
adorableVernacular word: adorable
adornVernacular word: adorn
adornmentVernacular word: adornment
adquateVernacular word: adquate
adressingVernacular word: adressing
adult'sVernacular word: adult's
adulteratedVernacular word: adulterated
adultererVernacular word: adulterer
adulterousVernacular word: adulterous
adulteryVernacular word: adultery
adultsVernacular word: adults
advancedVernacular word: advanced
advancesVernacular word: advances
advancingVernacular word: advancing
advantage(insultVernacular word: advantage(insult
advantageousVernacular word: advantageous
adventurousVernacular word: adventurous
adverbsVernacular word: adverbs
adversaryVernacular word: adversary
advertisedVernacular word: advertised
advertisementsVernacular word: advertisements
advertisersVernacular word: advertisers
advertisingVernacular word: advertising
advicesVernacular word: advices
advisableVernacular word: advisable
advisedVernacular word: advised
adviserVernacular word: adviser
advisesVernacular word: advises
advocatedVernacular word: advocated
advocatesVernacular word: advocates
aeroplaneVernacular word: aeroplane
aeroplanesVernacular word: aeroplanes
afarVernacular word: afar
affairsVernacular word: affairs
affectedVernacular word: affected
affectingVernacular word: affecting
affectionVernacular word: affection
affectionateVernacular word: affectionate
affectsVernacular word: affects
affiliatedVernacular word: affiliated
affirmativeVernacular word: affirmative
affixationVernacular word: affixation
affixedVernacular word: affixed
affixesVernacular word: affixes
affixingVernacular word: affixing
afflictionVernacular word: affliction
affordableVernacular word: affordable
afireVernacular word: afire
aflameVernacular word: aflame
afterbirthVernacular word: afterbirth
afteringVernacular word: aftering
afterlifeVernacular word: afterlife
afternoonsVernacular word: afternoons
aftershaveVernacular word: aftershave
afterwardsVernacular word: afterwards
agar-agarVernacular word: agar-agar
age-rangeVernacular word: age-range
agedVernacular word: aged
agesVernacular word: ages
aggregatedVernacular word: aggregated
aggressiveVernacular word: aggressive
aggressivelyVernacular word: aggressively
agingVernacular word: aging
agohoVernacular word: agoho
agoniesVernacular word: agonies
agonyVernacular word: agony
agreedVernacular word: agreed
agreeingVernacular word: agreeing
agreesVernacular word: agrees
agressiveVernacular word: agressive
agressivelyVernacular word: agressively
agriculturalVernacular word: agricultural
agroVernacular word: agro
agroundVernacular word: aground
agryVernacular word: agry
agsamVernacular word: agsam
ahVernacular word: ah
ahaVernacular word: aha
aheleyVernacular word: aheley
ahewVernacular word: ahew
aidedVernacular word: aided
aidsVernacular word: aids
ailmentsVernacular word: ailments
aimedVernacular word: aimed
aimingVernacular word: aiming
aimlessVernacular word: aimless
aimsVernacular word: aims
air-rifleVernacular word: air-rifle
airedVernacular word: aired
airforceVernacular word: airforce
airingVernacular word: airing
airportVernacular word: airport
airsVernacular word: airs
airstripVernacular word: airstrip
akVernacular word: ak
akeb-akebVernacular word: akeb-akeb
akinVernacular word: akin
akumVernacular word: akum
akupalVernacular word: akupal
alVernacular word: al
al>-Vernacular word: al>-
alabasterVernacular word: alabaster
alagVernacular word: alag
alamaraVernacular word: alamara
alarmedVernacular word: alarmed
alarmsVernacular word: alarms
alasVernacular word: alas
albinoVernacular word: albino
alertVernacular word: alert
alertfulVernacular word: alertful
alertingVernacular word: alerting
algaeVernacular word: algae
algaesVernacular word: algaes
alibiVernacular word: alibi
aliensVernacular word: aliens
alignedVernacular word: aligned
alik-ikVernacular word: alik-ik
alikedVernacular word: aliked
alikesVernacular word: alikes
alimugkatVernacular word: alimugkat
alinguwegVernacular word: alinguweg
alkaloidVernacular word: alkaloid
all-goes outVernacular word: all-goes out
all-goes_outVernacular word: all-goes_out
all-powerfulVernacular word: all-powerful
allertVernacular word: allert
alleviateVernacular word: alleviate
allianceVernacular word: alliance
alligatorVernacular word: alligator
allocatedVernacular word: allocated
allocatingVernacular word: allocating
allocationVernacular word: allocation
allowableVernacular word: allowable
allowancesVernacular word: allowances
allowedVernacular word: allowed
allowingVernacular word: allowing
allowsVernacular word: allows
almindrasVernacular word: almindras
almondVernacular word: almond
almsVernacular word: alms
alone.(figurativeVernacular word: alone.(figurative
alongsideVernacular word: alongside
alphabethVernacular word: alphabeth
alphabeticalVernacular word: alphabetical
alreadayVernacular word: alreaday
already-huskedVernacular word: already-husked
alrightVernacular word: alright
alsmostVernacular word: alsmost
alterationsVernacular word: alterations
alteredVernacular word: altered
alternatedVernacular word: alternated
alternatelyVernacular word: alternately
alternatingVernacular word: alternating
alternativesVernacular word: alternatives
alternifoliumVernacular word: alternifolium
altersVernacular word: alters
altoVernacular word: alto
alubiidVernacular word: alubiid
alugbatiVernacular word: alugbati
aluminiumVernacular word: aluminium
always-laughingVernacular word: always-laughing
amazeVernacular word: amaze
amazedVernacular word: amazed
amazementVernacular word: amazement
amazingVernacular word: amazing
ambewVernacular word: ambew
ambidextrousVernacular word: ambidextrous
ambigiousVernacular word: ambigious
ambigousVernacular word: ambigous
ambivalentVernacular word: ambivalent
ambulanceVernacular word: ambulance
ambushVernacular word: ambush
ambushedVernacular word: ambushed
amebaVernacular word: ameba
amelungVernacular word: amelung
amenVernacular word: amen
amendedVernacular word: amended
amendmentsVernacular word: amendments
amendsVernacular word: amends
amenggeyVernacular word: amenggey
ammunitionVernacular word: ammunition
amountsVernacular word: amounts
ampalayaVernacular word: ampalaya
ampleVernacular word: ample
amusedVernacular word: amused
amusementsVernacular word: amusements
amusesVernacular word: amuses
an)otherVernacular word: an)other
anaestheticVernacular word: anaesthetic
anahawVernacular word: anahaw
anakVernacular word: anak
analysedVernacular word: analysed
analyses [a-SsssSnælsSSSs-ə-seezPlural
analyzedVernacular word: analyzed
analyzingVernacular word: analyzing
anatomicalVernacular word: anatomical
ancestorsVernacular word: ancestors
ancestryVernacular word: ancestry
anchorVernacular word: anchor
anchoredVernacular word: anchored
anchovyVernacular word: anchovy
and/orVernacular word: and/or
anduVernacular word: andu
aneketVernacular word: aneket
aneyVernacular word: aney
angelsVernacular word: angels
anger'sVernacular word: anger's
angeredVernacular word: angered
angledVernacular word: angled
anglesVernacular word: angles
angrilyVernacular word: angrily
angularVernacular word: angular
ani deityVernacular word: ani deity
ani_deityVernacular word: ani_deity
animal'sVernacular word: animal's
animal-borneVernacular word: animal-borne
animalsVernacular word: animals
animatedVernacular word: animated
animisticVernacular word: animistic
anitVernacular word: anit
ankleVernacular word: ankle
anklesVernacular word: ankles
annattoVernacular word: annatto
annihilateVernacular word: annihilate
announceVernacular word: announce
announcedVernacular word: announced
announcementVernacular word: announcement
annoyedVernacular word: annoyed
annoyingVernacular word: annoying
annoysVernacular word: annoys
annuallyVernacular word: annually
anointVernacular word: anoint
answer toVernacular word: answer to
answer_toVernacular word: answer_to
answerableVernacular word: answerable
answeredVernacular word: answered
answersVernacular word: answers
antagonizeVernacular word: antagonize
anti-christVernacular word: anti-christ
anticipateVernacular word: anticipate
anticipatedVernacular word: anticipated
anticipationVernacular word: anticipation
antlerVernacular word: antler
antlersVernacular word: antlers
antsVernacular word: ants
anunangVernacular word: anunang
anupulVernacular word: anupul
anusVernacular word: anus
anutungVernacular word: anutung
any_moreVernacular word: any_more
anykindVernacular word: anykind
anykindsVernacular word: anykinds
anymoreVernacular word: anymore
anytimeVernacular word: anytime
apalledVernacular word: apalled
apart/burstVernacular word: apart/burst
apartmentVernacular word: apartment
apeVernacular word: ape
aperuVernacular word: aperu
apexVernacular word: apex
aphrodisiacVernacular word: aphrodisiac
apologiesVernacular word: apologies
apologiseVernacular word: apologise
apologizedVernacular word: apologized
apologizingVernacular word: apologizing
apparatusVernacular word: apparatus
appealVernacular word: appeal
appearedVernacular word: appeared
appearingVernacular word: appearing
appearsVernacular word: appears
appeaseVernacular word: appease
appendVernacular word: append
appendixVernacular word: appendix
appettiteVernacular word: appettite
applaudedVernacular word: applauded
appleVernacular word: apple
applesVernacular word: apples
applianceVernacular word: appliance
applicableVernacular word: applicable
applicationsVernacular word: applications
appliedVernacular word: applied
appliesVernacular word: applies
appointedVernacular word: appointed
appointmentVernacular word: appointment
appointsVernacular word: appoints
apportionVernacular word: apportion
apportionedVernacular word: apportioned
apposedVernacular word: apposed
appositionVernacular word: apposition
appreciatesVernacular word: appreciates
appreciatingVernacular word: appreciating
appreciationVernacular word: appreciation
apprehensiveVernacular word: apprehensive
apprenticeVernacular word: apprentice
approachableVernacular word: approachable
approachedVernacular word: approached
approachesVernacular word: approaches
approachingVernacular word: approaching
appropriacyVernacular word: appropriacy
appropriatedVernacular word: appropriated
appropriatesVernacular word: appropriates
appropriatingVernacular word: appropriating
appropriationVernacular word: appropriation
approve ofVernacular word: approve of
approve_ofVernacular word: approve_of
approvedVernacular word: approved
approvesVernacular word: approves
approxVernacular word: approx
approximatedVernacular word: approximated
approximatelyVernacular word: approximately
approximatesVernacular word: approximates
approximationVernacular word: approximation
apronVernacular word: apron
arcVernacular word: arc
archeryVernacular word: archery
archipelagoVernacular word: archipelago
are allowedVernacular word: are allowed
are associatedVernacular word: are associated
are concentratedVernacular word: are concentrated
are reconciledVernacular word: are reconciled
are seatedVernacular word: are seated
are+shadedVernacular word: are+shaded
are_allowedVernacular word: are_allowed
are_associatedVernacular word: are_associated
are_concentratedVernacular word: are_concentrated
are_reconciledVernacular word: are_reconciled
are_seatedVernacular word: are_seated
areadyVernacular word: aready
areasVernacular word: areas
arecaVernacular word: areca
aren'tVernacular word: aren't
areolaVernacular word: areola
arguedVernacular word: argued
arguesVernacular word: argues
arguingVernacular word: arguing
argumentsVernacular word: arguments
arisesVernacular word: arises
arkVernacular word: ark
arm-bandVernacular word: arm-band
armedVernacular word: armed
armpitVernacular word: armpit
armpitsVernacular word: armpits
armrestsVernacular word: armrests
armsVernacular word: arms
armspanVernacular word: armspan
aroidVernacular word: aroid
aromaVernacular word: aroma
aromaticVernacular word: aromatic
arousedVernacular word: aroused
arrange marriedVernacular word: arrange married
arrange_marriedVernacular word: arrange_married
arrangedVernacular word: arranged
arrangementsVernacular word: arrangements
arrangerVernacular word: arranger
arrangingVernacular word: arranging
arrayVernacular word: array
arrestedVernacular word: arrested
arrestingVernacular word: arresting
arrestsVernacular word: arrests
arrivalVernacular word: arrival
arrivedVernacular word: arrived
arrivesVernacular word: arrives
arrivingVernacular word: arriving
arroganceVernacular word: arrogance
arrogantyVernacular word: arroganty
arrow-shapedVernacular word: arrow-shaped
arrowheadsVernacular word: arrowheads
arrowsVernacular word: arrows
arteryVernacular word: artery
artesianVernacular word: artesian
arthritisVernacular word: arthritis
articlesVernacular word: articles
articulateVernacular word: articulate
articulatingVernacular word: articulating
artificiallyVernacular word: artificially
artistVernacular word: artist
artistsVernacular word: artists
arumVernacular word: arum
as a ruleVernacular word: as a rule
as ifVernacular word: as if
as thoughVernacular word: as though
as_a_ruleVernacular word: as_a_rule
as_ifVernacular word: as_if
as_long_asVernacular word: as_long_as
as_soon_asVernacular word: as_soon_as
as_thoughVernacular word: as_though
ascendVernacular word: ascend
ascendedVernacular word: ascended
ascendingVernacular word: ascending
ascenscionVernacular word: ascenscion
asemblageVernacular word: asemblage
ashameVernacular word: ashame
ashesVernacular word: ashes
ashoreVernacular word: ashore
asianVernacular word: asian
asiaticVernacular word: asiatic
asidesVernacular word: asides
ask permissionVernacular word: ask permission
ask to doVernacular word: ask to do
ask+helpVernacular word: ask+help
ask_permissionVernacular word: ask_permission
ask_to_doVernacular word: ask_to_do
askedVernacular word: asked
askingVernacular word: asking
asksVernacular word: asks
asnuVernacular word: asnu
aspaltVernacular word: aspalt
asparagusVernacular word: asparagus
aspectsVernacular word: aspects
aspectualVernacular word: aspectual
asphaltVernacular word: asphalt
asphaltedVernacular word: asphalted
assassinVernacular word: assassin
assassinateVernacular word: assassinate
assassinsVernacular word: assassins
assaultVernacular word: assault
assembleVernacular word: assemble
assembledVernacular word: assembled
assemblesVernacular word: assembles
assentVernacular word: assent
assessedVernacular word: assessed
assessesVernacular word: assesses
assessingVernacular word: assessing
assessmentVernacular word: assessment
assessorVernacular word: assessor
assetVernacular word: asset
assignedVernacular word: assigned
assignmentsVernacular word: assignments
assignsVernacular word: assigns
assistanceVernacular word: assistance
assistantVernacular word: assistant
assistant'sVernacular word: assistant's
assistantsVernacular word: assistants
assistedVernacular word: assisted
assistingVernacular word: assisting
associate withVernacular word: associate with
associate_withVernacular word: associate_with
associatedVernacular word: associated
associatesVernacular word: associates
associativeVernacular word: associative
assortedVernacular word: assorted
assumedVernacular word: assumed
assumingVernacular word: assuming
assumptionVernacular word: assumption
assumptionsVernacular word: assumptions
assuranceVernacular word: assurance
assurancesVernacular word: assurances
assuredVernacular word: assured
asthmaVernacular word: asthma
astonishedVernacular word: astonished
astonishesVernacular word: astonishes
astonishingVernacular word: astonishing
astonishmentVernacular word: astonishment
astoundedVernacular word: astounded
astoundingVernacular word: astounding
astrayVernacular word: astray
astrideVernacular word: astride
astringentVernacular word: astringent
astrologyVernacular word: astrology
astronomyVernacular word: astronomy
asusinaVernacular word: asusina
at bayVernacular word: at bay
at panicVernacular word: at panic
at your disposalVernacular word: at your disposal
at_bayVernacular word: at_bay
at_panicVernacular word: at_panic
at_your_disposalVernacular word: at_your_disposal
ategVernacular word: ateg
athletesVernacular word: athletes
athleticVernacular word: athletic
athorizeVernacular word: athorize
atlasVernacular word: atlas
atmostVernacular word: atmost
atomVernacular word: atom
atone forVernacular word: atone for
atone_forVernacular word: atone_for
atonementVernacular word: atonement
atones forVernacular word: atones for
atones_forVernacular word: atones_for
atopVernacular word: atop
attachedVernacular word: attached
attachingVernacular word: attaching
attachmentVernacular word: attachment
attackedVernacular word: attacked
attackersVernacular word: attackers
attackingVernacular word: attacking
attacksVernacular word: attacks
attainedVernacular word: attained
attainingVernacular word: attaining
attemptedVernacular word: attempted
attend toVernacular word: attend to
attend_toVernacular word: attend_to
attendedVernacular word: attended
attendingVernacular word: attending
attentiveVernacular word: attentive
attireVernacular word: attire
attitudesVernacular word: attitudes
attiveVernacular word: attive
attorney'sVernacular word: attorney's
attorneysVernacular word: attorneys
attractedVernacular word: attracted
attractingVernacular word: attracting
attractsVernacular word: attracts
attributedVernacular word: attributed
attributesVernacular word: attributes
atttitudeVernacular word: atttitude
auditoryVernacular word: auditory
auncleVernacular word: auncle
aunt'sVernacular word: aunt's
aunt(ieVernacular word: aunt(ie
aunti'sVernacular word: aunti's
auntieVernacular word: auntie
auntie'sVernacular word: auntie's
auntsVernacular word: aunts
author'sVernacular word: author's
authoredVernacular word: authored
authoritiesVernacular word: authorities
authorizeVernacular word: authorize
authorizedVernacular word: authorized
automaticVernacular word: automatic
automaticallyVernacular word: automatically
automobileVernacular word: automobile
avadavatVernacular word: avadavat
availVernacular word: avail
availabilityVernacular word: availability
avegetableVernacular word: avegetable
avenVernacular word: aven
avengeVernacular word: avenge
avertVernacular word: avert
avocadoVernacular word: avocado
avoidedVernacular word: avoided
avoidingVernacular word: avoiding
awaitingVernacular word: awaiting
awakenVernacular word: awaken
awardVernacular word: award
awardedVernacular word: awarded
awarenessVernacular word: awareness
awesomeVernacular word: awesome
awfulVernacular word: awful
awhileVernacular word: awhile
awlVernacular word: awl
awokeVernacular word: awoke
axeVernacular word: axe
axedVernacular word: axed
axesVernacular word: axes
axisVernacular word: axis
axleVernacular word: axle
ayat+-an+-anVernacular word: ayat+-an+-an
bVernacular word: b
b(inaryVernacular word: b(inary
b:foughtVernacular word: b:fought
ba-Vernacular word: ba-
baaVernacular word: baa
babanugVernacular word: babanug
babiesVernacular word: babies
baby'sVernacular word: baby's
babyhoodVernacular word: babyhood
babysitterVernacular word: babysitter
bachelorVernacular word: bachelor
back-and-forthVernacular word: back-and-forth
back-basketVernacular word: back-basket
back-packVernacular word: back-pack
backacheVernacular word: backache
backbiteVernacular word: backbite
backbitingVernacular word: backbiting
backboneVernacular word: backbone
backingVernacular word: backing
backpackVernacular word: backpack
backsVernacular word: backs
backsideVernacular word: backside
backtrackVernacular word: backtrack
backward (sense 1RootForm
backwards/forwardsVernacular word: backwards/forwards
backyardVernacular word: backyard
bacomeVernacular word: bacome
bacteriaVernacular word: bacteria
bad-luckVernacular word: bad-luck
bad-naturedVernacular word: bad-natured
badlyVernacular word: badly
badly-disposedVernacular word: badly-disposed
baggiyuVernacular word: baggiyu
bagsVernacular word: bags
bagtekVernacular word: bagtek
bagtok bambooVernacular word: bagtok bamboo
bagtok_bambooVernacular word: bagtok_bamboo
bagyangVernacular word: bagyang
bahabahaVernacular word: bahabaha
baitVernacular word: bait
bakVernacular word: bak
bak"bakVernacular word: bak"bak
bakakaVernacular word: bakaka
bakbakVernacular word: bakbak
bakbakeyVernacular word: bakbakey
bakedVernacular word: baked
bakesVernacular word: bakes
bakingVernacular word: baking
balakayuVernacular word: balakayu
balakbakanVernacular word: balakbakan
balalaVernacular word: balala
balanakVernacular word: balanak
balancedVernacular word: balanced
balancesVernacular word: balances
balancingVernacular word: balancing
balangVernacular word: balang
balatikVernacular word: balatik
balconyVernacular word: balcony
baldVernacular word: bald
baldnessVernacular word: baldness
baleteVernacular word: balete
balingbingVernacular word: balingbing
baliteVernacular word: balite
balitiVernacular word: baliti
baliting-baging, baliting-ibonVernacular word: baliting-baging, baliting-ibon
baliting-baging,_baliting-ibonVernacular word: baliting-baging,_baliting-ibon
balitìVernacular word: balitì
ball-shapedVernacular word: ball-shaped
balloonVernacular word: balloon
ballpenVernacular word: ballpen
ballpointVernacular word: ballpoint
ballsVernacular word: balls
balsamVernacular word: balsam
baluhuVernacular word: baluhu
bambooVernacular word: bamboo
bamboo)(soVernacular word: bamboo)(so
bamboo-likeVernacular word: bamboo-like
bamboosVernacular word: bamboos
banVernacular word: ban
banalanVernacular word: banalan
bananaVernacular word: banana
banana'sVernacular word: banana's
banana-cueVernacular word: banana-cue
bananasVernacular word: bananas
banca'sVernacular word: banca's
bandageVernacular word: bandage
bandagesVernacular word: bandages
bandedVernacular word: banded
banditVernacular word: bandit
banditryVernacular word: banditry
bandsVernacular word: bands
bangVernacular word: bang
banggatVernacular word: banggat
bangkakawanVernacular word: bangkakawan
bangkakewVernacular word: bangkakew
bangosVernacular word: bangos
bangusVernacular word: bangus
bangúsVernacular word: bangús
banishVernacular word: banish
bankruptVernacular word: bankrupt
bankruptedVernacular word: bankrupted
banksVernacular word: banks
banquetVernacular word: banquet
bansahenVernacular word: bansahen
banugVernacular word: banug
banuwaleyVernacular word: banuwaley
baonVernacular word: baon
baon(usuallyVernacular word: baon(usually
baptiseVernacular word: baptise
baptismVernacular word: baptism
baptizedVernacular word: baptized
baptizesVernacular word: baptizes
baptizingVernacular word: baptizing
barangayVernacular word: barangay
baranggayVernacular word: baranggay
barbVernacular word: barb
barbecueVernacular word: barbecue
barbedVernacular word: barbed
barbequeVernacular word: barbeque
barbetVernacular word: barbet
barblessVernacular word: barbless
barbsVernacular word: barbs
bareVernacular word: bare
barelyVernacular word: barely
barioVernacular word: bario
bariyuVernacular word: bariyu
barkVernacular word: bark
barkedVernacular word: barked
barkingVernacular word: barking
barksVernacular word: barks
barleyVernacular word: barley
barredVernacular word: barred
barrenVernacular word: barren
barrierVernacular word: barrier
barrioVernacular word: barrio
barrowVernacular word: barrow
barrowedVernacular word: barrowed
barsVernacular word: bars
barterVernacular word: barter
baseballVernacular word: baseball
basedVernacular word: based
basementVernacular word: basement
bases [SsssSbaysSSSs-seezPlural
bashVernacular word: bash
bashesVernacular word: bashes
bashfulVernacular word: bashful
basicallyVernacular word: basically
basicsVernacular word: basics
basilVernacular word: basil
basilicVernacular word: basilic
basketballVernacular word: basketball
basketryVernacular word: basketry
basketsVernacular word: baskets
bassVernacular word: bass
bastVernacular word: bast
bastardVernacular word: bastard
batVernacular word: bat
batchelorVernacular word: batchelor
bath,heVernacular word: bath,he
bathedVernacular word: bathed
bathesVernacular word: bathes
bathingVernacular word: bathing
battalionVernacular word: battalion
batterVernacular word: batter
batteredVernacular word: battered
batteriesVernacular word: batteries
batteryVernacular word: battery
battledVernacular word: battled
bawlVernacular word: bawl
bawugVernacular word: bawug
bayabasVernacular word: bayabas
bayakuVernacular word: bayaku
bayugVernacular word: bayug
bayugoVernacular word: bayugo
be at restVernacular word: be at rest
be in ADJECTIVE conditionVernacular word: be in ADJECTIVE condition
be in a cornerVernacular word: be in a corner
be in authority overVernacular word: be in authority over
be in charge ofVernacular word: be in charge of
be in declineVernacular word: be in decline
be in needVernacular word: be in need
be in need ofVernacular word: be in need of
be in troubleVernacular word: be in trouble
be under pressureVernacular word: be under pressure
be-Vernacular word: be-
be_at_restVernacular word: be_at_rest
be_in_ADJECTIVE_conditionVernacular word: be_in_ADJECTIVE_condition
be_in_a_cornerVernacular word: be_in_a_corner
be_in_authority_overVernacular word: be_in_authority_over
be_in_charge_ofVernacular word: be_in_charge_of
be_in_declineVernacular word: be_in_decline
be_in_needVernacular word: be_in_need
be_in_need_ofVernacular word: be_in_need_of
be_in_troubleVernacular word: be_in_trouble
be_under_pressureVernacular word: be_under_pressure
beachVernacular word: beach
beadVernacular word: bead
beadsVernacular word: beads
beamedVernacular word: beamed
beamsVernacular word: beams
beanpodsVernacular word: beanpods
beansVernacular word: beans
beardedVernacular word: bearded
beardsVernacular word: beards
bearingVernacular word: bearing
bearsVernacular word: bears
beastsVernacular word: beasts
beat upVernacular word: beat up
beat-upVernacular word: beat-up
beat_upVernacular word: beat_up
beatingVernacular word: beating
beatsVernacular word: beats
beauseVernacular word: beause
beautifullyVernacular word: beautifully
beautifyVernacular word: beautify
beautifyingVernacular word: beautifying
bebalakanVernacular word: bebalakan
became Vernacular word: became
became_Vernacular word: became_
becaseVernacular word: becase
becasueVernacular word: becasue
becaueVernacular word: becaue
because ofVernacular word: because of
because_ofVernacular word: because_of
becausedVernacular word: becaused
beckonVernacular word: beckon
become the ownerVernacular word: become the owner
become/beVernacular word: become/be
become_the_ownerVernacular word: become_the_owner
becomedVernacular word: becomed
becomesVernacular word: becomes
becomes addictVernacular word: becomes addict
becomes_addictVernacular word: becomes_addict
becomingVernacular word: becoming
becuaseVernacular word: becuase
becuseVernacular word: becuse
bedbugVernacular word: bedbug
beddingVernacular word: bedding
bedspreadVernacular word: bedspread
beeVernacular word: bee
beefVernacular word: beef
beehiveVernacular word: beehive
beerVernacular word: beer
beesVernacular word: bees
beeswaxVernacular word: beeswax
beetleVernacular word: beetle
beetle-nutVernacular word: beetle-nut
beetlenutVernacular word: beetlenut
befallVernacular word: befall
beforehandVernacular word: beforehand
befriendVernacular word: befriend
begVernacular word: beg
beggingVernacular word: begging
beginningVernacular word: beginning
beginsVernacular word: begins
behalfVernacular word: behalf
behavesVernacular word: behaves
behavingVernacular word: behaving
behaviourVernacular word: behaviour
behindsVernacular word: behinds
behunlusVernacular word: behunlus
beingsVernacular word: beings
bekehanVernacular word: bekehan
beladVernacular word: belad
belangayVernacular word: belangay
belatVernacular word: belat
belchVernacular word: belch
beleivedVernacular word: beleived
beliefsVernacular word: beliefs
believe inVernacular word: believe in
believe_inVernacular word: believe_in
believedVernacular word: believed
believerVernacular word: believer
believersVernacular word: believers
believesVernacular word: believes
believingVernacular word: believing
belittleVernacular word: belittle
bellowsVernacular word: bellows
bellsVernacular word: bells
bellyVernacular word: belly
belongedVernacular word: belonged
belongingVernacular word: belonging
belongingsVernacular word: belongings
belongsVernacular word: belongs
belovedVernacular word: beloved
benchVernacular word: bench
bend overVernacular word: bend over
bend_overVernacular word: bend_over
bendingVernacular word: bending
bendsVernacular word: bends
beneficialVernacular word: beneficial
benefitsVernacular word: benefits
benevolentVernacular word: benevolent
berateVernacular word: berate
bereavedVernacular word: bereaved
bermudaVernacular word: bermuda
berriesVernacular word: berries
bestfriendVernacular word: bestfriend
betVernacular word: bet
betelVernacular word: betel
betrayVernacular word: betray
betrayedVernacular word: betrayed
betrayerVernacular word: betrayer
bettermentVernacular word: betterment
bettleVernacular word: bettle
beverageVernacular word: beverage
bewareVernacular word: beware
bewitchVernacular word: bewitch
beybayanVernacular word: beybayan
biasVernacular word: bias
bibleVernacular word: bible
bidVernacular word: bid
biffVernacular word: biff
big fireVernacular word: big fire
big sisterVernacular word: big sister
big+fireVernacular word: big+fire
big/wideVernacular word: big/wide
big_fireVernacular word: big_fire
big_sisterVernacular word: big_sister
biggerVernacular word: bigger
biggestVernacular word: biggest
bigtawanVernacular word: bigtawan
bikeVernacular word: bike
bikesVernacular word: bikes
bikingVernacular word: biking
bikuVernacular word: biku
bileVernacular word: bile
billedVernacular word: billed
billsVernacular word: bills
billyVernacular word: billy
bilugVernacular word: bilug
binVernacular word: bin
binakilingVernacular word: binakiling
binaliwis, binayuyò, binirhín, buntut-kabayo, kinandá, kinarayom, kinastilà, dinalaga, dumalî, elon-elon, inabaká, makán, malagkít, pinawà, pinursigé, sinampablo, sinampagaVernacular word: binaliwis, binayuyò, binirhín, buntut-kabayo, kinandá, kinarayom, kinastilà, dinalaga, dumalî, elon-elon, inabaká, makán, malagkít, pinawà, pinursigé, sinampablo, sinampaga
binaliwis,_binayuyò,_binirhín,_buntut-kabayo,_kinandá,_kinarayom,_kinastilà,_dinalaga,_dumalî,_elon-elon,_inabaká,_makán,_malagkít,_pinawà,_pinursigé,_sinampablo,_sinampagaVernacular word: binaliwis,_binayuyò,_binirhín,_buntut-kabayo,_kinandá,_kinarayom,_kinastilà,_dinalaga,_dumalî,_elon-elon,_inabaká,_makán,_malagkít,_pinawà,_pinursigé,_sinampablo,_sinampaga
bindingVernacular word: binding
binggalaVernacular word: binggala
biniládVernacular word: binilád
binocularsVernacular word: binoculars
binugtungVernacular word: binugtung
binulaluVernacular word: binulalu
biologyVernacular word: biology
birdbathVernacular word: birdbath
birdlimeVernacular word: birdlime
birdsVernacular word: birds
birth-watersVernacular word: birth-waters
birthdaysVernacular word: birthdays
birthmarkVernacular word: birthmark
bisayanVernacular word: bisayan
bisayansVernacular word: bisayans
biscuitVernacular word: biscuit
biscuitsVernacular word: biscuits
biseyeVernacular word: biseye
bisistaVernacular word: bisista
bitchVernacular word: bitch
bitedVernacular word: bited
biterVernacular word: biter
bitesVernacular word: bites
bitingVernacular word: biting
bitsVernacular word: bits
bittenVernacular word: bitten
bitternVernacular word: bittern
bitumenVernacular word: bitumen
black-facedVernacular word: black-faced
black-hairedVernacular word: black-haired
black-napedVernacular word: black-naped
black-neckedVernacular word: black-necked
blackboardVernacular word: blackboard
blackenVernacular word: blacken
blackheadVernacular word: blackhead
blackishVernacular word: blackish
blackmailVernacular word: blackmail
blacksmithVernacular word: blacksmith
bladderVernacular word: bladder
bladedVernacular word: bladed
bladesVernacular word: blades
blamedVernacular word: blamed
blamesVernacular word: blames
blamingVernacular word: blaming
blanketVernacular word: blanket
blanketsVernacular word: blankets
blanklyVernacular word: blankly
blasphemesVernacular word: blasphemes
blasphemingVernacular word: blaspheming
blasphemyVernacular word: blasphemy
blayinVernacular word: blayin
blazeVernacular word: blaze
blazesVernacular word: blazes
blazingVernacular word: blazing
bleatVernacular word: bleat
bleatsVernacular word: bleats
bleedingVernacular word: bleeding
bleeding-heartVernacular word: bleeding-heart
bleedsVernacular word: bleeds
blemishVernacular word: blemish
blendVernacular word: blend
blendedVernacular word: blended
blessesVernacular word: blesses
blessingVernacular word: blessing
blindedVernacular word: blinded
blindfoldedVernacular word: blindfolded
blindfoldingVernacular word: blindfolding
blindlyVernacular word: blindly
blindsVernacular word: blinds
blinkVernacular word: blink
blinkedVernacular word: blinked
blinkingVernacular word: blinking
blisterVernacular word: blister
blister-likeVernacular word: blister-like
blisteredVernacular word: blistered
bloatedVernacular word: bloated
blockageVernacular word: blockage
blockedVernacular word: blocked
blockingVernacular word: blocking
blocksVernacular word: blocks
blood-drinkingVernacular word: blood-drinking
blood-thirstyVernacular word: blood-thirsty
blood/urineVernacular word: blood/urine
bloodyVernacular word: bloody
bloomVernacular word: bloom
bloomingVernacular word: blooming
bloomsVernacular word: blooms
blossomVernacular word: blossom
blossomsVernacular word: blossoms
blouseVernacular word: blouse
blow-gunVernacular word: blow-gun
blow-offVernacular word: blow-off
blowdartVernacular word: blowdart
blowdartsVernacular word: blowdarts
blowgunVernacular word: blowgun
blowgunsVernacular word: blowguns
blowingVernacular word: blowing
blowsVernacular word: blows
blows upVernacular word: blows up
blows_upVernacular word: blows_up
bludgeVernacular word: bludge
bludgerVernacular word: bludger
bludgingVernacular word: bludging
blue-blackVernacular word: blue-black
blue-greenVernacular word: blue-green
blue-napedVernacular word: blue-naped
blueberryVernacular word: blueberry
bluishVernacular word: bluish
bluish-whiteVernacular word: bluish-white
bluntVernacular word: blunt
blunt-nosedVernacular word: blunt-nosed
bluntenVernacular word: blunten
bluntenedVernacular word: bluntened
blurredVernacular word: blurred
boadsVernacular word: boads
boarVernacular word: boar
boardedVernacular word: boarded
boardingVernacular word: boarding
boardsVernacular word: boards
boastedVernacular word: boasted
boastfulVernacular word: boastful
boastingVernacular word: boasting
boastsVernacular word: boasts
boat/raftVernacular word: boat/raft
boatmanVernacular word: boatman
bobVernacular word: bob
bobsVernacular word: bobs
bodVernacular word: bod
bodiesVernacular word: bodies
bodilyVernacular word: bodily
body'sVernacular word: body's
boiledVernacular word: boiled
boilingVernacular word: boiling
boilsVernacular word: boils
bolangayVernacular word: bolangay
boldlyVernacular word: boldly
boldnessVernacular word: boldness
boloVernacular word: bolo
bolo'sVernacular word: bolo's
bolosVernacular word: bolos
boltVernacular word: bolt
bombVernacular word: bomb
bombedVernacular word: bombed
bomberVernacular word: bomber
bombsVernacular word: bombs
bondedVernacular word: bonded
bondpaperVernacular word: bondpaper
bondsVernacular word: bonds
bonelessVernacular word: boneless
bonesVernacular word: bones
bongoVernacular word: bongo
bonusesVernacular word: bonuses
bonyVernacular word: bony
boogerVernacular word: booger
bookedVernacular word: booked
booksVernacular word: books
bookstoresVernacular word: bookstores
boomVernacular word: boom
boothVernacular word: booth
bootlaceVernacular word: bootlace
bootsVernacular word: boots
bordersVernacular word: borders
boredVernacular word: bored
boredomVernacular word: boredom
borerVernacular word: borer
boresVernacular word: bores
boringVernacular word: boring
bornVernacular word: born
borrowedVernacular word: borrowed
borrowingVernacular word: borrowing
bossVernacular word: boss
boss'sVernacular word: boss's
both/allVernacular word: both/all
botherVernacular word: bother
bother-in-lawVernacular word: bother-in-law
botheredVernacular word: bothered
bothersomeVernacular word: bothersome
bottlebrushVernacular word: bottlebrush
bottlesVernacular word: bottles
bottomsVernacular word: bottoms
bounceVernacular word: bounce
bouncedVernacular word: bounced
bouncingVernacular word: bouncing
boundariesVernacular word: boundaries
bowedVernacular word: bowed
bowl-shapedVernacular word: bowl-shaped
bowlsVernacular word: bowls
bowsVernacular word: bows
bowstringVernacular word: bowstring
boxerVernacular word: boxer
boxersVernacular word: boxers
boxesVernacular word: boxes
boxingVernacular word: boxing
boyfriendVernacular word: boyfriend
boyfriendsVernacular word: boyfriends
boyishVernacular word: boyish
boysVernacular word: boys
braVernacular word: bra
braceVernacular word: brace
braceletVernacular word: bracelet
bracelet(sVernacular word: bracelet(s
braceletsVernacular word: bracelets
brackishVernacular word: brackish
bragVernacular word: brag
braggingVernacular word: bragging
braidVernacular word: braid
brainyVernacular word: brainy
brakeVernacular word: brake
branVernacular word: bran
branchedVernacular word: branched
branchesVernacular word: branches
branchesofVernacular word: branchesof
branchingVernacular word: branching
brandVernacular word: brand
brassiereVernacular word: brassiere
brazillianVernacular word: brazillian
breadfruitVernacular word: breadfruit
break looseVernacular word: break loose
break-inVernacular word: break-in
break_looseVernacular word: break_loose
breakableVernacular word: breakable
breakdownVernacular word: breakdown
breakerVernacular word: breaker
breakingVernacular word: breaking
breaksVernacular word: breaks
breastVernacular word: breast
breast-feedingVernacular word: breast-feeding
breastfeadVernacular word: breastfead
breastfedVernacular word: breastfed
breastfeedVernacular word: breastfeed
breastfeedingVernacular word: breastfeeding
breastingVernacular word: breasting
breastlessVernacular word: breastless
breastmilkVernacular word: breastmilk
breastsVernacular word: breasts
breatherVernacular word: breather
breathingVernacular word: breathing
breechVernacular word: breech
breedVernacular word: breed
bribesVernacular word: bribes
brideVernacular word: bride
bride'sVernacular word: bride's
bride-+priceVernacular word: bride-+price
bride-priceVernacular word: bride-price
bridegroomVernacular word: bridegroom
bridepriceVernacular word: brideprice
bridesmaidVernacular word: bridesmaid
bridgedVernacular word: bridged
bridgesVernacular word: bridges
bridleVernacular word: bridle
briefedVernacular word: briefed
brieflyVernacular word: briefly
briefsVernacular word: briefs
brightensVernacular word: brightens
brightlyVernacular word: brightly
brightnessVernacular word: brightness
brillianceVernacular word: brilliance
brilliantVernacular word: brilliant
bringingVernacular word: bringing
bringsVernacular word: brings
briskableVernacular word: briskable
brittleVernacular word: brittle
broachVernacular word: broach
broad thinkerVernacular word: broad thinker
broad_thinkerVernacular word: broad_thinker
broadcastingVernacular word: broadcasting
broilVernacular word: broil
bronzeVernacular word: bronze
broodVernacular word: brood
brookVernacular word: brook
broomVernacular word: broom
broomsVernacular word: brooms
brothVernacular word: broth
brother'sVernacular word: brother's
brother-in-lawVernacular word: brother-in-law
brother-in-law'sVernacular word: brother-in-law's
brother/sisterVernacular word: brother/sister
brothersVernacular word: brothers
brothers/sistersVernacular word: brothers/sisters
broughVernacular word: brough
browVernacular word: brow
brown-outVernacular word: brown-out
brown-skinnedVernacular word: brown-skinned
brownishVernacular word: brownish
brownish-Vernacular word: brownish-
brownish-greenVernacular word: brownish-green
brownish-whiteVernacular word: brownish-white
brownoutVernacular word: brownout
brownyVernacular word: browny
browseVernacular word: browse
bruiseVernacular word: bruise
bruisedVernacular word: bruised
brushedVernacular word: brushed
brushesVernacular word: brushes
brushingVernacular word: brushing
bubbleVernacular word: bubble
bubble-likeVernacular word: bubble-like
bubbledVernacular word: bubbled
bubblesVernacular word: bubbles
bubunganVernacular word: bubungan
buburakanVernacular word: buburakan
buckVernacular word: buck
bucketsVernacular word: buckets
budVernacular word: bud
budgetVernacular word: budget
budsVernacular word: buds
buffaloVernacular word: buffalo
buffalosVernacular word: buffalos
buffishVernacular word: buffish
bugVernacular word: bug
bugsVernacular word: bugs
builderVernacular word: builder
buildingVernacular word: building
buildingsVernacular word: buildings
buildlingVernacular word: buildling
buildsVernacular word: builds
builds upVernacular word: builds up
builds_upVernacular word: builds_up
bulayaVernacular word: bulaya
bulbVernacular word: bulb
bulbulVernacular word: bulbul
bulgeVernacular word: bulge
bullVernacular word: bull
bulldozerVernacular word: bulldozer
bulletVernacular word: bullet
bulletsVernacular word: bullets
bullsVernacular word: bulls
bullyVernacular word: bully
bulokewVernacular word: bulokew
bulrungVernacular word: bulrung
bulubodVernacular word: bulubod
bumpVernacular word: bump
bumpedVernacular word: bumped
bumpsVernacular word: bumps
bumpyVernacular word: bumpy
bunchesVernacular word: bunches
bundledVernacular word: bundled
bundlesVernacular word: bundles
bungeyewVernacular word: bungeyew
bunggaluVernacular word: bunggalu
bungulanVernacular word: bungulan
buoyantVernacular word: buoyant
burdenVernacular word: burden
burdenedVernacular word: burdened
burdensomeVernacular word: burdensome
burgledVernacular word: burgled
buriedVernacular word: buried
burlapVernacular word: burlap
burleskVernacular word: burlesk
burnedVernacular word: burned
burned-overVernacular word: burned-over
burningVernacular word: burning
burnsVernacular word: burns
burnt-offVernacular word: burnt-off
burpVernacular word: burp
burpingVernacular word: burping
burriedVernacular word: burried
burrowVernacular word: burrow
burrowedVernacular word: burrowed
burstingVernacular word: bursting
burstsVernacular word: bursts
burutburutVernacular word: burutburut
buryingVernacular word: burying
busaVernacular word: busa
busesVernacular word: buses
busewVernacular word: busew
bushesVernacular word: bushes
bushyVernacular word: bushy
bushy-placeVernacular word: bushy-place
busierVernacular word: busier
busiestVernacular word: busiest
businessesVernacular word: businesses
businesswomanVernacular word: businesswoman
bussinessVernacular word: bussiness
bussyVernacular word: bussy
butcherVernacular word: butcher
butikásVernacular word: butikás
buttVernacular word: butt
butterflysVernacular word: butterflys
buttingVernacular word: butting
buttockVernacular word: buttock
buttocksVernacular word: buttocks
button upVernacular word: button up
button_upVernacular word: button_up
buttonedVernacular word: buttoned
buttonsVernacular word: buttons
buttressVernacular word: buttress
buyerVernacular word: buyer
buyingVernacular word: buying
buysVernacular word: buys
buzzVernacular word: buzz
buzzardVernacular word: buzzard
buzzingVernacular word: buzzing
by accidentVernacular word: by accident
by-passVernacular word: by-pass
by-passesVernacular word: by-passes
by_accidentVernacular word: by_accident
cVernacular word: c
cabbageVernacular word: cabbage
cabinetVernacular word: cabinet
cacaoVernacular word: cacao
cacklesVernacular word: cackles
cacklingVernacular word: cackling
cactusVernacular word: cactus
cafeVernacular word: cafe
cagesVernacular word: cages
calamityVernacular word: calamity
calamondinVernacular word: calamondin
calcifiedVernacular word: calcified
calendarVernacular word: calendar
calendariaVernacular word: calendaria
call(sVernacular word: call(s
calledVernacular word: called
called+belengewVernacular word: called+belengew
callingVernacular word: calling
callsVernacular word: calls
callusVernacular word: callus
calvesVernacular word: calves
camelVernacular word: camel
camerasVernacular word: cameras
camoteVernacular word: camote
campaignVernacular word: campaign
campedVernacular word: camped
campingVernacular word: camping
can affordVernacular word: can afford
can smellVernacular word: can smell
can standVernacular word: can stand
can tasteVernacular word: can taste
can tellVernacular word: can tell
can'tVernacular word: can't
can't helpVernacular word: can't help
can't_helpVernacular word: can't_help
can,tVernacular word: can,t
can_affordVernacular word: can_afford
can_smellVernacular word: can_smell
can_standVernacular word: can_stand
can_tasteVernacular word: can_taste
can_tellVernacular word: can_tell
canalsVernacular word: canals
cancerVernacular word: cancer
cancerousVernacular word: cancerous
candidateVernacular word: candidate
candiesVernacular word: candies
candleVernacular word: candle
candlesVernacular word: candles
candyVernacular word: candy
caneVernacular word: cane
cane-leafVernacular word: cane-leaf
canegrassVernacular word: canegrass
canesVernacular word: canes
canineVernacular word: canine
canivoresVernacular word: canivores
cannedVernacular word: canned
cannotVernacular word: cannot
canoeVernacular word: canoe
canopyVernacular word: canopy
cansVernacular word: cans
cantVernacular word: cant
capitalsVernacular word: capitals
capsizeVernacular word: capsize
captain'sVernacular word: captain's
captainsVernacular word: captains
captureVernacular word: capture
carabaoVernacular word: carabao
carabao'sVernacular word: carabao's
carabaosVernacular word: carabaos
carabbaoVernacular word: carabbao
carabbewVernacular word: carabbew
carbonVernacular word: carbon
carcassVernacular word: carcass
cardboardVernacular word: cardboard
cardiacVernacular word: cardiac
cardsVernacular word: cards
care forVernacular word: care for
care_forVernacular word: care_for
caredVernacular word: cared
carefreeVernacular word: carefree
carefulVernacular word: careful
carefullyVernacular word: carefully
caregiverVernacular word: caregiver
carelessVernacular word: careless
carelessnessVernacular word: carelessness
caresVernacular word: cares
caretakerVernacular word: caretaker
cargoVernacular word: cargo
caringVernacular word: caring
caringlyVernacular word: caringly
carpVernacular word: carp
carpenterVernacular word: carpenter
carpenter'sVernacular word: carpenter's
carpentryVernacular word: carpentry
carpsVernacular word: carps
carriedVernacular word: carried
carried+awayVernacular word: carried+away
carrierVernacular word: carrier
carriesVernacular word: carries
carrotsVernacular word: carrots
carry-on-headVernacular word: carry-on-head
carry-on-shoulderVernacular word: carry-on-shoulder
carryingVernacular word: carrying
carsVernacular word: cars
cartonVernacular word: carton
carveVernacular word: carve
carvedVernacular word: carved
carvingVernacular word: carving
cascadeVernacular word: cascade
cascadesVernacular word: cascades
casesVernacular word: cases
cashVernacular word: cash
cashewVernacular word: cashew
cassavaVernacular word: cassava
cassavasVernacular word: cassavas
cassetteVernacular word: cassette
castVernacular word: cast
castedVernacular word: casted
castorVernacular word: castor
castrateVernacular word: castrate
castratedVernacular word: castrated
casualVernacular word: casual
casuallyVernacular word: casually
cat'sVernacular word: cat's
catalogueVernacular word: catalogue
cataractVernacular word: cataract
catchedVernacular word: catched
catcherVernacular word: catcher
catchesVernacular word: catches
catchingVernacular word: catching
categoriesVernacular word: categories
caterpillarVernacular word: caterpillar
caterpillar'sVernacular word: caterpillar's
catfishVernacular word: catfish
catnapVernacular word: catnap
catsVernacular word: cats
caudalVernacular word: caudal
caughVernacular word: caugh
caugthVernacular word: caugth
causativeVernacular word: causative
cause himVernacular word: cause him
cause not like to eatVernacular word: cause not like to eat
cause toVernacular word: cause to
cause to be awakeVernacular word: cause to be awake
cause to prepareVernacular word: cause to prepare
cause to removeVernacular word: cause to remove
cause+burningVernacular word: cause+burning
cause_himVernacular word: cause_him
cause_not_like_to_eatVernacular word: cause_not_like_to_eat
cause_toVernacular word: cause_to
cause_to_be_awakeVernacular word: cause_to_be_awake
cause_to_prepareVernacular word: cause_to_prepare
cause_to_removeVernacular word: cause_to_remove
causedVernacular word: caused
causesVernacular word: causes
causingVernacular word: causing
cavedVernacular word: caved
cavesVernacular word: caves
cavitiesVernacular word: cavities
cavityVernacular word: cavity
cedarVernacular word: cedar
cedulaVernacular word: cedula
ceilingVernacular word: ceiling
celciusVernacular word: celcius
celebrateVernacular word: celebrate
celebrationVernacular word: celebration
celebrationsVernacular word: celebrations
celestialVernacular word: celestial
cellVernacular word: cell
cellophaneVernacular word: cellophane
cellophineVernacular word: cellophine
cellphoneVernacular word: cellphone
cellphonesVernacular word: cellphones
cellsVernacular word: cells
cellularVernacular word: cellular
cellular+phoneVernacular word: cellular+phone
cementVernacular word: cement
cementedVernacular word: cemented
cementeryVernacular word: cementery
cementryVernacular word: cementry
cemeteryVernacular word: cemetery
censusVernacular word: census
centavoVernacular word: centavo
centeredVernacular word: centered
centersVernacular word: centers
centimeterVernacular word: centimeter
centimetersVernacular word: centimeters
centipedeVernacular word: centipede
centralVernacular word: central
centreVernacular word: centre
centredVernacular word: centred
ceramicsVernacular word: ceramics
cerealVernacular word: cereal
ceremoniesVernacular word: ceremonies
cerithVernacular word: cerith
certainlyVernacular word: certainly
certaintyVernacular word: certainty
certificateVernacular word: certificate
cfVernacular word: cf
chaffVernacular word: chaff
chain–theyVernacular word: chain–they
chainsVernacular word: chains
chairsVernacular word: chairs
challengedVernacular word: challenged
challengesVernacular word: challenges
challengingVernacular word: challenging
chambersVernacular word: chambers
championVernacular word: champion
championsVernacular word: champions
changeableVernacular word: changeable
changedVernacular word: changed
changesVernacular word: changes
changingVernacular word: changing
chantVernacular word: chant
chantedVernacular word: chanted
chantingVernacular word: chanting
chaosVernacular word: chaos
chaptersVernacular word: chapters
characteristicsVernacular word: characteristics
characterizedVernacular word: characterized
charactersVernacular word: characters
charcoalVernacular word: charcoal
chargedVernacular word: charged
chargesVernacular word: charges
chariotVernacular word: chariot
charityVernacular word: charity
charmedVernacular word: charmed
chaseVernacular word: chase
chase fishVernacular word: chase fish
chase_fishVernacular word: chase_fish
chasedVernacular word: chased
chaserVernacular word: chaser
chasesVernacular word: chases
chasingVernacular word: chasing
chasmVernacular word: chasm
chatVernacular word: chat
chatterVernacular word: chatter
chatterboxVernacular word: chatterbox
cheaperVernacular word: cheaper
cheapestVernacular word: cheapest
cheatedVernacular word: cheated
cheatingVernacular word: cheating
checkedVernacular word: checked
checkingVernacular word: checking
checksVernacular word: checks
cheeckVernacular word: cheeck
cheeksVernacular word: cheeks
cheekyVernacular word: cheeky
cheerfulVernacular word: cheerful
cheerlessVernacular word: cheerless
cheersVernacular word: cheers
cheeryVernacular word: cheery
cheifVernacular word: cheif
chemicalsVernacular word: chemicals
chemiseVernacular word: chemise
cherishVernacular word: cherish
cherubimVernacular word: cherubim
chesnutVernacular word: chesnut
chessVernacular word: chess
chestnutVernacular word: chestnut
chewVernacular word: chew
chewedVernacular word: chewed
chewingVernacular word: chewing
chewing tabaccoVernacular word: chewing tabacco
chewing+gumVernacular word: chewing+gum
chewing_tabaccoVernacular word: chewing_tabacco
chewyVernacular word: chewy
chickVernacular word: chick
chicken'sVernacular word: chicken's
chickenpoxVernacular word: chickenpox
chickensVernacular word: chickens
chicksVernacular word: chicks
chidlrenVernacular word: chidlren
chidrenVernacular word: chidren
chieftainVernacular word: chieftain
chieftainsVernacular word: chieftains
chilbirthVernacular word: chilbirth
child'sVernacular word: child's
child-birthVernacular word: child-birth
childbearingVernacular word: childbearing
childbirthVernacular word: childbirth
childishVernacular word: childish
childreVernacular word: childre
children'sVernacular word: children's
children-in-lawVernacular word: children-in-law
childrensVernacular word: childrens
childsVernacular word: childs
chiliVernacular word: chili
chillVernacular word: chill
chilledVernacular word: chilled
chilliVernacular word: chilli
chilliesVernacular word: chillies
chillyVernacular word: chilly
chimpanzeeVernacular word: chimpanzee
chinnedVernacular word: chinned
chipVernacular word: chip
chippedVernacular word: chipped
chipped downVernacular word: chipped down
chipped_downVernacular word: chipped_down
chippieVernacular word: chippie
chippingVernacular word: chipping
chipsVernacular word: chips
chiselVernacular word: chisel
chitinousVernacular word: chitinous
chivesVernacular word: chives
chlorisVernacular word: chloris
chockVernacular word: chock
chockedVernacular word: chocked
chocolateVernacular word: chocolate
chokeVernacular word: choke
chokedVernacular word: choked
chokoVernacular word: choko
chompVernacular word: chomp
chookVernacular word: chook
chooksVernacular word: chooks
choose something by lotVernacular word: choose something by lot
choose_something_by_lotVernacular word: choose_something_by_lot
choosesVernacular word: chooses
choosingVernacular word: choosing
choosyVernacular word: choosy
chopVernacular word: chop
chopingVernacular word: choping
choppedVernacular word: chopped
choppingVernacular word: chopping
choppyVernacular word: choppy
choreVernacular word: chore
choresVernacular word: chores
chorusVernacular word: chorus
christiansVernacular word: christians
chubbyVernacular word: chubby
chuckVernacular word: chuck
chunkVernacular word: chunk
churchesVernacular word: churches
cicadaVernacular word: cicada
cicadasVernacular word: cicadas
cigaretteVernacular word: cigarette
cigarettesVernacular word: cigarettes
cinemaVernacular word: cinema
cinnamonVernacular word: cinnamon
circledVernacular word: circled
circlesVernacular word: circles
circularVernacular word: circular
circulatesVernacular word: circulates
circumcisedVernacular word: circumcised
circumcisingVernacular word: circumcising
circumcisionVernacular word: circumcision
circumcizeVernacular word: circumcize
circumsizeVernacular word: circumsize
circumstancesVernacular word: circumstances
circumverseVernacular word: circumverse
cirleVernacular word: cirle
citationsVernacular word: citations
citedVernacular word: cited
citiesVernacular word: cities
citingVernacular word: citing
citizensVernacular word: citizens
citrusVernacular word: citrus
civetVernacular word: civet
civiliansVernacular word: civilians
claimedVernacular word: claimed
claimingVernacular word: claiming
claimsVernacular word: claims
clamorVernacular word: clamor
clampVernacular word: clamp
clampedVernacular word: clamped
clampsVernacular word: clamps
clanVernacular word: clan
clapVernacular word: clap
clappedVernacular word: clapped
clapperVernacular word: clapper
clappingVernacular word: clapping
clapsVernacular word: claps
clarifierVernacular word: clarifier
clashVernacular word: clash
clashingVernacular word: clashing
claspVernacular word: clasp
classesVernacular word: classes
classifyingVernacular word: classifying
classmateVernacular word: classmate
classmatesVernacular word: classmates
classroomVernacular word: classroom
clatterVernacular word: clatter
clausalVernacular word: clausal
clausesVernacular word: clauses
clawVernacular word: claw
clawsVernacular word: claws
cleanedVernacular word: cleaned
cleanerVernacular word: cleaner
cleaningVernacular word: cleaning
cleanlyVernacular word: cleanly
cleanseVernacular word: cleanse
cleansingVernacular word: cleansing
clearedVernacular word: cleared
cleared firstVernacular word: cleared first
cleared_firstVernacular word: cleared_first
clearingVernacular word: clearing
clearlyVernacular word: clearly
clenchedVernacular word: clenched
clibmingVernacular word: clibming
clickVernacular word: click
clickingVernacular word: clicking
clientsVernacular word: clients
cliffsVernacular word: cliffs
climantsVernacular word: climants
climateVernacular word: climate
climbedVernacular word: climbed
climberVernacular word: climber
climbingVernacular word: climbing
climbsVernacular word: climbs
climdVernacular word: climd
clingVernacular word: cling
clingingVernacular word: clinging
clinicVernacular word: clinic
clipVernacular word: clip
clipboardVernacular word: clipboard
clitoricVernacular word: clitoric
cloakVernacular word: cloak
close upVernacular word: close up
close_upVernacular word: close_up
closelyVernacular word: closely
closerVernacular word: closer
closesVernacular word: closes
closestVernacular word: closest
closingVernacular word: closing
clotVernacular word: clot
clothedVernacular word: clothed
cloudedVernacular word: clouded
cloudsVernacular word: clouds
cloudyVernacular word: cloudy
clubsVernacular word: clubs
cluckVernacular word: cluck
cluckingVernacular word: clucking
clucksVernacular word: clucks
clusterVernacular word: cluster
clusteredVernacular word: clustered
clustersVernacular word: clusters
clutchVernacular word: clutch
clutchingVernacular word: clutching
cmVernacular word: cm
co-fatherVernacular word: co-father
co-parent-in-lawVernacular word: co-parent-in-law
co-workersVernacular word: co-workers
coachVernacular word: coach
coalsVernacular word: coals
coarserVernacular word: coarser
coasterVernacular word: coaster
coatedVernacular word: coated
cobVernacular word: cob
cobraVernacular word: cobra
cobsVernacular word: cobs
cobwebVernacular word: cobweb
cocaVernacular word: coca
coca-colaVernacular word: coca-cola
cockVernacular word: cock
cock-a-doodle-dooVernacular word: cock-a-doodle-doo
cockfightingVernacular word: cockfighting
cocoaVernacular word: cocoa
coconutVernacular word: coconut
coconut(sVernacular word: coconut(s
coconutsVernacular word: coconuts
cocoonVernacular word: cocoon
cocunutVernacular word: cocunut
coerceVernacular word: coerce
coffinVernacular word: coffin
cogonVernacular word: cogon
coilVernacular word: coil
coinedVernacular word: coined
coinsVernacular word: coins
cokeVernacular word: coke
colaVernacular word: cola
colarVernacular word: colar
coldnessVernacular word: coldness
coldsVernacular word: colds
coletoVernacular word: coleto
collapsedVernacular word: collapsed
collapsesVernacular word: collapses
collarboneVernacular word: collarbone
collarisVernacular word: collaris
collatoralVernacular word: collatoral
colleaguesVernacular word: colleagues
collectedVernacular word: collected
collectingVernacular word: collecting
collectivelyVernacular word: collectively
collectsVernacular word: collects
collegesVernacular word: colleges
collideVernacular word: collide
collopseVernacular word: collopse
colonialistVernacular word: colonialist
colonizeVernacular word: colonize
colonizedVernacular word: colonized
color-blindVernacular word: color-blind
coloredVernacular word: colored
colorfulVernacular word: colorful
coloringVernacular word: coloring
colorlessVernacular word: colorless
colorsVernacular word: colors
colourVernacular word: colour
colourfulVernacular word: colourful
colouringVernacular word: colouring
colourlessVernacular word: colourless
coloursVernacular word: colours
columnVernacular word: column
comVernacular word: com
combedVernacular word: combed
combinationVernacular word: combination
combinedVernacular word: combined
combinesVernacular word: combines
combingVernacular word: combing
combiningVernacular word: combining
combustibleVernacular word: combustible
come looseVernacular word: come loose
come to restVernacular word: come to rest
come/goVernacular word: come/go
come_looseVernacular word: come_loose
come_to_restVernacular word: come_to_rest
comedianVernacular word: comedian
comedyVernacular word: comedy
comerVernacular word: comer
comesVernacular word: comes
comfortedVernacular word: comforted
comforterVernacular word: comforter
comfortingVernacular word: comforting
comicVernacular word: comic
comicalVernacular word: comical
comingVernacular word: coming
commaderVernacular word: commader
commanVernacular word: comman
commandedVernacular word: commanded
commanderVernacular word: commander
commandingVernacular word: commanding
commandsVernacular word: commands
commencesVernacular word: commences
commendVernacular word: commend
commentedVernacular word: commented
commentsVernacular word: comments
commerciallyVernacular word: commercially
commissionedVernacular word: commissioned
commissionsVernacular word: commissions
commit sinVernacular word: commit sin
commit_sinVernacular word: commit_sin
commitedVernacular word: commited
commitingVernacular word: commiting
commitsVernacular word: commits
committedVernacular word: committed
committingVernacular word: committing
commonlyVernacular word: commonly
commotionVernacular word: commotion
communallyVernacular word: communally
communicatesVernacular word: communicates
communicatingVernacular word: communicating
communicationsVernacular word: communications
communionVernacular word: communion
communistVernacular word: communist
communitiesVernacular word: communities
compactVernacular word: compact
compactedVernacular word: compacted
compactingVernacular word: compacting
companiesVernacular word: companies
companion(sVernacular word: companion(s
companionsVernacular word: companions
company'sVernacular word: company's
comparedVernacular word: compared
comparesVernacular word: compares
comparingVernacular word: comparing
comparisonVernacular word: comparison
compassionateVernacular word: compassionate
compensatesVernacular word: compensates
compensationVernacular word: compensation
competationVernacular word: competation
competitionsVernacular word: competitions
competitorsVernacular word: competitors
complainedVernacular word: complained
complainingVernacular word: complaining
complainsVernacular word: complains
completedVernacular word: completed
completelyVernacular word: completely
completionVernacular word: completion
completiveVernacular word: completive
complexityVernacular word: complexity
compliantVernacular word: compliant
complicatedVernacular word: complicated
complimentVernacular word: compliment
complyVernacular word: comply
componentsVernacular word: components
composedVernacular word: composed
composesVernacular word: composes
compostVernacular word: compost
compoundedVernacular word: compounded
compoundsVernacular word: compounds
comprehendVernacular word: comprehend
compressVernacular word: compress
compressedVernacular word: compressed
comprisedVernacular word: comprised
comprisesVernacular word: comprises
computerVernacular word: computer
computersVernacular word: computers
computingVernacular word: computing
comradeVernacular word: comrade
concaveVernacular word: concave
concealVernacular word: conceal
concedeVernacular word: concede
conceitedVernacular word: conceited
conceivablyVernacular word: conceivably
conceivedVernacular word: conceived
concentrate onVernacular word: concentrate on
concentrate_onVernacular word: concentrate_on
concentratedVernacular word: concentrated
concernedVernacular word: concerned
concerningVernacular word: concerning
concernsVernacular word: concerns
concertVernacular word: concert
concertsVernacular word: concerts
concievedVernacular word: concieved
concludedVernacular word: concluded
concludesVernacular word: concludes
concoctionVernacular word: concoction
concotionVernacular word: concotion
concreteVernacular word: concrete
concubineVernacular word: concubine
concussedVernacular word: concussed
condemnVernacular word: condemn
condemnedVernacular word: condemned
condimentsVernacular word: condiments
conditionalVernacular word: conditional
conditionerVernacular word: conditioner
conditionsVernacular word: conditions
conduct a surveyVernacular word: conduct a survey
conduct_a_surveyVernacular word: conduct_a_survey
conductedVernacular word: conducted
conductingVernacular word: conducting
conductorVernacular word: conductor
conductsVernacular word: conducts
coneVernacular word: cone
conferredVernacular word: conferred
confersVernacular word: confers
confessedVernacular word: confessed
confirmationVernacular word: confirmation
confirmativeVernacular word: confirmative
confirmedVernacular word: confirmed
confirmsVernacular word: confirms
conflicatedVernacular word: conflicated
conflictsVernacular word: conflicts
confluenceVernacular word: confluence
confusedVernacular word: confused
confusingVernacular word: confusing
congratulatedVernacular word: congratulated
congregationVernacular word: congregation
conjunctivitusVernacular word: conjunctivitus
conmanVernacular word: conman
connectingVernacular word: connecting
connectorVernacular word: connector
connectsVernacular word: connects
connotationVernacular word: connotation
conotationVernacular word: conotation
conqueredVernacular word: conquered
conscientiousVernacular word: conscientious
consciousnessVernacular word: consciousness
conscriptVernacular word: conscript
consecrateVernacular word: consecrate
consentedVernacular word: consented
consequencesVernacular word: consequences
conserveVernacular word: conserve
considerateVernacular word: considerate
consideredVernacular word: considered
consistedVernacular word: consisted
consistencyVernacular word: consistency
consistingVernacular word: consisting
consistsVernacular word: consists
consoleVernacular word: console
consolidateVernacular word: consolidate
conspicuousVernacular word: conspicuous
constantlyVernacular word: constantly
constellationVernacular word: constellation
constipatedVernacular word: constipated
constipationVernacular word: constipation
constituentVernacular word: constituent
constitutedVernacular word: constituted
constitutesVernacular word: constitutes
constrainedVernacular word: constrained
constrainsVernacular word: constrains
constraintsVernacular word: constraints
constrastingVernacular word: constrasting
constrictVernacular word: constrict
constructedVernacular word: constructed
constructingVernacular word: constructing
constructionVernacular word: construction
consult withVernacular word: consult with
consult_withVernacular word: consult_with
consultationVernacular word: consultation
consultedVernacular word: consulted
consultingVernacular word: consulting
consumableVernacular word: consumable
consumedVernacular word: consumed
consumersVernacular word: consumers
consumesVernacular word: consumes
contactedVernacular word: contacted
contagiousVernacular word: contagious
containedVernacular word: contained
containerVernacular word: container
containersVernacular word: containers
containingVernacular word: containing
containsVernacular word: contains
contemptVernacular word: contempt
contendVernacular word: contend
contentedVernacular word: contented
contentsVernacular word: contents
contestVernacular word: contest
contiguousVernacular word: contiguous
continousVernacular word: continous
continouslyVernacular word: continously
continuallyVernacular word: continually
continuedVernacular word: continued
continuesVernacular word: continues
continuingVernacular word: continuing
continuityVernacular word: continuity
continuouslyVernacular word: continuously
contortVernacular word: contort
contortedVernacular word: contorted
contrabandVernacular word: contraband
contraceptiveVernacular word: contraceptive
contractedVernacular word: contracted
contractionsVernacular word: contractions
contractorVernacular word: contractor
contractsVernacular word: contracts
contrastingVernacular word: contrasting
contrastive/oppositionVernacular word: contrastive/opposition
contrastsVernacular word: contrasts
contributedVernacular word: contributed
contributesVernacular word: contributes
contributingVernacular word: contributing
contributionVernacular word: contribution
controllVernacular word: controll
controlledVernacular word: controlled
controllingVernacular word: controlling
controlsVernacular word: controls
contusionVernacular word: contusion
conumptionVernacular word: conumption
convenedVernacular word: convened
conventionalVernacular word: conventional
converedVernacular word: convered
conversantVernacular word: conversant
conversationsVernacular word: conversations
converstionsVernacular word: converstions
convertedVernacular word: converted
convertingVernacular word: converting
convertsVernacular word: converts
conveyVernacular word: convey
convictedVernacular word: convicted
convinceableVernacular word: convinceable
convincedVernacular word: convinced
convincingVernacular word: convincing
convulseVernacular word: convulse
convulsedVernacular word: convulsed
convulsionVernacular word: convulsion
cooVernacular word: coo
cook a putuVernacular word: cook a putu
cook_a_putuVernacular word: cook_a_putu
cookedVernacular word: cooked
cooked.(LitVernacular word: cooked.(Lit
cookieVernacular word: cookie
cookiesVernacular word: cookies
cookingVernacular word: cooking
cooksVernacular word: cooks
cooledVernacular word: cooled
coolerVernacular word: cooler
coolingVernacular word: cooling
coolsVernacular word: cools
cools downVernacular word: cools down
cools_downVernacular word: cools_down
coopVernacular word: coop
cooperatedVernacular word: cooperated
cooperatesVernacular word: cooperates
cooperatingVernacular word: cooperating
cooperativeVernacular word: cooperative
coordinatedVernacular word: coordinated
coordinatesVernacular word: coordinates
coordinatingVernacular word: coordinating
coordinationVernacular word: coordination
copiesVernacular word: copies
copulateVernacular word: copulate
copulationVernacular word: copulation
cordVernacular word: cord
cordateVernacular word: cordate
cordialVernacular word: cordial
corintiansVernacular word: corintians
corn diseasesVernacular word: corn diseases
corn/maizeVernacular word: corn/maize
corn/sugarcaneVernacular word: corn/sugarcane
corn_diseasesVernacular word: corn_diseases
corncobVernacular word: corncob
corncobsVernacular word: corncobs
corneredVernacular word: cornered
cornerpostVernacular word: cornerpost
cornersVernacular word: corners
cornfieldVernacular word: cornfield
cornfieldsVernacular word: cornfields
cornmealVernacular word: cornmeal
cornucopia-shapedVernacular word: cornucopia-shaped
corpseVernacular word: corpse
corralVernacular word: corral
correspondingVernacular word: corresponding
corrodeVernacular word: corrode
corrosiveVernacular word: corrosive
corruptVernacular word: corrupt
corruptedVernacular word: corrupted
corruptionVernacular word: corruption
cosmeticsVernacular word: cosmetics
costellationVernacular word: costellation
costsVernacular word: costs
costumeVernacular word: costume
coucalVernacular word: coucal
couchVernacular word: couch
coughedVernacular word: coughed
coughingVernacular word: coughing
couldn'tVernacular word: couldn't
councillorVernacular word: councillor
count noun, uncount noun, plural noun, proper noun, collective nounSeeEntry
countableVernacular word: countable
countedVernacular word: counted
counteractVernacular word: counteract
countingVernacular word: counting
countriesVernacular word: countries
country'sVernacular word: country's
countsVernacular word: counts
coupledVernacular word: coupled
courageousVernacular word: courageous
coursesVernacular word: courses
courtedVernacular word: courted
courteousVernacular word: courteous
courthouseVernacular word: courthouse
courtingVernacular word: courting
courtsVernacular word: courts
courtshipVernacular word: courtship
courtyardVernacular word: courtyard
cousin'sVernacular word: cousin's
cousin-in-lawVernacular word: cousin-in-law
cousinsVernacular word: cousins
coveredVernacular word: covered
coveringVernacular word: covering
covering/shadingVernacular word: covering/shading
coversVernacular word: covers
covertlyVernacular word: covertly
covetVernacular word: covet
covetsVernacular word: covets
cowardlyVernacular word: cowardly
cowlickVernacular word: cowlick
cowpeaVernacular word: cowpea
cowpeasVernacular word: cowpeas
cowsVernacular word: cows
crabVernacular word: crab
crabsVernacular word: crabs
crackedVernacular word: cracked
crackerVernacular word: cracker
crackersVernacular word: crackers
crackingVernacular word: cracking
crackleVernacular word: crackle
cracklingVernacular word: crackling
cracksVernacular word: cracks
craddleVernacular word: craddle
cradleVernacular word: cradle
craftVernacular word: craft
craftyVernacular word: crafty
crakeVernacular word: crake
crammedVernacular word: crammed
crampVernacular word: cramp
crampedVernacular word: cramped
crankVernacular word: crank
crankyVernacular word: cranky
crashedVernacular word: crashed
crashingVernacular word: crashing
craterVernacular word: crater
craveVernacular word: crave
cravingVernacular word: craving
cravingsVernacular word: cravings
crawlVernacular word: crawl
crawledVernacular word: crawled
crawlingVernacular word: crawling
crayonsVernacular word: crayons
crazyVernacular word: crazy
creakVernacular word: creak
creakingVernacular word: creaking
creamyVernacular word: creamy
creamy-brownVernacular word: creamy-brown
creaseVernacular word: crease
createdVernacular word: created
createsVernacular word: creates
creatingVernacular word: creating
creationVernacular word: creation
creativeVernacular word: creative
creatorVernacular word: creator
creaturesVernacular word: creatures
creditedVernacular word: credited
creditsVernacular word: credits
creeksVernacular word: creeks
creepedVernacular word: creeped
creeperVernacular word: creeper
creepingVernacular word: creeping
creepsVernacular word: creeps
creepyVernacular word: creepy
creepy-crawlyVernacular word: creepy-crawly
crescendoVernacular word: crescendo
crestVernacular word: crest
crestedVernacular word: crested
creviceVernacular word: crevice
cricketVernacular word: cricket
criedVernacular word: cried
criesVernacular word: cries
crimesVernacular word: crimes
criminal'sVernacular word: criminal's
criminalsVernacular word: criminals
crimsonVernacular word: crimson
crimson-backedVernacular word: crimson-backed
crimson-breastedVernacular word: crimson-breasted
cringeVernacular word: cringe
cripperedVernacular word: crippered
crippleVernacular word: cripple
crippledVernacular word: crippled
crisisVernacular word: crisis
crispVernacular word: crisp
crispyVernacular word: crispy
criss-crossedVernacular word: criss-crossed
criticizedVernacular word: criticized
criticsVernacular word: critics
crocodilesVernacular word: crocodiles
crookVernacular word: crook
crookedVernacular word: crooked
crookedlyVernacular word: crookedly
cropsVernacular word: crops
cross-ableVernacular word: cross-able
cross-dresserVernacular word: cross-dresser
cross-eyedVernacular word: cross-eyed
cross-eyesVernacular word: cross-eyes
cross-leggedVernacular word: cross-legged
cross-pieceVernacular word: cross-piece
cross-pollinateVernacular word: cross-pollinate
crossedVernacular word: crossed
crossesVernacular word: crosses
crossingVernacular word: crossing
crosspieceVernacular word: crosspiece
crossroadVernacular word: crossroad
crosswiseVernacular word: crosswise
crotchVernacular word: crotch
crouchVernacular word: crouch
crowVernacular word: crow
crowbarVernacular word: crowbar
crowd aroundVernacular word: crowd around
crowd_aroundVernacular word: crowd_around
crowdedVernacular word: crowded
crowingVernacular word: crowing
crucifiedVernacular word: crucified
crucifiesVernacular word: crucifies
crucifyingVernacular word: crucifying
cruddleVernacular word: cruddle
crudeVernacular word: crude
cruellyVernacular word: cruelly
crumbVernacular word: crumb
crumbleVernacular word: crumble
crumbsVernacular word: crumbs
crumpleVernacular word: crumple
crumpledVernacular word: crumpled
crunchVernacular word: crunch
crunchingVernacular word: crunching
crusVernacular word: crus
crusaderVernacular word: crusader
crushedVernacular word: crushed
crushesVernacular word: crushes
crustVernacular word: crust
crutchVernacular word: crutch
cry outVernacular word: cry out
cry_outVernacular word: cry_out
cryingVernacular word: crying
crystallizedVernacular word: crystallized
cubVernacular word: cub
cubitVernacular word: cubit
cuckooVernacular word: cuckoo
cucumberVernacular word: cucumber
cuddleVernacular word: cuddle
cuddledVernacular word: cuddled
cuddlingVernacular word: cuddling
cultivatedVernacular word: cultivated
cultivatingVernacular word: cultivating
culturalVernacular word: cultural
culturesVernacular word: cultures
cunningVernacular word: cunning
cupfulVernacular word: cupful
cuppedVernacular word: cupped
cupsVernacular word: cups
curdVernacular word: curd
curedVernacular word: cured
curentVernacular word: curent
curfewVernacular word: curfew
curledVernacular word: curled
curlerVernacular word: curler
curlingVernacular word: curling
curlsVernacular word: curls
curlyVernacular word: curly
currentlyVernacular word: currently
currentsVernacular word: currents
cursedVernacular word: cursed
curserVernacular word: curser
cursesVernacular word: curses
cursiveVernacular word: cursive
cursoryVernacular word: cursory
curvedVernacular word: curved
curved-knifeVernacular word: curved-knife
curvesVernacular word: curves
curvyVernacular word: curvy
cushesVernacular word: cushes
cushionedVernacular word: cushioned
customersVernacular word: customers
customsVernacular word: customs
cut-off-the-headVernacular word: cut-off-the-head
cuteVernacular word: cute
cutsVernacular word: cuts
cuttedVernacular word: cutted
cutterVernacular word: cutter
cuttersVernacular word: cutters
cuttingVernacular word: cutting
cuttingsVernacular word: cuttings
cuttlefishVernacular word: cuttlefish
cyclicalVernacular word: cyclical
cyingVernacular word: cying
cylinderVernacular word: cylinder
cynicalVernacular word: cynical
cystVernacular word: cyst
dVernacular word: d
d3Vernacular word: d3
dabVernacular word: dab
dadVernacular word: dad
dad'sVernacular word: dad's
daddyVernacular word: daddy
daggerVernacular word: dagger
daintyVernacular word: dainty
daisiesVernacular word: daisies
dakatVernacular word: dakat
dakelVernacular word: dakel
dalamaVernacular word: dalama
dalanVernacular word: dalan
dallyingVernacular word: dallying
dalupinganVernacular word: dalupingan
damVernacular word: dam
damagedVernacular word: damaged
damagesVernacular word: damages
damalanVernacular word: damalan
damselflyVernacular word: damselfly
damuluwanVernacular word: damuluwan
dancedVernacular word: danced
dancerVernacular word: dancer
dancersVernacular word: dancers
dancesVernacular word: dances
dancingVernacular word: dancing
dandruffVernacular word: dandruff
dangelegVernacular word: dangeleg
dangerousVernacular word: dangerous
dangersVernacular word: dangers
danglingVernacular word: dangling
dappledVernacular word: dappled
daringVernacular word: daring
darkedVernacular word: darked
darkenedVernacular word: darkened
darkishVernacular word: darkish
darknessVernacular word: darkness
darlingVernacular word: darling
darling'sVernacular word: darling's
dartVernacular word: dart
dartsVernacular word: darts
datesVernacular word: dates
datuVernacular word: datu
datu'sVernacular word: datu's
datusVernacular word: datus
datùVernacular word: datù
datù'sVernacular word: datù's
daughter-in-lawVernacular word: daughter-in-law
daughter/sonVernacular word: daughter/son
daughtersVernacular word: daughters
daugtherVernacular word: daugther
dawdleVernacular word: dawdle
dawnVernacular word: dawn
daybreakVernacular word: daybreak
daydreamVernacular word: daydream
daydreamingVernacular word: daydreaming
daysVernacular word: days
daytimeVernacular word: daytime
dazeVernacular word: daze
dazzleVernacular word: dazzle
dazzledVernacular word: dazzled
dazzlingVernacular word: dazzling
deVernacular word: de
deaconVernacular word: deacon
deadlyVernacular word: deadly
deafeningVernacular word: deafening
deafnessVernacular word: deafness
deal withVernacular word: deal with
deal_withVernacular word: deal_with
dealersVernacular word: dealers
dealsVernacular word: deals
deals withVernacular word: deals with
deals_withVernacular word: deals_with
dearerVernacular word: dearer
dearestVernacular word: dearest
deasesVernacular word: deases
deathlessVernacular word: deathless
deathlyVernacular word: deathly
debatedVernacular word: debated
debatorVernacular word: debator
debrisVernacular word: debris
debtsVernacular word: debts
decayedVernacular word: decayed
decayingVernacular word: decaying
deceaseVernacular word: decease
deceasedVernacular word: deceased
deceitfulVernacular word: deceitful
deceivedVernacular word: deceived
decemberVernacular word: december
deceptiveVernacular word: deceptive
decidedVernacular word: decided
decidesVernacular word: decides
decidingVernacular word: deciding
deciduousVernacular word: deciduous
decievedVernacular word: decieved
decision-makingVernacular word: decision-making
decisionsVernacular word: decisions
decissionVernacular word: decission
declaredVernacular word: declared
declaresVernacular word: declares
declaringVernacular word: declaring
declinedVernacular word: declined
declinesVernacular word: declines
decliningVernacular word: declining
decoctionVernacular word: decoction
decorateVernacular word: decorate
decoratedVernacular word: decorated
decorated-knifeVernacular word: decorated-knife
decorationVernacular word: decoration
decorationsVernacular word: decorations
decorativeVernacular word: decorative
decoyVernacular word: decoy
decreasedVernacular word: decreased
decreasesVernacular word: decreases
decreeVernacular word: decree
decrepitVernacular word: decrepit
dedicateVernacular word: dedicate
dedicatedVernacular word: dedicated
dedicationVernacular word: dedication
deducedVernacular word: deduced
deductedVernacular word: deducted
deedsVernacular word: deeds
deep sleeperVernacular word: deep sleeper
deep-fryVernacular word: deep-fry
deep_sleeperVernacular word: deep_sleeper
deeperVernacular word: deeper
deepestVernacular word: deepest
deeplyVernacular word: deeply
deeply-asleepVernacular word: deeply-asleep
deeply/penetrateVernacular word: deeply/penetrate
defeatedVernacular word: defeated
defecateVernacular word: defecate
defecatedVernacular word: defecated
defecatesVernacular word: defecates
defecatingVernacular word: defecating
defectVernacular word: defect
defectiveVernacular word: defective
defenceVernacular word: defence
defendedVernacular word: defended
deficatedVernacular word: deficated
definesVernacular word: defines
definingVernacular word: defining
definitelyVernacular word: definitely
definitionsVernacular word: definitions
deflatingVernacular word: deflating
deflectVernacular word: deflect
deforestedVernacular word: deforested
deformVernacular word: deform
deformedVernacular word: deformed
defraudVernacular word: defraud
defyVernacular word: defy
degradeVernacular word: degrade
degreesVernacular word: degrees
dehydrateVernacular word: dehydrate
dehydratedVernacular word: dehydrated
dehyrationVernacular word: dehyration
deitedVernacular word: deited
deitiesVernacular word: deities
deityVernacular word: deity
delayedVernacular word: delayed
delayingVernacular word: delaying
delaysVernacular word: delays
deldegVernacular word: deldeg
deleciousVernacular word: delecious
delegateVernacular word: delegate
deliberateVernacular word: deliberate
deliberatelyVernacular word: deliberately
delicacyVernacular word: delicacy
deliciousVernacular word: delicious
delicousVernacular word: delicous
delightfulVernacular word: delightful
deliriousVernacular word: delirious
deliveredVernacular word: delivered
deliveringVernacular word: delivering
deliversVernacular word: delivers
delouseVernacular word: delouse
delousingVernacular word: delousing
deludeVernacular word: delude
delugeVernacular word: deluge
demandedVernacular word: demanded
demandsVernacular word: demands
deminVernacular word: demin
demmandVernacular word: demmand
democracyVernacular word: democracy
demolishVernacular word: demolish
demolishingVernacular word: demolishing
demolitionVernacular word: demolition
demon-possesedVernacular word: demon-possesed
demon-possessedVernacular word: demon-possessed
demonsVernacular word: demons
demonstratedVernacular word: demonstrated
demonstratingVernacular word: demonstrating
demonstrationVernacular word: demonstration
demonstrativeVernacular word: demonstrative
denggewVernacular word: denggew
deniedVernacular word: denied
denimVernacular word: denim
denominationVernacular word: denomination
denseVernacular word: dense
densedVernacular word: densed
dentVernacular word: dent
dentedVernacular word: dented
dentistVernacular word: dentist
dentureVernacular word: denture
denudingVernacular word: denuding
deodorantVernacular word: deodorant
dep-uhiVernacular word: dep-uhi
departVernacular word: depart
departedVernacular word: departed
departingVernacular word: departing
depend onVernacular word: depend on
depend_onVernacular word: depend_on
dependantsVernacular word: dependants
dependenceVernacular word: dependence
dependingVernacular word: depending
dependsVernacular word: depends
depends onVernacular word: depends on
depends_onVernacular word: depends_on
depletedVernacular word: depleted
depositVernacular word: deposit
depravedVernacular word: depraved
depressedVernacular word: depressed
derangedVernacular word: deranged
derivationVernacular word: derivation
derivedVernacular word: derived
derivesVernacular word: derives
derivingVernacular word: deriving
derogatoryVernacular word: derogatory
descendant(sVernacular word: descendant(s
descendant/multiply/increaseVernacular word: descendant/multiply/increase
descendantsVernacular word: descendants
descendedVernacular word: descended
descendingVernacular word: descending
describedVernacular word: described
describesVernacular word: describes
describingVernacular word: describing
descriminationVernacular word: descrimination
descriptionVernacular word: description
descriptiveVernacular word: descriptive
deseaseVernacular word: desease
deseasesVernacular word: deseases
desecrateVernacular word: desecrate
desertedVernacular word: deserted
desertsVernacular word: deserts
deservedVernacular word: deserved
designedVernacular word: designed
designsVernacular word: designs
desirableVernacular word: desirable
desiredVernacular word: desired
desiresVernacular word: desires
desirousVernacular word: desirous
desistVernacular word: desist
desolateVernacular word: desolate
desperateVernacular word: desperate
despiseVernacular word: despise
despisedVernacular word: despised
dessertVernacular word: dessert
dessertsVernacular word: desserts
destinationVernacular word: destination
destinatonVernacular word: destinaton
destinyVernacular word: destiny
destituteVernacular word: destitute
destroyedVernacular word: destroyed
destroyingVernacular word: destroying
destroysVernacular word: destroys
destructVernacular word: destruct
destructionVernacular word: destruction
detachVernacular word: detach
detachedVernacular word: detached
detachmentVernacular word: detachment
detacthmentVernacular word: detacthment
detailedVernacular word: detailed
detailsVernacular word: details
detectedVernacular word: detected
detectionVernacular word: detection
detectiveVernacular word: detective
deteriorateVernacular word: deteriorate
determinesVernacular word: determines
determiningVernacular word: determining
detestVernacular word: detest
detourVernacular word: detour
devalueVernacular word: devalue
developedVernacular word: developed
developingVernacular word: developing
developmentVernacular word: development
developsVernacular word: develops
deviatedVernacular word: deviated
devicesVernacular word: devices
devilVernacular word: devil
devilishVernacular word: devilish
devoidVernacular word: devoid
devotedVernacular word: devoted
devourVernacular word: devour
devouredVernacular word: devoured
devoutVernacular word: devout
dewVernacular word: dew
dewyVernacular word: dewy
diabolicVernacular word: diabolic
diagnoseVernacular word: diagnose
diagnosedVernacular word: diagnosed
diagonallyVernacular word: diagonally
diagramVernacular word: diagram
dialVernacular word: dial
dialectVernacular word: dialect
dialedVernacular word: dialed
dialledVernacular word: dialled
diamVernacular word: diam
diameterVernacular word: diameter
diamondsVernacular word: diamonds
diaperVernacular word: diaper
diapersVernacular word: diapers
diaphramVernacular word: diaphram
diarreaVernacular word: diarrea
diarrheaVernacular word: diarrhea
diarrheadVernacular word: diarrhead
diarrhoeaVernacular word: diarrhoea
dibbleVernacular word: dibble
diceVernacular word: dice
diciplineVernacular word: dicipline
dictateVernacular word: dictate
dictate/mandateVernacular word: dictate/mandate
dictatorVernacular word: dictator
did.(HeVernacular word: did.(He
didn'tVernacular word: didn't
didn’tVernacular word: didn’t
diedVernacular word: died
diesVernacular word: dies
dieselVernacular word: diesel
dietVernacular word: diet
differVernacular word: differ
differencesVernacular word: differences
different reasonVernacular word: different reason
different_reasonVernacular word: different_reason
differentiatesVernacular word: differentiates
differentiatingVernacular word: differentiating
differentiationVernacular word: differentiation
differentlyVernacular word: differently
differsVernacular word: differs
difficultiedVernacular word: difficultied
difficultiesVernacular word: difficulties
diffidentVernacular word: diffident
diffucultyVernacular word: diffuculty
dig)itVernacular word: dig)it
dig-inVernacular word: dig-in
diggingVernacular word: digging
digitVernacular word: digit
dignifiedVernacular word: dignified
dignity lostVernacular word: dignity lost
dignity_lostVernacular word: dignity_lost
digsVernacular word: digs
dilemmaVernacular word: dilemma
diligentVernacular word: diligent
diligentlyVernacular word: diligently
diluteVernacular word: dilute
dilutedVernacular word: diluted
dimensionsVernacular word: dimensions
diminishedVernacular word: diminished
diminuendoVernacular word: diminuendo
diminutiveVernacular word: diminutive
dimpleVernacular word: dimple
dinVernacular word: din
dingyVernacular word: dingy
diningVernacular word: dining
dinuradduVernacular word: dinuraddu
dinuraduVernacular word: dinuradu
dioscorineVernacular word: dioscorine
dippedVernacular word: dipped
dipperVernacular word: dipper
dippingVernacular word: dipping
direct object, indirect objectSeeEntry
direct_objectVernacular word: direct_object
directedVernacular word: directed
directionsVernacular word: directions
directlyVernacular word: directly
directorsVernacular word: directors
dirt in organVernacular word: dirt in organ
dirt_in_organVernacular word: dirt_in_organ
dirtiedVernacular word: dirtied
dirtyVernacular word: dirty
dis+likeVernacular word: dis+like
dis+likedVernacular word: dis+liked
dis-agreeVernacular word: dis-agree
disabilityVernacular word: disability
disabledVernacular word: disabled
disadvantageVernacular word: disadvantage
disagreedVernacular word: disagreed
disagreeingVernacular word: disagreeing
disagreementVernacular word: disagreement
disalignedVernacular word: disaligned
disallowVernacular word: disallow
disallowedVernacular word: disallowed
disappearanceVernacular word: disappearance
disappearedVernacular word: disappeared
disappearingVernacular word: disappearing
disappearsVernacular word: disappears
disappointedVernacular word: disappointed
disappointingVernacular word: disappointing
disappointmentVernacular word: disappointment
disapprovalVernacular word: disapproval
disapprove ofVernacular word: disapprove of
disapprove_ofVernacular word: disapprove_of
disarrangedVernacular word: disarranged
disarrayVernacular word: disarray
disarrayedVernacular word: disarrayed
disasterVernacular word: disaster
disastersVernacular word: disasters
disbeliefVernacular word: disbelief
disbelieveVernacular word: disbelieve
discardVernacular word: discard
discardedVernacular word: discarded
discardingVernacular word: discarding
discernVernacular word: discern
discernmentVernacular word: discernment
disciple(sVernacular word: disciple(s
disciplesVernacular word: disciples
disciplinedVernacular word: disciplined
disclothVernacular word: discloth
discoVernacular word: disco
disconnectVernacular word: disconnect
discontentedVernacular word: discontented
discontinueVernacular word: discontinue
discouragedVernacular word: discouraged
discouragementVernacular word: discouragement
discourseVernacular word: discourse
discoveredVernacular word: discovered
discoveriesVernacular word: discoveries
discoveringVernacular word: discovering
discoveryVernacular word: discovery
discretelyVernacular word: discretely
discriminableVernacular word: discriminable
discriminatedVernacular word: discriminated
discriminatingVernacular word: discriminating
discriminationVernacular word: discrimination
discussedVernacular word: discussed
discussingVernacular word: discussing
discussionVernacular word: discussion
diseasedVernacular word: diseased
diseasesVernacular word: diseases
disembarkVernacular word: disembark
disesteemVernacular word: disesteem
disfiguredVernacular word: disfigured
disgraceVernacular word: disgrace
disgracedVernacular word: disgraced
disgracefulVernacular word: disgraceful
disgruntledVernacular word: disgruntled
dishappyVernacular word: dishappy
dishesVernacular word: dishes
dishonestVernacular word: dishonest
dishonorVernacular word: dishonor
dishtowelVernacular word: dishtowel
disinfectVernacular word: disinfect
disintegrateVernacular word: disintegrate
disintegratedVernacular word: disintegrated
disintergratedVernacular word: disintergrated
disirtuVernacular word: disirtu
disjointedVernacular word: disjointed
diskVernacular word: disk
dislikeVernacular word: dislike
dislikesVernacular word: dislikes
dismantleVernacular word: dismantle
dismantledVernacular word: dismantled
dismissedVernacular word: dismissed
dismountVernacular word: dismount
disobedientVernacular word: disobedient
disobeyVernacular word: disobey
disobeyingVernacular word: disobeying
disorderVernacular word: disorder
disorderlyVernacular word: disorderly
disorganizedVernacular word: disorganized
disorientVernacular word: disorient
disownVernacular word: disown
disparageVernacular word: disparage
disperseVernacular word: disperse
displacesVernacular word: displaces
displayedVernacular word: displayed
displayingVernacular word: displaying
displaysVernacular word: displays
displeasedVernacular word: displeased
displeasesVernacular word: displeases
displeasureVernacular word: displeasure
disposableVernacular word: disposable
dispose ofVernacular word: dispose of
dispose_ofVernacular word: dispose_of
disposingVernacular word: disposing
disproportionateVernacular word: disproportionate
disputeVernacular word: dispute
dissentVernacular word: dissent
dissolveVernacular word: dissolve
dissolvedVernacular word: dissolved
dissolvesVernacular word: dissolves
dissoveVernacular word: dissove
dissovedVernacular word: dissoved
dissuadeVernacular word: dissuade
distancesVernacular word: distances
distastefulVernacular word: distasteful
distendedVernacular word: distended
distinguishedVernacular word: distinguished
distinguishesVernacular word: distinguishes
distinguishingVernacular word: distinguishing
distortedVernacular word: distorted
distractVernacular word: distract
distractedVernacular word: distracted
distractingVernacular word: distracting
distressVernacular word: distress
distressedVernacular word: distressed
distressingVernacular word: distressing
distributVernacular word: distribut
distributedVernacular word: distributed
distributingVernacular word: distributing
districtsVernacular word: districts
distrustfulVernacular word: distrustful
disturbanceVernacular word: disturbance
disturbanceeVernacular word: disturbancee
disturbancesVernacular word: disturbances
disturbedVernacular word: disturbed
disunderstandbleVernacular word: disunderstandble
divenVernacular word: diven
diversityVernacular word: diversity
divertVernacular word: divert
divertedVernacular word: diverted
divertingVernacular word: diverting
dividedVernacular word: divided
dividerVernacular word: divider
dividesVernacular word: divides
dividingVernacular word: dividing
divinationVernacular word: divination
divineVernacular word: divine
divingVernacular word: diving
divorceVernacular word: divorce
divorcedVernacular word: divorced
divyVernacular word: divy
diyèVernacular word: diyè
dizzlingVernacular word: dizzling
dizzyVernacular word: dizzy
do a checkVernacular word: do a check
do a studyVernacular word: do a study
do an experimentVernacular word: do an experiment
do researchVernacular word: do research
do someone a favorVernacular word: do someone a favor
do studyVernacular word: do study
do workVernacular word: do work
do+goodVernacular word: do+good
do_a_checkVernacular word: do_a_check
do_a_studyVernacular word: do_a_study
do_an_experimentVernacular word: do_an_experiment
do_researchVernacular word: do_research
do_someone_a_favorVernacular word: do_someone_a_favor
do_studyVernacular word: do_study
do_workVernacular word: do_work
docileVernacular word: docile
dockVernacular word: dock
doctor'sVernacular word: doctor's
doctoredVernacular word: doctored
doctorsVernacular word: doctors
doctrineVernacular word: doctrine
documentedVernacular word: documented
documentsVernacular word: documents
dodgeVernacular word: dodge
doeVernacular word: doe
doesVernacular word: does
does justiceVernacular word: does justice
does'tVernacular word: does't
does_justiceVernacular word: does_justice
doesn'tVernacular word: doesn't
doesntVernacular word: doesnt
dog'sVernacular word: dog's
dog-facedVernacular word: dog-faced
dogbaneVernacular word: dogbane
dogsVernacular word: dogs
doingVernacular word: doing
doll'sVernacular word: doll's
dollarsVernacular word: dollars
dolphinsVernacular word: dolphins
domainsVernacular word: domains
domesticateVernacular word: domesticate
domesticatedVernacular word: domesticated
dominanceVernacular word: dominance
dominatedVernacular word: dominated
dominatesVernacular word: dominates
dominatingVernacular word: dominating
don'fb:t mindVernacular word: don't mind
don'fb:t_mindVernacular word: don't_mind
don'tVernacular word: don't
donateVernacular word: donate
donationVernacular word: donation
donationsVernacular word: donations
done.(FreeVernacular word: done.(Free
dontVernacular word: dont
don’tVernacular word: don’t
doorbellVernacular word: doorbell
doorlockVernacular word: doorlock
doormatVernacular word: doormat
doorsVernacular word: doors
doorwayVernacular word: doorway
dopeyVernacular word: dopey
dorVernacular word: dor
dormitoriesVernacular word: dormitories
dorsalVernacular word: dorsal
doteVernacular word: dote
double-edgedVernacular word: double-edged
doubtfulVernacular word: doubtful
doubtnessVernacular word: doubtness
doubtsVernacular word: doubts
doughVernacular word: dough
doughtVernacular word: dought
douseVernacular word: douse
doveVernacular word: dove
dovesVernacular word: doves
down–theVernacular word: down–the
down-riverVernacular word: down-river
downcastVernacular word: downcast
downhillVernacular word: downhill
downloadVernacular word: download
downloadingVernacular word: downloading
downriverVernacular word: downriver
downsVernacular word: downs
downstairsVernacular word: downstairs
downstreamVernacular word: downstream
downstreamsVernacular word: downstreams
downwardVernacular word: downward
downward-slopingVernacular word: downward-sloping
downwardsVernacular word: downwards
down—theVernacular word: down—the
dowryVernacular word: dowry
dozeVernacular word: doze
draftedVernacular word: drafted
draftsVernacular word: drafts
draggedVernacular word: dragged
draggingVernacular word: dragging
dragonVernacular word: dragon
dragonfliesVernacular word: dragonflies
dragonflyVernacular word: dragonfly
drainVernacular word: drain
dramasVernacular word: dramas
drapeVernacular word: drape
drapedVernacular word: draped
drasticVernacular word: drastic
drawersVernacular word: drawers
drawingsVernacular word: drawings
drawsVernacular word: draws
dreadVernacular word: dread
dreamedVernacular word: dreamed
dreamsVernacular word: dreams
dreamyVernacular word: dreamy
dressedVernacular word: dressed
dressesVernacular word: dresses
dressingVernacular word: dressing
dressyVernacular word: dressy
dribbleVernacular word: dribble
dribbledVernacular word: dribbled
driedVernacular word: dried
dried-outVernacular word: dried-out
dried-upVernacular word: dried-up
driesVernacular word: dries
driftVernacular word: drift
driftwoodVernacular word: driftwood
drilledVernacular word: drilled
dringkingVernacular word: dringking
drinkerVernacular word: drinker
drinkingVernacular word: drinking
drinksVernacular word: drinks
dripVernacular word: drip
drippingVernacular word: dripping
drivedVernacular word: drived
driverVernacular word: driver
driver'sVernacular word: driver's
driverXXXXVernacular word: driverXXXX
driversVernacular word: drivers
drivesVernacular word: drives
drivingVernacular word: driving
drizzlingVernacular word: drizzling
droneVernacular word: drone
droopVernacular word: droop
droopingVernacular word: drooping
drop heavilyVernacular word: drop heavily
drop-outVernacular word: drop-out
drop_heavilyVernacular word: drop_heavily
droppedVernacular word: dropped
droppingVernacular word: dropping
dropsVernacular word: drops
droughtVernacular word: drought
drownVernacular word: drown
drownedVernacular word: drowned
drowningVernacular word: drowning
drugVernacular word: drug
drugsVernacular word: drugs
drumsVernacular word: drums
drumstickVernacular word: drumstick
drunkardVernacular word: drunkard
drunkardsVernacular word: drunkards
drunkennessVernacular word: drunkenness
drunkerVernacular word: drunker
dry on sunVernacular word: dry on sun
dry_on_sunVernacular word: dry_on_sun
dryableVernacular word: dryable
dryingVernacular word: drying
ducklingVernacular word: duckling
ducksVernacular word: ducks
ductileVernacular word: ductile
duelVernacular word: duel
dugVernacular word: dug
duhuy-ruhuy-ruhuy-ruhuyVernacular word: duhuy-ruhuy-ruhuy-ruhuy
dukilemVernacular word: dukilem
dumaVernacular word: duma
dumagatVernacular word: dumagat
dumbVernacular word: dumb
dumdVernacular word: dumd
dumelayangVernacular word: dumelayang
dummyVernacular word: dummy
dumpingVernacular word: dumping
dungVernacular word: dung
dunkVernacular word: dunk
durableVernacular word: durable
durianVernacular word: durian
durisuVernacular word: durisu
duskVernacular word: dusk
dustyVernacular word: dusty
dutiesVernacular word: duties
dwarfVernacular word: dwarf
dwellVernacular word: dwell
dwelledVernacular word: dwelled
dwellerVernacular word: dweller
dwellingVernacular word: dwelling
dyapanVernacular word: dyapan
dyeVernacular word: dye
dyingVernacular word: dying
eVernacular word: e
e.gVernacular word: e.g
e.g.,aVernacular word: e.g.,a
e.g.,axVernacular word: e.g.,ax
e.g.,battleVernacular word: e.g.,battle
e.g.,boloVernacular word: e.g.,bolo
e.g.,boneVernacular word: e.g.,bone
e.g.,cassavaVernacular word: e.g.,cassava
e.g.,cassaveVernacular word: e.g.,cassave
e.g.,childVernacular word: e.g.,child
e.g.,doingVernacular word: e.g.,doing
e.g.,enloveVernacular word: e.g.,enlove
e.g.,esp.childVernacular word: e.g.,esp.child
e.g.,foodVernacular word: e.g.,food
e.g.,goodVernacular word: e.g.,good
e.g.,headVernacular word: e.g.,head
e.g.,marbleVernacular word: e.g.,marble
e.g.,meetingVernacular word: e.g.,meeting
e.g.,pipeVernacular word: e.g.,pipe
e.g.,skinVernacular word: e.g.,skin
e.g.,usuallyVernacular word: e.g.,usually
e.g.,wallVernacular word: e.g.,wall
e.g.,wifeVernacular word: e.g.,wife
each otherVernacular word: each other
each_otherVernacular word: each_other
eagerlyVernacular word: eagerly
eagernessVernacular word: eagerness
eagleVernacular word: eagle
eagle+Vernacular word: eagle+
eaglesVernacular word: eagles
earedVernacular word: eared
earholeVernacular word: earhole
earingVernacular word: earing
earingsVernacular word: earings
earlierVernacular word: earlier
earliestVernacular word: earliest
earlobeVernacular word: earlobe
earnedVernacular word: earned
earnestlyVernacular word: earnestly
earningVernacular word: earning
earringVernacular word: earring
earringsVernacular word: earrings
earsVernacular word: ears
earth'sVernacular word: earth's
earthenVernacular word: earthen
earthlyVernacular word: earthly
earthwormVernacular word: earthworm
earthwormsVernacular word: earthworms
earwaxVernacular word: earwax
earwigVernacular word: earwig
easierVernacular word: easier
easiestVernacular word: easiest
easilyVernacular word: easily
easinessVernacular word: easiness
east-westVernacular word: east-west
easy-goingVernacular word: easy-going
eaterVernacular word: eater
eatingVernacular word: eating
eatsVernacular word: eats
eavesVernacular word: eaves
ebbVernacular word: ebb
ebonyVernacular word: ebony
echoVernacular word: echo
echoingVernacular word: echoing
eclessiasticalVernacular word: eclessiastical
eclipsesVernacular word: eclipses
edge/pointVernacular word: edge/point
edgedVernacular word: edged
edgesVernacular word: edges
edibleVernacular word: edible
educatedVernacular word: educated
educationVernacular word: education
educationalVernacular word: educational
eelVernacular word: eel
eel'sVernacular word: eel's
eelsVernacular word: eels
effectedVernacular word: effected
effectivelyVernacular word: effectively
effectivenessVernacular word: effectiveness
effectsVernacular word: effects
effeminateVernacular word: effeminate
egVernacular word: eg
eg-Vernacular word: eg-
eg-sebat-sebat-sebatVernacular word: eg-sebat-sebat-sebat
eg><an-affixationVernacular word: eg><an-affixation
egg rollVernacular word: egg roll
egg-plantVernacular word: egg-plant
egg_rollVernacular word: egg_roll
eggplantVernacular word: eggplant
eggsVernacular word: eggs
eggshellVernacular word: eggshell
egkakitaVernacular word: egkakita
egkeenVernacular word: egkeen
egleVernacular word: egle
eglibedVernacular word: eglibed
egpahunhibetVernacular word: egpahunhibet
egpalungibetVernacular word: egpalungibet
egretVernacular word: egret
eightVernacular word: eight
eighteenVernacular word: eighteen
eighthVernacular word: eighth
eightyVernacular word: eighty
either...fb:orVernacular word: either...or
elaboratingVernacular word: elaborating
elapsedVernacular word: elapsed
elatedVernacular word: elated
elbow/knee/ankleVernacular word: elbow/knee/ankle
elbowsVernacular word: elbows
elderlyVernacular word: elderly
eldersVernacular word: elders
eldestVernacular word: eldest
electedVernacular word: elected
electionsVernacular word: elections
electricalVernacular word: electrical
electronicVernacular word: electronic
elegantVernacular word: elegant
elephantVernacular word: elephant
elephant(sVernacular word: elephant(s
elevatedVernacular word: elevated
elevenVernacular word: eleven
eleventhVernacular word: eleventh
eliminatedVernacular word: eliminated
eliminatingVernacular word: eliminating
elongateVernacular word: elongate
elongatedVernacular word: elongated
elopeVernacular word: elope
else'sVernacular word: else's
elusiveVernacular word: elusive
emailVernacular word: email
emasVernacular word: emas
embalmVernacular word: embalm
embalmerVernacular word: embalmer
embarassedVernacular word: embarassed
embarassmentVernacular word: embarassment
embarrassVernacular word: embarrass
embarrassedVernacular word: embarrassed
embarrassmentVernacular word: embarrassment
embedVernacular word: embed
embeddedVernacular word: embedded
emberVernacular word: ember
embersVernacular word: embers
embraceVernacular word: embrace
embracingVernacular word: embracing
emeraldVernacular word: emerald
emergedVernacular word: emerged
emergencyVernacular word: emergency
emergesVernacular word: emerges
emergingVernacular word: emerging
emminentVernacular word: emminent
emotionVernacular word: emotion
emotionalVernacular word: emotional
emotionallyVernacular word: emotionally
emotionlessVernacular word: emotionless
emotionsVernacular word: emotions
emotiveVernacular word: emotive
emotivelyVernacular word: emotively
empathizeVernacular word: empathize
emperorVernacular word: emperor
emphasisesVernacular word: emphasises
emphasizedVernacular word: emphasized
emphasizesVernacular word: emphasizes
emphaticVernacular word: emphatic
employedVernacular word: employed
employerVernacular word: employer
employingVernacular word: employing
employmentVernacular word: employment
employsVernacular word: employs
emptiedVernacular word: emptied
enabledVernacular word: enabled
enablesVernacular word: enables
enamelVernacular word: enamel
enbalmedVernacular word: enbalmed
encampVernacular word: encamp
encampmentVernacular word: encampment
enchantedVernacular word: enchanted
encircleVernacular word: encircle
encircledVernacular word: encircled
enclosedVernacular word: enclosed
enclosingVernacular word: enclosing
encompassVernacular word: encompass
encounteredVernacular word: encountered
encouragedVernacular word: encouraged
encouragementVernacular word: encouragement
encouragerVernacular word: encourager
encouragesVernacular word: encourages
encouragingVernacular word: encouraging
encrouchVernacular word: encrouch
encrouchingVernacular word: encrouching
endedVernacular word: ended
endingVernacular word: ending
endlessVernacular word: endless
endlesslyVernacular word: endlessly
endsVernacular word: ends
endureVernacular word: endure
enemiesVernacular word: enemies
energeticVernacular word: energetic
energeticallyVernacular word: energetically
energizeVernacular word: energize
energizedVernacular word: energized
enforcementVernacular word: enforcement
enforcerVernacular word: enforcer
enforcingVernacular word: enforcing
engageVernacular word: engage
engagedVernacular word: engaged
engineersVernacular word: engineers
enginesVernacular word: engines
englishVernacular word: english
engraveVernacular word: engrave
engravedVernacular word: engraved
enhancesVernacular word: enhances
enhancingVernacular word: enhancing
enjoy doingVernacular word: enjoy doing
enjoy_doingVernacular word: enjoy_doing
enjoyableVernacular word: enjoyable
enjoyedVernacular word: enjoyed
enjoyingVernacular word: enjoying
enjoymentVernacular word: enjoyment
enjoysVernacular word: enjoys
enlargeVernacular word: enlarge
enlargedVernacular word: enlarged
enlargingVernacular word: enlarging
enlightenVernacular word: enlighten
enlistVernacular word: enlist
enloveVernacular word: enlove
enniVernacular word: enni
enquireVernacular word: enquire
enrolVernacular word: enrol
enroledVernacular word: enroled
enrollVernacular word: enroll
enrollingVernacular word: enrolling
enslaveVernacular word: enslave
enslavedVernacular word: enslaved
entangledVernacular word: entangled
enteredVernacular word: entered
enteringVernacular word: entering
enterpretingVernacular word: enterpreting
entersVernacular word: enters
entertainedVernacular word: entertained
entertainerVernacular word: entertainer
entertainingVernacular word: entertaining
entertainmentVernacular word: entertainment
enthuseVernacular word: enthuse
enthusiasmVernacular word: enthusiasm
enthusiasticVernacular word: enthusiastic
enticeVernacular word: entice
enticedVernacular word: enticed
entirelyVernacular word: entirely
entrailsVernacular word: entrails
entriesVernacular word: entries
entrustVernacular word: entrust
entrustedVernacular word: entrusted
entwineVernacular word: entwine
entwinedVernacular word: entwined
enunciateVernacular word: enunciate
enviousVernacular word: envious
enviousnessVernacular word: enviousness
environmentalVernacular word: environmental
environmentallyVernacular word: environmentally
epicVernacular word: epic
epidemicVernacular word: epidemic
epilepsyVernacular word: epilepsy
epiphyteVernacular word: epiphyte
epiphytesVernacular word: epiphytes
epunVernacular word: epun
equallyVernacular word: equally
equalsVernacular word: equals
equatesVernacular word: equates
equatorVernacular word: equator
equippedVernacular word: equipped
equipsVernacular word: equips
erVernacular word: er
eraVernacular word: era
eraseVernacular word: erase
eraserVernacular word: eraser
erasingVernacular word: erasing
erectVernacular word: erect
erectedVernacular word: erected
erectingVernacular word: erecting
erectionVernacular word: erection
erimuranVernacular word: erimuran
erodedVernacular word: eroded
erodingVernacular word: eroding
errVernacular word: err
errandVernacular word: errand
errorsVernacular word: errors
eruptVernacular word: erupt
eruptedVernacular word: erupted
eryVernacular word: ery
esapesVernacular word: esapes
escalatorVernacular word: escalator
escapedVernacular word: escaped
escapesVernacular word: escapes
escapingVernacular word: escaping
escortVernacular word: escort
esophagusVernacular word: esophagus
espVernacular word: esp
esp.laughingVernacular word: esp.laughing
esp.treesVernacular word: esp.trees
essayVernacular word: essay
essentialsVernacular word: essentials
establishedVernacular word: established
esteemedVernacular word: esteemed
estimatedVernacular word: estimated
estimatingVernacular word: estimating
estimationVernacular word: estimation
etcVernacular word: etc
eternallyVernacular word: eternally
ethnicityVernacular word: ethnicity
etilVernacular word: etil
eucalyptusVernacular word: eucalyptus
eunuchVernacular word: eunuch
euphemismVernacular word: euphemism
eurasianVernacular word: eurasian
euthenasiaVernacular word: euthenasia
evacuateVernacular word: evacuate
evacuatedVernacular word: evacuated
evadeVernacular word: evade
evaluatedVernacular word: evaluated
evaluatingVernacular word: evaluating
evaluationVernacular word: evaluation
evaluatorVernacular word: evaluator
evangeliseVernacular word: evangelise
evaporateVernacular word: evaporate
even ifVernacular word: even if
even thoughVernacular word: even though
even_ifVernacular word: even_if
even_thoughVernacular word: even_though
evenlyVernacular word: evenly
event(sVernacular word: event(s
eventhoughVernacular word: eventhough
eventsVernacular word: events
eventuallyVernacular word: eventually
eventuateVernacular word: eventuate
ever-presentVernacular word: ever-present
eversinceVernacular word: eversince
every otherVernacular word: every other
every secondVernacular word: every second
every_otherVernacular word: every_other
every_secondVernacular word: every_second
everyingVernacular word: everying
everyone'sVernacular word: everyone's
everytimeVernacular word: everytime
evidencedVernacular word: evidenced
evidentlyVernacular word: evidently
evil spiritVernacular word: evil spirit
evil-spiritVernacular word: evil-spirit
evil_spiritVernacular word: evil_spirit
evildoerVernacular word: evildoer
evilsVernacular word: evils
evokeVernacular word: evoke
evolvedVernacular word: evolved
evolvesVernacular word: evolves
exVernacular word: ex
exactedVernacular word: exacted
exactlyVernacular word: exactly
exaggeratedVernacular word: exaggerated
exaggeratednessVernacular word: exaggeratedness
exaggerationVernacular word: exaggeration
exaggerativeVernacular word: exaggerative
exaltVernacular word: exalt
examVernacular word: exam
examinedVernacular word: examined
examinesVernacular word: examines
examplesVernacular word: examples
examsVernacular word: exams
excavateVernacular word: excavate
excavationVernacular word: excavation
exceededVernacular word: exceeded
exceedingVernacular word: exceeding
exceedinglyVernacular word: exceedingly
exceedsVernacular word: exceeds
excelVernacular word: excel
excemptionVernacular word: excemption
except forVernacular word: except for
except_forVernacular word: except_for
excessivelyVernacular word: excessively
exchangedVernacular word: exchanged
exchangingVernacular word: exchanging
excitedVernacular word: excited
excitedlyVernacular word: excitedly
excitementVernacular word: excitement
excitesVernacular word: excites
excitingVernacular word: exciting
exclVernacular word: excl
exclaimVernacular word: exclaim
exclamationVernacular word: exclamation
exclamatoryVernacular word: exclamatory
excludedVernacular word: excluded
excludingVernacular word: excluding
exclusionVernacular word: exclusion
exclusivelyVernacular word: exclusively
excommunicateVernacular word: excommunicate
excrementVernacular word: excrement
executeVernacular word: execute
exercisesVernacular word: exercises
exercisingVernacular word: exercising
exertVernacular word: exert
exertedVernacular word: exerted
exhangeVernacular word: exhange
exhaustVernacular word: exhaust
exhaust+Vernacular word: exhaust+
exhaustedVernacular word: exhausted
exhaustingVernacular word: exhausting
exhaustionVernacular word: exhaustion
exhortVernacular word: exhort
exileVernacular word: exile
existedVernacular word: existed
existingVernacular word: existing
existsVernacular word: exists
exitVernacular word: exit
exoskeletonVernacular word: exoskeleton
exoticVernacular word: exotic
expand onVernacular word: expand on
expand_onVernacular word: expand_on
expandedVernacular word: expanded
expandingVernacular word: expanding
expandsVernacular word: expands
expectantVernacular word: expectant
expectationVernacular word: expectation
expectationsVernacular word: expectations
expectedVernacular word: expected
expectingVernacular word: expecting
expelVernacular word: expel
expensesVernacular word: expenses
experience+tabooVernacular word: experience+taboo
experiencedVernacular word: experienced
experienced+tabooVernacular word: experienced+taboo
experiencesVernacular word: experiences
experiencingVernacular word: experiencing
experimentalVernacular word: experimental
experimentingVernacular word: experimenting
experimentsVernacular word: experiments
explainationVernacular word: explaination
explainedVernacular word: explained
explainingVernacular word: explaining
explainsVernacular word: explains
explanationVernacular word: explanation
explodedVernacular word: exploded
explodesVernacular word: explodes
exportsVernacular word: exports
exposedVernacular word: exposed
exposingVernacular word: exposing
expressedVernacular word: expressed
expressesVernacular word: expresses
expressingVernacular word: expressing
expressing+disagreementVernacular word: expressing+disagreement
expressionsVernacular word: expressions
expressiveVernacular word: expressive
exquisiteVernacular word: exquisite
extemporaneousVernacular word: extemporaneous
extemporaneouslyVernacular word: extemporaneously
extendedVernacular word: extended
extendingVernacular word: extending
extendsVernacular word: extends
extensivelyVernacular word: extensively
exteriorVernacular word: exterior
exterminateVernacular word: exterminate
exterminatedVernacular word: exterminated
exterminatorVernacular word: exterminator
extinctionVernacular word: extinction
extinguishVernacular word: extinguish
extractedVernacular word: extracted
extractingVernacular word: extracting
extractionVernacular word: extraction
extravagantVernacular word: extravagant
extremelyVernacular word: extremely
extremityVernacular word: extremity
eye(sVernacular word: eye(s
eyebrowVernacular word: eyebrow
eyebrowsVernacular word: eyebrows
eyedVernacular word: eyed
eyelashVernacular word: eyelash
eyelashesVernacular word: eyelashes
eyelidVernacular word: eyelid
eyelidsVernacular word: eyelids
eyesVernacular word: eyes
eyesightVernacular word: eyesight
fVernacular word: f
fabricVernacular word: fabric
facadeVernacular word: facade
facedVernacular word: faced
facesVernacular word: faces
facialVernacular word: facial
facilitatedVernacular word: facilitated
facilitatesVernacular word: facilitates
facilitatingVernacular word: facilitating
facilityVernacular word: facility
facingVernacular word: facing
fact/activityVernacular word: fact/activity
factoriesVernacular word: factories
factsVernacular word: facts
fadingVernacular word: fading
faecesVernacular word: faeces
failedVernacular word: failed
failingVernacular word: failing
failsVernacular word: fails
failureVernacular word: failure
fairlyVernacular word: fairly
fairnessVernacular word: fairness
fairyVernacular word: fairy
fakeVernacular word: fake
falconetVernacular word: falconet
fall asleepVernacular word: fall asleep
fall downVernacular word: fall down
fall-asleepVernacular word: fall-asleep
fall_asleepVernacular word: fall_asleep
fall_downVernacular word: fall_down
falledVernacular word: falled
fallingVernacular word: falling
fallsVernacular word: falls
false+prophetVernacular word: false+prophet
falsehoodVernacular word: falsehood
falselyVernacular word: falsely
falsifyVernacular word: falsify
familiesVernacular word: families
family'sVernacular word: family's
family,andVernacular word: family,and
famineVernacular word: famine
famishedVernacular word: famished
fang(sVernacular word: fang(s
fangsVernacular word: fangs
fansVernacular word: fans
fantailVernacular word: fantail
fantasticVernacular word: fantastic
fareVernacular word: fare
farewellVernacular word: farewell
farmerVernacular word: farmer
farmer'sVernacular word: farmer's
farmersVernacular word: farmers
farmhandVernacular word: farmhand
farmingVernacular word: farming
farmlandVernacular word: farmland
farmsVernacular word: farms
fartVernacular word: fart
fartingVernacular word: farting
fashionableVernacular word: fashionable
fashionedVernacular word: fashioned
fast-flowingVernacular word: fast-flowing
fastedVernacular word: fasted
fasterVernacular word: faster
fastestVernacular word: fastest
fastingVernacular word: fasting
fastlyVernacular word: fastly
fastwalkerVernacular word: fastwalker
fat/thinVernacular word: fat/thin
fatalVernacular word: fatal
father'sVernacular word: father's
father-in-lawVernacular word: father-in-law
fathersVernacular word: fathers
fathers'sVernacular word: fathers's
father’sVernacular word: father’s
fatiguedVernacular word: fatigued
fatnessVernacular word: fatness
fattyVernacular word: fatty
faucetVernacular word: faucet
faultsVernacular word: faults
fautlsVernacular word: fautls
favorableVernacular word: favorable
favoredVernacular word: favored
favoritismVernacular word: favoritism
favorsVernacular word: favors
favourVernacular word: favour
favourableVernacular word: favourable
favouredVernacular word: favoured
favouritismVernacular word: favouritism
fawcetVernacular word: fawcet
fawnVernacular word: fawn
fearedVernacular word: feared
fearfulVernacular word: fearful
fearlessVernacular word: fearless
fearsVernacular word: fears
fearsomeVernacular word: fearsome
featheredVernacular word: feathered
featherlessVernacular word: featherless
feathersVernacular word: feathers
featheryVernacular word: feathery
featuresVernacular word: features
fecesVernacular word: feces
feebleVernacular word: feeble
feedingVernacular word: feeding
feedsVernacular word: feeds
feel likeVernacular word: feel like
feel_likeVernacular word: feel_like
feelingVernacular word: feeling
feelingsVernacular word: feelings
feelsVernacular word: feels
feesVernacular word: fees
feet'sVernacular word: feet's
feignVernacular word: feign
felineVernacular word: feline
felledVernacular word: felled
fellowVernacular word: fellow
fellowmanVernacular word: fellowman
fellowsVernacular word: fellows
fellowwomenVernacular word: fellowwomen
feloniousVernacular word: felonious
felt sorryVernacular word: felt sorry
felt_sorryVernacular word: felt_sorry
female monkeyVernacular word: female monkey
female'sVernacular word: female's
female_monkeyVernacular word: female_monkey
femalesVernacular word: females
fence-inVernacular word: fence-in
fence-postVernacular word: fence-post
fencesVernacular word: fences
fencingVernacular word: fencing
fendVernacular word: fend
feralVernacular word: feral
fermentVernacular word: ferment
fermentationVernacular word: fermentation
fermentedVernacular word: fermented
fernVernacular word: fern
fernlikeVernacular word: fernlike
ferociousVernacular word: ferocious
ferocityVernacular word: ferocity
fertileVernacular word: fertile
fertiliserVernacular word: fertiliser
fertilityVernacular word: fertility
fertilizationVernacular word: fertilization
fertilizeVernacular word: fertilize
fertilizedVernacular word: fertilized
fertilizerVernacular word: fertilizer
fertilizersVernacular word: fertilizers
ferventVernacular word: fervent
ferventlyVernacular word: fervently
festivalVernacular word: festival
fetalVernacular word: fetal
fetchVernacular word: fetch
fetchedVernacular word: fetched
fetchesVernacular word: fetches
fetchingVernacular word: fetching
fetishVernacular word: fetish
feverishVernacular word: feverish
fianceeVernacular word: fiancee
fiancèeVernacular word: fiancèe
fiberVernacular word: fiber
fibersVernacular word: fibers
fibreVernacular word: fibre
fibresVernacular word: fibres
fibrousVernacular word: fibrous
fictionVernacular word: fiction
fictionalVernacular word: fictional
fiddleVernacular word: fiddle
fiddledVernacular word: fiddled
fieldsVernacular word: fields
fiendishVernacular word: fiendish
fiercingVernacular word: fiercing
fieryVernacular word: fiery
fiestaVernacular word: fiesta
fiestasVernacular word: fiestas
fifteenVernacular word: fifteen
fifthVernacular word: fifth
fiftyVernacular word: fifty
fifty-pesoVernacular word: fifty-peso
figVernacular word: fig
fighterVernacular word: fighter
fightingVernacular word: fighting
fighting(aVernacular word: fighting(a
fightsVernacular word: fights
figurativelyVernacular word: figuratively
filedVernacular word: filed
filesVernacular word: files
fill-inVernacular word: fill-in
filledVernacular word: filled
fillerVernacular word: filler
fillingVernacular word: filling
fillsVernacular word: fills
filmedVernacular word: filmed
filmsVernacular word: films
filthyVernacular word: filthy
finVernacular word: fin
finallyVernacular word: finally
financesVernacular word: finances
financialVernacular word: financial
financingVernacular word: financing
findingVernacular word: finding
findsVernacular word: finds
fine-grainedVernacular word: fine-grained
fine-toothVernacular word: fine-tooth
fine-toothedVernacular word: fine-toothed
finedVernacular word: fined
finelyVernacular word: finely
finerVernacular word: finer
finesVernacular word: fines
finger/sugarcane/bambooVernacular word: finger/sugarcane/bamboo
fingerjointVernacular word: fingerjoint
fingerlingVernacular word: fingerling
fingerlingsVernacular word: fingerlings
fingernailVernacular word: fingernail
fingernailsVernacular word: fingernails
fingersVernacular word: fingers
fingertipVernacular word: fingertip
fingertipsVernacular word: fingertips
finishedVernacular word: finished
finishesVernacular word: finishes
finishingVernacular word: finishing
finsVernacular word: fins
fire+upVernacular word: fire+up
fire-lightingVernacular word: fire-lighting
firearmVernacular word: firearm
fireboxVernacular word: firebox
firebreakVernacular word: firebreak
firecrackerVernacular word: firecracker
firecrackersVernacular word: firecrackers
firedVernacular word: fired
firefightersVernacular word: firefighters
fireflyVernacular word: firefly
fireplaceVernacular word: fireplace
firesVernacular word: fires
firesawVernacular word: firesaw
firewoodVernacular word: firewood
firewoodsVernacular word: firewoods
firingVernacular word: firing
firmlyVernacular word: firmly
first cousinVernacular word: first cousin
first-nameVernacular word: first-name
first_cousinVernacular word: first_cousin
firstlyVernacular word: firstly
fish-cartVernacular word: fish-cart
fish-poisoningVernacular word: fish-poisoning
fish-sellingVernacular word: fish-selling
fishandVernacular word: fishand
fishermanVernacular word: fisherman
fishermenVernacular word: fishermen
fishesVernacular word: fishes
fishingVernacular word: fishing
fishpondVernacular word: fishpond
fishpondsVernacular word: fishponds
fishtrapVernacular word: fishtrap
fishyVernacular word: fishy
fissureVernacular word: fissure
fitnessVernacular word: fitness
fitsVernacular word: fits
fittedVernacular word: fitted
fitterVernacular word: fitter
fittingVernacular word: fitting
fiveVernacular word: five
five-prongedVernacular word: five-pronged
five-stringedVernacular word: five-stringed
five-yearVernacular word: five-year
fix marriedVernacular word: fix married
fix-upVernacular word: fix-up
fix_marriedVernacular word: fix_married
fixableVernacular word: fixable
fixedVernacular word: fixed
fixesVernacular word: fixes
fixingVernacular word: fixing
flabVernacular word: flab
flabbyVernacular word: flabby
flagsVernacular word: flags
flailVernacular word: flail
flailingVernacular word: flailing
flailsVernacular word: flails
flakeVernacular word: flake
flakyVernacular word: flaky
flamableVernacular word: flamable
flamesVernacular word: flames
flamingVernacular word: flaming
flammableVernacular word: flammable
flannelVernacular word: flannel
flapVernacular word: flap
flappingVernacular word: flapping
flareVernacular word: flare
flashesVernacular word: flashes
flashingVernacular word: flashing
flashlightVernacular word: flashlight
flashlightsVernacular word: flashlights
flat-chestedVernacular word: flat-chested
flat-footedVernacular word: flat-footed
flattenedVernacular word: flattened
flattensVernacular word: flattens
flatterVernacular word: flatter
flatteredVernacular word: flattered
flatuenceVernacular word: flatuence
flatulateVernacular word: flatulate
flatulenceVernacular word: flatulence
flatulentVernacular word: flatulent
flavoringVernacular word: flavoring
flavorsomeVernacular word: flavorsome
flavourVernacular word: flavour
flavouringVernacular word: flavouring
flawVernacular word: flaw
flaxVernacular word: flax
flecksVernacular word: flecks
fledVernacular word: fled
fleeVernacular word: flee
fleeing+Vernacular word: fleeing+
fleetVernacular word: fleet
fleetingVernacular word: fleeting
flemVernacular word: flem
flesh-eatingVernacular word: flesh-eating
fleshyVernacular word: fleshy
flickVernacular word: flick
flickerVernacular word: flicker
flickeringVernacular word: flickering
flickingVernacular word: flicking
flierVernacular word: flier
fliesVernacular word: flies
flightlessVernacular word: flightless
flightyVernacular word: flighty
flimsyVernacular word: flimsy
flingVernacular word: fling
flintVernacular word: flint
flipVernacular word: flip
flippantVernacular word: flippant
flirtVernacular word: flirt
flirtatiousVernacular word: flirtatious
flirtingVernacular word: flirting
floatableVernacular word: floatable
floatedVernacular word: floated
floatingVernacular word: floating
floatsVernacular word: floats
flockVernacular word: flock
flocksVernacular word: flocks
floodedVernacular word: flooded
floodingVernacular word: flooding
floodsVernacular word: floods
floodwatersVernacular word: floodwaters
flooringVernacular word: flooring
floppyVernacular word: floppy
flotsamVernacular word: flotsam
flourishVernacular word: flourish
flourishingVernacular word: flourishing
flowedVernacular word: flowed
flower-bearingVernacular word: flower-bearing
floweringVernacular word: flowering
flowerpeckerVernacular word: flowerpecker
flowersVernacular word: flowers
floweryVernacular word: flowery
flowingVernacular word: flowing
flowsVernacular word: flows
fluVernacular word: flu
fluentVernacular word: fluent
fluffyVernacular word: fluffy
fluidVernacular word: fluid
flunkVernacular word: flunk
fluteVernacular word: flute
flutesVernacular word: flutes
flutterVernacular word: flutter
flycatcherVernacular word: flycatcher
flyingVernacular word: flying
flying+outVernacular word: flying+out
foVernacular word: fo
foalVernacular word: foal
foamVernacular word: foam
focus onVernacular word: focus on
focus_onVernacular word: focus_on
focusedVernacular word: focused
focusingVernacular word: focusing
fodderVernacular word: fodder
foeVernacular word: foe
foetalVernacular word: foetal
fogVernacular word: fog
foggyVernacular word: foggy
fogyVernacular word: fogy
foldedVernacular word: folded
foldingVernacular word: folding
foldsVernacular word: folds
foliageVernacular word: foliage
folkVernacular word: folk
folk-taleVernacular word: folk-tale
folkloreVernacular word: folklore
follow-upVernacular word: follow-up
followedVernacular word: followed
followerVernacular word: follower
followingVernacular word: following
followsVernacular word: follows
follows instructionVernacular word: follows instruction
follows_instructionVernacular word: follows_instruction
fondleVernacular word: fondle
fontanellaVernacular word: fontanella
fontanelle(spVernacular word: fontanelle(sp
foodsVernacular word: foods
foodstuffVernacular word: foodstuff
foolhardyVernacular word: foolhardy
foolishVernacular word: foolish
foolishnessVernacular word: foolishness
footballVernacular word: football
footedVernacular word: footed
footfallVernacular word: footfall
footfallsVernacular word: footfalls
foothillVernacular word: foothill
footlooseVernacular word: footloose
footprintVernacular word: footprint
footprintsVernacular word: footprints
footrestVernacular word: footrest
footstepVernacular word: footstep
footwearVernacular word: footwear
for saleVernacular word: for sale
for_saleVernacular word: for_sale
forageVernacular word: forage
forbiddenVernacular word: forbidden
force to marryVernacular word: force to marry
force_to_marryVernacular word: force_to_marry
forcedVernacular word: forced
forcefulVernacular word: forceful
forcefullyVernacular word: forcefully
forcelyVernacular word: forcely
forcesVernacular word: forces
forciblyVernacular word: forcibly
forcingVernacular word: forcing
forcloseVernacular word: forclose
forearmVernacular word: forearm
forebodingVernacular word: foreboding
forecloseVernacular word: foreclose
forecloserVernacular word: forecloser
forefathersVernacular word: forefathers
forefatyourhersVernacular word: forefatyourhers
foreheadsVernacular word: foreheads
foreignerVernacular word: foreigner
foremanVernacular word: foreman
foremostVernacular word: foremost
forerunnerVernacular word: forerunner
foreskinVernacular word: foreskin
forest-dwellingVernacular word: forest-dwelling
forestedVernacular word: forested
forestsVernacular word: forests
foretellVernacular word: foretell
foreverVernacular word: forever
forewoodsVernacular word: forewoods
forgeVernacular word: forge
forgerVernacular word: forger
forgetfulVernacular word: forgetful
forgetsVernacular word: forgets
forgettingVernacular word: forgetting
forgivenessVernacular word: forgiveness
forgivingVernacular word: forgiving
forheadVernacular word: forhead
form+Vernacular word: form+
formallyVernacular word: formally
format.odsVernacular word: format.ods
formationVernacular word: formation
formedVernacular word: formed
formerlyVernacular word: formerly
formingVernacular word: forming
formsVernacular word: forms
fornicatorVernacular word: fornicator
forsakeVernacular word: forsake
fortifiedVernacular word: fortified
fortunatelyVernacular word: fortunately
fortune-tellerVernacular word: fortune-teller
fortyVernacular word: forty
forward (sense 1, 2RootForm
forwardedVernacular word: forwarded
fotunateVernacular word: fotunate
foudVernacular word: foud
foulVernacular word: foul
foundationsVernacular word: foundations
foundedVernacular word: founded
fountainVernacular word: fountain
fourVernacular word: four
four-prongedVernacular word: four-pronged
fourteenVernacular word: fourteen
fourthVernacular word: fourth
fourthsVernacular word: fourths
fouthVernacular word: fouth
fowlVernacular word: fowl
foxVernacular word: fox
fractionVernacular word: fraction
fractureVernacular word: fracture
fracturesVernacular word: fractures
fragileVernacular word: fragile
fragmentVernacular word: fragment
fragmentsVernacular word: fragments
fragraceVernacular word: fragrace
fragranceVernacular word: fragrance
fragrantVernacular word: fragrant
fragrant-smellingVernacular word: fragrant-smelling
frailVernacular word: frail
framedVernacular word: framed
framesVernacular word: frames
frangipaniVernacular word: frangipani
fraudVernacular word: fraud
fraudulentVernacular word: fraudulent
frayedVernacular word: frayed
freckleVernacular word: freckle
freedVernacular word: freed
freedomVernacular word: freedom
freelyVernacular word: freely
freightVernacular word: freight
frenzyVernacular word: frenzy
frequenciesVernacular word: frequencies
frequentlyVernacular word: frequently
frequentsVernacular word: frequents
fresh-+waterVernacular word: fresh-+water
fresh-waterVernacular word: fresh-water
fretVernacular word: fret
fretsVernacular word: frets
fretsingVernacular word: fretsing
frictionVernacular word: friction
fridayVernacular word: friday
friedVernacular word: fried
friend'sVernacular word: friend's
friendlinessVernacular word: friendliness
friendsVernacular word: friends
friendshipVernacular word: friendship
frightenedVernacular word: frightened
frighteningVernacular word: frightening
frillVernacular word: frill
fringeVernacular word: fringe
frisbeeVernacular word: frisbee
fritterVernacular word: fritter
frizzyVernacular word: frizzy
froVernacular word: fro
frogVernacular word: frog
froglikeVernacular word: froglike
frogmouthVernacular word: frogmouth
frogsVernacular word: frogs
frolicsomeVernacular word: frolicsome
from MuabVernacular word: from Muab
from_MuabVernacular word: from_Muab
front-yardVernacular word: front-yard
frothVernacular word: froth
frothyVernacular word: frothy
frownVernacular word: frown
frowningVernacular word: frowning
frozenVernacular word: frozen
fruitfulVernacular word: fruitful
fruitsVernacular word: fruits
frustratedVernacular word: frustrated
frustrativeVernacular word: frustrative
fryingVernacular word: frying
ftVernacular word: ft
fuelVernacular word: fuel
fulcrumVernacular word: fulcrum
fulfillVernacular word: fulfill
fulfilledVernacular word: fulfilled
full-priceVernacular word: full-price
full-stopVernacular word: full-stop
fulledVernacular word: fulled
fullfillVernacular word: fullfill
fullnessVernacular word: fullness
fullyVernacular word: fully
fully-formedVernacular word: fully-formed
fumeVernacular word: fume
functionalVernacular word: functional
functionsVernacular word: functions
fundamentalsVernacular word: fundamentals
fundingVernacular word: funding
fundsVernacular word: funds
fungalVernacular word: fungal
fungicideVernacular word: fungicide
fungusVernacular word: fungus
funnel-shapedVernacular word: funnel-shaped
furiousVernacular word: furious
furnaceVernacular word: furnace
furnacingVernacular word: furnacing
furnishingVernacular word: furnishing
furniture-makingVernacular word: furniture-making
furredVernacular word: furred
furrowVernacular word: furrow
furryVernacular word: furry
furtherestVernacular word: furtherest
furtiveVernacular word: furtive
furtivelyVernacular word: furtively
fussyVernacular word: fussy
fuzzyVernacular word: fuzzy
gVernacular word: g
g-stringVernacular word: g-string
g-stringsVernacular word: g-strings
gabiVernacular word: gabi
gagVernacular word: gag
gaggingVernacular word: gagging
gainedVernacular word: gained
gainingVernacular word: gaining
gaitVernacular word: gait
galantVernacular word: galant
galeVernacular word: gale
gallVernacular word: gall
gallantVernacular word: gallant
gallbladderVernacular word: gallbladder
galleryVernacular word: gallery
gallopVernacular word: gallop
gallopingVernacular word: galloping
gallowsVernacular word: gallows
galonVernacular word: galon
galoonVernacular word: galoon
galvanizeVernacular word: galvanize
galvanizedVernacular word: galvanized
gambleVernacular word: gamble
gamblingVernacular word: gambling
gambrelVernacular word: gambrel
gamesVernacular word: games
gammewhammewVernacular word: gammewhammew
gang-upVernacular word: gang-up
gangsVernacular word: gangs
ganunginVernacular word: ganungin
gapsVernacular word: gaps
garbageVernacular word: garbage
gardenerVernacular word: gardener
gardeningVernacular word: gardening
gardensVernacular word: gardens
gargleVernacular word: gargle
garlicVernacular word: garlic
garmentVernacular word: garment
garmentsVernacular word: garments
garterVernacular word: garter
garungVernacular word: garung
gasbagVernacular word: gasbag
gasesVernacular word: gases
gashVernacular word: gash
gasolineVernacular word: gasoline
gaspingVernacular word: gasping
gasulVernacular word: gasul
gasulinaVernacular word: gasulina
gate-crashersVernacular word: gate-crashers
gatewayVernacular word: gateway
gather+togetherVernacular word: gather+together
gatheredVernacular word: gathered
gatheringVernacular word: gathering
gathersVernacular word: gathers
gaudyVernacular word: gaudy
gavenVernacular word: gaven
gawkVernacular word: gawk
gazeVernacular word: gaze
gearboxVernacular word: gearbox
gearedVernacular word: geared
gearsVernacular word: gears
gearshiftVernacular word: gearshift
geckoVernacular word: gecko
gemelinaVernacular word: gemelina
generallyVernacular word: generally
generatedVernacular word: generated
generatesVernacular word: generates
generationsVernacular word: generations
generatorVernacular word: generator
genericVernacular word: generic
genericallyVernacular word: generically
genialVernacular word: genial
genitalVernacular word: genital
genitaliaVernacular word: genitalia
genitalsVernacular word: genitals
genocideVernacular word: genocide
gentelVernacular word: gentel
gentlyVernacular word: gently
genuineVernacular word: genuine
genuinenessVernacular word: genuineness
genusVernacular word: genus
geramVernacular word: geram
germVernacular word: germ
germinatingVernacular word: germinating
germinationVernacular word: germination
germsVernacular word: germs
gestureVernacular word: gesture
gesturesVernacular word: gestures
get dressedVernacular word: get dressed
get marriedVernacular word: get married
get+into+troubleVernacular word: get+into+trouble
get_dressedVernacular word: get_dressed
get_marriedVernacular word: get_married
getingVernacular word: geting
getsVernacular word: gets
gettingVernacular word: getting
geyserVernacular word: geyser
ghostVernacular word: ghost
ghoulVernacular word: ghoul
gi+mata(-eyeVernacular word: gi+mata(-eye
giantVernacular word: giant
giant taroVernacular word: giant taro
giant_taroVernacular word: giant_taro
giantsVernacular word: giants
giardiaVernacular word: giardia
giftsVernacular word: gifts
gigVernacular word: gig
gillsVernacular word: gills
gingerVernacular word: ginger
ginidhidVernacular word: ginidhid
giniikánVernacular word: giniikán
girdVernacular word: gird
girdleVernacular word: girdle
girl'sVernacular word: girl's
girl+friendVernacular word: girl+friend
girl?)toVernacular word: girl?)to
girlfirendVernacular word: girlfirend
girlfriendVernacular word: girlfriend
girlsVernacular word: girls
girthVernacular word: girth
give a lectureVernacular word: give a lecture
give a referralVernacular word: give a referral
give a talkVernacular word: give a talk
give adviceVernacular word: give advice
give an account ofVernacular word: give an account of
give an addressVernacular word: give an address
give an answerVernacular word: give an answer
give an explanationVernacular word: give an explanation
give an indicationVernacular word: give an indication
give noticeVernacular word: give notice
give ordersVernacular word: give orders
give someone a lectureVernacular word: give someone a lecture
give something a pushVernacular word: give something a push
give something a tryVernacular word: give something a try
give something considerationVernacular word: give something consideration
give your wordVernacular word: give your word
give_a_lectureVernacular word: give_a_lecture
give_a_referralVernacular word: give_a_referral
give_a_talkVernacular word: give_a_talk
give_adviceVernacular word: give_advice
give_an_account_ofVernacular word: give_an_account_of
give_an_addressVernacular word: give_an_address
give_an_answerVernacular word: give_an_answer
give_an_explanationVernacular word: give_an_explanation
give_an_indicationVernacular word: give_an_indication
give_noticeVernacular word: give_notice
give_ordersVernacular word: give_orders
give_someone_a_lectureVernacular word: give_someone_a_lecture
give_something_a_pushVernacular word: give_something_a_push
give_something_a_tryVernacular word: give_something_a_try
give_something_considerationVernacular word: give_something_consideration
give_your_wordVernacular word: give_your_word
given+ordersVernacular word: given+orders
givesVernacular word: gives
gives birthVernacular word: gives birth
gives_birthVernacular word: gives_birth
givingVernacular word: giving
giíkVernacular word: giík
glanceVernacular word: glance
glancingVernacular word: glancing
glandVernacular word: gland
glandsVernacular word: glands
glansVernacular word: glans
glareVernacular word: glare
glaredVernacular word: glared
glarefulVernacular word: glareful
glaringVernacular word: glaring
glaryVernacular word: glary
glassesVernacular word: glasses
gleanVernacular word: glean
gleanedVernacular word: gleaned
gleaningsVernacular word: gleanings
gleefulVernacular word: gleeful
glibVernacular word: glib
glidesVernacular word: glides
glimpseVernacular word: glimpse
glitterVernacular word: glitter
gloomVernacular word: gloom
gloomyVernacular word: gloomy
glossVernacular word: gloss
glossyVernacular word: glossy
glottalVernacular word: glottal
glowVernacular word: glow
glowingVernacular word: glowing
glueVernacular word: glue
gluedVernacular word: glued
glutinousVernacular word: glutinous
glutomateVernacular word: glutomate
gluttonVernacular word: glutton
gluttonousVernacular word: gluttonous
gnatVernacular word: gnat
gnawVernacular word: gnaw
gnawingsVernacular word: gnawings
go besideVernacular word: go beside
go for a runVernacular word: go for a run
go for a swimVernacular word: go for a swim
go to expenseVernacular word: go to expense
go-Vernacular word: go-
go-betweenVernacular word: go-between
go_besideVernacular word: go_beside
go_for_a_runVernacular word: go_for_a_run
go_for_a_swimVernacular word: go_for_a_swim
go_to_expenseVernacular word: go_to_expense
goalsVernacular word: goals
goalshooterVernacular word: goalshooter
goatsVernacular word: goats
goatsuckerVernacular word: goatsucker
gobbleVernacular word: gobble
gobble/Vernacular word: gobble/
goddessVernacular word: goddess
godfatherVernacular word: godfather
godparentVernacular word: godparent
godsVernacular word: gods
goesVernacular word: goes
goes outVernacular word: goes out
goes-outVernacular word: goes-out
goes_outVernacular word: goes_out
gogglesVernacular word: goggles
goingVernacular word: going
going downVernacular word: going down
going_downVernacular word: going_down
goiterVernacular word: goiter
gongVernacular word: gong
gongsVernacular word: gongs
gonnaVernacular word: gonna
good+hunterVernacular word: good+hunter
good-lookingVernacular word: good-looking
good-naturedVernacular word: good-natured
goodbyeVernacular word: goodbye
gooddayVernacular word: goodday
goodlVernacular word: goodl
goodnessVernacular word: goodness
goodsVernacular word: goods
gooeyVernacular word: gooey
gooodVernacular word: goood
gooseVernacular word: goose
goosebumpsVernacular word: goosebumps
gorgeousVernacular word: gorgeous
gossipVernacular word: gossip
gossipingVernacular word: gossiping
gougeVernacular word: gouge
gourdVernacular word: gourd
govermentVernacular word: goverment
governedVernacular word: governed
governementVernacular word: governement
governerVernacular word: governer
governingVernacular word: governing
governmentVernacular word: government
governmentsVernacular word: governments
governorVernacular word: governor
governsVernacular word: governs
grabVernacular word: grab
grabbedVernacular word: grabbed
grabbingVernacular word: grabbing
gradedVernacular word: graded
gradesVernacular word: grades
graduallyVernacular word: gradually
graduateVernacular word: graduate
graduatedVernacular word: graduated
graduatesVernacular word: graduates
graduatingVernacular word: graduating
graduationVernacular word: graduation
grain.WeVernacular word: grain.We
grainsVernacular word: grains
grains/palayVernacular word: grains/palay
gramVernacular word: gram
gramophoneVernacular word: gramophone
gramsVernacular word: grams
granaryVernacular word: granary
grandchildVernacular word: grandchild
grandchildrenVernacular word: grandchildren
grandeVernacular word: grande
grandfatherVernacular word: grandfather
grandfather'sVernacular word: grandfather's
grandfather/motherVernacular word: grandfather/mother
grandfathersVernacular word: grandfathers
grandmaVernacular word: grandma
grandmotherVernacular word: grandmother
grandmother'sVernacular word: grandmother's
grandpaVernacular word: grandpa
grandpa/grandmaVernacular word: grandpa/grandma
grandparentVernacular word: grandparent
grandparent'sVernacular word: grandparent's
grandparentsVernacular word: grandparents
grandpa’sVernacular word: grandpa’s
granfatherVernacular word: granfather
grantedVernacular word: granted
grantsVernacular word: grants
grapVernacular word: grap
grape-likeVernacular word: grape-like
grapefruitVernacular word: grapefruit
grapesVernacular word: grapes
grapevineVernacular word: grapevine
graphVernacular word: graph
graphiteVernacular word: graphite
graspVernacular word: grasp
graspedVernacular word: grasped
graspingVernacular word: grasping
grass(esVernacular word: grass(es
grass-roofedVernacular word: grass-roofed
grassbirdVernacular word: grassbird
grassesVernacular word: grasses
grasshopperVernacular word: grasshopper
grasslandVernacular word: grassland
grassyVernacular word: grassy
grateVernacular word: grate
gratedVernacular word: grated
graterVernacular word: grater
gratingVernacular word: grating
gratitudeVernacular word: gratitude
gravelVernacular word: gravel
gravenVernacular word: graven
gravesVernacular word: graves
gravesideVernacular word: graveside
gravesiteVernacular word: gravesite
gravestoneVernacular word: gravestone
gravityVernacular word: gravity
grazeVernacular word: graze
grazedVernacular word: grazed
grazingVernacular word: grazing
grazyVernacular word: grazy
grease-likeVernacular word: grease-like
greasyVernacular word: greasy
great-grandchildVernacular word: great-grandchild
greaterVernacular word: greater
greatestVernacular word: greatest
greatlyVernacular word: greatly
greatnessVernacular word: greatness
grebeVernacular word: grebe
greedyVernacular word: greedy
greekVernacular word: greek
green-coloredVernacular word: green-colored
green-wingedVernacular word: green-winged
greenishVernacular word: greenish
greenish-blueVernacular word: greenish-blue
greetfulVernacular word: greetful
greetingVernacular word: greeting
greetingsVernacular word: greetings
greyVernacular word: grey
greyishVernacular word: greyish
griefVernacular word: grief
grieveVernacular word: grieve
grievedVernacular word: grieved
grievingVernacular word: grieving
grillVernacular word: grill
grimaceVernacular word: grimace
grimeVernacular word: grime
grimyVernacular word: grimy
grinVernacular word: grin
grindedVernacular word: grinded
grinderVernacular word: grinder
grindingVernacular word: grinding
grinningVernacular word: grinning
gripVernacular word: grip
gripeVernacular word: gripe
gripedVernacular word: griped
grippedVernacular word: gripped
gritVernacular word: grit
grizzleVernacular word: grizzle
groanVernacular word: groan
groanedVernacular word: groaned
groaningVernacular word: groaning
groceriesVernacular word: groceries
groceryVernacular word: grocery
groggyVernacular word: groggy
groinVernacular word: groin
groomVernacular word: groom
groom'sVernacular word: groom's
groomsVernacular word: grooms
grooveVernacular word: groove
groovedVernacular word: grooved
grooves/teethVernacular word: grooves/teeth
gropeVernacular word: grope
groudVernacular word: groud
groundsVernacular word: grounds
groupedVernacular word: grouped
groupingVernacular word: grouping
groupsVernacular word: groups
groveVernacular word: grove
growingVernacular word: growing
growlVernacular word: growl
growlsVernacular word: growls
growsVernacular word: grows
growthVernacular word: growth
grubVernacular word: grub
gruesomeVernacular word: gruesome
grumbleVernacular word: grumble
grumpVernacular word: grump
gruntVernacular word: grunt
gruntedVernacular word: grunted
guadVernacular word: guad
guaranteesVernacular word: guarantees
guardhouseVernacular word: guardhouse
guardingVernacular word: guarding
guardsVernacular word: guards
guavaVernacular word: guava
guavasVernacular word: guavas
guessedVernacular word: guessed
guessingVernacular word: guessing
guestsVernacular word: guests
guidanceVernacular word: guidance
guidedVernacular word: guided
guidepostVernacular word: guidepost
guitarVernacular word: guitar
guitarsVernacular word: guitars
gulliesVernacular word: gullies
gullyVernacular word: gully
gumamelaVernacular word: gumamela
gumamilaVernacular word: gumamila
gumboVernacular word: gumbo
gummyVernacular word: gummy
gunfireVernacular word: gunfire
gunsVernacular word: guns
gunshotVernacular word: gunshot
gustVernacular word: gust
gutVernacular word: gut
gutsVernacular word: guts
guttaVernacular word: gutta
gutteringVernacular word: guttering
guyVernacular word: guy
guyamVernacular word: guyam
guysVernacular word: guys
guzzleVernacular word: guzzle
gymVernacular word: gym
haVernacular word: ha
habitableVernacular word: habitable
habitatVernacular word: habitat
habitsVernacular word: habits
habitualVernacular word: habitual
habituallyVernacular word: habitually
hackVernacular word: hack
hackingVernacular word: hacking
had beenVernacular word: had been
had_beenVernacular word: had_been
hadn'tVernacular word: hadn't
haggardVernacular word: haggard
haggleVernacular word: haggle
hahVernacular word: hah
hailVernacular word: hail
hair/feathersVernacular word: hair/feathers
hairbrushVernacular word: hairbrush
hairclipVernacular word: hairclip
haircutVernacular word: haircut
haircuttingVernacular word: haircutting
hairdressingVernacular word: hairdressing
hairedVernacular word: haired
hairpieceVernacular word: hairpiece
hairsVernacular word: hairs
hairstyleVernacular word: hairstyle
hairyVernacular word: hairy
haldekVernacular word: haldek
half-brotherVernacular word: half-brother
half-brothersVernacular word: half-brothers
half-cookedVernacular word: half-cooked
half-grownVernacular word: half-grown
half-priceVernacular word: half-price
half-sisterVernacular word: half-sister
half-wayVernacular word: half-way
halfwayVernacular word: halfway
hallucinateVernacular word: hallucinate
hallucinatedVernacular word: hallucinated
hallucinationVernacular word: hallucination
hallwayVernacular word: hallway
haltVernacular word: halt
haltinglyVernacular word: haltingly
halusVernacular word: halus
halveVernacular word: halve
halvesVernacular word: halves
hammeringVernacular word: hammering
hammockVernacular word: hammock
hammocksVernacular word: hammocks
hand(sVernacular word: hand(s
hand-carryVernacular word: hand-carry
hand-craftedVernacular word: hand-crafted
hand-drillVernacular word: hand-drill
hand-drumVernacular word: hand-drum
hand-eyeVernacular word: hand-eye
hand-overVernacular word: hand-over
handakanVernacular word: handakan
handbagVernacular word: handbag
handcaffVernacular word: handcaff
handcuffVernacular word: handcuff
handcuffsVernacular word: handcuffs
handfulVernacular word: handful
handicappedVernacular word: handicapped
handicraftsVernacular word: handicrafts
handingVernacular word: handing
handle'sVernacular word: handle's
handlebarVernacular word: handlebar
handledVernacular word: handled
handlesVernacular word: handles
handsVernacular word: hands
handsomeVernacular word: handsome
handsomenessVernacular word: handsomeness
hangedVernacular word: hanged
hangerVernacular word: hanger
hangeredVernacular word: hangered
hangingVernacular word: hanging
hangsVernacular word: hangs
happenedVernacular word: happened
happeningVernacular word: happening
happeningsVernacular word: happenings
happensVernacular word: happens
happilyVernacular word: happily
happinessVernacular word: happiness
happy-go-luckyVernacular word: happy-go-lucky
harassedVernacular word: harassed
hard-workingVernacular word: hard-working
hardenedVernacular word: hardened
harderVernacular word: harder
hardheadedVernacular word: hardheaded
hardshipVernacular word: hardship
hardwoodVernacular word: hardwood
hardworkingVernacular word: hardworking
hardyVernacular word: hardy
harelipVernacular word: harelip
harmedVernacular word: harmed
harmonicaVernacular word: harmonica
harmonizeVernacular word: harmonize
harmonyVernacular word: harmony
harnessVernacular word: harness
harpVernacular word: harp
harpoonVernacular word: harpoon
harrashingVernacular word: harrashing
harrassVernacular word: harrass
harrassesVernacular word: harrasses
harrassmentVernacular word: harrassment
harrowVernacular word: harrow
harshVernacular word: harsh
harsh;obsceneVernacular word: harsh;obscene
harshlyVernacular word: harshly
harvestableVernacular word: harvestable
harvestedVernacular word: harvested
harvestingVernacular word: harvesting
harvetingVernacular word: harveting
hasVernacular word: has
hasn'tVernacular word: hasn't
hassleVernacular word: hassle
hastyVernacular word: hasty
hatchVernacular word: hatch
hatchedVernacular word: hatched
hatchetVernacular word: hatchet
hatchingVernacular word: hatching
hatedVernacular word: hated
hatefulVernacular word: hateful
hatesVernacular word: hates
hatingVernacular word: hating
hatirinVernacular word: hatirin
hatsVernacular word: hats
haughtyVernacular word: haughty
haulVernacular word: haul
hauntsVernacular word: haunts
have a bathVernacular word: have a bath
have a breakVernacular word: have a break
have a claim onVernacular word: have a claim on
have a claim toVernacular word: have a claim to
have a discussionVernacular word: have a discussion
have a dreamVernacular word: have a dream
have a fightVernacular word: have a fight
have a fitVernacular word: have a fit
have a hand inVernacular word: have a hand in
have a headacheVernacular word: have a headache
have a loan ofVernacular word: have a loan of
have a lookVernacular word: have a look
have a need forVernacular word: have a need for
have a quarrelVernacular word: have a quarrel
have a raceVernacular word: have a race
have a restVernacular word: have a rest
have a sayVernacular word: have a say
have a sleepVernacular word: have a sleep
have a talkVernacular word: have a talk
have access toVernacular word: have access to
have an affairVernacular word: have an affair
have an argumentVernacular word: have an argument
have an effect onVernacular word: have an effect on
have an ideaVernacular word: have an idea
have an interestVernacular word: have an interest
have authority overVernacular word: have authority over
have beenVernacular word: have been
have difficultiesVernacular word: have difficulties
have faith in someoneVernacular word: have faith in someone
have sexVernacular word: have sex
have the ability toVernacular word: have the ability to
have_a_bathVernacular word: have_a_bath
have_a_breakVernacular word: have_a_break
have_a_claim_onVernacular word: have_a_claim_on
have_a_claim_toVernacular word: have_a_claim_to
have_a_discussionVernacular word: have_a_discussion
have_a_dreamVernacular word: have_a_dream
have_a_fightVernacular word: have_a_fight
have_a_fitVernacular word: have_a_fit
have_a_hand_inVernacular word: have_a_hand_in
have_a_headacheVernacular word: have_a_headache
have_a_loan_ofVernacular word: have_a_loan_of
have_a_lookVernacular word: have_a_look
have_a_need_forVernacular word: have_a_need_for
have_a_quarrelVernacular word: have_a_quarrel
have_a_raceVernacular word: have_a_race
have_a_restVernacular word: have_a_rest
have_a_sayVernacular word: have_a_say
have_a_sleepVernacular word: have_a_sleep
have_a_talkVernacular word: have_a_talk
have_access_toVernacular word: have_access_to
have_an_affairVernacular word: have_an_affair
have_an_argumentVernacular word: have_an_argument
have_an_effect_onVernacular word: have_an_effect_on
have_an_ideaVernacular word: have_an_idea
have_an_interestVernacular word: have_an_interest
have_authority_overVernacular word: have_authority_over
have_beenVernacular word: have_been
have_difficultiesVernacular word: have_difficulties
have_faith_in_someoneVernacular word: have_faith_in_someone
have_sexVernacular word: have_sex
have_the_ability_toVernacular word: have_the_ability_to
haven'tVernacular word: haven't
havingVernacular word: having
hawkVernacular word: hawk
hazeVernacular word: haze
hazyVernacular word: hazy
he'dVernacular word: he'd
he'llVernacular word: he'll
he'sVernacular word: he's
he(Vernacular word: he(
he/sheVernacular word: he/she
heacheVernacular word: heache
head upVernacular word: head up
head'sVernacular word: head's
head-pieceVernacular word: head-piece
head/foreheadVernacular word: head/forehead
head_upVernacular word: head_up
headachesVernacular word: headaches
headbandVernacular word: headband
headbandsVernacular word: headbands
headcheVernacular word: headche
headedVernacular word: headed
headgearVernacular word: headgear
headingVernacular word: heading
headliceVernacular word: headlice
headmanVernacular word: headman
headpieceVernacular word: headpiece
headressVernacular word: headress
headrestsVernacular word: headrests
headsVernacular word: heads
headstandVernacular word: headstand
headwatersVernacular word: headwaters
healedVernacular word: healed
healerVernacular word: healer
healingVernacular word: healing
healsVernacular word: heals
healthilyVernacular word: healthily
healthinessVernacular word: healthiness
healthyVernacular word: healthy
heapedVernacular word: heaped
hearedVernacular word: heared
hearerVernacular word: hearer
hearingVernacular word: hearing
hearsayVernacular word: hearsay
heart-burnVernacular word: heart-burn
hearthVernacular word: hearth
heartilyVernacular word: heartily
heartsVernacular word: hearts
heat-treatVernacular word: heat-treat
heatedVernacular word: heated
heatenVernacular word: heaten
heaterVernacular word: heater
heatingVernacular word: heating
heaveVernacular word: heave
heavenlyVernacular word: heavenly
heavilyVernacular word: heavily
heckVernacular word: heck
hectareVernacular word: hectare
heedVernacular word: heed
heelsVernacular word: heels
hehedVernacular word: hehed
height,ageVernacular word: height,age
heightsVernacular word: heights
helecopterVernacular word: helecopter
helicopterVernacular word: helicopter
helicoptersVernacular word: helicopters
helmetVernacular word: helmet
helpedVernacular word: helped
helperVernacular word: helper
helpfulVernacular word: helpful
helpingVernacular word: helping
helplessVernacular word: helpless
helpsVernacular word: helps
hemVernacular word: hem
hemorhageVernacular word: hemorhage
hemorhagingVernacular word: hemorhaging
hemorrhageVernacular word: hemorrhage
hempVernacular word: hemp
hemp fibreVernacular word: hemp fibre
hemp_fibreVernacular word: hemp_fibre
hempsVernacular word: hemps
henVernacular word: hen
hen'sVernacular word: hen's
her/hisVernacular word: her/his
herbVernacular word: herb
herbaceousVernacular word: herbaceous
herbalVernacular word: herbal
herbsVernacular word: herbs
herdVernacular word: herd
here.(MeaningVernacular word: here.(Meaning
heresayVernacular word: heresay
hermitVernacular word: hermit
heroVernacular word: hero
heroesVernacular word: heroes
heroicVernacular word: heroic
heronVernacular word: heron
herringVernacular word: herring
hersVernacular word: hers
hers/hisVernacular word: hers/his
herselfVernacular word: herself
hesitantVernacular word: hesitant
hesitateVernacular word: hesitate
hesitatedVernacular word: hesitated
hesitatingVernacular word: hesitating
heveVernacular word: heve
hexVernacular word: hex
heyVernacular word: hey
he’llVernacular word: he’ll
hiVernacular word: hi
hibiscusVernacular word: hibiscus
hiccoughVernacular word: hiccough
hiccoughedVernacular word: hiccoughed
hiccoughsVernacular word: hiccoughs
hicoughVernacular word: hicough
hide-outVernacular word: hide-out
hide/shelterVernacular word: hide/shelter
hidedVernacular word: hided
hideousVernacular word: hideous
hidesVernacular word: hides
hidingVernacular word: hiding
hiffVernacular word: hiff
high-levelVernacular word: high-level
high-payingVernacular word: high-paying
high-schoolVernacular word: high-school
high-yieldingVernacular word: high-yielding
higherVernacular word: higher
higher-upVernacular word: higher-up
highestVernacular word: highest
highlandsVernacular word: highlands
highlyVernacular word: highly
hiilawenVernacular word: hiilawen
hikingVernacular word: hiking
hilariousVernacular word: hilarious
hillsVernacular word: hills
hillsideVernacular word: hillside
hillsidesVernacular word: hillsides
hilltopsVernacular word: hilltops
him funVernacular word: him fun
him/herVernacular word: him/her
him/her/itVernacular word: him/her/it
him/itVernacular word: him/it
him_funVernacular word: him_fun
himselfVernacular word: himself
hindVernacular word: hind
hinderedVernacular word: hindered
hindneckVernacular word: hindneck
hingeVernacular word: hinge
hipVernacular word: hip
hip-boneVernacular word: hip-bone
hipsVernacular word: hips
hiredVernacular word: hired
his/herVernacular word: his/her
his/hersVernacular word: his/hers
his/itsVernacular word: his/its
hissVernacular word: hiss
hissingVernacular word: hissing
historicallyVernacular word: historically
hitchVernacular word: hitch
hitedVernacular word: hited
hitingVernacular word: hiting
hitsVernacular word: hits
hittedVernacular word: hitted
hittingVernacular word: hitting
hoarseVernacular word: hoarse
hockVernacular word: hock
hogVernacular word: hog
hogsVernacular word: hogs
hold someone in regardVernacular word: hold someone in regard
hold+tightlyVernacular word: hold+tightly
hold-upVernacular word: hold-up
hold_someone_in_regardVernacular word: hold_someone_in_regard
holderVernacular word: holder
holdingVernacular word: holding
holding+zitherVernacular word: holding+zither
holdsVernacular word: holds
holedVernacular word: holed
holee.gVernacular word: holee.g
holesVernacular word: holes
holidaysVernacular word: holidays
holinessVernacular word: holiness
hollowedVernacular word: hollowed
hollowsVernacular word: hollows
holsterVernacular word: holster
home-madeVernacular word: home-made
homebodyVernacular word: homebody
homelessVernacular word: homeless
homelessnessVernacular word: homelessness
homesVernacular word: homes
homeworksVernacular word: homeworks
homosexualVernacular word: homosexual
honeyVernacular word: honey
honey-combVernacular word: honey-comb
honeybeeVernacular word: honeybee
honeycombVernacular word: honeycomb
honorableVernacular word: honorable
honorariumVernacular word: honorarium
honoredVernacular word: honored
honorsVernacular word: honors
honourVernacular word: honour
honourableVernacular word: honourable
honouredVernacular word: honoured
hoofVernacular word: hoof
hookedVernacular word: hooked
hooksVernacular word: hooks
hookwormVernacular word: hookworm
hoopVernacular word: hoop
hoovesVernacular word: hooves
hopVernacular word: hop
hopedVernacular word: hoped
hopefullyVernacular word: hopefully
hopesVernacular word: hopes
hopingVernacular word: hoping
hoppingVernacular word: hopping
hopskotchVernacular word: hopskotch
horizontallyVernacular word: horizontally
hornVernacular word: horn
hornbillVernacular word: hornbill
hornbillsVernacular word: hornbills
hornsVernacular word: horns
horrendousVernacular word: horrendous
horribleVernacular word: horrible
horrorVernacular word: horror
horse'sVernacular word: horse's
horsefightVernacular word: horsefight
horsehairVernacular word: horsehair
horsesVernacular word: horses
hoseVernacular word: hose
hospitableVernacular word: hospitable
hospitalsVernacular word: hospitals
hostagesVernacular word: hostages
hostileVernacular word: hostile
hostsVernacular word: hosts
hotnessVernacular word: hotness
hotterVernacular word: hotter
hottestVernacular word: hottest
hottishVernacular word: hottish
houndVernacular word: hound
hourlyVernacular word: hourly
hoursVernacular word: hours
house-buildingVernacular word: house-building
housebuildingVernacular word: housebuilding
houseflyVernacular word: housefly
householdVernacular word: household
househouldVernacular word: househould
housesVernacular word: houses
houseworkVernacular word: housework
hoverVernacular word: hover
hoveringVernacular word: hovering
how aboutVernacular word: how about
how manyVernacular word: how many
how muchVernacular word: how much
how'sVernacular word: how's
how_aboutVernacular word: how_about
how_manyVernacular word: how_many
how_muchVernacular word: how_much
howlVernacular word: howl
howlingVernacular word: howling
hoyVernacular word: hoy
htatVernacular word: htat
hteVernacular word: hte
hubVernacular word: hub
huddleVernacular word: huddle
huffVernacular word: huff
hugVernacular word: hug
hugeVernacular word: huge
huggingVernacular word: hugging
hugsVernacular word: hugs
hul-agVernacular word: hul-ag
hulledVernacular word: hulled
hullsVernacular word: hulls
humVernacular word: hum
human beingVernacular word: human being
human_beingVernacular word: human_being
humansVernacular word: humans
humblenessVernacular word: humbleness
humiliatedVernacular word: humiliated
humilityVernacular word: humility
hummingVernacular word: humming
humorVernacular word: humor
humorousVernacular word: humorous
humpVernacular word: hump
humusVernacular word: humus
hunchVernacular word: hunch
hunch backVernacular word: hunch back
hunch-backVernacular word: hunch-back
hunch_backVernacular word: hunch_back
hundredVernacular word: hundred
hundredsVernacular word: hundreds
hundredthVernacular word: hundredth
hungrilyVernacular word: hungrily
hungrinessVernacular word: hungriness
huntedVernacular word: hunted
hunterVernacular word: hunter
huntersVernacular word: hunters
huntingVernacular word: hunting
hurasanVernacular word: hurasan
hurriedVernacular word: hurried
hurriedlyVernacular word: hurriedly
hurryingVernacular word: hurrying
hurtingVernacular word: hurting
hurtsVernacular word: hurts
husband'sVernacular word: husband's
husbandsVernacular word: husbands
huskVernacular word: husk
huskedVernacular word: husked
husksVernacular word: husks
huskyVernacular word: husky
hutsVernacular word: huts
hydocotyleVernacular word: hydocotyle
hydrogenVernacular word: hydrogen
hymnVernacular word: hymn
hypenVernacular word: hypen
hyphenVernacular word: hyphen
hypocriteVernacular word: hypocrite
hypocriticalVernacular word: hypocritical
hypotheses [hayi-SsssSpothsSSSs-ə-seezPlural
hypothesizeVernacular word: hypothesize
hypotheticalVernacular word: hypothetical
hypotheticallyVernacular word: hypothetically
iVernacular word: i
i'llVernacular word: i'll
i'mVernacular word: i'm
i'veVernacular word: i've
i.eVernacular word: i.e
iN-Vernacular word: iN-
ibidVernacular word: ibid
ice-creamVernacular word: ice-cream
icingVernacular word: icing
iconVernacular word: icon
icyVernacular word: icy
idVernacular word: id
ideasVernacular word: ideas
identificationalVernacular word: identificational
identifiesVernacular word: identifies
identify withVernacular word: identify with
identify_withVernacular word: identify_with
identifyingVernacular word: identifying
idiomaticVernacular word: idiomatic
idioticVernacular word: idiotic
idlenessVernacular word: idleness
idolVernacular word: idol
idol/manVernacular word: idol/man
idyllicVernacular word: idyllic
ieVernacular word: ie
if ... thenVernacular word: if ... then
if onlyVernacular word: if only
if_..._thenVernacular word: if_..._then
if_onlyVernacular word: if_only
ig><i-Vernacular word: ig><i-
ig><ø-Vernacular word: ig><ø-
igkAVernacular word: igkA
igniteVernacular word: ignite
ignitedVernacular word: ignited
ignoranceVernacular word: ignorance
ignoredVernacular word: ignored
iguanaVernacular word: iguana
ikalimmaVernacular word: ikalimma
ikaruaVernacular word: ikarua
ikatelluVernacular word: ikatellu
ikeep-atVernacular word: ikeep-at
ill-gottenVernacular word: ill-gotten
ill-naturedVernacular word: ill-natured
illegalVernacular word: illegal
illegitimateVernacular word: illegitimate
illnesessVernacular word: illnesess
illnessVernacular word: illness
illnessesVernacular word: illnesses
illuminateVernacular word: illuminate
illuminatedVernacular word: illuminated
illustratedVernacular word: illustrated
illustratesVernacular word: illustrates
illustratingVernacular word: illustrating
illustrationsVernacular word: illustrations
imVernacular word: im
imagesVernacular word: images
imaginedVernacular word: imagined
imaginingVernacular word: imagining
imbecileVernacular word: imbecile
imemeluVernacular word: imemelu
imitatedVernacular word: imitated
imitatingVernacular word: imitating
immaculateVernacular word: immaculate
immatureVernacular word: immature
immediatelyVernacular word: immediately
immerseVernacular word: immerse
immersedVernacular word: immersed
immidietelyVernacular word: immidietely
immigratingVernacular word: immigrating
immigrationVernacular word: immigration
imminentVernacular word: imminent
imminentlyVernacular word: imminently
immitateVernacular word: immitate
immodestVernacular word: immodest
immoralVernacular word: immoral
immoralityVernacular word: immorality
immortalVernacular word: immortal
immortalityVernacular word: immortality
immoveableVernacular word: immoveable
immunisationVernacular word: immunisation
immunizationVernacular word: immunization
impactsVernacular word: impacts
impahunlibetVernacular word: impahunlibet
impairmentVernacular word: impairment
impaleVernacular word: impale
impaledVernacular word: impaled
impalemiVernacular word: impalemi
impassiveVernacular word: impassive
impatientVernacular word: impatient
impedeVernacular word: impede
impedimentVernacular word: impediment
impendingVernacular word: impending
imperativeVernacular word: imperative
imperfectionVernacular word: imperfection
impetuouslyVernacular word: impetuously
implantVernacular word: implant
implementedVernacular word: implemented
implementingVernacular word: implementing
implementsVernacular word: implements
implicatesVernacular word: implicates
implicationsVernacular word: implications
impliedVernacular word: implied
impliesVernacular word: implies
imploreVernacular word: implore
impoliteVernacular word: impolite
importVernacular word: import
importanceVernacular word: importance
importsVernacular word: imports
imposedVernacular word: imposed
imposingVernacular word: imposing
impossibleVernacular word: impossible
impotentVernacular word: impotent
impoverishedVernacular word: impoverished
impregnateVernacular word: impregnate
impressVernacular word: impress
impressionVernacular word: impression
impressionistVernacular word: impressionist
impressiveVernacular word: impressive
imprisonedVernacular word: imprisoned
improperVernacular word: improper
improperlyVernacular word: improperly
improvedVernacular word: improved
improvementVernacular word: improvement
improvementsVernacular word: improvements
improvesVernacular word: improves
improvisedVernacular word: improvised
impulsivelyVernacular word: impulsively
impureVernacular word: impure
impurelyVernacular word: impurely
in advanceVernacular word: in advance
in caseVernacular word: in case
in checkVernacular word: in check
in commonVernacular word: in common
in creditVernacular word: in credit
in factVernacular word: in fact
in favor ofVernacular word: in favor of
in focusVernacular word: in focus
in front ofVernacular word: in front of
in kindVernacular word: in kind
in laborVernacular word: in labor
in operationVernacular word: in operation
in order toVernacular word: in order to
in perspectiveVernacular word: in perspective
in spite ofVernacular word: in spite of
in sumVernacular word: in sum
in the course ofVernacular word: in the course of
in the distanceVernacular word: in the distance
in the prime of lifeVernacular word: in the prime of life
in their primeVernacular word: in their prime
in transitVernacular word: in transit
in turnVernacular word: in turn
in-lawVernacular word: in-law
in-lawsVernacular word: in-laws
in.(Vernacular word: in.(
in>-Vernacular word: in>-
in_advanceVernacular word: in_advance
in_caseVernacular word: in_case
in_checkVernacular word: in_check
in_commonVernacular word: in_common
in_creditVernacular word: in_credit
in_factVernacular word: in_fact
in_favor_ofVernacular word: in_favor_of
in_focusVernacular word: in_focus
in_front_ofVernacular word: in_front_of
in_kindVernacular word: in_kind
in_laborVernacular word: in_labor
in_operationVernacular word: in_operation
in_order_toVernacular word: in_order_to
in_perspectiveVernacular word: in_perspective
in_spite_ofVernacular word: in_spite_of
in_sumVernacular word: in_sum
in_the_course_ofVernacular word: in_the_course_of
in_the_distanceVernacular word: in_the_distance
in_the_prime_of_lifeVernacular word: in_the_prime_of_life
in_their_primeVernacular word: in_their_prime
in_transitVernacular word: in_transit
in_turnVernacular word: in_turn
inanimateVernacular word: inanimate
inappropriateVernacular word: inappropriate
inarticulateVernacular word: inarticulate
incantationVernacular word: incantation
incatationVernacular word: incatation
incenseVernacular word: incense
incestVernacular word: incest
inchargeVernacular word: incharge
inchedVernacular word: inched
inchesVernacular word: inches
inchingVernacular word: inching
incidentsVernacular word: incidents
incineratedVernacular word: incinerated
incisorVernacular word: incisor
incisorsVernacular word: incisors
inciteVernacular word: incite
inclVernacular word: incl
inclinationVernacular word: inclination
includedVernacular word: included
includesVernacular word: includes
includingVernacular word: including
inclusionVernacular word: inclusion
incoherentVernacular word: incoherent
incommensurateVernacular word: incommensurate
incompactVernacular word: incompact
incomparableVernacular word: incomparable
incompetentVernacular word: incompetent
incompleteVernacular word: incomplete
incompletiveVernacular word: incompletive
inconsistentVernacular word: inconsistent
incorporatesVernacular word: incorporates
incorporatingVernacular word: incorporating
incorrectVernacular word: incorrect
incorrectlyVernacular word: incorrectly
increasedVernacular word: increased
increasesVernacular word: increases
increasingVernacular word: increasing
incredibleVernacular word: incredible
incredulousVernacular word: incredulous
incumbentVernacular word: incumbent
indalawiVernacular word: indalawi
indecentVernacular word: indecent
indecisiveVernacular word: indecisive
indefatigableVernacular word: indefatigable
indefiniteVernacular word: indefinite
indentVernacular word: indent
independentVernacular word: independent
independentlyVernacular word: independently
indianVernacular word: indian
indicatedVernacular word: indicated
indicatesVernacular word: indicates
indicatingVernacular word: indicating
indicationVernacular word: indication
indicativeVernacular word: indicative
indigenousVernacular word: indigenous
indigestionVernacular word: indigestion
indignantVernacular word: indignant
indirectVernacular word: indirect
indirect_objectVernacular word: indirect_object
indirectlyVernacular word: indirectly
individuallyVernacular word: individually
individualsVernacular word: individuals
indulgeVernacular word: indulge
indulgentVernacular word: indulgent
inebriatedVernacular word: inebriated
inedibleVernacular word: inedible
inenggeyVernacular word: inenggey
inexpensiveVernacular word: inexpensive
infamousVernacular word: infamous
infatuationVernacular word: infatuation
infectedVernacular word: infected
infectingVernacular word: infecting
infectionVernacular word: infection
infectiousVernacular word: infectious
inferiorVernacular word: inferior
infernoVernacular word: inferno
inferredVernacular word: inferred
infestedVernacular word: infested
infestingVernacular word: infesting
infightingVernacular word: infighting
infiltrateVernacular word: infiltrate
infiniteVernacular word: infinite
infirmVernacular word: infirm
infirmityVernacular word: infirmity
inflamedVernacular word: inflamed
inflationVernacular word: inflation
inflexibleVernacular word: inflexible
inflictedVernacular word: inflicted
influencedVernacular word: influenced
influencesVernacular word: influences
influenzaVernacular word: influenza
infoVernacular word: info
informationVernacular word: information
informedVernacular word: informed
informerVernacular word: informer
informingVernacular word: informing
informsVernacular word: informs
infrequentVernacular word: infrequent
infrequentlyVernacular word: infrequently
ingamitVernacular word: ingamit
ingeniousVernacular word: ingenious
ingenousVernacular word: ingenous
ingredienceVernacular word: ingredience
ingredientVernacular word: ingredient
ingredientsVernacular word: ingredients
inhabitVernacular word: inhabit
inhabitantVernacular word: inhabitant
inhabitantsVernacular word: inhabitants
inhabitedVernacular word: inhabited
inhabitsVernacular word: inhabits
inhaleVernacular word: inhale
inhaledVernacular word: inhaled
inheritedVernacular word: inherited
inhibitedVernacular word: inhibited
inhibitingVernacular word: inhibiting
inhibitionsVernacular word: inhibitions
inhibitsVernacular word: inhibits
initialsVernacular word: initials
initiatedVernacular word: initiated
initiatesVernacular word: initiates
initiatingVernacular word: initiating
injectedVernacular word: injected
injectionVernacular word: injection
injuredVernacular word: injured
injuresVernacular word: injures
injuriesVernacular word: injuries
injuringVernacular word: injuring
injuriousVernacular word: injurious
inloveVernacular word: inlove
innerVernacular word: inner
innermostVernacular word: innermost
innocenceVernacular word: innocence
innocentVernacular word: innocent
inorderVernacular word: inorder
inquisitiveVernacular word: inquisitive
insaneVernacular word: insane
insanityVernacular word: insanity
inscribeVernacular word: inscribe
inscribedVernacular word: inscribed
insecticideVernacular word: insecticide
insecticidesVernacular word: insecticides
insectideVernacular word: insectide
insectsVernacular word: insects
insects/wormsVernacular word: insects/worms
insertedVernacular word: inserted
insertsVernacular word: inserts
insetVernacular word: inset
insidesVernacular word: insides
insincereVernacular word: insincere
insistVernacular word: insist
insistedVernacular word: insisted
insistenceVernacular word: insistence
insistentVernacular word: insistent
insistingVernacular word: insisting
inspireVernacular word: inspire
installVernacular word: install
installmentVernacular word: installment
instalmentsVernacular word: instalments
instantlyVernacular word: instantly
instinctVernacular word: instinct
instinctivelyVernacular word: instinctively
instinctsVernacular word: instincts
institutedVernacular word: instituted
instructedVernacular word: instructed
instructionsVernacular word: instructions
instrumentsVernacular word: instruments
insufficientlyVernacular word: insufficiently
insultedVernacular word: insulted
insultingVernacular word: insulting
insusceptibleVernacular word: insusceptible
intactVernacular word: intact
integratedVernacular word: integrated
integratingVernacular word: integrating
intelligent/broadVernacular word: intelligent/broad
intendedVernacular word: intended
intendingVernacular word: intending
intenselyVernacular word: intensely
intensionVernacular word: intension
intensivelyVernacular word: intensively
intentVernacular word: intent
intentionalVernacular word: intentional
intentionallyVernacular word: intentionally
intentionalyVernacular word: intentionaly
intentlyVernacular word: intently
interVernacular word: inter
interactingVernacular word: interacting
interceptVernacular word: intercept
intercourseVernacular word: intercourse
interestedVernacular word: interested
interested inVernacular word: interested in
interested_inVernacular word: interested_in
interestingVernacular word: interesting
interestsVernacular word: interests
interferingVernacular word: interfering
interiorVernacular word: interior
interjectVernacular word: interject
intermediaryVernacular word: intermediary
intermittentVernacular word: intermittent
intermittentlyVernacular word: intermittently
internallyVernacular word: internally
internetVernacular word: internet
internodalVernacular word: internodal
internodeVernacular word: internode
interpretationVernacular word: interpretation
interpretationsVernacular word: interpretations
interpretedVernacular word: interpreted
interpretingVernacular word: interpreting
interpretsVernacular word: interprets
interrogateVernacular word: interrogate
interrogativeVernacular word: interrogative
interruptedVernacular word: interrupted
interruptingVernacular word: interrupting
interruptsVernacular word: interrupts
intersectVernacular word: intersect
intersectionVernacular word: intersection
interspersedVernacular word: interspersed
intertainVernacular word: intertain
intertainedVernacular word: intertained
intertainingVernacular word: intertaining
intertwinedVernacular word: intertwined
intervalsVernacular word: intervals
interveningVernacular word: intervening
interviewVernacular word: interview
interviewsVernacular word: interviews
interwovenVernacular word: interwoven
intestinalVernacular word: intestinal
intestinesVernacular word: intestines
intheVernacular word: inthe
intimateVernacular word: intimate
intimidateVernacular word: intimidate
intireVernacular word: intire
intoxicatedVernacular word: intoxicated
intoxicatingVernacular word: intoxicating
intramuralVernacular word: intramural
intransitiveVernacular word: intransitive
intrinsicallyVernacular word: intrinsically
introducedVernacular word: introduced
introducerVernacular word: introducer
introducingVernacular word: introducing
intrudeVernacular word: intrude
intrumentVernacular word: intrument
inumayVernacular word: inumay
invadeVernacular word: invade
inventedVernacular word: invented
inversionVernacular word: inversion
invertVernacular word: invert
invertedVernacular word: inverted
invertingVernacular word: inverting
investedVernacular word: invested
investigatingVernacular word: investigating
investigativeVernacular word: investigative
investigatorVernacular word: investigator
investingVernacular word: investing
investmentVernacular word: investment
invincibleVernacular word: invincible
invisibleVernacular word: invisible
invitationVernacular word: invitation
invitedVernacular word: invited
invitingVernacular word: inviting
invocationVernacular word: invocation
involuntarilyVernacular word: involuntarily
involuntaryVernacular word: involuntary
involvedVernacular word: involved
involvementVernacular word: involvement
involvesVernacular word: involves
involvingVernacular word: involving
invulnerabilityVernacular word: invulnerability
iodineVernacular word: iodine
ipil-ipilVernacular word: ipil-ipil
ipudVernacular word: ipud
irkingVernacular word: irking
ironsmithVernacular word: ironsmith
irrelevantlyVernacular word: irrelevantly
irresponsibleVernacular word: irresponsible
irritateVernacular word: irritate
irritatedVernacular word: irritated
is VERB-ingVernacular word: is VERB-ing
is affiliatedVernacular word: is affiliated
is carriedVernacular word: is carried
is composedVernacular word: is composed
is comprised ofVernacular word: is comprised of
is conditionedVernacular word: is conditioned
is doneVernacular word: is done
is eliminatedVernacular word: is eliminated
is gearedVernacular word: is geared
is locatedVernacular word: is located
is lyingVernacular word: is lying
is meantVernacular word: is meant
is picturedVernacular word: is pictured
is shapedVernacular word: is shaped
is sittingVernacular word: is sitting
is staffedVernacular word: is staffed
is standingVernacular word: is standing
is supposed toVernacular word: is supposed to
is triedVernacular word: is tried
is+happyVernacular word: is+happy
is+splitingVernacular word: is+spliting
is/wasVernacular word: is/was
is_VERB-ingVernacular word: is_VERB-ing
is_affiliatedVernacular word: is_affiliated
is_carriedVernacular word: is_carried
is_composedVernacular word: is_composed
is_comprised_ofVernacular word: is_comprised_of
is_conditionedVernacular word: is_conditioned
is_doneVernacular word: is_done
is_eliminatedVernacular word: is_eliminated
is_gearedVernacular word: is_geared
is_locatedVernacular word: is_located
is_lyingVernacular word: is_lying
is_meantVernacular word: is_meant
is_picturedVernacular word: is_pictured
is_shapedVernacular word: is_shaped
is_sittingVernacular word: is_sitting
is_staffedVernacular word: is_staffed
is_standingVernacular word: is_standing
is_supposed_toVernacular word: is_supposed_to
is_triedVernacular word: is_tried
islandsVernacular word: islands
isleVernacular word: isle
isn'tVernacular word: isn't
isn’tVernacular word: isn’t
issuedVernacular word: issued
issuesVernacular word: issues
isuVernacular word: isu
it'sVernacular word: it's
it-itVernacular word: it-it
it.(UnintentionallyVernacular word: it.(Unintentionally
itchVernacular word: itch
itchingVernacular word: itching
itchyVernacular word: itchy
itemsVernacular word: items
itsVernacular word: its
its)hisVernacular word: its)his
itselfVernacular word: itself
itsyVernacular word: itsy
it’sVernacular word: it’s
iwilVernacular word: iwil
jacketVernacular word: jacket
jackfruitVernacular word: jackfruit
jaggedVernacular word: jagged
jailVernacular word: jail
jailbreakVernacular word: jailbreak
jamVernacular word: jam
jammedVernacular word: jammed
jandalsVernacular word: jandals
jarVernacular word: jar
javaVernacular word: java
jeansVernacular word: jeans
jeepVernacular word: jeep
jeepneyVernacular word: jeepney
jeepneysVernacular word: jeepneys
jeerVernacular word: jeer
jelly-kneesVernacular word: jelly-knees
jerkVernacular word: jerk
jetVernacular word: jet
jewelryVernacular word: jewelry
jewsVernacular word: jews
jiggleVernacular word: jiggle
job(sVernacular word: job(s
jobsVernacular word: jobs
joggingVernacular word: jogging
join-togetherVernacular word: join-together
joinedVernacular word: joined
joiningVernacular word: joining
joinsVernacular word: joins
jointedVernacular word: jointed
jointsVernacular word: joints
joistVernacular word: joist
joked-toVernacular word: joked-to
jokerVernacular word: joker
jokesVernacular word: jokes
jokingVernacular word: joking
jostleVernacular word: jostle
journalistVernacular word: journalist
journalistsVernacular word: journalists
joyfulVernacular word: joyful
joyousVernacular word: joyous
judgedVernacular word: judged
judgementVernacular word: judgement
judgesVernacular word: judges
judgmentVernacular word: judgment
jugVernacular word: jug
juicyVernacular word: juicy
jukeboxVernacular word: jukebox
jumpedVernacular word: jumped
jumperVernacular word: jumper
jumpingVernacular word: jumping
jumpsVernacular word: jumps
junctionVernacular word: junction
jungleVernacular word: jungle
jungle-dwellingVernacular word: jungle-dwelling
juniorVernacular word: junior
junkVernacular word: junk
junksVernacular word: junks
jurisdictionVernacular word: jurisdiction
juryVernacular word: jury
just healedVernacular word: just healed
just_healedVernacular word: just_healed
justificationVernacular word: justification
justifiesVernacular word: justifies
justifyingVernacular word: justifying
justlyVernacular word: justly
juttedVernacular word: jutted
kA-Vernacular word: kA-
kA><an-Vernacular word: kA><an-
kaVernacular word: ka
ka-Vernacular word: ka-
kabiawanVernacular word: kabiawan
kainginVernacular word: kaingin
kaingin/farmVernacular word: kaingin/farm
kaingiroesVernacular word: kaingiroes
kalabawVernacular word: kalabaw
kalamansiVernacular word: kalamansi
kalasagVernacular word: kalasag
kalatanVernacular word: kalatan
kalebegVernacular word: kalebeg
kalenepVernacular word: kalenep
kalibengVernacular word: kalibeng
kalimbasegVernacular word: kalimbaseg
kalisewVernacular word: kalisew
kalubangVernacular word: kalubang
kalungkungVernacular word: kalungkung
kalèVernacular word: kalè
kametVernacular word: kamet
kampilanVernacular word: kampilan
kamuglaVernacular word: kamugla
kamunggayVernacular word: kamunggay
kangarooVernacular word: kangaroo
kangkungVernacular word: kangkung
kangu/+lorikeetVernacular word: kangu/+lorikeet
kaningagVernacular word: kaningag
kapokVernacular word: kapok
kararuwa:nVernacular word: kararuwa:n
katahaanVernacular word: katahaan
katamananVernacular word: katamanan
katangkaanVernacular word: katangkaan
katundananVernacular word: katundanan
katydidVernacular word: katydid
kawágkawágVernacular word: kawágkawág
kayahaVernacular word: kayaha
kayakayaVernacular word: kayakaya
kayepkepVernacular word: kayepkep
kaykayasiVernacular word: kaykayasi
keek-keekVernacular word: keek-keek
keenVernacular word: keen
keep a watch onVernacular word: keep a watch on
keep doingVernacular word: keep doing
keep onVernacular word: keep on
keep on doingVernacular word: keep on doing
keep_a_watch_onVernacular word: keep_a_watch_on
keep_doingVernacular word: keep_doing
keep_onVernacular word: keep_on
keep_on_doingVernacular word: keep_on_doing
keepingVernacular word: keeping
keepsVernacular word: keeps
keepsakeVernacular word: keepsake
kelVernacular word: kel
kendasVernacular word: kendas
kendiVernacular word: kendi
kernelVernacular word: kernel
kernelsVernacular word: kernels
keroseneVernacular word: kerosene
kettleVernacular word: kettle
kewiwangVernacular word: kewiwang
keyboardVernacular word: keyboard
keysVernacular word: keys
kgVernacular word: kg
kibendeVernacular word: kibende
kickedVernacular word: kicked
kickingVernacular word: kicking
kicksVernacular word: kicks
kidVernacular word: kid
kid'sVernacular word: kid's
kiddingVernacular word: kidding
kidnapVernacular word: kidnap
kidnappersVernacular word: kidnappers
kidneyVernacular word: kidney
kidsVernacular word: kids
killedVernacular word: killed
killerVernacular word: killer
killersVernacular word: killers
killingVernacular word: killing
killsVernacular word: kills
kiloVernacular word: kilo
kilogramVernacular word: kilogram
kilogramsVernacular word: kilograms
kilometerVernacular word: kilometer
kilometersVernacular word: kilometers
kilosVernacular word: kilos
kindleVernacular word: kindle
kindlyVernacular word: kindly
kindnessVernacular word: kindness
kindsVernacular word: kinds
kingfisherVernacular word: kingfisher
kinkVernacular word: kink
kinsmanVernacular word: kinsman
kirubinVernacular word: kirubin
kiteVernacular word: kite
kitesVernacular word: kites
kittenVernacular word: kitten
kittensVernacular word: kittens
kitubedVernacular word: kitubed
kituk-kitukVernacular word: kituk-kituk
kiwanVernacular word: kiwan
kneadVernacular word: knead
knee-levelVernacular word: knee-level
kneesVernacular word: knees
knife/swordVernacular word: knife/sword
knifesVernacular word: knifes
knivesVernacular word: knives
knives [nayivzPlural
knobVernacular word: knob
knockedVernacular word: knocked
knockingVernacular word: knocking
knotsVernacular word: knots
knottedVernacular word: knotted
know/testify/proveVernacular word: know/testify/prove
knowableVernacular word: knowable
knowingVernacular word: knowing
knowinglyVernacular word: knowingly
knowledgeableVernacular word: knowledgeable
knowlegdeVernacular word: knowlegde
knowsVernacular word: knows
knuckleVernacular word: knuckle
knucklesVernacular word: knuckles
kuVernacular word: ku
kuglungVernacular word: kuglung
kuhiVernacular word: kuhi
kukukVernacular word: kukuk
kumeraVernacular word: kumera
kurenVernacular word: kuren
kuriruyVernacular word: kuriruy
kuwitisVernacular word: kuwitis
kuyaVernacular word: kuya
kuyamadVernacular word: kuyamad
kuyumádVernacular word: kuyumád
la-Vernacular word: la-
laakVernacular word: laak
labelledVernacular word: labelled
labiaVernacular word: labia
laboredVernacular word: labored
laborerVernacular word: laborer
laborersVernacular word: laborers
laborsVernacular word: labors
labourVernacular word: labour
labourerVernacular word: labourer
laceVernacular word: lace
lackingVernacular word: lacking
lacksVernacular word: lacks
ladenVernacular word: laden
ladiesVernacular word: ladies
ladies(inVernacular word: ladies(in
ladleVernacular word: ladle
ladsVernacular word: lads
lahaVernacular word: laha
lahasVernacular word: lahas
lakVernacular word: lak
lake/poolVernacular word: lake/pool
lakesVernacular word: lakes
lakulakVernacular word: lakulak
lambVernacular word: lamb
lambulambuVernacular word: lambulambu
lameVernacular word: lame
lamentVernacular word: lament
laminateVernacular word: laminate
lamp-shadeVernacular word: lamp-shade
lampsVernacular word: lamps
lanawesVernacular word: lanawes
lanawosVernacular word: lanawos
lanceolateVernacular word: lanceolate
land-ownersVernacular word: land-owners
landedVernacular word: landed
landegVernacular word: landeg
landingVernacular word: landing
landsVernacular word: lands
landslidedVernacular word: landslided
landslidesVernacular word: landslides
landslipVernacular word: landslip
lang-langVernacular word: lang-lang
langguyurenVernacular word: langguyuren
langgámVernacular word: langgám
language/dialect/vocabulary/accentVernacular word: language/dialect/vocabulary/accent
languagesVernacular word: languages
lankyVernacular word: lanky
lanslideVernacular word: lanslide
lanslidedVernacular word: lanslided
lansonesVernacular word: lansones
lantawanVernacular word: lantawan
lapVernacular word: lap
lapinidVernacular word: lapinid
laplapVernacular word: laplap
laptapVernacular word: laptap
large/bigVernacular word: large/big
largerVernacular word: larger
largestVernacular word: largest
largishVernacular word: largish
larkVernacular word: lark
larvaVernacular word: larva
larvaeVernacular word: larvae
larvalVernacular word: larval
lashVernacular word: lash
lashingVernacular word: lashing
lastedVernacular word: lasted
lastsVernacular word: lasts
latchVernacular word: latch
latchesVernacular word: latches
laterVernacular word: later
lateralVernacular word: lateral
latherVernacular word: lather
laughedVernacular word: laughed
laughingVernacular word: laughing
laughterVernacular word: laughter
laughtingVernacular word: laughting
launderVernacular word: launder
laundryVernacular word: laundry
lavaVernacular word: lava
law-makingVernacular word: law-making
lawaanVernacular word: lawaan
lawaleVernacular word: lawale
lawlessVernacular word: lawless
lawnVernacular word: lawn
lawsVernacular word: laws
lawsuitVernacular word: lawsuit
layedVernacular word: layed
layersVernacular word: layers
layingVernacular word: laying
laysVernacular word: lays
lazeVernacular word: laze
lazilyVernacular word: lazily
lazinessVernacular word: laziness
leaderVernacular word: leader
leader'sVernacular word: leader's
leader)(e.gVernacular word: leader)(e.g
leadersVernacular word: leaders
leadingVernacular word: leading
leadsVernacular word: leads
leaf-wrappedVernacular word: leaf-wrapped
leaf.TheVernacular word: leaf.The
leafhopperVernacular word: leafhopper
leafletsVernacular word: leaflets
leafyVernacular word: leafy
leakVernacular word: leak
leanedVernacular word: leaned
leaningVernacular word: leaning
leapVernacular word: leap
learn/leanVernacular word: learn/lean
learnedVernacular word: learned
learnerVernacular word: learner
learningVernacular word: learning
learnsVernacular word: learns
leashVernacular word: leash
leave messageVernacular word: leave message
leave_messageVernacular word: leave_message
leavesVernacular word: leaves
leavingVernacular word: leaving
lechonVernacular word: lechon
lecturedVernacular word: lectured
lecturesVernacular word: lectures
ledgeVernacular word: ledge
leechVernacular word: leech
leechesVernacular word: leeches
leewVernacular word: leew
left-handedVernacular word: left-handed
left-overVernacular word: left-over
left/rightVernacular word: left/right
leftoverVernacular word: leftover
leg(sVernacular word: leg(s
leg+braceletVernacular word: leg+bracelet
legacyVernacular word: legacy
legalityVernacular word: legality
legallyVernacular word: legally
legbraceletVernacular word: legbracelet
legendVernacular word: legend
legislatesVernacular word: legislates
leglessVernacular word: legless
legsVernacular word: legs
legumesVernacular word: legumes
leisureVernacular word: leisure
lelangewVernacular word: lelangew
lemetVernacular word: lemet
lemonVernacular word: lemon
lemon grassVernacular word: lemon grass
lemon_grassVernacular word: lemon_grass
lendingVernacular word: lending
lenghwiseVernacular word: lenghwise
lengthwiseVernacular word: lengthwise
lenlenVernacular word: lenlen
leopardVernacular word: leopard
lepenuVernacular word: lepenu
leprosyVernacular word: leprosy
leprousVernacular word: leprous
les-ahanVernacular word: les-ahan
lesbianVernacular word: lesbian
lesserVernacular word: lesser
lessonsVernacular word: lessons
lestVernacular word: lest
let'sVernacular word: let's
let-downVernacular word: let-down
letsVernacular word: lets
lettersVernacular word: letters
lettingVernacular word: letting
leveledVernacular word: leveled
levelledVernacular word: levelled
levelsVernacular word: levels
leverVernacular word: lever
lever/gearshiftVernacular word: lever/gearshift
leviticalVernacular word: levitical
lexemeVernacular word: lexeme
lexiconVernacular word: lexicon
lianaVernacular word: liana
liceVernacular word: lice
licenceVernacular word: licence
licensedVernacular word: licensed
licensesVernacular word: licenses
lichenVernacular word: lichen
lickVernacular word: lick
lickingVernacular word: licking
lidlessVernacular word: lidless
lie downVernacular word: lie down
lie on stomachVernacular word: lie on stomach
lie_downVernacular word: lie_down
lie_on_stomachVernacular word: lie_on_stomach
liedVernacular word: lied
lierVernacular word: lier
liesVernacular word: lies
lifestyleVernacular word: lifestyle
liftedVernacular word: lifted
liftingVernacular word: lifting
liftsVernacular word: lifts
ligamentVernacular word: ligament
light-bulbVernacular word: light-bulb
light-facedVernacular word: light-faced
light-fireVernacular word: light-fire
light-headedVernacular word: light-headed
light-heartedVernacular word: light-hearted
light-shadeVernacular word: light-shade
lightenedVernacular word: lightened
lighterVernacular word: lighter
lightingVernacular word: lighting
lightlyVernacular word: lightly
lightningVernacular word: lightning
lightsVernacular word: lights
lightweightVernacular word: lightweight
ligthingVernacular word: ligthing
likedVernacular word: liked
likelihoodVernacular word: likelihood
likenVernacular word: liken
likenessVernacular word: likeness
likesVernacular word: likes
likingVernacular word: liking
lilacVernacular word: lilac
liliesVernacular word: lilies
lilingayenVernacular word: lilingayen
lilttleVernacular word: lilttle
lilyVernacular word: lily
limbsVernacular word: limbs
limeVernacular word: lime
limestoneVernacular word: limestone
limestonesVernacular word: limestones
limitationVernacular word: limitation
limitativeVernacular word: limitative
limitedVernacular word: limited
limitsVernacular word: limits
limpVernacular word: limp
limpingVernacular word: limping
limpsVernacular word: limps
lindaVernacular word: linda
linealVernacular word: lineal
linedVernacular word: lined
linenVernacular word: linen
linen+clothVernacular word: linen+cloth
linesVernacular word: lines
lingeringVernacular word: lingering
liningVernacular word: lining
linkedVernacular word: linked
linkerVernacular word: linker
linksVernacular word: links
lionVernacular word: lion
lipsVernacular word: lips
liquidsVernacular word: liquids
liquorVernacular word: liquor
listedVernacular word: listed
listen toVernacular word: listen to
listen_toVernacular word: listen_to
listenedVernacular word: listened
listenerVernacular word: listener
listeningVernacular word: listening
listensVernacular word: listens
listlessVernacular word: listless
lit.goodVernacular word: lit.good
literVernacular word: liter
literacyVernacular word: literacy
literallyVernacular word: literally
litersVernacular word: liters
litreVernacular word: litre
litterVernacular word: litter
livedVernacular word: lived
livelihoodVernacular word: livelihood
livelyVernacular word: lively
livesVernacular word: lives
lives [layivzPlural
livestockVernacular word: livestock
livingVernacular word: living
living-placeVernacular word: living-place
liyangVernacular word: liyang
lizardVernacular word: lizard
llVernacular word: ll
lo-Vernacular word: lo-
loadedVernacular word: loaded
loadingVernacular word: loading
loadsVernacular word: loads
loamVernacular word: loam
lobeVernacular word: lobe
lobesVernacular word: lobes
locallyVernacular word: locally
localsVernacular word: locals
locatedVernacular word: located
locationsVernacular word: locations
locativeVernacular word: locative
lock-upVernacular word: lock-up
lockedVernacular word: locked
lockingVernacular word: locking
locksVernacular word: locks
locustVernacular word: locust
locustsVernacular word: locusts
lodgedVernacular word: lodged
loftyVernacular word: lofty
logfallVernacular word: logfall
logsVernacular word: logs
loinVernacular word: loin
loinclothVernacular word: loincloth
lollieVernacular word: lollie
loneVernacular word: lone
lonerVernacular word: loner
long (1SeeEntry
long-bladedVernacular word: long-bladed
long-greenVernacular word: long-green
long-leggedVernacular word: long-legged
long-sleevedVernacular word: long-sleeved
long-standingVernacular word: long-standing
long-tailedVernacular word: long-tailed
long-termVernacular word: long-term
long-tonguedVernacular word: long-tongued
long/short pantsVernacular word: long/short pants
long/short_pantsVernacular word: long/short_pants
long/thinVernacular word: long/thin
longerVernacular word: longer
longingVernacular word: longing
longishVernacular word: longish
longitudinalVernacular word: longitudinal
look aroundVernacular word: look around
look atVernacular word: look at
look forVernacular word: look for
look seriousVernacular word: look serious
look_aroundVernacular word: look_around
look_atVernacular word: look_at
look_forVernacular word: look_for
look_seriousVernacular word: look_serious
lookedVernacular word: looked
lookingVernacular word: looking
lookoutVernacular word: lookout
looksVernacular word: looks
loomVernacular word: loom
loopVernacular word: loop
loopsVernacular word: loops
loose-fittingVernacular word: loose-fitting
looselyVernacular word: loosely
loosenedVernacular word: loosened
lootVernacular word: loot
looterVernacular word: looter
lopeVernacular word: lope
lordVernacular word: lord
lorikeetVernacular word: lorikeet
lose+itsVernacular word: lose+its
losesVernacular word: loses
losingVernacular word: losing
lossesVernacular word: losses
lotionVernacular word: lotion
lotsVernacular word: lots
lotteryVernacular word: lottery
lotundanVernacular word: lotundan
louderVernacular word: louder
loudlyVernacular word: loudly
loudnessVernacular word: loudness
loughVernacular word: lough
louseVernacular word: louse
lovableVernacular word: lovable
love doingVernacular word: love doing
love_doingVernacular word: love_doing
lovedVernacular word: loved
loverVernacular word: lover
lovesVernacular word: loves
lovingVernacular word: loving
lowerVernacular word: lower
loweringVernacular word: lowering
lowestVernacular word: lowest
lowingVernacular word: lowing
lowlandVernacular word: lowland
lowlanderVernacular word: lowlander
lowlandersVernacular word: lowlanders
lu>-Vernacular word: lu>-
luckyVernacular word: lucky
ludicrousVernacular word: ludicrous
luggageVernacular word: luggage
luhimitVernacular word: luhimit
lukewarmVernacular word: lukewarm
lumberVernacular word: lumber
lumbuyVernacular word: lumbuy
luminescentVernacular word: luminescent
lumpsVernacular word: lumps
lumuluks, sábalóVernacular word: lumuluks, sábaló
lumuluks,_sábalóVernacular word: lumuluks,_sábaló
lunarVernacular word: lunar
lunch-timeVernacular word: lunch-time
lunchedVernacular word: lunched
luneyVernacular word: luney
lungsVernacular word: lungs
lureVernacular word: lure
luredVernacular word: lured
lusciousVernacular word: luscious
lushVernacular word: lush
lustVernacular word: lust
lustedVernacular word: lusted
lusterVernacular word: luster
lustfulVernacular word: lustful
lustyVernacular word: lusty
luteVernacular word: lute
luweyVernacular word: luwey
luwitVernacular word: luwit
luxuriantVernacular word: luxuriant
luxuriousVernacular word: luxurious
lyingVernacular word: lying
lymphVernacular word: lymph
mVernacular word: m
ma-Vernacular word: ma-
ma-?egka-Vernacular word: ma-?egka-
maN+piyakVernacular word: maN+piyak
maangewhangewVernacular word: maangewhangew
maaryVernacular word: maary
mabuloVernacular word: mabulo
macaqueVernacular word: macaque
macheteVernacular word: machete
machine-gunVernacular word: machine-gun
machinesVernacular word: machines
magaspáng na hábiVernacular word: magaspáng na hábi
magaspáng_na_hábiVernacular word: magaspáng_na_hábi
magazineVernacular word: magazine
magazinesVernacular word: magazines
maggotVernacular word: maggot
magicVernacular word: magic
magic(seeVernacular word: magic(see
magicalVernacular word: magical
magicianVernacular word: magician
magnetVernacular word: magnet
magneticVernacular word: magnetic
mahabeungVernacular word: mahabeung
mahatungalVernacular word: mahatungal
mahatusVernacular word: mahatus
mahoganyVernacular word: mahogany
maidVernacular word: maid
maidenVernacular word: maiden
mainlyVernacular word: mainly
mainsVernacular word: mains
mainstreamVernacular word: mainstream
maintainedVernacular word: maintained
maintainsVernacular word: maintains
maizeVernacular word: maize
majesticVernacular word: majestic
makabadbadVernacular word: makabadbad
makabanlewVernacular word: makabanlew
makalagmengVernacular word: makalagmeng
make a choiceVernacular word: make a choice
make a claimVernacular word: make a claim
make a commentVernacular word: make a comment
make a commitmentVernacular word: make a commitment
make a comparisonVernacular word: make a comparison
make a contributionVernacular word: make a contribution
make a dealVernacular word: make a deal
make a decisionVernacular word: make a decision
make a declarationVernacular word: make a declaration
make a demandVernacular word: make a demand
make a discoveryVernacular word: make a discovery
make a mistakeVernacular word: make a mistake
make a modificationVernacular word: make a modification
make a planVernacular word: make a plan
make a predictionVernacular word: make a prediction
make a promiseVernacular word: make a promise
make a recoveryVernacular word: make a recovery
make a remarkVernacular word: make a remark
make a resolutionVernacular word: make a resolution
make a revelationVernacular word: make a revelation
make a sacrificeVernacular word: make a sacrifice
make a sceneVernacular word: make a scene
make a standVernacular word: make a stand
make a statementVernacular word: make a statement
make a suggestionVernacular word: make a suggestion
make a transitionVernacular word: make a transition
make an accusationVernacular word: make an accusation
make an adaptationVernacular word: make an adaptation
make an adjustmentVernacular word: make an adjustment
make an admissionVernacular word: make an admission
make an advanceVernacular word: make an advance
make an alterationVernacular word: make an alteration
make an amendmentVernacular word: make an amendment
make an apologyVernacular word: make an apology
make an arrestVernacular word: make an arrest
make an associationVernacular word: make an association
make an assumptionVernacular word: make an assumption
make an effortVernacular word: make an effort
make an errorVernacular word: make an error
make an improvementVernacular word: make an improvement
make an oathVernacular word: make an oath
make an objectionVernacular word: make an objection
make an observationVernacular word: make an observation
make arrangementsVernacular word: make arrangements
make decisionVernacular word: make decision
make mention ofVernacular word: make mention of
make progressVernacular word: make progress
make referenceVernacular word: make reference
make use ofVernacular word: make use of
make+fireVernacular word: make+fire
make+funVernacular word: make+fun
make-upVernacular word: make-up
make_a_choiceVernacular word: make_a_choice
make_a_claimVernacular word: make_a_claim
make_a_commentVernacular word: make_a_comment
make_a_commitmentVernacular word: make_a_commitment
make_a_comparisonVernacular word: make_a_comparison
make_a_contributionVernacular word: make_a_contribution
make_a_dealVernacular word: make_a_deal
make_a_decisionVernacular word: make_a_decision
make_a_declarationVernacular word: make_a_declaration
make_a_demandVernacular word: make_a_demand
make_a_discoveryVernacular word: make_a_discovery
make_a_mistakeVernacular word: make_a_mistake
make_a_modificationVernacular word: make_a_modification
make_a_planVernacular word: make_a_plan
make_a_predictionVernacular word: make_a_prediction
make_a_promiseVernacular word: make_a_promise
make_a_recoveryVernacular word: make_a_recovery
make_a_remarkVernacular word: make_a_remark
make_a_resolutionVernacular word: make_a_resolution
make_a_revelationVernacular word: make_a_revelation
make_a_sacrificeVernacular word: make_a_sacrifice
make_a_sceneVernacular word: make_a_scene
make_a_standVernacular word: make_a_stand
make_a_statementVernacular word: make_a_statement
make_a_suggestionVernacular word: make_a_suggestion
make_a_transitionVernacular word: make_a_transition
make_an_accusationVernacular word: make_an_accusation
make_an_adaptationVernacular word: make_an_adaptation
make_an_adjustmentVernacular word: make_an_adjustment
make_an_admissionVernacular word: make_an_admission
make_an_advanceVernacular word: make_an_advance
make_an_alterationVernacular word: make_an_alteration
make_an_amendmentVernacular word: make_an_amendment
make_an_apologyVernacular word: make_an_apology
make_an_arrestVernacular word: make_an_arrest
make_an_associationVernacular word: make_an_association
make_an_assumptionVernacular word: make_an_assumption
make_an_effortVernacular word: make_an_effort
make_an_errorVernacular word: make_an_error
make_an_improvementVernacular word: make_an_improvement
make_an_oathVernacular word: make_an_oath
make_an_objectionVernacular word: make_an_objection
make_an_observationVernacular word: make_an_observation
make_arrangementsVernacular word: make_arrangements
make_decisionVernacular word: make_decision
make_mention_ofVernacular word: make_mention_of
make_progressVernacular word: make_progress
make_referenceVernacular word: make_reference
make_use_ofVernacular word: make_use_of
makerVernacular word: maker
makersVernacular word: makers
makesVernacular word: makes
makesegVernacular word: makeseg
makingVernacular word: making
makupaVernacular word: makupa
malambuVernacular word: malambu
malamiyakVernacular word: malamiyak
malariaVernacular word: malaria
malarialVernacular word: malarial
malayapaVernacular word: malayapa
male'sVernacular word: male's
malesVernacular word: males
maliciousVernacular word: malicious
mallVernacular word: mall
malletVernacular word: mallet
malnourishedVernacular word: malnourished
malodorousVernacular word: malodorous
maltreatVernacular word: maltreat
maltreatsVernacular word: maltreats
mameenVernacular word: mameen
mammalsVernacular word: mammals
mammunpunVernacular word: mammunpun
mamunVernacular word: mamun
man'sVernacular word: man's
man-madeVernacular word: man-made
man-ulasenVernacular word: man-ulasen
manage/superviseVernacular word: manage/supervise
managedVernacular word: managed
managementVernacular word: management
managerVernacular word: manager
manager'sVernacular word: manager's
managersVernacular word: managers
managesVernacular word: manages
managingVernacular word: managing
manangingVernacular word: mananging
mandateVernacular word: mandate
maneVernacular word: mane
mangeVernacular word: mange
mangelkelVernacular word: mangelkel
manggaVernacular word: mangga
manggoVernacular word: manggo
manggoesVernacular word: manggoes
mangguwawaVernacular word: mangguwawa
mangoVernacular word: mango
mangoesVernacular word: mangoes
mangosteenVernacular word: mangosteen
mangyVernacular word: mangy
manilaVernacular word: manila
manimbulanVernacular word: manimbulan
maniocVernacular word: manioc
manipulatedVernacular word: manipulated
mannersVernacular word: manners
mannikinVernacular word: mannikin
mannikinsVernacular word: mannikins
manoboVernacular word: manobo
mansionVernacular word: mansion
mantidsVernacular word: mantids
mantisVernacular word: mantis
mantungeVernacular word: mantunge
manufacturedVernacular word: manufactured
manufacturesVernacular word: manufactures
manureVernacular word: manure
many moreVernacular word: many more
many placeVernacular word: many place
many-angledVernacular word: many-angled
many_moreVernacular word: many_more
many_placeVernacular word: many_place
manyanVernacular word: manyan
marabuVernacular word: marabu
marabutanVernacular word: marabutan
marangVernacular word: marang
marathonVernacular word: marathon
marbleVernacular word: marble
marblesVernacular word: marbles
marchVernacular word: march
mareVernacular word: mare
margarineVernacular word: margarine
marginsVernacular word: margins
marinateVernacular word: marinate
maritalVernacular word: marital
mariyuanaVernacular word: mariyuana
markedVernacular word: marked
markerVernacular word: marker
market-gatheringVernacular word: market-gathering
marketableVernacular word: marketable
marketingVernacular word: marketing
marketplaceVernacular word: marketplace
marketsVernacular word: markets
markingVernacular word: marking
markingsVernacular word: markings
marksVernacular word: marks
marksmanVernacular word: marksman
marriagableVernacular word: marriagable
marriageableVernacular word: marriageable
marriagedVernacular word: marriaged
marriagesVernacular word: marriages
marriedVernacular word: married
marriesVernacular word: marries
marrowVernacular word: marrow
marry (widowVernacular word: marry (widow
marry_(widowVernacular word: marry_(widow
marryingVernacular word: marrying
marshVernacular word: marsh
marshyVernacular word: marshy
maruanaVernacular word: maruana
marvelousVernacular word: marvelous
maryVernacular word: mary
maryjaneVernacular word: maryjane
masacreVernacular word: masacre
masaluutVernacular word: masaluut
masandigVernacular word: masandig
maselemVernacular word: maselem
mashVernacular word: mash
maskVernacular word: mask
mass-productionVernacular word: mass-production
massageVernacular word: massage
massagerVernacular word: massager
massedVernacular word: massed
master'sVernacular word: master's
masteredVernacular word: mastered
mastersVernacular word: masters
masticatoryVernacular word: masticatory
masturbateVernacular word: masturbate
masulugVernacular word: masulug
matchboxVernacular word: matchbox
matchedVernacular word: matched
matchesVernacular word: matches
matchheadVernacular word: matchhead
matchheadsVernacular word: matchheads
matchingVernacular word: matching
matchwoodVernacular word: matchwood
mateVernacular word: mate
mate'sVernacular word: mate's
matedVernacular word: mated
matelingVernacular word: mateling
materialisticVernacular word: materialistic
materialsVernacular word: materials
materiasVernacular word: materias
matesVernacular word: mates
mathematicalVernacular word: mathematical
mathematicsVernacular word: mathematics
mathsVernacular word: maths
matigsalugVernacular word: matigsalug
matigsalugsVernacular word: matigsalugs
matingVernacular word: mating
matsVernacular word: mats
mattersVernacular word: matters
mattressVernacular word: mattress
matureVernacular word: mature
maturedVernacular word: matured
maturityVernacular word: maturity
may get a lessonVernacular word: may get a lesson
may_get_a_lessonVernacular word: may_get_a_lesson
mayaVernacular word: maya
mayflyVernacular word: mayfly
mayorVernacular word: mayor
mayoralVernacular word: mayoral
meVernacular word: me
meadowVernacular word: meadow
mealsVernacular word: meals
mealtimeVernacular word: mealtime
meanderVernacular word: meander
meanigVernacular word: meanig
meaningVernacular word: meaning
meaningsVernacular word: meanings
meansVernacular word: means
measelesVernacular word: measeles
measlesVernacular word: measles
measlyVernacular word: measly
measurableVernacular word: measurable
measuredVernacular word: measured
measurementVernacular word: measurement
measurementsVernacular word: measurements
measuringVernacular word: measuring
meatsVernacular word: meats
meatusVernacular word: meatus
mechanicsVernacular word: mechanics
medalVernacular word: medal
meddleVernacular word: meddle
medialVernacular word: medial
mediatesVernacular word: mediates
mediatingVernacular word: mediating
mediatorVernacular word: mediator
medicallyVernacular word: medically
medicationVernacular word: medication
medicinalVernacular word: medicinal
medicinallyVernacular word: medicinally
medicine/herbalVernacular word: medicine/herbal
medicinesVernacular word: medicines
meditateVernacular word: meditate
medium-sizedVernacular word: medium-sized
meekVernacular word: meek
meetingVernacular word: meeting
meetingsVernacular word: meetings
meetsVernacular word: meets
meets withVernacular word: meets with
meets_withVernacular word: meets_with
melancholicVernacular word: melancholic
melonVernacular word: melon
meltedVernacular word: melted
meltsVernacular word: melts
membersVernacular word: members
membershipVernacular word: membership
memeberVernacular word: memeber
memorialVernacular word: memorial
memoriesVernacular word: memories
men'sVernacular word: men's
mendedVernacular word: mended
mengkigVernacular word: mengkig
menopauseVernacular word: menopause
mensVernacular word: mens
menstrualVernacular word: menstrual
menstruateVernacular word: menstruate
menstruatesVernacular word: menstruates
menstruatingVernacular word: menstruating
menstruationVernacular word: menstruation
mentallyVernacular word: mentally
mentikaVernacular word: mentika
mentionedVernacular word: mentioned
mentioningVernacular word: mentioning
menuVernacular word: menu
meowVernacular word: meow
meowingVernacular word: meowing
mercifulVernacular word: merciful
mercilessVernacular word: merciless
merelyVernacular word: merely
meriendaVernacular word: merienda
merrimentVernacular word: merriment
messVernacular word: mess
message throughVernacular word: message through
message+broughtVernacular word: message+brought
message_throughVernacular word: message_through
messagesVernacular word: messages
messedVernacular word: messed
messgeVernacular word: messge
messiahVernacular word: messiah
messianicVernacular word: messianic
messyVernacular word: messy
metal box lime containerVernacular word: metal box lime container
metal_box_lime_containerVernacular word: metal_box_lime_container
metallicVernacular word: metallic
metamorphosisVernacular word: metamorphosis
metanymyVernacular word: metanymy
meterVernacular word: meter
metersVernacular word: meters
methodsVernacular word: methods
metreVernacular word: metre
metresVernacular word: metres
meupiyaVernacular word: meupiya
miceVernacular word: mice
michieviousVernacular word: michievious
microphoneVernacular word: microphone
middayVernacular word: midday
middle-agedVernacular word: middle-aged
midnightVernacular word: midnight
midstVernacular word: midst
midwayVernacular word: midway
midwifeVernacular word: midwife
mightn'tVernacular word: mightn't
mightyVernacular word: mighty
migpakig-Vernacular word: migpakig-
migrantsVernacular word: migrants
migratedVernacular word: migrated
migratingVernacular word: migrating
migratoryVernacular word: migratory
mildewVernacular word: mildew
mildewyVernacular word: mildewy
mildyVernacular word: mildy
milesVernacular word: miles
milk/breastVernacular word: milk/breast
milkfishVernacular word: milkfish
milkingVernacular word: milking
milkyVernacular word: milky
milledVernacular word: milled
milletVernacular word: millet
millimeterVernacular word: millimeter
millingVernacular word: milling
millionVernacular word: million
millipedeVernacular word: millipede
miluwayanVernacular word: miluwayan
mimicVernacular word: mimic
mimosaVernacular word: mimosa
minangalVernacular word: minangal
mincedVernacular word: minced
mindsVernacular word: minds
mineralVernacular word: mineral
mineralsVernacular word: minerals
minesVernacular word: mines
mingleVernacular word: mingle
miniatureVernacular word: miniature
minisculeVernacular word: miniscule
ministeredVernacular word: ministered
minoritiesVernacular word: minorities
minsanVernacular word: minsan
mintVernacular word: mint
minusVernacular word: minus
minutesVernacular word: minutes
miraclesVernacular word: miracles
miraculousVernacular word: miraculous
mirrorVernacular word: mirror
mirthfulVernacular word: mirthful
misalignedVernacular word: misaligned
misappropriationVernacular word: misappropriation
misassistedVernacular word: misassisted
misbehaveVernacular word: misbehave
misbehavedVernacular word: misbehaved
miscarriageVernacular word: miscarriage
miscarryVernacular word: miscarry
miscellaneousVernacular word: miscellaneous
mischeviousVernacular word: mischevious
mischieviousVernacular word: mischievious
mischievousVernacular word: mischievous
misdeedVernacular word: misdeed
misdeedsVernacular word: misdeeds
misdemeanourVernacular word: misdemeanour
misdirectVernacular word: misdirect
miserlyVernacular word: miserly
misfortuneVernacular word: misfortune
misfurtuneVernacular word: misfurtune
misleadVernacular word: mislead
misledVernacular word: misled
mismatchVernacular word: mismatch
mismatchedVernacular word: mismatched
mismatchingVernacular word: mismatching
mispeaksVernacular word: mispeaks
mispellingVernacular word: mispelling
misplacedVernacular word: misplaced
mispronounceVernacular word: mispronounce
missedVernacular word: missed
missesVernacular word: misses
misshapenVernacular word: misshapen
missingVernacular word: missing
missionVernacular word: mission
missionaryVernacular word: missionary
misspeakVernacular word: misspeak
misstepVernacular word: misstep
mistVernacular word: mist
mistakenlyVernacular word: mistakenly
mistakesVernacular word: mistakes
mistakinglyVernacular word: mistakingly
mistreatVernacular word: mistreat
mistreatedVernacular word: mistreated
mistressVernacular word: mistress
mistruthVernacular word: mistruth
mistyVernacular word: misty
misunderstandVernacular word: misunderstand
misunderstoodVernacular word: misunderstood
miteVernacular word: mite
miulayanVernacular word: miulayan
mixedVernacular word: mixed
mixed-raceVernacular word: mixed-race
mixerVernacular word: mixer
mixingVernacular word: mixing
mmVernacular word: mm
moanVernacular word: moan
mobVernacular word: mob
mockVernacular word: mock
mockedVernacular word: mocked
mockingVernacular word: mocking
mocousVernacular word: mocous
modalVernacular word: modal
modelledVernacular word: modelled
modelsVernacular word: models
moderatelyVernacular word: moderately
moderativeVernacular word: moderative
modifiedVernacular word: modified
moistureVernacular word: moisture
moitorVernacular word: moitor
molarsVernacular word: molars
moldVernacular word: mold
moldyVernacular word: moldy
moleVernacular word: mole
molesVernacular word: moles
molestVernacular word: molest
momVernacular word: mom
mom'sVernacular word: mom's
momentarilyVernacular word: momentarily
mommyVernacular word: mommy
mom’sVernacular word: mom’s
monarchVernacular word: monarch
monetaryVernacular word: monetary
moneywiseVernacular word: moneywise
mongeryVernacular word: mongery
monggoVernacular word: monggo
monitoredVernacular word: monitored
monitorsVernacular word: monitors
monkey'sVernacular word: monkey's
monkey-eatingVernacular word: monkey-eating
monkeyingVernacular word: monkeying
monkeysVernacular word: monkeys
monochromeVernacular word: monochrome
monosodiumVernacular word: monosodium
monsterVernacular word: monster
monstrousVernacular word: monstrous
montanaVernacular word: montana
month'sVernacular word: month's
monthlyVernacular word: monthly
monthsVernacular word: months
monumentVernacular word: monument
mooVernacular word: moo
moodVernacular word: mood
moodyVernacular word: moody
mooingVernacular word: mooing
moon+lightVernacular word: moon+light
moorhenVernacular word: moorhen
moralsVernacular word: morals
morbidVernacular word: morbid
morisketa-tostadaVernacular word: morisketa-tostada
morningsVernacular word: mornings
moroseVernacular word: morose
morphophonemicVernacular word: morphophonemic
mortarVernacular word: mortar
mortgageVernacular word: mortgage
mortgagedVernacular word: mortgaged
mosquitoVernacular word: mosquito
mosquito(sVernacular word: mosquito(s
mosquitoesVernacular word: mosquitoes
mosquitosVernacular word: mosquitos
mossVernacular word: moss
mostlyVernacular word: mostly
mothballVernacular word: mothball
mother'sVernacular word: mother's
mother-in-lawVernacular word: mother-in-law
mothersVernacular word: mothers
mother’sVernacular word: mother’s
mothsVernacular word: moths
motivatesVernacular word: motivates
motivesVernacular word: motives
motorbikeVernacular word: motorbike
motorbikesVernacular word: motorbikes
motorcycleVernacular word: motorcycle
motorcyclesVernacular word: motorcycles
motorcyleVernacular word: motorcyle
mouldVernacular word: mould
mouldingVernacular word: moulding
mouldyVernacular word: mouldy
moultVernacular word: moult
moundVernacular word: mound
mountVernacular word: mount
mountainousVernacular word: mountainous
mountainsVernacular word: mountains
mountedVernacular word: mounted
mournVernacular word: mourn
mournfulVernacular word: mournful
mourningVernacular word: mourning
mousetrapVernacular word: mousetrap
moustacheVernacular word: moustache
moutVernacular word: mout
moutainVernacular word: moutain
mouthfulVernacular word: mouthful
mouthsVernacular word: mouths
movableVernacular word: movable
move slowlyVernacular word: move slowly
move+slowlyVernacular word: move+slowly
move_slowlyVernacular word: move_slowly
movedVernacular word: moved
movementsVernacular word: movements
movesVernacular word: moves
moves+slowlyVernacular word: moves+slowly
movieVernacular word: movie
moviesVernacular word: movies
movingVernacular word: moving
moving lipsVernacular word: moving lips
moving+slowlyVernacular word: moving+slowly
moving_lipsVernacular word: moving_lips
mowVernacular word: mow
mowerVernacular word: mower
mucilagenousVernacular word: mucilagenous
muclesVernacular word: mucles
mucousVernacular word: mucous
mucuousVernacular word: mucuous
mucusVernacular word: mucus
muddyVernacular word: muddy
muddy+placeVernacular word: muddy+place
mudfishVernacular word: mudfish
mufflerVernacular word: muffler
mugVernacular word: mug
mulaVernacular word: mula
muladuVernacular word: muladu
mulberryVernacular word: mulberry
muleVernacular word: mule
muledVernacular word: muled
multi-coloredVernacular word: multi-colored
multi-headedVernacular word: multi-headed
multi-nationalVernacular word: multi-national
multi-tippedVernacular word: multi-tipped
multicolorVernacular word: multicolor
multicoloredVernacular word: multicolored
multiprongedVernacular word: multipronged
multistoreyVernacular word: multistorey
multitudeVernacular word: multitude
mulèVernacular word: mulè
mumVernacular word: mum
mumbleVernacular word: mumble
mummyVernacular word: mummy
mumpsVernacular word: mumps
munganVernacular word: mungan
mungusVernacular word: mungus
muniaVernacular word: munia
municipalitiesVernacular word: municipalities
municipalityVernacular word: municipality
murderedVernacular word: murdered
murdererVernacular word: murderer
murderersVernacular word: murderers
murderousVernacular word: murderous
murdersVernacular word: murders
murielVernacular word: muriel
murkyVernacular word: murky
muscleVernacular word: muscle
musclesVernacular word: muscles
muscularVernacular word: muscular
museumVernacular word: museum
mushroomsVernacular word: mushrooms
mushyVernacular word: mushy
musicalVernacular word: musical
musiciansVernacular word: musicians
muslimVernacular word: muslim
musroomVernacular word: musroom
mustacheVernacular word: mustache
mustardVernacular word: mustard
mutabileVernacular word: mutabile
mutateVernacular word: mutate
muteVernacular word: mute
mutiVernacular word: muti
mutterVernacular word: mutter
mutteringVernacular word: muttering
mutyaVernacular word: mutya
muzzleVernacular word: muzzle
myVernacular word: my
my+hairVernacular word: my+hair
myselfVernacular word: myself
mysteriousVernacular word: mysterious
nVernacular word: n
nA><an-Vernacular word: nA><an-
na-paN-Vernacular word: na-paN-
na?kahiVernacular word: na?kahi
naboutVernacular word: nabout
nagVernacular word: nag
nagaspáng nga abélVernacular word: nagaspáng nga abél
nagaspáng_nga_abélVernacular word: nagaspáng_nga_abél
nailedVernacular word: nailed
nailsVernacular word: nails
naiveVernacular word: naive
nakedVernacular word: naked
nakig-Vernacular word: nakig-
namedVernacular word: named
namesVernacular word: names
namesakeVernacular word: namesake
nangaVernacular word: nanga
nangkaVernacular word: nangka
nannyVernacular word: nanny
napVernacular word: nap
napeVernacular word: nape
nape'sVernacular word: nape's
napedVernacular word: naped
napigseVernacular word: napigse
nappiesVernacular word: nappies
nappingVernacular word: napping
nappyVernacular word: nappy
naraVernacular word: nara
nararuwa:nVernacular word: nararuwa:n
narcissusVernacular word: narcissus
narrateVernacular word: narrate
narratesVernacular word: narrates
narrationVernacular word: narration
narrativeVernacular word: narrative
narrow downVernacular word: narrow down
narrow-leggedVernacular word: narrow-legged
narrow_downVernacular word: narrow_down
narrowedVernacular word: narrowed
narrowerVernacular word: narrower
narrowishVernacular word: narrowish
nasalVernacular word: nasal
natVernacular word: nat
natekVernacular word: natek
nationsVernacular word: nations
nativesVernacular word: natives
naturallyVernacular word: naturally
naughtyVernacular word: naughty
naugthyVernacular word: naugthy
nauseaVernacular word: nausea
nauseousVernacular word: nauseous
navelVernacular word: navel
neVernacular word: ne
nearbyVernacular word: nearby
nearerVernacular word: nearer
nearestVernacular word: nearest
nearingVernacular word: nearing
nearlyVernacular word: nearly
nearsVernacular word: nears
neateningVernacular word: neatening
neccesaryVernacular word: neccesary
necessarilyVernacular word: necessarily
necessitiesVernacular word: necessities
necessityVernacular word: necessity
necklaceVernacular word: necklace
necklacesVernacular word: necklaces
neededVernacular word: needed
needlesVernacular word: needles
needsVernacular word: needs
needyVernacular word: needy
negatedVernacular word: negated
negatesVernacular word: negates
negatingVernacular word: negating
neglectedVernacular word: neglected
negotiateVernacular word: negotiate
neigborVernacular word: neigbor
neighVernacular word: neigh
neighbor'sVernacular word: neighbor's
neighbor(sVernacular word: neighbor(s
neighboringVernacular word: neighboring
neighborsVernacular word: neighbors
neighbourVernacular word: neighbour
neighor'sVernacular word: neighor's
nekeyVernacular word: nekey
nephew/nieceVernacular word: nephew/niece
nephewsVernacular word: nephews
nerveVernacular word: nerve
nervousVernacular word: nervous
nestingVernacular word: nesting
nestsVernacular word: nests
netsVernacular word: nets
networksVernacular word: networks
neuterVernacular word: neuter
neuteredVernacular word: neutered
new-bornVernacular word: new-born
newbornVernacular word: newborn
newlyVernacular word: newly
newspapersVernacular word: newspapers
nextbornVernacular word: nextborn
neyVernacular word: ney
ngVernacular word: ng
ng'sVernacular word: ng's
ngilusVernacular word: ngilus
niVernacular word: ni
nibbleVernacular word: nibble
nicelyVernacular word: nicely
nicerVernacular word: nicer
nickVernacular word: nick
nickedVernacular word: nicked
nicknameVernacular word: nickname
nicknamedVernacular word: nicknamed
niece/nephewVernacular word: niece/nephew
niecesVernacular word: nieces
nieces/nephewsVernacular word: nieces/nephews
nighawkVernacular word: nighawk
night–thisVernacular word: night–this
nightbirdVernacular word: nightbird
nighthawkVernacular word: nighthawk
nightimeVernacular word: nightime
nightjarVernacular word: nightjar
nightsVernacular word: nights
nighttimeVernacular word: nighttime
nimalVernacular word: nimal
nineVernacular word: nine
nineteenVernacular word: nineteen
ninetyVernacular word: ninety
ninoVernacular word: nino
ninongVernacular word: ninong
ninthVernacular word: ninth
nipaVernacular word: nipa
nippleVernacular word: nipple
nipplesVernacular word: nipples
nitVernacular word: nit
nit-+combVernacular word: nit-+comb
nitsVernacular word: nits
no+Vernacular word: no+
no-oneVernacular word: no-one
nodVernacular word: nod
noddingVernacular word: nodding
nodeVernacular word: node
node/jointVernacular word: node/joint
nodesVernacular word: nodes
nodingVernacular word: noding
noisesVernacular word: noises
noisyVernacular word: noisy
nomadVernacular word: nomad
non-cityVernacular word: non-city
non-digitalVernacular word: non-digital
non-directVernacular word: non-direct
non-electricalVernacular word: non-electrical
non-fleshyVernacular word: non-fleshy
non-focusVernacular word: non-focus
non-formalVernacular word: non-formal
non-humanVernacular word: non-human
non-humansVernacular word: non-humans
non-imperativeVernacular word: non-imperative
non-liquidVernacular word: non-liquid
non-manualVernacular word: non-manual
non-movingVernacular word: non-moving
non-pastVernacular word: non-past
non-physicalVernacular word: non-physical
non-reduplicatedVernacular word: non-reduplicated
non-sweetVernacular word: non-sweet
nonchalantVernacular word: nonchalant
nonsenseVernacular word: nonsense
nonsensicallyVernacular word: nonsensically
noodlesVernacular word: noodles
noontimeVernacular word: noontime
nooseVernacular word: noose
nooselikeVernacular word: nooselike
normallyVernacular word: normally
north-eastVernacular word: north-east
north-southVernacular word: north-south
nose-piercingVernacular word: nose-piercing
nosesVernacular word: noses
nosyVernacular word: nosy
not a singleVernacular word: not a single
not able to walk very wellVernacular word: not able to walk very well
not sinceVernacular word: not since
not+bearVernacular word: not+bear
not_a_singleVernacular word: not_a_single
not_able_to_walk_very_wellVernacular word: not_able_to_walk_very_well
not_sinceVernacular word: not_since
notableVernacular word: notable
notchVernacular word: notch
notchesVernacular word: notches
notesVernacular word: notes
noticeableVernacular word: noticeable
noticedVernacular word: noticed
notifyVernacular word: notify
notionsVernacular word: notions
nounsVernacular word: nouns
novelVernacular word: novel
novelsVernacular word: novels
now-a-daysVernacular word: now-a-days
now.(LitVernacular word: now.(Lit
nsweredVernacular word: nswered
nudeVernacular word: nude
nudgeVernacular word: nudge
nuggetVernacular word: nugget
nuggetsVernacular word: nuggets
numbVernacular word: numb
numberedVernacular word: numbered
numbersVernacular word: numbers
numericVernacular word: numeric
nunVernacular word: nun
nunúkVernacular word: nunúk
nursesVernacular word: nurses
nursingVernacular word: nursing
nuthatchVernacular word: nuthatch
nutrientVernacular word: nutrient
nutritousVernacular word: nutritous
nutsVernacular word: nuts
nyVernacular word: ny
nylonVernacular word: nylon
nymphVernacular word: nymph
oVernacular word: o
o'clockVernacular word: o'clock
oakVernacular word: oak
obedienceVernacular word: obedience
obeseVernacular word: obese
obeyedVernacular word: obeyed
obeyingVernacular word: obeying
obeysVernacular word: obeys
objectedVernacular word: objected
objectingVernacular word: objecting
objectionsVernacular word: objections
objectsVernacular word: objects
obligationVernacular word: obligation
obliterateVernacular word: obliterate
oblongVernacular word: oblong
obsceneVernacular word: obscene
obsequiousVernacular word: obsequious
observationsVernacular word: observations
observedVernacular word: observed
observerVernacular word: observer
observesVernacular word: observes
observingVernacular word: observing
obsessedVernacular word: obsessed
obsoleteVernacular word: obsolete
obstinateVernacular word: obstinate
obstructVernacular word: obstruct
obstructedVernacular word: obstructed
obstructsVernacular word: obstructs
obtainedVernacular word: obtained
obtainingVernacular word: obtaining
obviouslyVernacular word: obviously
occasionallyVernacular word: occasionally
occasionsVernacular word: occasions
occassionVernacular word: occassion
occassionallyVernacular word: occassionally
occassionalyVernacular word: occassionaly
occupantsVernacular word: occupants
occupiedVernacular word: occupied
occupiesVernacular word: occupies
occupyingVernacular word: occupying
occuredVernacular word: occured
occurenceVernacular word: occurence
occurredVernacular word: occurred
occurrenceVernacular word: occurrence
occursVernacular word: occurs
oceansVernacular word: oceans
octopusVernacular word: octopus
odd-pinnateVernacular word: odd-pinnate
oddityVernacular word: oddity
odorVernacular word: odor
odorlessVernacular word: odorless
odorousVernacular word: odorous
odourVernacular word: odour
of consequenceVernacular word: of consequence
of their own accordVernacular word: of their own accord
of_consequenceVernacular word: of_consequence
of_their_own_accordVernacular word: of_their_own_accord
offenceVernacular word: offence
offendedVernacular word: offended
offensiveVernacular word: offensive
offeredVernacular word: offered
offersVernacular word: offers
officer'sVernacular word: officer's
officesVernacular word: offices
officiallyVernacular word: officially
officialsVernacular word: officials
officiatingVernacular word: officiating
offshootsVernacular word: offshoots
offspringVernacular word: offspring
oftenlyVernacular word: oftenly
ogVernacular word: og
ohVernacular word: oh
oilsVernacular word: oils
oilyVernacular word: oily
okVernacular word: ok
okayVernacular word: okay
okeyVernacular word: okey
okraVernacular word: okra
old-styleVernacular word: old-style
old/deepVernacular word: old/deep
oldenVernacular word: olden
olderVernacular word: older
oldestVernacular word: oldest
oldishVernacular word: oldish
oliveVernacular word: olive
olivesVernacular word: olives
omenVernacular word: omen
on account ofVernacular word: on account of
on creditVernacular word: on credit
on saleVernacular word: on sale
on the one handVernacular word: on the one hand
on the other handVernacular word: on the other hand
on the wayVernacular word: on the way
on_account_ofVernacular word: on_account_of
on_creditVernacular word: on_credit
on_saleVernacular word: on_sale
on_the_one_handVernacular word: on_the_one_hand
on_the_other_handVernacular word: on_the_other_hand
on_the_wayVernacular word: on_the_way
one'sVernacular word: one's
one-eyedVernacular word: one-eyed
one-leggedVernacular word: one-legged
one-prongedVernacular word: one-pronged
onenessVernacular word: oneness
onesVernacular word: ones
ones-from-BasakVernacular word: ones-from-Basak
oneselfVernacular word: oneself
onionVernacular word: onion
onionsVernacular word: onions
onvtheVernacular word: onvthe
onyx stonesVernacular word: onyx stones
onyx_stonesVernacular word: onyx_stones
oozeVernacular word: ooze
oozingVernacular word: oozing
openedVernacular word: opened
openingVernacular word: opening
openlyVernacular word: openly
opensVernacular word: opens
operatesVernacular word: operates
operatingVernacular word: operating
opinionsVernacular word: opinions
opponentVernacular word: opponent
opponentsVernacular word: opponents
opportuneVernacular word: opportune
opportunisticVernacular word: opportunistic
opposedVernacular word: opposed
opposesVernacular word: opposes
oppositesVernacular word: opposites
oppressVernacular word: oppress
oppressedVernacular word: oppressed
oppressingVernacular word: oppressing
oppurtunityVernacular word: oppurtunity
optativeVernacular word: optative
optionallyVernacular word: optionally
optionsVernacular word: options
opulentVernacular word: opulent
oputspokenVernacular word: oputspoken
or elseVernacular word: or else
or_elseVernacular word: or_else
oratoryVernacular word: oratory
orchidVernacular word: orchid
orchidsVernacular word: orchids
ordainVernacular word: ordain
ordainedVernacular word: ordained
ordainingVernacular word: ordaining
order/commandVernacular word: order/command
orderedVernacular word: ordered
orderlyVernacular word: orderly
ordersVernacular word: orders
oreVernacular word: ore
organiseVernacular word: organise
organisedVernacular word: organised
organization'sVernacular word: organization's
organizationsVernacular word: organizations
organizedVernacular word: organized
organizersVernacular word: organizers
organizesVernacular word: organizes
organizingVernacular word: organizing
organzationVernacular word: organzation
orientalVernacular word: oriental
orientateVernacular word: orientate
originalVernacular word: original
originallyVernacular word: originally
originatedVernacular word: originated
originatesVernacular word: originates
orioleVernacular word: oriole
ornamentalVernacular word: ornamental
ornamentationVernacular word: ornamentation
ornamentingVernacular word: ornamenting
orphanVernacular word: orphan
orphanedVernacular word: orphaned
oscillateVernacular word: oscillate
ostrichVernacular word: ostrich
other'sVernacular word: other's
other.ThisVernacular word: other.This
othersVernacular word: others
ouchVernacular word: ouch
ourVernacular word: our
our(exclVernacular word: our(excl
our(inclVernacular word: our(incl
oursVernacular word: ours
ours(inclVernacular word: ours(incl
ourselvesVernacular word: ourselves
oustedVernacular word: ousted
out_ofVernacular word: out_of
outerVernacular word: outer
outlyingVernacular word: outlying
outriggerVernacular word: outrigger
outsiderVernacular word: outsider
outsidersVernacular word: outsiders
outskirtsVernacular word: outskirts
outspokenVernacular word: outspoken
outstandingVernacular word: outstanding
ovalVernacular word: oval
ovariesVernacular word: ovaries
ovaryVernacular word: ovary
ovateVernacular word: ovate
ovenVernacular word: oven
over the course ofVernacular word: over the course of
over-actVernacular word: over-act
over-huntingVernacular word: over-hunting
over_the_course_ofVernacular word: over_the_course_of
overarmVernacular word: overarm
overbearingVernacular word: overbearing
overburdenedVernacular word: overburdened
overcaringVernacular word: overcaring
overcastVernacular word: overcast
overclothesVernacular word: overclothes
overcommittedVernacular word: overcommitted
overcookVernacular word: overcook
overcookedVernacular word: overcooked
overcookingVernacular word: overcooking
overdoneVernacular word: overdone
overeatVernacular word: overeat
overemphasizeVernacular word: overemphasize
overflowedVernacular word: overflowed
overflowingVernacular word: overflowing
overflowsVernacular word: overflows
overfullVernacular word: overfull
overgrownVernacular word: overgrown
overhandVernacular word: overhand
overhangVernacular word: overhang
overhangingVernacular word: overhanging
overheadVernacular word: overhead
overhearVernacular word: overhear
overindulgeVernacular word: overindulge
overlappingVernacular word: overlapping
overlayVernacular word: overlay
overloadedVernacular word: overloaded
overlookVernacular word: overlook
overlookingVernacular word: overlooking
overlyVernacular word: overly
overmasterVernacular word: overmaster
overnightVernacular word: overnight
overpowerVernacular word: overpower
overpoweredVernacular word: overpowered
overrideVernacular word: override
overripeVernacular word: overripe
overripenessVernacular word: overripeness
overseeVernacular word: oversee
overshadowVernacular word: overshadow
overshadowedVernacular word: overshadowed
oversizedVernacular word: oversized
overstateVernacular word: overstate
overstatedVernacular word: overstated
overstressedVernacular word: overstressed
oversupplyVernacular word: oversupply
overtakeVernacular word: overtake
overtakenVernacular word: overtaken
overthrownVernacular word: overthrown
overtightVernacular word: overtight
overtonesVernacular word: overtones
overturnVernacular word: overturn
overturningVernacular word: overturning
overviewVernacular word: overview
overwhelmVernacular word: overwhelm
overwhelmedVernacular word: overwhelmed
overwhelmingVernacular word: overwhelming
oviateVernacular word: oviate
ovoidVernacular word: ovoid
ovulatingVernacular word: ovulating
owlVernacular word: owl
ownedVernacular word: owned
ownerVernacular word: owner
ownersVernacular word: owners
owningVernacular word: owning
ownsVernacular word: owns
oxidizeVernacular word: oxidize
oxygenVernacular word: oxygen
oysterVernacular word: oyster
p.mVernacular word: p.m
paN+luyaVernacular word: paN+luya
paN-Vernacular word: paN-
paN-+Vernacular word: paN-+
pacifierVernacular word: pacifier
pacifyVernacular word: pacify
pacingVernacular word: pacing
packagingVernacular word: packaging
packedVernacular word: packed
packetVernacular word: packet
packetsVernacular word: packets
packingVernacular word: packing
pactVernacular word: pact
pad-luckVernacular word: pad-luck
paddingVernacular word: padding
paddleVernacular word: paddle
paddlingVernacular word: paddling
paddyVernacular word: paddy
padlockVernacular word: padlock
pagesVernacular word: pages
paggulVernacular word: paggul
pahin-Vernacular word: pahin-
painfulVernacular word: painful
painfullyVernacular word: painfully
painfulnessVernacular word: painfulness
painfulyVernacular word: painfuly
painkillersVernacular word: painkillers
painlyVernacular word: painly
painsVernacular word: pains
paintbrushVernacular word: paintbrush
paintedVernacular word: painted
painterVernacular word: painter
paintingVernacular word: painting
paintingsVernacular word: paintings
pairedVernacular word: paired
pairsVernacular word: pairs
pakig-Vernacular word: pakig-
palaceVernacular word: palace
palateVernacular word: palate
palayVernacular word: palay
pale-skinnedVernacular word: pale-skinned
palm'sVernacular word: palm's
palmsVernacular word: palms
palpalahaweyVernacular word: palpalahawey
paltryVernacular word: paltry
palánVernacular word: palán
pamalawanVernacular word: pamalawan
pancitVernacular word: pancit
pandacaquiVernacular word: pandacaqui
pandanusVernacular word: pandanus
panel-beatVernacular word: panel-beat
panelsVernacular word: panels
pangemey-kemeyVernacular word: pangemey-kemey
pangeney-eneyVernacular word: pangeney-eney
panicVernacular word: panic
panickedVernacular word: panicked
panickingVernacular word: panicking
paniclesVernacular word: panicles
pansVernacular word: pans
pansitVernacular word: pansit
pantVernacular word: pant
pantiesVernacular word: panties
pantingVernacular word: panting
pantintiruVernacular word: pantintiru
pantsVernacular word: pants
panuvaranVernacular word: panuvaran
papayaVernacular word: papaya
paperlikeVernacular word: paperlike
papersVernacular word: papers
paperworkVernacular word: paperwork
papyrusVernacular word: papyrus
parablesVernacular word: parables
parabolaVernacular word: parabola
paradeVernacular word: parade
paradiseVernacular word: paradise
paragraphsVernacular word: paragraphs
parakeetVernacular word: parakeet
parallelsVernacular word: parallels
paralyseVernacular word: paralyse
paralysedVernacular word: paralysed
paralysisVernacular word: paralysis
paralyzedVernacular word: paralyzed
parametersVernacular word: parameters
parasiteVernacular word: parasite
parcelsVernacular word: parcels
parchVernacular word: parch
parchedVernacular word: parched
parchedofVernacular word: parchedof
pardonableVernacular word: pardonable
parent'sVernacular word: parent's
parent-in-lawVernacular word: parent-in-law
parent/fatherVernacular word: parent/father
parentsVernacular word: parents
parents-in-lawVernacular word: parents-in-law
parkedVernacular word: parked
parkingVernacular word: parking
parlorVernacular word: parlor
parrotVernacular word: parrot
parrot-finchVernacular word: parrot-finch
parrot-finchesVernacular word: parrot-finches
part-timeVernacular word: part-time
part/wholeVernacular word: part/whole
partakeVernacular word: partake
partedVernacular word: parted
partialVernacular word: partial
partialityVernacular word: partiality
partiallyVernacular word: partially
participantsVernacular word: participants
participatedVernacular word: participated
participatingVernacular word: participating
participationVernacular word: participation
participleVernacular word: participle
particlesVernacular word: particles
particpleVernacular word: particple
particularlyVernacular word: particularly
particularsVernacular word: particulars
partiesVernacular word: parties
partlyVernacular word: partly
partly-cookedVernacular word: partly-cooked
partneredVernacular word: partnered
partnersVernacular word: partners
partnershipVernacular word: partnership
partsVernacular word: parts
pasebitVernacular word: pasebit
pass throughVernacular word: pass through
pass troughVernacular word: pass trough
pass_throughVernacular word: pass_through
pass_troughVernacular word: pass_trough
passableVernacular word: passable
passagewayVernacular word: passageway
passangerVernacular word: passanger
passangersVernacular word: passangers
passedVernacular word: passed
passengersVernacular word: passengers
passesVernacular word: passes
passingVernacular word: passing
passionVernacular word: passion
passionfruitVernacular word: passionfruit
passive (3SeeEntry
passportVernacular word: passport
passwordVernacular word: password
pastimeVernacular word: pastime
pastorVernacular word: pastor
pastora'sVernacular word: pastora's
pastureVernacular word: pasture
pasturingVernacular word: pasturing
patVernacular word: pat
patagVernacular word: patag
pataniVernacular word: patani
patatoVernacular word: patato
patchVernacular word: patch
patchedVernacular word: patched
patchesVernacular word: patches
pathsVernacular word: paths
pathwayVernacular word: pathway
pathwaysVernacular word: pathways
pati-Vernacular word: pati-
paticipateVernacular word: paticipate
paticularVernacular word: paticular
patienceVernacular word: patience
patient'sVernacular word: patient's
patientlyVernacular word: patiently
patientsVernacular word: patients
patiyukanVernacular word: patiyukan
patrolVernacular word: patrol
patternedVernacular word: patterned
patternsVernacular word: patterns
pausingVernacular word: pausing
pawnVernacular word: pawn
pawnedVernacular word: pawned
pawpawVernacular word: pawpaw
pay attentionVernacular word: pay attention
pay someone a visitVernacular word: pay someone a visit
pay_attentionVernacular word: pay_attention
pay_someone_a_visitVernacular word: pay_someone_a_visit
payedVernacular word: payed
payewVernacular word: payew
payingVernacular word: paying
paymentVernacular word: payment
paymentsVernacular word: payments
payriseVernacular word: payrise
paysVernacular word: pays
payyewVernacular word: payyew
paáVernacular word: paá
peaVernacular word: pea
peaceableVernacular word: peaceable
peacefulVernacular word: peaceful
peaksVernacular word: peaks
peanutVernacular word: peanut
peanut(sVernacular word: peanut(s
peanutsVernacular word: peanuts
pear-shapedVernacular word: pear-shaped
peasVernacular word: peas
pebbleVernacular word: pebble
pechayVernacular word: pechay
peckVernacular word: peck
peckedVernacular word: pecked
peckingVernacular word: pecking
pectoralVernacular word: pectoral
peculiarityVernacular word: peculiarity
pedalVernacular word: pedal
peddleVernacular word: peddle
pedicabVernacular word: pedicab
peelVernacular word: peel
peeledVernacular word: peeled
peelingVernacular word: peeling
peepVernacular word: peep
peepingVernacular word: peeping
peerVernacular word: peer
pegVernacular word: peg
pegsVernacular word: pegs
peitVernacular word: peit
pekalVernacular word: pekal
peleengVernacular word: peleeng
peliVernacular word: peli
pelvisVernacular word: pelvis
pemadaVernacular word: pemada
pen/swordVernacular word: pen/sword
penaltyVernacular word: penalty
penetrateVernacular word: penetrate
penetrate deeplyVernacular word: penetrate deeply
penetrate_deeplyVernacular word: penetrate_deeply
penetratedVernacular word: penetrated
penisVernacular word: penis
penitentVernacular word: penitent
pensVernacular word: pens
pentagonVernacular word: pentagon
pentatonicVernacular word: pentatonic
peoleVernacular word: peole
peolpeVernacular word: peolpe
people'sVernacular word: people's
peoplesVernacular word: peoples
pepperVernacular word: pepper
pepper(sVernacular word: pepper(s
peppersVernacular word: peppers
pepperyVernacular word: peppery
per_centVernacular word: per_cent
perceivedVernacular word: perceived
perceivesVernacular word: perceives
percentageVernacular word: percentage
perchVernacular word: perch
perchaVernacular word: percha
perchedVernacular word: perched
percussionVernacular word: percussion
perennialVernacular word: perennial
perfomVernacular word: perfom
perforateVernacular word: perforate
perform+sorceryVernacular word: perform+sorcery
performedVernacular word: performed
performerVernacular word: performer
performersVernacular word: performers
performingVernacular word: performing
performsVernacular word: performs
perfumeVernacular word: perfume
perfumedVernacular word: perfumed
perilousVernacular word: perilous
periodicVernacular word: periodic
periodsVernacular word: periods
perishVernacular word: perish
perishableVernacular word: perishable
perishedVernacular word: perished
permanentlyVernacular word: permanently
permissibleVernacular word: permissible
permitsVernacular word: permits
permittedVernacular word: permitted
perplexedVernacular word: perplexed
persecutedVernacular word: persecuted
persevereVernacular word: persevere
persist inVernacular word: persist in
persist withVernacular word: persist with
persist_inVernacular word: persist_in
persist_withVernacular word: persist_with
persistedVernacular word: persisted
persistentVernacular word: persistent
persistsVernacular word: persists
person'sVernacular word: person's
personTheVernacular word: personThe
personalVernacular word: personal
personalityVernacular word: personality
personallyVernacular word: personally
personhoodVernacular word: personhood
personsVernacular word: persons
perspirationVernacular word: perspiration
persuadedVernacular word: persuaded
persuadingVernacular word: persuading
persuasiveVernacular word: persuasive
pertainingVernacular word: pertaining
perverseVernacular word: perverse
pervertVernacular word: pervert
pervertedVernacular word: perverted
pesoVernacular word: peso
pesosVernacular word: pesos
pestVernacular word: pest
pesterVernacular word: pester
pesticideVernacular word: pesticide
pestleVernacular word: pestle
pestsVernacular word: pests
petalsVernacular word: petals
petiteVernacular word: petite
petrolVernacular word: petrol
petsVernacular word: pets
pharmacyVernacular word: pharmacy
phasedVernacular word: phased
philanderVernacular word: philander
philipinesVernacular word: philipines
philippineVernacular word: philippine
philosophersVernacular word: philosophers
philosophiesVernacular word: philosophies
philosopyVernacular word: philosopy
phlegmVernacular word: phlegm
phoenicurusVernacular word: phoenicurus
phoneVernacular word: phone
phonologyVernacular word: phonology
phosphorousVernacular word: phosphorous
photoVernacular word: photo
photographedVernacular word: photographed
photographsVernacular word: photographs
photoingVernacular word: photoing
photosVernacular word: photos
phrasalVernacular word: phrasal
phrasesVernacular word: phrases
physicallyVernacular word: physically
physicsVernacular word: physics
pianoVernacular word: piano
pickedVernacular word: picked
picketVernacular word: picket
pickingVernacular word: picking
pickyVernacular word: picky
picnicVernacular word: picnic
picturedVernacular word: pictured
picturesVernacular word: pictures
piecemealVernacular word: piecemeal
piecesVernacular word: pieces
pieciesVernacular word: piecies
pierceVernacular word: pierce
pierce deeplyVernacular word: pierce deeply
pierce_deeplyVernacular word: pierce_deeply
piercedVernacular word: pierced
pig'sVernacular word: pig's
pig-styVernacular word: pig-sty
piggeryVernacular word: piggery
piggyVernacular word: piggy
piggy-backVernacular word: piggy-back
pigletVernacular word: piglet
pigletsVernacular word: piglets
pigsVernacular word: pigs
pile upVernacular word: pile up
pile_upVernacular word: pile_up
piledVernacular word: piled
piled up highVernacular word: piled up high
piled_up_highVernacular word: piled_up_high
pilesVernacular word: piles
pilgrimVernacular word: pilgrim
piliVernacular word: pili
pilingVernacular word: piling
pillarVernacular word: pillar
pillowVernacular word: pillow
pillowcaseVernacular word: pillowcase
pillowsVernacular word: pillows
pilmiraVernacular word: pilmira
pilotVernacular word: pilot
pimpVernacular word: pimp
pimpleVernacular word: pimple
pimplesVernacular word: pimples
pinamantawanVernacular word: pinamantawan
pincersVernacular word: pincers
pinchedVernacular word: pinched
pinchingVernacular word: pinching
pineVernacular word: pine
pineappleVernacular word: pineapple
pineapple-growingVernacular word: pineapple-growing
pineapplesVernacular word: pineapples
pinkeyeVernacular word: pinkeye
pinkishVernacular word: pinkish
pinsVernacular word: pins
pioneerVernacular word: pioneer
pisoVernacular word: piso
pitVernacular word: pit
pitchVernacular word: pitch
pitchedVernacular word: pitched
pitcherVernacular word: pitcher
pitchersVernacular word: pitchers
pitiedVernacular word: pitied
pitifulVernacular word: pitiful
pitpitowVernacular word: pitpitow
pitsVernacular word: pits
pitsayVernacular word: pitsay
pittedVernacular word: pitted
pivotVernacular word: pivot
plVernacular word: pl
pl)(topicVernacular word: pl)(topic
place besideVernacular word: place beside
place_besideVernacular word: place_beside
placedVernacular word: placed
placentaVernacular word: placenta
placerVernacular word: placer
placesVernacular word: places
placingVernacular word: placing
plaformVernacular word: plaform
plafulVernacular word: plaful
plagueVernacular word: plague
plain-headedVernacular word: plain-headed
plainlyVernacular word: plainly
plainsVernacular word: plains
plaitVernacular word: plait
planeVernacular word: plane
planetsVernacular word: planets
plannedVernacular word: planned
planningVernacular word: planning
plansVernacular word: plans
plant+cornVernacular word: plant+corn
plantationVernacular word: plantation
plantedVernacular word: planted
planted stalkVernacular word: planted stalk
planted_stalkVernacular word: planted_stalk
plantingVernacular word: planting
plantionVernacular word: plantion
plantlessVernacular word: plantless
plantlifeVernacular word: plantlife
plantsVernacular word: plants
plasteringVernacular word: plastering
plasticVernacular word: plastic
plate(sVernacular word: plate(s
platefulVernacular word: plateful
platesVernacular word: plates
platformVernacular word: platform
plausibleVernacular word: plausible
play-upVernacular word: play-up
playboyVernacular word: playboy
playedVernacular word: played
playerVernacular word: player
playersVernacular word: players
playfulVernacular word: playful
playfullyVernacular word: playfully
playingVernacular word: playing
playing(oneVernacular word: playing(one
playmateVernacular word: playmate
playsVernacular word: plays
plazaVernacular word: plaza
pleadVernacular word: plead
pleadingVernacular word: pleading
pleasedVernacular word: pleased
pleasesVernacular word: pleases
pleatVernacular word: pleat
plentifulVernacular word: plentiful
plentifulnessVernacular word: plentifulness
plesiosaurVernacular word: plesiosaur
pliableVernacular word: pliable
pliantVernacular word: pliant
pliersVernacular word: pliers
plonkVernacular word: plonk
plopVernacular word: plop
plotVernacular word: plot
ploughVernacular word: plough
ploughedVernacular word: ploughed
plowedVernacular word: plowed
plowingVernacular word: plowing
pluckVernacular word: pluck
pluckingVernacular word: plucking
plugVernacular word: plug
plumVernacular word: plum
plumblineVernacular word: plumbline
plumpVernacular word: plump
plunderVernacular word: plunder
plungerVernacular word: plunger
pluraliserVernacular word: pluraliser
pmVernacular word: pm
pneumoniaVernacular word: pneumonia
podVernacular word: pod
podsVernacular word: pods
poemsVernacular word: poems
poeticalVernacular word: poetical
poetsVernacular word: poets
pointedVernacular word: pointed
pointingVernacular word: pointing
pointlessVernacular word: pointless
pointsVernacular word: points
points toVernacular word: points to
points_toVernacular word: points_to
pointyVernacular word: pointy
poisonedVernacular word: poisoned
poisoningVernacular word: poisoning
poisonousVernacular word: poisonous
pokeVernacular word: poke
pokedVernacular word: poked
pokerVernacular word: poker
pokingVernacular word: poking
pokyVernacular word: poky
poleVernacular word: pole
polesVernacular word: poles
policemanVernacular word: policeman
policewomanVernacular word: policewoman
polioVernacular word: polio
polishedVernacular word: polished
polishingVernacular word: polishing
politelyVernacular word: politely
politenessVernacular word: politeness
politician'sVernacular word: politician's
politiciansVernacular word: politicians
pollutesVernacular word: pollutes
pollutingVernacular word: polluting
pollutionVernacular word: pollution
pollywogVernacular word: pollywog
pomegranatesVernacular word: pomegranates
pomeloVernacular word: pomelo
pompomVernacular word: pompom
pompousVernacular word: pompous
pondVernacular word: pond
ponderVernacular word: ponder
pooVernacular word: poo
pooledVernacular word: pooled
poolsVernacular word: pools
poowyVernacular word: poowy
popVernacular word: pop
pop-eyedVernacular word: pop-eyed
pop-outVernacular word: pop-out
popcornVernacular word: popcorn
poppedVernacular word: popped
poppingVernacular word: popping
poppyVernacular word: poppy
popsVernacular word: pops
popsicleVernacular word: popsicle
popularizeVernacular word: popularize
porchVernacular word: porch
porkVernacular word: pork
porousVernacular word: porous
porridgeVernacular word: porridge
portionsVernacular word: portions
posibilityVernacular word: posibility
positionedVernacular word: positioned
positionsVernacular word: positions
possessedVernacular word: possessed
possession(sVernacular word: possession(s
possessionsVernacular word: possessions
possessiveVernacular word: possessive
possibilitiesVernacular word: possibilities
possiblyVernacular word: possibly
postcodeVernacular word: postcode
postedVernacular word: posted
postingVernacular word: posting
postiveVernacular word: postive
postpositionalVernacular word: postpositional
postsVernacular word: posts
potatoVernacular word: potato
potato'sVernacular word: potato's
potatoesVernacular word: potatoes
potentVernacular word: potent
potholeVernacular word: pothole
potholesVernacular word: potholes
potionVernacular word: potion
potsVernacular word: pots
potstandVernacular word: potstand
poulticeVernacular word: poultice
poultriesVernacular word: poultries
poultryVernacular word: poultry
pounceVernacular word: pounce
pouncedVernacular word: pounced
pouncesVernacular word: pounces
pounchedVernacular word: pounched
poundedVernacular word: pounded
poundingVernacular word: pounding
pour/applyVernacular word: pour/apply
pouredVernacular word: poured
pouringVernacular word: pouring
poutVernacular word: pout
powderedVernacular word: powdered
powderyVernacular word: powdery
powerfulVernacular word: powerful
powerfullVernacular word: powerfull
powersVernacular word: powers
pprovedVernacular word: pproved
practicalityVernacular word: practicality
practicedVernacular word: practiced
practicesVernacular word: practices
practicingVernacular word: practicing
practisesVernacular word: practises
practisingVernacular word: practising
prairieVernacular word: prairie
praisedVernacular word: praised
praisesVernacular word: praises
praiseworthyVernacular word: praiseworthy
praisingVernacular word: praising
prawnVernacular word: prawn
prayedVernacular word: prayed
prayersVernacular word: prayers
prayingVernacular word: praying
prcieVernacular word: prcie
pre-arrangeVernacular word: pre-arrange
pre-arrangedVernacular word: pre-arranged
pre-pubescentVernacular word: pre-pubescent
preachedVernacular word: preached
preachingVernacular word: preaching
prearrangedVernacular word: prearranged
precededVernacular word: preceded
precedesVernacular word: precedes
precipitationVernacular word: precipitation
predatorVernacular word: predator
predicamentVernacular word: predicament
predictableVernacular word: predictable
predictingVernacular word: predicting
predictionVernacular word: prediction
predictsVernacular word: predicts
preexistantVernacular word: preexistant
preexistingVernacular word: preexisting
preferedVernacular word: prefered
preferenceVernacular word: preference
preferredVernacular word: preferred
preferringVernacular word: preferring
prefersVernacular word: prefers
prefix, suffix, circumfix, infixSeeEntry
prefixedVernacular word: prefixed
pregantVernacular word: pregant
pregnancyVernacular word: pregnancy
pregnantVernacular word: pregnant
preludeVernacular word: prelude
prematureVernacular word: premature
prematurelyVernacular word: prematurely
preoccupiedVernacular word: preoccupied
preparationVernacular word: preparation
preparedVernacular word: prepared
preparesVernacular word: prepares
preparingVernacular word: preparing
prepositionalVernacular word: prepositional
prepositionsVernacular word: prepositions
prepubescentVernacular word: prepubescent
preschoolVernacular word: preschool
prescriptionVernacular word: prescription
presenceVernacular word: presence
presentableVernacular word: presentable
presentedVernacular word: presented
presentingVernacular word: presenting
presentsVernacular word: presents
preservationVernacular word: preservation
preservedVernacular word: preserved
preservingVernacular word: preserving
presideVernacular word: preside
presidencyVernacular word: presidency
president'sVernacular word: president's
presidentialVernacular word: presidential
pressedVernacular word: pressed
pressenceVernacular word: pressence
presservedVernacular word: presserved
pressingVernacular word: pressing
pressuredVernacular word: pressured
pressuringVernacular word: pressuring
prestigeVernacular word: prestige
prestigiousVernacular word: prestigious
presumedVernacular word: presumed
presumesVernacular word: presumes
presumptuousVernacular word: presumptuous
pretencesVernacular word: pretences
pretenderVernacular word: pretender
pretendingVernacular word: pretending
pretendsVernacular word: pretends
pretextVernacular word: pretext
prevent/stopVernacular word: prevent/stop
preventedVernacular word: prevented
preventingVernacular word: preventing
preventsVernacular word: prevents
previouslyVernacular word: previously
preyVernacular word: prey
pricedVernacular word: priced
pricesVernacular word: prices
prickleVernacular word: prickle
pricklyVernacular word: prickly
priestsVernacular word: priests
primarilyVernacular word: primarily
primitiveVernacular word: primitive
princessVernacular word: princess
principal'sVernacular word: principal's
principlesVernacular word: principles
printVernacular word: print
printedVernacular word: printed
printingVernacular word: printing
printsVernacular word: prints
prisonerVernacular word: prisoner
privatelyVernacular word: privately
priviledgedVernacular word: priviledged
privilegedVernacular word: privileged
prize-givingVernacular word: prize-giving
prizedVernacular word: prized
probabilityVernacular word: probability
probablyVernacular word: probably
problem(Vernacular word: problem(
problemsVernacular word: problems
proceededVernacular word: proceeded
proceedingVernacular word: proceeding
proceedsVernacular word: proceeds
processedVernacular word: processed
processesVernacular word: processes
proclaimVernacular word: proclaim
procreationVernacular word: procreation
prodVernacular word: prod
producedVernacular word: produced
producesVernacular word: produces
producingVernacular word: producing
productiveVernacular word: productive
productsVernacular word: products
profaneVernacular word: profane
professVernacular word: profess
profitsVernacular word: profits
profoundVernacular word: profound
profuseVernacular word: profuse
programmedVernacular word: programmed
programsVernacular word: programs
progressedVernacular word: progressed
progressesVernacular word: progresses
progressingVernacular word: progressing
progressiveVernacular word: progressive
prohibitedVernacular word: prohibited
prohibitsVernacular word: prohibits
projectedVernacular word: projected
projectileVernacular word: projectile
projectingVernacular word: projecting
projectionsVernacular word: projections
projectsVernacular word: projects
prominentVernacular word: prominent
promisedVernacular word: promised
promisesVernacular word: promises
promisingVernacular word: promising
promotedVernacular word: promoted
promotesVernacular word: promotes
promotingVernacular word: promoting
promotionVernacular word: promotion
promptlyVernacular word: promptly
proneVernacular word: prone
prongVernacular word: prong
prongedVernacular word: pronged
prongsVernacular word: prongs
pronimalVernacular word: pronimal
pronominalVernacular word: pronominal
pronounciationVernacular word: pronounciation
pronounsVernacular word: pronouns
propelledVernacular word: propelled
propellorVernacular word: propellor
properlyVernacular word: properly
propertiesVernacular word: properties
prophesyingVernacular word: prophesying
propheticVernacular word: prophetic
proportionedVernacular word: proportioned
proportionsVernacular word: proportions
proposedVernacular word: proposed
proprietyVernacular word: propriety
prosperVernacular word: prosper
prosperityVernacular word: prosperity
prosperousVernacular word: prosperous
prostateVernacular word: prostate
prostituteVernacular word: prostitute
prostitutesVernacular word: prostitutes
prostrateVernacular word: prostrate
protectedVernacular word: protected
protectingVernacular word: protecting
protectiveVernacular word: protective
protectorVernacular word: protector
protectsVernacular word: protects
proteinVernacular word: protein
protestVernacular word: protest
protrudeVernacular word: protrude
protrudedVernacular word: protruded
protrudesVernacular word: protrudes
protrudingVernacular word: protruding
provedVernacular word: proved
provesVernacular word: proves
providesVernacular word: provides
provinceVernacular word: province
provingVernacular word: proving
provisionsVernacular word: provisions
provocativeVernacular word: provocative
provokeVernacular word: provoke
provokedVernacular word: provoked
prudentVernacular word: prudent
pruneVernacular word: prune
pruningsVernacular word: prunings
psstVernacular word: psst
pterocarpVernacular word: pterocarp
puayingVernacular word: puaying
pubertyVernacular word: puberty
pubicVernacular word: pubic
publicityVernacular word: publicity
publiclyVernacular word: publicly
publishedVernacular word: published
publishesVernacular word: publishes
publishingVernacular word: publishing
puffVernacular word: puff
puffedVernacular word: puffed
puffingVernacular word: puffing
pulaVernacular word: pula
pulangiVernacular word: pulangi
pulewVernacular word: pulew
pulisVernacular word: pulis
pull backVernacular word: pull back
pull offVernacular word: pull off
pull/beatVernacular word: pull/beat
pull_backVernacular word: pull_back
pull_offVernacular word: pull_off
pulledVernacular word: pulled
pulled backVernacular word: pulled back
pulled_backVernacular word: pulled_back
pulletVernacular word: pullet
pullingVernacular word: pulling
pullsVernacular word: pulls
pulpVernacular word: pulp
pulsateVernacular word: pulsate
pulseVernacular word: pulse
pumpingVernacular word: pumping
pumpkinVernacular word: pumpkin
pumpkinsVernacular word: pumpkins
pumpsVernacular word: pumps
punVernacular word: pun
punchVernacular word: punch
punch-upVernacular word: punch-up
punchedVernacular word: punched
punchesVernacular word: punches
punchingVernacular word: punching
punctuationVernacular word: punctuation
pungentVernacular word: pungent
punggeyVernacular word: punggey
punggukVernacular word: pungguk
punishedVernacular word: punished
punisherVernacular word: punisher
punishesVernacular word: punishes
punishingVernacular word: punishing
punishmentVernacular word: punishment
punyVernacular word: puny
puppetVernacular word: puppet
puppiesVernacular word: puppies
puppyVernacular word: puppy
purchasedVernacular word: purchased
purchasesVernacular word: purchases
purebreedVernacular word: purebreed
purelyVernacular word: purely
purifyingVernacular word: purifying
purokVernacular word: purok
purple-tingedVernacular word: purple-tinged
purplishVernacular word: purplish
purposefullyVernacular word: purposefully
purposesVernacular word: purposes
purrVernacular word: purr
purseVernacular word: purse
pursuedVernacular word: pursued
purukVernacular word: puruk
pusVernacular word: pus
pushedVernacular word: pushed
pushingVernacular word: pushing
pushyVernacular word: pushy
puspus, basaklaVernacular word: puspus, basakla
puspus,_basaklaVernacular word: puspus,_basakla
pusyVernacular word: pusy
put effort intoVernacular word: put effort into
put pressure onVernacular word: put pressure on
put something into practiceVernacular word: put something into practice
put+poisonVernacular word: put+poison
put_effort_intoVernacular word: put_effort_into
put_pressure_onVernacular word: put_pressure_on
put_something_into_practiceVernacular word: put_something_into_practice
putrifyVernacular word: putrify
putsVernacular word: puts
puttingVernacular word: putting
putìVernacular word: putì
puunanVernacular word: puunan
puyayeVernacular word: puyaye
pygmyVernacular word: pygmy
pyramidsVernacular word: pyramids
pythonVernacular word: python
pángnanVernacular word: pángnan
quailVernacular word: quail
quakeVernacular word: quake
qualifiedVernacular word: qualified
qualitiesVernacular word: qualities
quarelVernacular word: quarel
quarellingVernacular word: quarelling
quarrelledVernacular word: quarrelled
quarryVernacular word: quarry
quartersVernacular word: quarters
queasyVernacular word: queasy
queensVernacular word: queens
queerVernacular word: queer
queryVernacular word: query
questionedVernacular word: questioned
questionsVernacular word: questions
quick-temperedVernacular word: quick-tempered
quick/flyingVernacular word: quick/flying
quicklyVernacular word: quickly
quickly.(ToVernacular word: quickly.(To
quieted/quietenedVernacular word: quieted/quietened
quietenVernacular word: quieten
quietensVernacular word: quietens
quieterVernacular word: quieter
quietishVernacular word: quietish
quietlyVernacular word: quietly
quietnessVernacular word: quietness
quietsVernacular word: quiets
quotedVernacular word: quoted
quotesVernacular word: quotes
rabidVernacular word: rabid
rabiesVernacular word: rabies
racedVernacular word: raced
racehorsesVernacular word: racehorses
racemosaVernacular word: racemosa
racesVernacular word: races
racialVernacular word: racial
rackVernacular word: rack
racket-tailedVernacular word: racket-tailed
racketsVernacular word: rackets
raddishVernacular word: raddish
radiantVernacular word: radiant
radiatingVernacular word: radiating
radishVernacular word: radish
radyuVernacular word: radyu
raffleVernacular word: raffle
raft-poleVernacular word: raft-pole
rafterVernacular word: rafter
raftersVernacular word: rafters
raftingVernacular word: rafting
ragVernacular word: rag
rageVernacular word: rage
raggedVernacular word: ragged
raidVernacular word: raid
railingVernacular word: railing
rain of fallVernacular word: rain of fall
rain to fallVernacular word: rain to fall
rain_of_fallVernacular word: rain_of_fall
rain_to_fallVernacular word: rain_to_fall
rainbowVernacular word: rainbow
raincloudsVernacular word: rainclouds
raincoatVernacular word: raincoat
rainedVernacular word: rained
rainfallVernacular word: rainfall
rainingVernacular word: raining
rainsVernacular word: rains
rainshowerVernacular word: rainshower
rainyVernacular word: rainy
raisedVernacular word: raised
raisesVernacular word: raises
raisingVernacular word: raising
ramVernacular word: ram
rambleVernacular word: ramble
rambotanVernacular word: rambotan
rambutanVernacular word: rambutan
rambutansVernacular word: rambutans
rammingVernacular word: ramming
rampVernacular word: ramp
rampingVernacular word: ramping
rancidVernacular word: rancid
randomlyVernacular word: randomly
rangesVernacular word: ranges
rangingVernacular word: ranging
ranksVernacular word: ranks
rapVernacular word: rap
rapeVernacular word: rape
rapedVernacular word: raped
rapidlyVernacular word: rapidly
raptureVernacular word: rapture
rapturedVernacular word: raptured
rarelyVernacular word: rarely
rascalVernacular word: rascal
rashVernacular word: rash
ratVernacular word: rat
ratanVernacular word: ratan
ratbagVernacular word: ratbag
ratedVernacular word: rated
ratesVernacular word: rates
rather thanVernacular word: rather than
rather_thanVernacular word: rather_than
ratsVernacular word: rats
rattanVernacular word: rattan
rattleVernacular word: rattle
rattlesnakeVernacular word: rattlesnake
rattlingVernacular word: rattling
ravenlyVernacular word: ravenly
ravenousVernacular word: ravenous
ravineVernacular word: ravine
ravinesVernacular word: ravines
rawishVernacular word: rawish
rayusVernacular word: rayus
razorsVernacular word: razors
rdpC-aVernacular word: rdpC-a
re)paymentVernacular word: re)payment
reachedVernacular word: reached
reachesVernacular word: reaches
reachingVernacular word: reaching
reactedVernacular word: reacted
reactingVernacular word: reacting
reactionVernacular word: reaction
readiedVernacular word: readied
readinessVernacular word: readiness
readingVernacular word: reading
readsVernacular word: reads
realiseVernacular word: realise
realityVernacular word: reality
realizationVernacular word: realization
realizedVernacular word: realized
realizingVernacular word: realizing
realyVernacular word: realy
reapVernacular word: reap
rearVernacular word: rear
rearedVernacular word: reared
reasonedVernacular word: reasoned
reasoningVernacular word: reasoning
reasonsVernacular word: reasons
reassureVernacular word: reassure
rebelVernacular word: rebel
rebelledVernacular word: rebelled
rebellionVernacular word: rebellion
rebelliousVernacular word: rebellious
rebelsVernacular word: rebels
reboundVernacular word: rebound
rebuildVernacular word: rebuild
rebuiltVernacular word: rebuilt
rebukeVernacular word: rebuke
rebukedVernacular word: rebuked
recallVernacular word: recall
recalledVernacular word: recalled
recedeVernacular word: recede
recedingVernacular word: receding
receivedVernacular word: received
receiverVernacular word: receiver
receivesVernacular word: receives
receivingVernacular word: receiving
recentlyVernacular word: recently
receptionistVernacular word: receptionist
rechargedVernacular word: recharged
recieveVernacular word: recieve
recievesVernacular word: recieves
recipeVernacular word: recipe
reciprocalVernacular word: reciprocal
reciprocallyVernacular word: reciprocally
reciprocateVernacular word: reciprocate
reciteVernacular word: recite
reclaimVernacular word: reclaim
reclineVernacular word: recline
reclinedVernacular word: reclined
recogniseVernacular word: recognise
recognisedVernacular word: recognised
recognizableVernacular word: recognizable
recognizedVernacular word: recognized
recognizesVernacular word: recognizes
recognizingVernacular word: recognizing
recommendationVernacular word: recommendation
recommendedVernacular word: recommended
recommendsVernacular word: recommends
recompenseVernacular word: recompense
reconciledVernacular word: reconciled
reconciliateVernacular word: reconciliate
reconciliationVernacular word: reconciliation
reconcilingVernacular word: reconciling
record-keeperVernacular word: record-keeper
recordedVernacular word: recorded
recorderVernacular word: recorder
recordingVernacular word: recording
recordsVernacular word: records
recover fromVernacular word: recover from
recover_fromVernacular word: recover_from
recoveredVernacular word: recovered
recoveringVernacular word: recovering
recoveryVernacular word: recovery
rectangleVernacular word: rectangle
rectangle-shapedVernacular word: rectangle-shaped
rectangularVernacular word: rectangular
rectumVernacular word: rectum
recurVernacular word: recur
recurredVernacular word: recurred
recurrenceVernacular word: recurrence
red-breastedVernacular word: red-breasted
red-facedVernacular word: red-faced
red-handedVernacular word: red-handed
red-skinnedVernacular word: red-skinned
red-wingedVernacular word: red-winged
reddishVernacular word: reddish
redeemedVernacular word: redeemed
redeemingVernacular word: redeeming
redeemsVernacular word: redeems
redishVernacular word: redish
redoVernacular word: redo
redoingVernacular word: redoing
redoneVernacular word: redone
reducedVernacular word: reduced
reducesVernacular word: reduces
reducingVernacular word: reducing
reduplicatedVernacular word: reduplicated
reduplicatingVernacular word: reduplicating
reduplicationVernacular word: reduplication
reedVernacular word: reed
reedsVernacular word: reeds
reelVernacular word: reel
reel+aroundVernacular word: reel+around
refer toVernacular word: refer to
refer_toVernacular word: refer_to
refereeVernacular word: referee
referencesVernacular word: references
referentVernacular word: referent
referingVernacular word: refering
referralVernacular word: referral
referredVernacular word: referred
referringVernacular word: referring
refersVernacular word: refers
refillVernacular word: refill
reflectedVernacular word: reflected
reflectingVernacular word: reflecting
reflectsVernacular word: reflects
reforestrationVernacular word: reforestration
refrainVernacular word: refrain
refuelVernacular word: refuel
refugeVernacular word: refuge
refugeeVernacular word: refugee
refugeesVernacular word: refugees
refundVernacular word: refund
refusedVernacular word: refused
refusesVernacular word: refuses
refusingVernacular word: refusing
refuteVernacular word: refute
regainVernacular word: regain
regainedVernacular word: regained
regardedVernacular word: regarded
regardingVernacular word: regarding
regardsVernacular word: regards
regionalVernacular word: regional
regionsVernacular word: regions
registeredVernacular word: registered
registeringVernacular word: registering
registersVernacular word: registers
regretfulVernacular word: regretful
regrindVernacular word: regrind
regrowthVernacular word: regrowth
regularlyVernacular word: regularly
regulatingVernacular word: regulating
regulationsVernacular word: regulations
reignVernacular word: reign
reignsVernacular word: reigns
reimburseVernacular word: reimburse
reimbursementVernacular word: reimbursement
reinfectVernacular word: reinfect
reinforcedVernacular word: reinforced
reinforcingVernacular word: reinforcing
reinsVernacular word: reins
rejectedVernacular word: rejected
rejectingVernacular word: rejecting
rejectsVernacular word: rejects
rekindleVernacular word: rekindle
relatesVernacular word: relates
relatingVernacular word: relating
relationsVernacular word: relations
relationshipsVernacular word: relationships
relative_clauseVernacular word: relative_clause
relative_pronounVernacular word: relative_pronoun
relativelyVernacular word: relatively
relativesVernacular word: relatives
relaxationVernacular word: relaxation
relaxedVernacular word: relaxed
relaxingVernacular word: relaxing
releasedVernacular word: released
releasesVernacular word: releases
releasingVernacular word: releasing
releiveVernacular word: releive
relevanceVernacular word: relevance
reliable, reliantSeeEntry
relianceVernacular word: reliance
reliesVernacular word: relies
relievedVernacular word: relieved
relievingVernacular word: relieving
religionsVernacular word: religions
religiousVernacular word: religious
reluctuantVernacular word: reluctuant
rely onVernacular word: rely on
rely_onVernacular word: rely_on
remadeVernacular word: remade
remainderVernacular word: remainder
remainedVernacular word: remained
remainingVernacular word: remaining
remainsVernacular word: remains
remakeVernacular word: remake
remarryVernacular word: remarry
remarryingVernacular word: remarrying
rememberedVernacular word: remembered
rememberingVernacular word: remembering
remembersVernacular word: remembers
remembranceVernacular word: remembrance
remindedVernacular word: reminded
remissionVernacular word: remission
remnantsVernacular word: remnants
remonstrateVernacular word: remonstrate
remorseVernacular word: remorse
remoteVernacular word: remote
removableVernacular word: removable
removedVernacular word: removed
removerVernacular word: remover
removesVernacular word: removes
removingVernacular word: removing
renewVernacular word: renew
renewedVernacular word: renewed
renovateVernacular word: renovate
renownVernacular word: renown
rentedVernacular word: rented
rentingVernacular word: renting
reorganiseVernacular word: reorganise
reorganisedVernacular word: reorganised
reorganizeVernacular word: reorganize
reorganizedVernacular word: reorganized
repaidVernacular word: repaid
repairedVernacular word: repaired
repairingVernacular word: repairing
repairmanVernacular word: repairman
repairsVernacular word: repairs
repayVernacular word: repay
repayingVernacular word: repaying
repaymentVernacular word: repayment
repeatedVernacular word: repeated
repeatedlyVernacular word: repeatedly
repeatelyVernacular word: repeately
repeatingVernacular word: repeating
repeatsVernacular word: repeats
repellantVernacular word: repellant
repellentVernacular word: repellent
repentanceVernacular word: repentance
repentantVernacular word: repentant
repentingVernacular word: repenting
repetitionVernacular word: repetition
repetitiveVernacular word: repetitive
replacedVernacular word: replaced
replacementVernacular word: replacement
replacesVernacular word: replaces
replacingVernacular word: replacing
replantVernacular word: replant
reportedVernacular word: reported
reportedlyVernacular word: reportedly
repossessVernacular word: repossess
repoundVernacular word: repound
representedVernacular word: represented
representsVernacular word: represents
repressiveVernacular word: repressive
reprimandVernacular word: reprimand
reprimandedVernacular word: reprimanded
reptileVernacular word: reptile
reptilesVernacular word: reptiles
repugnantVernacular word: repugnant
reputatinVernacular word: reputatin
reputedVernacular word: reputed
requestedVernacular word: requested
requestingVernacular word: requesting
requiredVernacular word: required
requirementVernacular word: requirement
requirementsVernacular word: requirements
requiresVernacular word: requires
requiringVernacular word: requiring
rescuingVernacular word: rescuing
researcherVernacular word: researcher
researchesVernacular word: researches
researchingVernacular word: researching
resembleVernacular word: resemble
resemblingVernacular word: resembling
resentfulVernacular word: resentful
reservedVernacular word: reserved
residentialVernacular word: residential
residentsVernacular word: residents
residueVernacular word: residue
resinVernacular word: resin
resistantVernacular word: resistant
resolvedVernacular word: resolved
resolverVernacular word: resolver
resortVernacular word: resort
resourcefulVernacular word: resourceful
resourcesVernacular word: resources
respectableVernacular word: respectable
respectedVernacular word: respected
respectfulVernacular word: respectful
respectiveVernacular word: respective
resplendentVernacular word: resplendent
respondedVernacular word: responded
respondingVernacular word: responding
respondsVernacular word: responds
responsibilitiesVernacular word: responsibilities
responsiveVernacular word: responsive
restaurantsVernacular word: restaurants
restedVernacular word: rested
restingVernacular word: resting
restlessVernacular word: restless
restlesssnessVernacular word: restlesssness
restoredVernacular word: restored
restrainedVernacular word: restrained
restrictedVernacular word: restricted
restrictingVernacular word: restricting
restrictionsVernacular word: restrictions
restsVernacular word: rests
resultedVernacular word: resulted
resultingVernacular word: resulting
resultsVernacular word: results
resumeVernacular word: resume
retainedVernacular word: retained
retchVernacular word: retch
reticentVernacular word: reticent
retortVernacular word: retort
retreatVernacular word: retreat
retrieveVernacular word: retrieve
retrievedVernacular word: retrieved
returnedVernacular word: returned
returningVernacular word: returning
returnsVernacular word: returns
reuniteVernacular word: reunite
revealedVernacular word: revealed
revealingVernacular word: revealing
revealsVernacular word: reveals
revelationsVernacular word: revelations
revengedVernacular word: revenged
reverentVernacular word: reverent
reversedVernacular word: reversed
revertVernacular word: revert
revisedVernacular word: revised
reviveVernacular word: revive
revivedVernacular word: revived
revokeVernacular word: revoke
revokedVernacular word: revoked
revoltVernacular word: revolt
revolveVernacular word: revolve
revolvesVernacular word: revolves
rewardingVernacular word: rewarding
rewindVernacular word: rewind
reworkVernacular word: rework
reworkedVernacular word: reworked
rewritingVernacular word: rewriting
rheumatismVernacular word: rheumatism
rhinocerosVernacular word: rhinoceros
rhizomesVernacular word: rhizomes
rhythmVernacular word: rhythm
ribbonsVernacular word: ribbons
ribsVernacular word: ribs
rice(palayVernacular word: rice(palay
rice-birdsVernacular word: rice-birds
rice/cornVernacular word: rice/corn
rice/plantedVernacular word: rice/planted
ricefieldVernacular word: ricefield
ricefieldsVernacular word: ricefields
ricemealVernacular word: ricemeal
ricesVernacular word: rices
richerVernacular word: richer
richesVernacular word: riches
riddleVernacular word: riddle
riderVernacular word: rider
ridgeVernacular word: ridge
ridiculeVernacular word: ridicule
ridiculedVernacular word: ridiculed
ridiculingVernacular word: ridiculing
ridiculousVernacular word: ridiculous
ridingVernacular word: riding
riffle'sVernacular word: riffle's
rifleVernacular word: rifle
riflesVernacular word: rifles
right-livingVernacular word: right-living
right-sideVernacular word: right-side
righteousnessVernacular word: righteousness
rightfulVernacular word: rightful
rightsVernacular word: rights
rigorousVernacular word: rigorous
rimVernacular word: rim
rinVernacular word: rin
rindVernacular word: rind
ringedVernacular word: ringed
ringingVernacular word: ringing
ringsVernacular word: rings
ringwormVernacular word: ringworm
ringworm'sVernacular word: ringworm's
rinseVernacular word: rinse
riotVernacular word: riot
riotousVernacular word: riotous
ripVernacular word: rip
ripedVernacular word: riped
ripeningVernacular word: ripening
ripensVernacular word: ripens
ripishVernacular word: ripish
rippedVernacular word: ripped
rippleVernacular word: ripple
rippledVernacular word: rippled
ripplesVernacular word: ripples
risesVernacular word: rises
risingVernacular word: rising
riskyVernacular word: risky
ritualVernacular word: ritual
ritual+placeVernacular word: ritual+place
ritualisticVernacular word: ritualistic
riverbankVernacular word: riverbank
riverbedVernacular word: riverbed
riversVernacular word: rivers
rivuletVernacular word: rivulet
roadsVernacular word: roads
roadsideVernacular word: roadside
roadsignVernacular word: roadsign
roadwayVernacular word: roadway
roadworkersVernacular word: roadworkers
roamVernacular word: roam
roamingVernacular word: roaming
roaringVernacular word: roaring
roastedVernacular word: roasted
roasterVernacular word: roaster
roastingVernacular word: roasting
robbedVernacular word: robbed
robberVernacular word: robber
robbersVernacular word: robbers
rockclimbingVernacular word: rockclimbing
rockedVernacular word: rocked
rockfaceVernacular word: rockface
rockingVernacular word: rocking
rocksVernacular word: rocks
rockyVernacular word: rocky
rodVernacular word: rod
rodentVernacular word: rodent
rodsVernacular word: rods
rolesVernacular word: roles
roll upVernacular word: roll up
roll_upVernacular word: roll_up
rolledVernacular word: rolled
rollerVernacular word: roller
roller-coasterVernacular word: roller-coaster
rollingVernacular word: rolling
rollsVernacular word: rolls
roofingVernacular word: roofing
roofsVernacular word: roofs
roommateVernacular word: roommate
roomsVernacular word: rooms
roomyVernacular word: roomy
roostVernacular word: roost
roosterVernacular word: rooster
rooster'sVernacular word: rooster's
roostersVernacular word: roosters
rootingVernacular word: rooting
rootsVernacular word: roots
rootstockVernacular word: rootstock
ropesVernacular word: ropes
rotateVernacular word: rotate
rotatingVernacular word: rotating
rotisserieVernacular word: rotisserie
rotsVernacular word: rots
rottedVernacular word: rotted
rottingVernacular word: rotting
roudVernacular word: roud
rougeVernacular word: rouge
rough-upVernacular word: rough-up
roughenedVernacular word: roughened
roughlyVernacular word: roughly
roundaboutVernacular word: roundabout
roundedVernacular word: rounded
roundishVernacular word: roundish
roundwormVernacular word: roundworm
rouseVernacular word: rouse
rousedVernacular word: roused
rowdinessVernacular word: rowdiness
rowdyVernacular word: rowdy
rowsVernacular word: rows
rtalangVernacular word: rtalang
rub/scrapeVernacular word: rub/scrape
rubbedVernacular word: rubbed
rubbingVernacular word: rubbing
rudderVernacular word: rudder
rudder/sternVernacular word: rudder/stern
rufousVernacular word: rufous
rufous-cappedVernacular word: rufous-capped
rugsVernacular word: rugs
ruinedVernacular word: ruined
ruledVernacular word: ruled
rulerVernacular word: ruler
rulesVernacular word: rules
rulingVernacular word: ruling
rumVernacular word: rum
rumbleVernacular word: rumble
rumblesVernacular word: rumbles
rumblingVernacular word: rumbling
rumlumVernacular word: rumlum
rumorsVernacular word: rumors
rumpVernacular word: rump
run+fastVernacular word: run+fast
run-offVernacular word: run-off
run-overVernacular word: run-over
runnerVernacular word: runner
runnersVernacular word: runners
runnignVernacular word: runnign
runningVernacular word: running
running-offVernacular word: running-off
runnyVernacular word: runny
runsVernacular word: runs
runwayVernacular word: runway
rushedVernacular word: rushed
rustedVernacular word: rusted
rustleVernacular word: rustle
rustlingVernacular word: rustling
rustyVernacular word: rusty
Vernacular word: rè
sVernacular word: s
s/heVernacular word: s/he
s\heVernacular word: s\he
s\herVernacular word: s\her
sa-Vernacular word: sa-
sabbathVernacular word: sabbath
sabhaVernacular word: sabha
sabunganVernacular word: sabungan
sackVernacular word: sack
sackfulVernacular word: sackful
sackfulsVernacular word: sackfuls
sackingVernacular word: sacking
sacksVernacular word: sacks
sacrficeVernacular word: sacrfice
sacrificedVernacular word: sacrificed
sacrificersVernacular word: sacrificers
sacrificesVernacular word: sacrifices
sacrificialVernacular word: sacrificial
sacrificingVernacular word: sacrificing
sacrifiedVernacular word: sacrified
sadnessVernacular word: sadness
safekeepingVernacular word: safekeeping
saferVernacular word: safer
safetyVernacular word: safety
sagVernacular word: sag
sagguksukVernacular word: sagguksuk
sagoVernacular word: sago
sahingVernacular word: sahing
sahuksukVernacular word: sahuksuk
sahungsunganVernacular word: sahungsungan
sailedVernacular word: sailed
sailingVernacular word: sailing
saintlyVernacular word: saintly
salVernacular word: sal
salabak(riceVernacular word: salabak(rice
saladVernacular word: salad
salahapunenVernacular word: salahapunen
salaksakVernacular word: salaksak
salamanderVernacular word: salamander
salapienVernacular word: salapien
salayupanVernacular word: salayupan
sale'sVernacular word: sale's
saleableVernacular word: saleable
salebuVernacular word: salebu
salesVernacular word: sales
saleswomanVernacular word: saleswoman
salietVernacular word: saliet
salivaVernacular word: saliva
salivateVernacular word: salivate
salivatedVernacular word: salivated
salmonVernacular word: salmon
salonVernacular word: salon
saltedVernacular word: salted
saltwaterVernacular word: saltwater
saltyVernacular word: salty
salty-deliciousVernacular word: salty-delicious
salty-sourVernacular word: salty-sour
salumiVernacular word: salumi
saluneyVernacular word: saluney
salureyVernacular word: salurey
saluroyVernacular word: saluroy
saluteVernacular word: salute
saluwiVernacular word: saluwi
salvationVernacular word: salvation
sampaangVernacular word: sampaang
sanctifiesVernacular word: sanctifies
sanctifyingVernacular word: sanctifying
sandalVernacular word: sandal
sandorVernacular word: sandor
sandsVernacular word: sands
sandwichVernacular word: sandwich
sandyVernacular word: sandy
saneVernacular word: sane
sanglawVernacular word: sanglaw
santolVernacular word: santol
santolsVernacular word: santols
sapVernacular word: sap
saperingVernacular word: sapering
sapinitVernacular word: sapinit
saplingVernacular word: sapling
sapsapVernacular word: sapsap
sarcasmVernacular word: sarcasm
sarcasticVernacular word: sarcastic
sardinesVernacular word: sardines
sari-sariVernacular word: sari-sari
sashVernacular word: sash
sashsVernacular word: sashs
satanVernacular word: satan
satanicVernacular word: satanic
satelliteVernacular word: satellite
satiatedVernacular word: satiated
satisfiedVernacular word: satisfied
satisfiesVernacular word: satisfies
satsifiedVernacular word: satsified
saturatedVernacular word: saturated
saturdayVernacular word: saturday
saucyVernacular word: saucy
sautéVernacular word: sauté
savageVernacular word: savage
savedVernacular word: saved
savesVernacular word: saves
savingVernacular word: saving
saviorVernacular word: savior
saviourVernacular word: saviour
savoryVernacular word: savory
savouryVernacular word: savoury
sawdustVernacular word: sawdust
sawedVernacular word: sawed
sawingVernacular word: sawing
sawnVernacular word: sawn
sawn timberVernacular word: sawn timber
sawn_timberVernacular word: sawn_timber
sayingVernacular word: saying
sayingsVernacular word: sayings
sayoteVernacular word: sayote
saysVernacular word: says
sayuteVernacular word: sayute
scabVernacular word: scab
scab,bamboo,metalVernacular word: scab,bamboo,metal
scabiesVernacular word: scabies
scabyVernacular word: scaby
scaldVernacular word: scald
scaldedVernacular word: scalded
scaledVernacular word: scaled
scalesVernacular word: scales
scallywagVernacular word: scallywag
scalpVernacular word: scalp
scalyVernacular word: scaly
scamVernacular word: scam
scampVernacular word: scamp
scandalousVernacular word: scandalous
scapedVernacular word: scaped
scarVernacular word: scar
scareVernacular word: scare
scarecrowVernacular word: scarecrow
scaredVernacular word: scared
scarefulVernacular word: scareful
scaringVernacular word: scaring
scarletVernacular word: scarlet
scarsVernacular word: scars
scarsityVernacular word: scarsity
scaryVernacular word: scary
scatterdVernacular word: scatterd
scatteredVernacular word: scattered
scatteringVernacular word: scattering
scavengeVernacular word: scavenge
scavengerVernacular word: scavenger
scenesVernacular word: scenes
scepterVernacular word: scepter
scheduledVernacular word: scheduled
schedulesVernacular word: schedules
schemingVernacular word: scheming
scholarshipVernacular word: scholarship
school'sVernacular word: school's
schoolbagVernacular word: schoolbag
schooledVernacular word: schooled
schoolfriendVernacular word: schoolfriend
schoolfriendsVernacular word: schoolfriends
schoolingVernacular word: schooling
schoolsVernacular word: schools
scientificVernacular word: scientific
scissorVernacular word: scissor
scoffVernacular word: scoff
scoldedVernacular word: scolded
scoldingVernacular word: scolding
scoopVernacular word: scoop
scoopfulVernacular word: scoopful
scopsVernacular word: scops
scorchVernacular word: scorch
scorchedVernacular word: scorched
scoreVernacular word: score
scoresVernacular word: scores
scornedVernacular word: scorned
scorpionVernacular word: scorpion
scortVernacular word: scort
scotchVernacular word: scotch
scoungeVernacular word: scounge
scouringVernacular word: scouring
scoutVernacular word: scout
scowlVernacular word: scowl
scrabVernacular word: scrab
scrambleVernacular word: scramble
scrapVernacular word: scrap
scrapedVernacular word: scraped
scrapingVernacular word: scraping
scrapsVernacular word: scraps
scratchedVernacular word: scratched
scratchesVernacular word: scratches
scratchingVernacular word: scratching
scratchyVernacular word: scratchy
screamVernacular word: scream
screamedVernacular word: screamed
screamingVernacular word: screaming
screechVernacular word: screech
screw-upVernacular word: screw-up
screwedVernacular word: screwed
screwingVernacular word: screwing
screwsVernacular word: screws
scripturalVernacular word: scriptural
scripturesVernacular word: scriptures
scrotumVernacular word: scrotum
scrubVernacular word: scrub
scrunchVernacular word: scrunch
sculptVernacular word: sculpt
sculptingVernacular word: sculpting
sculptorVernacular word: sculptor
sculptureVernacular word: sculpture
seVernacular word: se
seafishVernacular word: seafish
sealVernacular word: seal
seamVernacular word: seam
seamsVernacular word: seams
searchedVernacular word: searched
searchersVernacular word: searchers
searchingVernacular word: searching
seashoreVernacular word: seashore
seasideVernacular word: seaside
seasonedVernacular word: seasoned
seasoningVernacular word: seasoning
seasonsVernacular word: seasons
seatbeltVernacular word: seatbelt
seatedVernacular word: seated
seatsVernacular word: seats
seaweedVernacular word: seaweed
seawormVernacular word: seaworm
secondaryVernacular word: secondary
secondsVernacular word: seconds
secoursVernacular word: secours
secretlyVernacular word: secretly
sectionedVernacular word: sectioned
sectionsVernacular word: sections
securedVernacular word: secured
sedgeVernacular word: sedge
seduceVernacular word: seduce
see-throughVernacular word: see-through
see/examineVernacular word: see/examine
seeableVernacular word: seeable
seededVernacular word: seeded
seedlingVernacular word: seedling
seedlingsVernacular word: seedlings
seedpodVernacular word: seedpod
seedsVernacular word: seeds
seeingVernacular word: seeing
seekingVernacular word: seeking
seemsVernacular word: seems
seendsVernacular word: seends
seesVernacular word: sees
seesawVernacular word: seesaw
seg-ewVernacular word: seg-ew
segkelVernacular word: segkel
segmentVernacular word: segment
seilingVernacular word: seiling
seiniVernacular word: seini
seizedVernacular word: seized
seizesVernacular word: seizes
seizingVernacular word: seizing
selVernacular word: sel
selectedVernacular word: selected
selectingVernacular word: selecting
selectiveVernacular word: selective
self-awarenessVernacular word: self-awareness
self-controlVernacular word: self-control
self-defenceVernacular word: self-defence
self-fulfillingVernacular word: self-fulfilling
self-pleasingVernacular word: self-pleasing
self-sownVernacular word: self-sown
sellerVernacular word: seller
sellingVernacular word: selling
sellsVernacular word: sells
seluyutVernacular word: seluyut
semenVernacular word: semen
semestralVernacular word: semestral
semi-hardwoodVernacular word: semi-hardwood
semi-mandatoryVernacular word: semi-mandatory
semi-permanentVernacular word: semi-permanent
semicircularVernacular word: semicircular
send+messageVernacular word: send+message
sendingVernacular word: sending
sendsVernacular word: sends
senileVernacular word: senile
seniorVernacular word: senior
sensedVernacular word: sensed
sensesVernacular word: senses
sensibleVernacular word: sensible
sensiblyVernacular word: sensibly
sensitivelyVernacular word: sensitively
sensitivityVernacular word: sensitivity
sentence/paragraphVernacular word: sentence/paragraph
sentencedVernacular word: sentenced
sentencesVernacular word: sentences
sentienceVernacular word: sentience
sentryVernacular word: sentry
separatedVernacular word: separated
separatesVernacular word: separates
separatingVernacular word: separating
separationVernacular word: separation
separatorVernacular word: separator
seperatedVernacular word: seperated
sequencedVernacular word: sequenced
sequentialVernacular word: sequential
seratedVernacular word: serated
serenadeVernacular word: serenade
seriouslyVernacular word: seriously
seriousnessVernacular word: seriousness
sermonVernacular word: sermon
sermonizeVernacular word: sermonize
serpentVernacular word: serpent
servantsVernacular word: servants
servedVernacular word: served
servesVernacular word: serves
servicesVernacular word: services
servingVernacular word: serving
sesamVernacular word: sesam
sesameVernacular word: sesame
set a precedentVernacular word: set a precedent
set up eavesVernacular word: set up eaves
set-offVernacular word: set-off
set_a_precedentVernacular word: set_a_precedent
set_up_eavesVernacular word: set_up_eaves
setsVernacular word: sets
settingVernacular word: setting
settledVernacular word: settled
settlementVernacular word: settlement
settlerVernacular word: settler
settlersVernacular word: settlers
settlesVernacular word: settles
settlingVernacular word: settling
seveVernacular word: seve
sevenVernacular word: seven
seventVernacular word: sevent
seventeenVernacular word: seventeen
seventhVernacular word: seventh
seventyVernacular word: seventy
severVernacular word: sever
severedVernacular word: severed
severelyVernacular word: severely
sewingVernacular word: sewing
sewnVernacular word: sewn
sexualVernacular word: sexual
sexuallyVernacular word: sexually
sexyVernacular word: sexy
sgVernacular word: sg
sg)(focusVernacular word: sg)(focus
sg)(topicVernacular word: sg)(topic
shVernacular word: sh
shackVernacular word: shack
shaddockVernacular word: shaddock
shadedVernacular word: shaded
shadowedVernacular word: shadowed
shadowsVernacular word: shadows
shadyVernacular word: shady
shaftVernacular word: shaft
shaggyVernacular word: shaggy
shakedVernacular word: shaked
shakesVernacular word: shakes
shakingVernacular word: shaking
shakyVernacular word: shaky
shallowlyVernacular word: shallowly
shalomVernacular word: shalom
shamanVernacular word: shaman
shamefulVernacular word: shameful
shamelessVernacular word: shameless
shamenVernacular word: shamen
shampooVernacular word: shampoo
shankVernacular word: shank
shapedVernacular word: shaped
shapesVernacular word: shapes
shaphenerVernacular word: shaphener
sharedVernacular word: shared
sharesVernacular word: shares
sharingVernacular word: sharing
sharkVernacular word: shark
sharksVernacular word: sharks
sharp-edgedVernacular word: sharp-edged
sharp-eyedVernacular word: sharp-eyed
sharp-pointedVernacular word: sharp-pointed
sharpenedVernacular word: sharpened
sharpenerVernacular word: sharpener
sharpeningVernacular word: sharpening
sharpshooterVernacular word: sharpshooter
shatterVernacular word: shatter
shatteredVernacular word: shattered
shatteringVernacular word: shattering
shawlVernacular word: shawl
she'sVernacular word: she's
she/heVernacular word: she/he
shearVernacular word: shear
sheathVernacular word: sheath
sheatheVernacular word: sheathe
shedVernacular word: shed
shedsVernacular word: sheds
sheepsVernacular word: sheeps
sheetsVernacular word: sheets
sheevelessVernacular word: sheeveless
shellerVernacular word: sheller
shellsVernacular word: shells
shelteredVernacular word: sheltered
shelvesVernacular word: shelves
shhhVernacular word: shhh
shiftedVernacular word: shifted
shiftsVernacular word: shifts
shimmyVernacular word: shimmy
shinesVernacular word: shines
shinhimuVernacular word: shinhimu
shininessVernacular word: shininess
shiningVernacular word: shining
shinyVernacular word: shiny
shirt/blouseVernacular word: shirt/blouse
shirt/skirtVernacular word: shirt/skirt
shirtsVernacular word: shirts
shiverVernacular word: shiver
shockedVernacular word: shocked
shockingVernacular word: shocking
shoelaceVernacular word: shoelace
shoesVernacular word: shoes
shofarVernacular word: shofar
shoneVernacular word: shone
shooVernacular word: shoo
shoot/sproutVernacular word: shoot/sprout
shooterVernacular word: shooter
shootingVernacular word: shooting
shootsVernacular word: shoots
shop-liftVernacular word: shop-lift
shopkeeperVernacular word: shopkeeper
shoppingVernacular word: shopping
shopsVernacular word: shops
short-crestedVernacular word: short-crested
short-nosedVernacular word: short-nosed
shortageVernacular word: shortage
shortcutVernacular word: shortcut
shortenedVernacular word: shortened
shorterVernacular word: shorter
shortestVernacular word: shortest
shortishVernacular word: shortish
shortlyVernacular word: shortly
shortsVernacular word: shorts
shotgunVernacular word: shotgun
shotsVernacular word: shots
should haveVernacular word: should have
should_haveVernacular word: should_have
shoulderedVernacular word: shouldered
shouldersVernacular word: shoulders
shouldn'tVernacular word: shouldn't
shoutedVernacular word: shouted
shoutingVernacular word: shouting
shoutsVernacular word: shouts
shoveVernacular word: shove
shovelVernacular word: shovel
show promiseVernacular word: show promise
show regard forVernacular word: show regard for
show respect to someoneVernacular word: show respect to someone
show-offVernacular word: show-off
show_promiseVernacular word: show_promise
show_regard_forVernacular word: show_regard_for
show_respect_to_someoneVernacular word: show_respect_to_someone
showedVernacular word: showed
showeredVernacular word: showered
showeringVernacular word: showering
showingVernacular word: showing
showsVernacular word: shows
showyVernacular word: showy
shredVernacular word: shred
shredsVernacular word: shreds
shrewVernacular word: shrew
shrew–aVernacular word: shrew–a
shriekVernacular word: shriek
shrikeVernacular word: shrike
shrillVernacular word: shrill
shrimpVernacular word: shrimp
shrinkVernacular word: shrink
shrinksVernacular word: shrinks
shrivelVernacular word: shrivel
shriveledVernacular word: shriveled
shrivelledVernacular word: shrivelled
shrubVernacular word: shrub
shrubsVernacular word: shrubs
shrugVernacular word: shrug
shudderVernacular word: shudder
shudderedVernacular word: shuddered
shuffleVernacular word: shuffle
shutterVernacular word: shutter
shuttingVernacular word: shutting
shyVernacular word: shy
shynessVernacular word: shyness
siVernacular word: si
siblingVernacular word: sibling
sibling-in-lawVernacular word: sibling-in-law
sibling/cousinVernacular word: sibling/cousin
siblingsVernacular word: siblings
siceVernacular word: sice
sickerVernacular word: sicker
sickleVernacular word: sickle
sicklyVernacular word: sickly
sicknessVernacular word: sickness
side-by-sideVernacular word: side-by-side
sideboardsVernacular word: sideboards
sideburnsVernacular word: sideburns
sidelineVernacular word: sideline
sideroadVernacular word: sideroad
sidesVernacular word: sides
sideshootVernacular word: sideshoot
sidewaysVernacular word: sideways
sieveVernacular word: sieve
sievedVernacular word: sieved
siezedVernacular word: siezed
siftVernacular word: sift
sighVernacular word: sigh
sightedVernacular word: sighted
signalledVernacular word: signalled
signalsVernacular word: signals
signboardVernacular word: signboard
signedVernacular word: signed
significanceVernacular word: significance
signifiesVernacular word: signifies
signsVernacular word: signs
sikundaVernacular word: sikunda
silencedVernacular word: silenced
silentlyVernacular word: silently
silhouetteVernacular word: silhouette
silkyVernacular word: silky
sillyVernacular word: silly
silver-scaledVernacular word: silver-scaled
silveryVernacular word: silvery
simeboday'sVernacular word: simeboday's
simiVernacular word: simi
similaritiesVernacular word: similarities
similarityVernacular word: similarity
similarlyVernacular word: similarly
simmerVernacular word: simmer
simmeringVernacular word: simmering
simplyVernacular word: simply
simultaneousVernacular word: simultaneous
simultaneouslyVernacular word: simultaneously
simèVernacular word: simè
sinaingVernacular word: sinaing
sinangágVernacular word: sinangág
sinfulVernacular word: sinful
singeVernacular word: singe
singedVernacular word: singed
singerVernacular word: singer
singersVernacular word: singers
singgalungVernacular word: singgalung
singingVernacular word: singing
single-edgedVernacular word: single-edged
single-fileVernacular word: single-file
single-mindedVernacular word: single-minded
single-tippedVernacular word: single-tipped
singletVernacular word: singlet
singsVernacular word: sings
singyuritaVernacular word: singyurita
sinkamasVernacular word: sinkamas
sinkedVernacular word: sinked
sinkerVernacular word: sinker
sinkersVernacular word: sinkers
sinkingVernacular word: sinking
sinlessVernacular word: sinless
sinnedVernacular word: sinned
sinnerVernacular word: sinner
sinnersVernacular word: sinners
sinningVernacular word: sinning
sinsVernacular word: sins
sinusisVernacular word: sinusis
sipVernacular word: sip
sirenVernacular word: siren
sister'sVernacular word: sister's
sister-in-lawVernacular word: sister-in-law
sistersVernacular word: sisters
sit downVernacular word: sit down
sit upVernacular word: sit up
sit_downVernacular word: sit_down
sit_upVernacular word: sit_up
sitationVernacular word: sitation
sitioVernacular word: sitio
sitiosVernacular word: sitios
sitsVernacular word: sits
sittingVernacular word: sitting
situationsVernacular word: situations
sixVernacular word: six
sixteenVernacular word: sixteen
sixthVernacular word: sixth
sixthdayVernacular word: sixthday
sixtyVernacular word: sixty
sizeableVernacular word: sizeable
sizedVernacular word: sized
sizzleVernacular word: sizzle
skateVernacular word: skate
skeletonVernacular word: skeleton
sketchVernacular word: sketch
skewerVernacular word: skewer
skeweringVernacular word: skewering
skewersVernacular word: skewers
skidVernacular word: skid
skilfullyVernacular word: skilfully
skilledVernacular word: skilled
skillfulVernacular word: skillful
skillsVernacular word: skills
skimVernacular word: skim
skimsVernacular word: skims
skinnedVernacular word: skinned
skinnyVernacular word: skinny
skinsVernacular word: skins
skipVernacular word: skip
skippedVernacular word: skipped
skippingVernacular word: skipping
skirt/shirtVernacular word: skirt/shirt
skirtsVernacular word: skirts
skiteVernacular word: skite
skullVernacular word: skull
slabVernacular word: slab
slamVernacular word: slam
slanderVernacular word: slander
slangVernacular word: slang
slantVernacular word: slant
slantedVernacular word: slanted
slantingVernacular word: slanting
slantsVernacular word: slants
slapVernacular word: slap
slappedVernacular word: slapped
slashVernacular word: slash
slash-burningVernacular word: slash-burning
slashedVernacular word: slashed
slashesVernacular word: slashes
slashingVernacular word: slashing
slatsVernacular word: slats
slattedVernacular word: slatted
slaughterVernacular word: slaughter
slaughteredVernacular word: slaughtered
slaughteringVernacular word: slaughtering
slauhgterVernacular word: slauhgter
slavesVernacular word: slaves
sledgeVernacular word: sledge
sleep+deeplyVernacular word: sleep+deeply
sleeperVernacular word: sleeper
sleepingVernacular word: sleeping
sleeplessVernacular word: sleepless
sleepsVernacular word: sleeps
sleepyVernacular word: sleepy
sleeveVernacular word: sleeve
sleevedVernacular word: sleeved
sleevelessVernacular word: sleeveless
sleevesVernacular word: sleeves
sleightVernacular word: sleight
slenderVernacular word: slender
slender knifeVernacular word: slender knife
slender-billedVernacular word: slender-billed
slender_knifeVernacular word: slender_knife
sliceVernacular word: slice
slicedVernacular word: sliced
slicingVernacular word: slicing
slide-showVernacular word: slide-show
slidedVernacular word: slided
slidingVernacular word: sliding
slightlyVernacular word: slightly
slimVernacular word: slim
slimeVernacular word: slime
slimyVernacular word: slimy
slingVernacular word: sling
slingsVernacular word: slings
slingshotVernacular word: slingshot
sliperVernacular word: sliper
slippedVernacular word: slipped
slipperVernacular word: slipper
slippersVernacular word: slippers
slippers/jandalsVernacular word: slippers/jandals
slippingVernacular word: slipping
slippiryVernacular word: slippiry
slippyVernacular word: slippy
slipsVernacular word: slips
slitVernacular word: slit
slittingVernacular word: slitting
slopedVernacular word: sloped
slopesVernacular word: slopes
slopingVernacular word: sloping
slotVernacular word: slot
slowedVernacular word: slowed
slowlyVernacular word: slowly
slowly apartVernacular word: slowly apart
slowly_apartVernacular word: slowly_apart
slowsVernacular word: slows
slugVernacular word: slug
sluggishVernacular word: sluggish
slumberVernacular word: slumber
slungVernacular word: slung
slurredVernacular word: slurred
slurryVernacular word: slurry
slurryingVernacular word: slurrying
slushyVernacular word: slushy
slyVernacular word: sly
smaalVernacular word: smaal
smackVernacular word: smack
smackedVernacular word: smacked
small particleVernacular word: small particle
small_particleVernacular word: small_particle
smallerVernacular word: smaller
smaller/weakerVernacular word: smaller/weaker
smallestVernacular word: smallest
smallishVernacular word: smallish
smallpoxVernacular word: smallpox
smartVernacular word: smart
smashVernacular word: smash
smashedVernacular word: smashed
smearVernacular word: smear
smelledVernacular word: smelled
smellingVernacular word: smelling
smellsVernacular word: smells
smellyVernacular word: smelly
smile atVernacular word: smile at
smile_atVernacular word: smile_at
smiledVernacular word: smiled
smilesVernacular word: smiles
smilingVernacular word: smiling
smilyVernacular word: smily
smirkVernacular word: smirk
smirkyVernacular word: smirky
smogVernacular word: smog
smokedVernacular word: smoked
smoked-foodVernacular word: smoked-food
smokerVernacular word: smoker
smokey-whiteVernacular word: smokey-white
smokingVernacular word: smoking
smokyVernacular word: smoky
smolderVernacular word: smolder
smolderingVernacular word: smoldering
smooth-branchedVernacular word: smooth-branched
smoothedVernacular word: smoothed
smoothing somethingVernacular word: smoothing something
smoothing_somethingVernacular word: smoothing_something
smoothlyVernacular word: smoothly
smotherVernacular word: smother
smoulderVernacular word: smoulder
smoulderingVernacular word: smouldering
snackVernacular word: snack
snacksVernacular word: snacks
snaggedVernacular word: snagged
snailVernacular word: snail
snailsVernacular word: snails
snake'sVernacular word: snake's
snakebiteVernacular word: snakebite
snakesVernacular word: snakes
snapVernacular word: snap
snappedVernacular word: snapped
snappyVernacular word: snappy
snareVernacular word: snare
snaresVernacular word: snares
snaringVernacular word: snaring
snatchVernacular word: snatch
snatch/devourVernacular word: snatch/devour
snatchedVernacular word: snatched
snatcherVernacular word: snatcher
snatchingVernacular word: snatching
sneakVernacular word: sneak
sneakedVernacular word: sneaked
sneezeVernacular word: sneeze
sneezedVernacular word: sneezed
sneezingVernacular word: sneezing
sniffVernacular word: sniff
sniffleVernacular word: sniffle
snipVernacular word: snip
snoozeVernacular word: snooze
snoreVernacular word: snore
snoredVernacular word: snored
snortVernacular word: snort
snotVernacular word: snot
snoutVernacular word: snout
snowingVernacular word: snowing
snuffVernacular word: snuff
snuggleVernacular word: snuggle
so thatVernacular word: so that
so+Vernacular word: so+
so...fb:thatVernacular word: so...that
so_thatVernacular word: so_that
soakVernacular word: soak
soakedVernacular word: soaked
soakingVernacular word: soaking
soarVernacular word: soar
sobVernacular word: sob
societiesVernacular word: societies
society'sVernacular word: society's
socketVernacular word: socket
socksVernacular word: socks
soemoneVernacular word: soemone
sofaVernacular word: sofa
soft-drinkVernacular word: soft-drink
soft-headedVernacular word: soft-headed
softballVernacular word: softball
softenerVernacular word: softener
softerVernacular word: softer
softishVernacular word: softish
softlyVernacular word: softly
softnessVernacular word: softness
softwareVernacular word: software
softwoodVernacular word: softwood
soiledVernacular word: soiled
sojournerVernacular word: sojourner
solarVernacular word: solar
solderVernacular word: solder
soldier'sVernacular word: soldier's
soldiersVernacular word: soldiers
solicitVernacular word: solicit
solidifyVernacular word: solidify
solidifyingVernacular word: solidifying
solidsVernacular word: solids
solitaryVernacular word: solitary
soloVernacular word: solo
solubleVernacular word: soluble
solvedVernacular word: solved
solventVernacular word: solvent
solvingVernacular word: solving
somebody'sVernacular word: somebody's
somedayVernacular word: someday
somehtingVernacular word: somehting
someneVernacular word: somene
somenoeVernacular word: somenoe
someomeVernacular word: someome
someonVernacular word: someon
someone'sVernacular word: someone's
someone,sVernacular word: someone,s
someone.(familiarVernacular word: someone.(familiar
someone/somethingVernacular word: someone/something
someonesVernacular word: someones
somersaultVernacular word: somersault
something likeVernacular word: something like
something'sVernacular word: something's
something(e.gVernacular word: something(e.g
something/someoneVernacular word: something/someone
something_likeVernacular word: something_like
sometingVernacular word: someting
sometoneVernacular word: sometone
somoneVernacular word: somone
somthingVernacular word: somthing
son'sVernacular word: son's
son-in-lawVernacular word: son-in-law
son/daughterVernacular word: son/daughter
son/daugtherVernacular word: son/daugther
songsVernacular word: songs
songwriterVernacular word: songwriter
sonsVernacular word: sons
soomethingVernacular word: soomething
soonerVernacular word: sooner
sootVernacular word: soot
sootheVernacular word: soothe
soothedVernacular word: soothed
soothingVernacular word: soothing
sootyVernacular word: sooty
sopposedVernacular word: sopposed
sorcerersVernacular word: sorcerers
soredVernacular word: sored
soresVernacular word: sores
sorghumVernacular word: sorghum
soroundedVernacular word: sorounded
sorroundedVernacular word: sorrounded
sorrowfulVernacular word: sorrowful
sort ofVernacular word: sort of
sort_ofVernacular word: sort_of
sortedVernacular word: sorted
sortingVernacular word: sorting
sortsVernacular word: sorts
soryVernacular word: sory
soulsVernacular word: souls
soundedVernacular word: sounded
sounderVernacular word: sounder
soundingVernacular word: sounding
soundsVernacular word: sounds
soundwavesVernacular word: soundwaves
soupyVernacular word: soupy
sourcesVernacular word: sources
soursopVernacular word: soursop
southernVernacular word: southern
souvenirVernacular word: souvenir
sowerVernacular word: sower
sowingVernacular word: sowing
soyVernacular word: soy
spacedVernacular word: spaced
spacesVernacular word: spaces
spaciousVernacular word: spacious
spadesVernacular word: spades
spanVernacular word: span
spankVernacular word: spank
spankedVernacular word: spanked
spanningVernacular word: spanning
spansVernacular word: spans
sparinglyVernacular word: sparingly
sparkVernacular word: spark
sparkleVernacular word: sparkle
sparklingVernacular word: sparkling
sparrowVernacular word: sparrow
sparrowsVernacular word: sparrows
spasmVernacular word: spasm
spatVernacular word: spat
spatulaVernacular word: spatula
spawnersVernacular word: spawners
spayVernacular word: spay
spayedVernacular word: spayed
speakerVernacular word: speaker
speakersVernacular word: speakers
speakingVernacular word: speaking
speaksVernacular word: speaks
spearVernacular word: spear
spear'sVernacular word: spear's
spear-gunVernacular word: spear-gun
spear-tipVernacular word: spear-tip
spearedVernacular word: speared
spearingVernacular word: spearing
spearsVernacular word: spears
specialistVernacular word: specialist
speciallyVernacular word: specially
specialsVernacular word: specials
speciesVernacular word: species
specificallyVernacular word: specifically
specificationsVernacular word: specifications
specifiedVernacular word: specified
specifierVernacular word: specifier
specifier/quantityVernacular word: specifier/quantity
specifyingVernacular word: specifying
speckledVernacular word: speckled
speckled/spottedVernacular word: speckled/spotted
spectaclesVernacular word: spectacles
spectacularVernacular word: spectacular
speculateVernacular word: speculate
speechlessVernacular word: speechless
speedilyVernacular word: speedily
speedyVernacular word: speedy
spelledVernacular word: spelled
spellingVernacular word: spelling
spendingVernacular word: spending
spendsVernacular word: spends
spendthriftVernacular word: spendthrift
spermVernacular word: sperm
spermatozoonVernacular word: spermatozoon
sphericalVernacular word: spherical
spiceVernacular word: spice
spicesVernacular word: spices
spicyVernacular word: spicy
spiderVernacular word: spider
spidersVernacular word: spiders
spikeVernacular word: spike
spikesVernacular word: spikes
spikyVernacular word: spiky
spilledVernacular word: spilled
spiltVernacular word: spilt
spinalVernacular word: spinal
spineVernacular word: spine
spine-likeVernacular word: spine-like
spine-tailedVernacular word: spine-tailed
spinelessVernacular word: spineless
spinningVernacular word: spinning
spinsVernacular word: spins
spinsterVernacular word: spinster
spinyVernacular word: spiny
spirit leaderVernacular word: spirit leader
spirit/ghostVernacular word: spirit/ghost
spirit_leaderVernacular word: spirit_leader
spiritsVernacular word: spirits
spiritualVernacular word: spiritual
spittedVernacular word: spitted
spittingVernacular word: spitting
spittleVernacular word: spittle
splashVernacular word: splash
splashedVernacular word: splashed
splatterVernacular word: splatter
splatteredVernacular word: splattered
splattersVernacular word: splatters
splatteryVernacular word: splattery
spleenVernacular word: spleen
splendorVernacular word: splendor
splintVernacular word: splint
splinterVernacular word: splinter
splinteredVernacular word: splintered
splintersVernacular word: splinters
splitedVernacular word: splited
splitsVernacular word: splits
splittedVernacular word: splitted
splittingVernacular word: splitting
splutterVernacular word: splutter
spoilsVernacular word: spoils
spoke(sVernacular word: spoke(s
spokesVernacular word: spokes
spokes–smallVernacular word: spokes–small
spokesmanVernacular word: spokesman
spongeVernacular word: sponge
spongingVernacular word: sponging
spontaneousVernacular word: spontaneous
spoon-feedVernacular word: spoon-feed
spoonfulsVernacular word: spoonfuls
sportingVernacular word: sporting
sportsVernacular word: sports
sportsmanVernacular word: sportsman
sportsmenVernacular word: sportsmen
sportspeopleVernacular word: sportspeople
sportyVernacular word: sporty
spotlessVernacular word: spotless
spotsVernacular word: spots
spottedVernacular word: spotted
spouseVernacular word: spouse
spouse'sVernacular word: spouse's
spouse-to-beVernacular word: spouse-to-be
spousesVernacular word: spouses
spoutingVernacular word: spouting
sppVernacular word: spp
sprayVernacular word: spray
sprayedVernacular word: sprayed
spreadingVernacular word: spreading
spreadsVernacular word: spreads
spring rollVernacular word: spring roll
spring_rollVernacular word: spring_roll
springsVernacular word: springs
sprinkleVernacular word: sprinkle
sprinklingVernacular word: sprinkling
sprintVernacular word: sprint
sproutVernacular word: sprout
sproutedVernacular word: sprouted
sproutingVernacular word: sprouting
spurVernacular word: spur
spurnVernacular word: spurn
spursVernacular word: spurs
sputumVernacular word: sputum
spyVernacular word: spy
squadVernacular word: squad
squadronVernacular word: squadron
squaresVernacular word: squares
squashVernacular word: squash
squashedVernacular word: squashed
squashesVernacular word: squashes
squatVernacular word: squat
squatingVernacular word: squating
squawkVernacular word: squawk
squeakVernacular word: squeak
squeakingVernacular word: squeaking
squealVernacular word: squeal
squealedVernacular word: squealed
squealingVernacular word: squealing
squeeezeVernacular word: squeeeze
squeezeVernacular word: squeeze
squeezedVernacular word: squeezed
squeezingVernacular word: squeezing
squidVernacular word: squid
squiggleVernacular word: squiggle
squintVernacular word: squint
squirmVernacular word: squirm
squirrelVernacular word: squirrel
squirrel-likeVernacular word: squirrel-like
squirtVernacular word: squirt
squirtableVernacular word: squirtable
squirtedVernacular word: squirted
squirtingVernacular word: squirting
squishyVernacular word: squishy
srelationshipVernacular word: srelationship
stabVernacular word: stab
stabbedVernacular word: stabbed
stabbingVernacular word: stabbing
stackVernacular word: stack
stadiumVernacular word: stadium
staffedVernacular word: staffed
stagedVernacular word: staged
stagesVernacular word: stages
staggerVernacular word: stagger
staggeredVernacular word: staggered
staggeringVernacular word: staggering
stagnantVernacular word: stagnant
stagnateVernacular word: stagnate
stainedVernacular word: stained
stairsVernacular word: stairs
stairwayVernacular word: stairway
stairwaysVernacular word: stairways
stakeVernacular word: stake
stakesVernacular word: stakes
staleVernacular word: stale
stalkVernacular word: stalk
stalksVernacular word: stalks
stalkyVernacular word: stalky
stallVernacular word: stall
stallionVernacular word: stallion
stammerVernacular word: stammer
stampingVernacular word: stamping
standardsVernacular word: standards
standingVernacular word: standing
standsVernacular word: stands
stands upVernacular word: stands up
stands_upVernacular word: stands_up
stapleVernacular word: staple
staplerVernacular word: stapler
staplesVernacular word: staples
star/constellationVernacular word: star/constellation
starchVernacular word: starch
starchyVernacular word: starchy
stareVernacular word: stare
staredVernacular word: stared
staresVernacular word: stares
starfishVernacular word: starfish
staringVernacular word: staring
starlingVernacular word: starling
starry-eyedVernacular word: starry-eyed
starsVernacular word: stars
startedVernacular word: started
starterVernacular word: starter
startingVernacular word: starting
startleVernacular word: startle
startledVernacular word: startled
startlingVernacular word: startling
startsVernacular word: starts
starveVernacular word: starve
starvingVernacular word: starving
statedVernacular word: stated
statelyVernacular word: stately
statementVernacular word: statement
statesVernacular word: states
staticVernacular word: static
stationaryVernacular word: stationary
stationedVernacular word: stationed
stationsVernacular word: stations
statueVernacular word: statue
stayedVernacular word: stayed
stayed-overnightVernacular word: stayed-overnight
stayingVernacular word: staying
staysVernacular word: stays
steadfastlyVernacular word: steadfastly
stealVernacular word: steal
stealingVernacular word: stealing
stealthilyVernacular word: stealthily
steamedVernacular word: steamed
steamingVernacular word: steaming
steeringVernacular word: steering
stemsVernacular word: stems
step on a holeVernacular word: step on a hole
step-fatherVernacular word: step-father
step-motherVernacular word: step-mother
step-parentVernacular word: step-parent
step_on_a_holeVernacular word: step_on_a_hole
steppeVernacular word: steppe
steppedVernacular word: stepped
steppesVernacular word: steppes
steppingVernacular word: stepping
stepsVernacular word: steps
steptVernacular word: stept
sterilizeVernacular word: sterilize
sternVernacular word: stern
sternlyVernacular word: sternly
stewVernacular word: stew
stewsVernacular word: stews
stick-outVernacular word: stick-out
stickingVernacular word: sticking
sticksVernacular word: sticks
stickyVernacular word: sticky
stifleVernacular word: stifle
stifledVernacular word: stifled
still-bornVernacular word: still-born
stiltsVernacular word: stilts
stimulantVernacular word: stimulant
sting/biteVernacular word: sting/bite
stingingVernacular word: stinging
stingsVernacular word: stings
stingyVernacular word: stingy
stinkVernacular word: stink
stinksVernacular word: stinks
stinkyVernacular word: stinky
stiredVernacular word: stired
stirredVernacular word: stirred
stirringVernacular word: stirring
stirsVernacular word: stirs
stitchVernacular word: stitch
stitchingVernacular word: stitching
stocksVernacular word: stocks
stokeVernacular word: stoke
stokingVernacular word: stoking
stoleVernacular word: stole
stolenVernacular word: stolen
stolen,inVernacular word: stolen,in
stomachacheVernacular word: stomachache
stompVernacular word: stomp
stompingVernacular word: stomping
stone areaVernacular word: stone area
stone(preciousVernacular word: stone(precious
stone_areaVernacular word: stone_area
stonedVernacular word: stoned
stonesVernacular word: stones
stonyVernacular word: stony
stoolVernacular word: stool
stoopVernacular word: stoop
stoopedVernacular word: stooped
stoppedVernacular word: stopped
stoppingVernacular word: stopping
stopsVernacular word: stops
stopwatchVernacular word: stopwatch
storageVernacular word: storage
storedVernacular word: stored
storekeeperVernacular word: storekeeper
storerVernacular word: storer
storeroomVernacular word: storeroom
storesVernacular word: stores
storeyVernacular word: storey
storiesVernacular word: stories
storingVernacular word: storing
stork-billedVernacular word: stork-billed
storm-damagedVernacular word: storm-damaged
stormsVernacular word: storms
stormyVernacular word: stormy
stoutVernacular word: stout
stoutishVernacular word: stoutish
stoutnessVernacular word: stoutness
straddleVernacular word: straddle
straggleVernacular word: straggle
stragglingVernacular word: straggling
straight-forwardVernacular word: straight-forward
straight-livingVernacular word: straight-living
straigthVernacular word: straigth
straigthenVernacular word: straigthen
strainVernacular word: strain
strainedVernacular word: strained
strandedVernacular word: stranded
strangelyVernacular word: strangely
strangerVernacular word: stranger
strangleVernacular word: strangle
strangledVernacular word: strangled
stranglerVernacular word: strangler
strangulateVernacular word: strangulate
strangulatedVernacular word: strangulated
strapsVernacular word: straps
strawberryVernacular word: strawberry
strayVernacular word: stray
strayedVernacular word: strayed
streachVernacular word: streach
streakVernacular word: streak
streamingVernacular word: streaming
streamsVernacular word: streams
strechedVernacular word: streched
streetsVernacular word: streets
strenghtVernacular word: strenght
strengthenedVernacular word: strengthened
strengtheningVernacular word: strengthening
strengthfulVernacular word: strengthful
stressedVernacular word: stressed
stressesVernacular word: stresses
stressfulVernacular word: stressful
stretchVernacular word: stretch
stretchedVernacular word: stretched
stretcherVernacular word: stretcher
stretchesVernacular word: stretches
stretchingVernacular word: stretching
striatedVernacular word: striated
strickVernacular word: strick
strictlyVernacular word: strictly
strictnessVernacular word: strictness
strideVernacular word: stride
stridesVernacular word: strides
strike outVernacular word: strike out
strike_outVernacular word: strike_out
strikedVernacular word: striked
strikerVernacular word: striker
strikesVernacular word: strikes
strikingVernacular word: striking
stringedVernacular word: stringed
stringsVernacular word: strings
stringyVernacular word: stringy
stripedVernacular word: striped
stripesVernacular word: stripes
strippedVernacular word: stripped
strippingVernacular word: stripping
stripsVernacular word: strips
striveVernacular word: strive
strivingVernacular word: striving
strollVernacular word: stroll
strolledVernacular word: strolled
strollingVernacular word: strolling
strong-willedVernacular word: strong-willed
strongerVernacular word: stronger
strongestVernacular word: strongest
stronglyVernacular word: strongly
strongwilledVernacular word: strongwilled
stroveVernacular word: strove
struck/stabbedVernacular word: struck/stabbed
struckingVernacular word: strucking
structuralVernacular word: structural
structuredVernacular word: structured
structuresVernacular word: structures
struggleVernacular word: struggle
struggledVernacular word: struggled
strugglesVernacular word: struggles
strugglingVernacular word: struggling
strumVernacular word: strum
strummingVernacular word: strumming
strutVernacular word: strut
stubVernacular word: stub
stubbornVernacular word: stubborn
stuckedVernacular word: stucked
studentsVernacular word: students
studiedVernacular word: studied
studiesVernacular word: studies
studioVernacular word: studio
studiousVernacular word: studious
studyingVernacular word: studying
stuffingVernacular word: stuffing
stuffyVernacular word: stuffy
stumbleVernacular word: stumble
stumbledVernacular word: stumbled
stumblingVernacular word: stumbling
stumpVernacular word: stump
stumpsVernacular word: stumps
stungVernacular word: stung
stunnedVernacular word: stunned
stunningVernacular word: stunning
stuntVernacular word: stunt
stuntedVernacular word: stunted
stunted-and-witherVernacular word: stunted-and-wither
stupefyingVernacular word: stupefying
sturdyVernacular word: sturdy
stutterVernacular word: stutter
styVernacular word: sty
stylesVernacular word: styles
stylishVernacular word: stylish
suVernacular word: su
sub-ordinateVernacular word: sub-ordinate
subdueVernacular word: subdue
subjectedVernacular word: subjected
subjectsVernacular word: subjects
subjugateVernacular word: subjugate
submergeVernacular word: submerge
submergedVernacular word: submerged
submergingVernacular word: submerging
submerseVernacular word: submerse
submissiveVernacular word: submissive
subordinatingVernacular word: subordinating
subsideVernacular word: subside
subsidizesVernacular word: subsidizes
subsituteVernacular word: subsitute
substancesVernacular word: substances
substitutedVernacular word: substituted
substitutesVernacular word: substitutes
substitutingVernacular word: substituting
subtancesVernacular word: subtances
subtituteVernacular word: subtitute
subtractedVernacular word: subtracted
subtribeVernacular word: subtribe
succedVernacular word: succed
succeededVernacular word: succeeded
succeedsVernacular word: succeeds
successfulVernacular word: successful
successfullyVernacular word: successfully
successivelyVernacular word: successively
succorVernacular word: succor
succulentVernacular word: succulent
suckedVernacular word: sucked
suckerVernacular word: sucker
suckingVernacular word: sucking
suckleVernacular word: suckle
sucklingVernacular word: suckling
sucksVernacular word: sucks
suddenlyVernacular word: suddenly
suddentlyVernacular word: suddently
suffer fromVernacular word: suffer from
suffer_fromVernacular word: suffer_from
sufferedVernacular word: suffered
sufferingVernacular word: suffering
sufferingsVernacular word: sufferings
suffersVernacular word: suffers
sufficiencyVernacular word: sufficiency
suffocateVernacular word: suffocate
suffocatedVernacular word: suffocated
suffocatingVernacular word: suffocating
suffocating,thatsVernacular word: suffocating,thats
sugar-caneVernacular word: sugar-cane
sugar-freeVernacular word: sugar-free
sugarcaneVernacular word: sugarcane
sugaryVernacular word: sugary
suggestedVernacular word: suggested
suggestionVernacular word: suggestion
suggestsVernacular word: suggests
suicideVernacular word: suicide
suicidingVernacular word: suiciding
suitableVernacular word: suitable
suitcaseVernacular word: suitcase
suitedVernacular word: suited
suitsVernacular word: suits
suladVernacular word: sulad
sulkVernacular word: sulk
sulphurVernacular word: sulphur
sultanVernacular word: sultan
sum upVernacular word: sum up
sum_upVernacular word: sum_up
sumaliliVernacular word: sumalili
summarizedVernacular word: summarized
summitVernacular word: summit
summonVernacular word: summon
sumpaangVernacular word: sumpaang
sumpalitVernacular word: sumpalit
sumsVernacular word: sums
sun-driedVernacular word: sun-dried
sun-dryVernacular word: sun-dry
sunbatheVernacular word: sunbathe
sunbirdVernacular word: sunbird
sunburnVernacular word: sunburn
sunburnedVernacular word: sunburned
suncreamVernacular word: suncream
sundayVernacular word: sunday
sunflowerVernacular word: sunflower
sunglassesVernacular word: sunglasses
sunkVernacular word: sunk
sunlightVernacular word: sunlight
sunnyVernacular word: sunny
sunraysVernacular word: sunrays
sunriseVernacular word: sunrise
sunsetVernacular word: sunset
sunshineVernacular word: sunshine
sunshowerVernacular word: sunshower
sunudVernacular word: sunud
superhumanlyVernacular word: superhumanly
superintendVernacular word: superintend
superiorVernacular word: superior
supermarketVernacular word: supermarket
supernaturalVernacular word: supernatural
superstitionVernacular word: superstition
superstitiousVernacular word: superstitious
superviseVernacular word: supervise
supervisorVernacular word: supervisor
suppliesVernacular word: supplies
supportedVernacular word: supported
supportingVernacular word: supporting
supportsVernacular word: supports
supposedlyVernacular word: supposedly
supposesVernacular word: supposes
supposingVernacular word: supposing
suppressVernacular word: suppress
supremeVernacular word: supreme
suredVernacular word: sured
sureity(spVernacular word: sureity(sp
surelyVernacular word: surely
surfacedVernacular word: surfaced
surfacesVernacular word: surfaces
surgeryVernacular word: surgery
surigawVernacular word: surigaw
surmiseVernacular word: surmise
surnameVernacular word: surname
surpassVernacular word: surpass
surplusVernacular word: surplus
surprisedVernacular word: surprised
surprisesVernacular word: surprises
surprisingVernacular word: surprising
surprisinglyVernacular word: surprisingly
surrenderVernacular word: surrender
surrenderedVernacular word: surrendered
surroundedVernacular word: surrounded
surroundingVernacular word: surrounding
surroundingsVernacular word: surroundings
surveyedVernacular word: surveyed
surveyingVernacular word: surveying
survivedVernacular word: survived
survivesVernacular word: survives
survivingVernacular word: surviving
survivorVernacular word: survivor
susceptibleVernacular word: susceptible
suspectedVernacular word: suspected
suspendedVernacular word: suspended
suspendingVernacular word: suspending
sustainableVernacular word: sustainable
sustainedVernacular word: sustained
sustainerVernacular word: sustainer
sustainsVernacular word: sustains
susuVernacular word: susu
suyakVernacular word: suyak
swallowedVernacular word: swallowed
swallowingVernacular word: swallowing
swamVernacular word: swam
swampVernacular word: swamp
swamp-henVernacular word: swamp-hen
swamphenVernacular word: swamphen
swamphen'sVernacular word: swamphen's
swampsVernacular word: swamps
swampyVernacular word: swampy
swapVernacular word: swap
swappedVernacular word: swapped
swayVernacular word: sway
swayedVernacular word: swayed
swayingVernacular word: swaying
swaying+alongVernacular word: swaying+along
swaysVernacular word: sways
swear an oathVernacular word: swear an oath
swear_an_oathVernacular word: swear_an_oath
sweatedVernacular word: sweated
sweaterVernacular word: sweater
sweatingVernacular word: sweating
sweepingVernacular word: sweeping
sweet-potatoVernacular word: sweet-potato
sweet-potato(sVernacular word: sweet-potato(s
sweetcornVernacular word: sweetcorn
sweetenedVernacular word: sweetened
sweetenersVernacular word: sweeteners
sweeterVernacular word: sweeter
sweetheartVernacular word: sweetheart
sweetnessVernacular word: sweetness
sweetsVernacular word: sweets
sweetyVernacular word: sweety
swelledVernacular word: swelled
swellingVernacular word: swelling
swellingsVernacular word: swellings
swellsVernacular word: swells
sweptVernacular word: swept
swerveVernacular word: swerve
swiddenVernacular word: swidden
swiftVernacular word: swift
swift-flowingVernacular word: swift-flowing
swiftletVernacular word: swiftlet
swiftlyVernacular word: swiftly
swiftsVernacular word: swifts
swimmerVernacular word: swimmer
swimmingVernacular word: swimming
swimsuitVernacular word: swimsuit
swimwearVernacular word: swimwear
swindleVernacular word: swindle
swineVernacular word: swine
swingingVernacular word: swinging
swirlVernacular word: swirl
swishVernacular word: swish
switchVernacular word: switch
switchedVernacular word: switched
swollenVernacular word: swollen
swoopVernacular word: swoop
swoop downVernacular word: swoop down
swoop_downVernacular word: swoop_down
swoopedVernacular word: swooped
swoopingVernacular word: swooping
sword'sVernacular word: sword's
sword/boloVernacular word: sword/bolo
sybolVernacular word: sybol
symbolizeVernacular word: symbolize
symbolizesVernacular word: symbolizes
symbolsVernacular word: symbols
symmetricalVernacular word: symmetrical
sympathiseVernacular word: sympathise
sympathizeVernacular word: sympathize
symphonyVernacular word: symphony
symptomVernacular word: symptom
symptomsVernacular word: symptoms
synchronizeVernacular word: synchronize
synchronouslyVernacular word: synchronously
syrupVernacular word: syrup
systemsVernacular word: systems
tVernacular word: t
t+oVernacular word: t+o
t-shirtVernacular word: t-shirt
ta-ricVernacular word: ta-ric
ta-ric-ticVernacular word: ta-ric-tic
tabaccoVernacular word: tabacco
tabasVernacular word: tabas
tabbyVernacular word: tabby
tableclothVernacular word: tablecloth
tabledVernacular word: tabled
tabletVernacular word: tablet
tabletsVernacular word: tablets
tabooVernacular word: taboo
taburukVernacular word: taburuk
tabuuwanVernacular word: tabuuwan
tabyewVernacular word: tabyew
tackleVernacular word: tackle
taddatadaVernacular word: taddatada
tadpoleVernacular word: tadpole
tadpolesVernacular word: tadpoles
tagVernacular word: tag
taharalamaVernacular word: taharalama
tahasalugVernacular word: tahasalug
tahi-tiVernacular word: tahi-ti
tailboneVernacular word: tailbone
taillessVernacular word: tailless
tailor-birdVernacular word: tailor-bird
tailoringVernacular word: tailoring
take a breakVernacular word: take a break
take a breathVernacular word: take a breath
take a standVernacular word: take a stand
take a stepVernacular word: take a step
take careVernacular word: take care
take care ofVernacular word: take care of
take chargeVernacular word: take charge
take shelterVernacular word: take shelter
take something into considerationVernacular word: take something into consideration
take theVernacular word: take the
take+actionVernacular word: take+action
take_a_breakVernacular word: take_a_break
take_a_breathVernacular word: take_a_breath
take_a_standVernacular word: take_a_stand
take_a_stepVernacular word: take_a_step
take_careVernacular word: take_care
take_care_ofVernacular word: take_care_of
take_chargeVernacular word: take_charge
take_shelterVernacular word: take_shelter
take_something_into_considerationVernacular word: take_something_into_consideration
take_theVernacular word: take_the
taken advantageVernacular word: taken advantage
taken_advantageVernacular word: taken_advantage
takesVernacular word: takes
takes-awayVernacular word: takes-away
takingVernacular word: taking
talangtalangVernacular word: talangtalang
talawengVernacular word: talaweng
talcumVernacular word: talcum
taleVernacular word: tale
taleingedVernacular word: taleinged
talentVernacular word: talent
talentedVernacular word: talented
talentsVernacular word: talents
talesVernacular word: tales
taligtigVernacular word: taligtig
talingaVernacular word: talinga
talk-about-itVernacular word: talk-about-it
talkativeVernacular word: talkative
talkedVernacular word: talked
talkerVernacular word: talker
talkingVernacular word: talking
talksVernacular word: talks
tall/shortVernacular word: tall/short
tallerVernacular word: taller
tallestVernacular word: tallest
talons.WhenVernacular word: talons.When
talumusVernacular word: talumus
talupakanVernacular word: talupakan
tambaVernacular word: tamba
tambanVernacular word: tamban
tambourVernacular word: tambour
tambourineVernacular word: tambourine
tambunaweyVernacular word: tambunawey
tamedVernacular word: tamed
tameingVernacular word: tameing
tamenagVernacular word: tamenag
tampenVernacular word: tampen
tamperVernacular word: tamper
tamusanVernacular word: tamusan
tamusan beeVernacular word: tamusan bee
tamusan_beeVernacular word: tamusan_bee
tanVernacular word: tan
tanangewVernacular word: tanangew
tanduayVernacular word: tanduay
tangalongVernacular word: tangalong
tangerineVernacular word: tangerine
tanggiliVernacular word: tanggili
tanggungenVernacular word: tanggungen
tangkaanVernacular word: tangkaan
tangkuluVernacular word: tangkulu
tangleVernacular word: tangle
tangledVernacular word: tangled
tangyVernacular word: tangy
tankVernacular word: tank
tanksVernacular word: tanks
tantrumVernacular word: tantrum
tantrumingVernacular word: tantruming
tape-recordVernacular word: tape-record
tape-recorderVernacular word: tape-recorder
tapedVernacular word: taped
taperVernacular word: taper
taperedVernacular word: tapered
tapesVernacular word: tapes
tapiocaVernacular word: tapioca
tarVernacular word: tar
tardyVernacular word: tardy
targetedVernacular word: targeted
targetingVernacular word: targeting
taricticVernacular word: tarictic
tarnishVernacular word: tarnish
taroVernacular word: taro
tarpulinVernacular word: tarpulin
tarsalVernacular word: tarsal
tarsealVernacular word: tarseal
tarsierVernacular word: tarsier
tarsiersVernacular word: tarsiers
tartarVernacular word: tartar
tarzanVernacular word: tarzan
tasselVernacular word: tassel
tasselsVernacular word: tassels
tastedVernacular word: tasted
tastefulVernacular word: tasteful
tastelessVernacular word: tasteless
tastesVernacular word: tastes
tastingVernacular word: tasting
tastyVernacular word: tasty
tatteredVernacular word: tattered
tattleVernacular word: tattle
tattletaleVernacular word: tattletale
taughtfulVernacular word: taughtful
tautVernacular word: taut
tawtawaVernacular word: tawtawa
taxedVernacular word: taxed
taxesVernacular word: taxes
tayerVernacular word: tayer
teVernacular word: te
teacher'sVernacular word: teacher's
teachersVernacular word: teachers
teachesVernacular word: teaches
teachingVernacular word: teaching
teachingsVernacular word: teachings
teaherVernacular word: teaher
team'sVernacular word: team's
teamsVernacular word: teams
tearedVernacular word: teared
tearfulVernacular word: tearful
tearingVernacular word: tearing
tearsVernacular word: tears
tearyVernacular word: teary
teaseVernacular word: tease
teasedVernacular word: teased
teasesVernacular word: teases
teasingVernacular word: teasing
teaspoonVernacular word: teaspoon
teatVernacular word: teat
technicalityVernacular word: technicality
technicianVernacular word: technician
techniquesVernacular word: techniques
tediousVernacular word: tedious
teenageVernacular word: teenage
teenagerVernacular word: teenager
teetheVernacular word: teethe
tehasVernacular word: tehas
tehebVernacular word: teheb
tehepVernacular word: tehep
tekVernacular word: tek
televisionVernacular word: television
televisionsVernacular word: televisions
tell a lieVernacular word: tell a lie
tell-offVernacular word: tell-off
tell_a_lieVernacular word: tell_a_lie
tellingVernacular word: telling
tellsVernacular word: tells
tells onVernacular word: tells on
tells_onVernacular word: tells_on
telltaleVernacular word: telltale
temperaturesVernacular word: temperatures
temperedVernacular word: tempered
tempestVernacular word: tempest
tempestuousVernacular word: tempestuous
temporalVernacular word: temporal
temporarilyVernacular word: temporarily
temptationVernacular word: temptation
temptedVernacular word: tempted
temptingVernacular word: tempting
temptsVernacular word: tempts
tenVernacular word: ten
ten-pesoVernacular word: ten-peso
tenacityVernacular word: tenacity
tenantVernacular word: tenant
tendencyVernacular word: tendency
tenderheartedVernacular word: tenderhearted
tenderlyVernacular word: tenderly
tendingVernacular word: tending
tendonVernacular word: tendon
tendsVernacular word: tends
tengedVernacular word: tenged
tennisVernacular word: tennis
tenorVernacular word: tenor
tensVernacular word: tens
tensionedVernacular word: tensioned
tenthVernacular word: tenth
tentsVernacular word: tents
tepidVernacular word: tepid
termedVernacular word: termed
terminalsVernacular word: terminals
terminatedVernacular word: terminated
terminationVernacular word: termination
termiteVernacular word: termite
termitesVernacular word: termites
terrifiedVernacular word: terrified
terrifyVernacular word: terrify
terrifyingVernacular word: terrifying
territoryVernacular word: territory
terrorVernacular word: terror
tersanaVernacular word: tersana
testableVernacular word: testable
testedVernacular word: tested
testersVernacular word: testers
testicleVernacular word: testicle
testiclesVernacular word: testicles
testifiedVernacular word: testified
testifies toVernacular word: testifies to
testifies_toVernacular word: testifies_to
testingVernacular word: testing
testsVernacular word: tests
tetherVernacular word: tether
tetheredVernacular word: tethered
tetheringVernacular word: tethering
textedVernacular word: texted
textsVernacular word: texts
textureVernacular word: texture
teyeyeyVernacular word: teyeyey
thaVernacular word: tha
thankedVernacular word: thanked
thankfulVernacular word: thankful
thankingVernacular word: thanking
thanksVernacular word: thanks
thanksgivingVernacular word: thanksgiving
that'sVernacular word: that's
that;sVernacular word: that;s
thatchVernacular word: thatch
thatchingVernacular word: thatching
thatsVernacular word: thats
thayVernacular word: thay
the bushVernacular word: the bush
the caseVernacular word: the case
the leastVernacular word: the least
the mostVernacular word: the most
the oppositeVernacular word: the opposite
the ruleVernacular word: the rule
the sameVernacular word: the same
the wayVernacular word: the way
the+thinkingVernacular word: the+thinking
the_bushVernacular word: the_bush
the_caseVernacular word: the_case
the_leastVernacular word: the_least
the_mostVernacular word: the_most
the_oppositeVernacular word: the_opposite
the_ruleVernacular word: the_rule
the_sameVernacular word: the_same
the_wayVernacular word: the_way
theaterVernacular word: theater
theatreVernacular word: theatre
theeVernacular word: thee
theftVernacular word: theft
theifVernacular word: theif
theirVernacular word: their
theirsVernacular word: theirs
theirselvesVernacular word: theirselves
theivesVernacular word: theives
themVernacular word: them
them.gVernacular word: them.g
them/itVernacular word: them/it
themselfVernacular word: themself
themselvesVernacular word: themselves
then againVernacular word: then again
then_againVernacular word: then_again
theoreticalVernacular word: theoretical
theoriesVernacular word: theories
therapyVernacular word: therapy
there'sVernacular word: there's
there,forVernacular word: there,for
theresVernacular word: theres
thermometerVernacular word: thermometer
they'reVernacular word: they're
they'rèVernacular word: they'rè
they'veVernacular word: they've
they’reVernacular word: they’re
thick-walledVernacular word: thick-walled
thickerVernacular word: thicker
thicknessVernacular word: thickness
thickwalledVernacular word: thickwalled
thierVernacular word: thier
thievesVernacular word: thieves
thighsVernacular word: thighs
thin-walledVernacular word: thin-walled
thingkingVernacular word: thingking
thingsVernacular word: things
things/place/immortalVernacular word: things/place/immortal
thingyVernacular word: thingy
think aboutVernacular word: think about
think ofVernacular word: think of
think_aboutVernacular word: think_about
think_ofVernacular word: think_of
thinkerVernacular word: thinker
thinkingVernacular word: thinking
thinksVernacular word: thinks
thinlyVernacular word: thinly
thinnerVernacular word: thinner
thinnessVernacular word: thinness
thirdVernacular word: third
thirdsVernacular word: thirds
thirstyVernacular word: thirsty
thirsty/hungryVernacular word: thirsty/hungry
thirteenVernacular word: thirteen
thirtyVernacular word: thirty
this/theseVernacular word: this/these
thistleVernacular word: thistle
thongVernacular word: thong
thongsVernacular word: thongs
thoraxVernacular word: thorax
thornedVernacular word: thorned
thornlessVernacular word: thornless
thornsVernacular word: thorns
thornyVernacular word: thorny
thorny+plantVernacular word: thorny+plant
thoroughlyVernacular word: thoroughly
thoughtfulVernacular word: thoughtful
thoughtlesslyVernacular word: thoughtlessly
thoughtsVernacular word: thoughts
thougthVernacular word: thougth
thousandVernacular word: thousand
thousandsVernacular word: thousands
thowVernacular word: thow
thread-waistedVernacular word: thread-waisted
threadsVernacular word: threads
threatenedVernacular word: threatened
threateningVernacular word: threatening
threeVernacular word: three
three-dayVernacular word: three-day
three-prongedVernacular word: three-pronged
three-stringedVernacular word: three-stringed
threshVernacular word: thresh
threshedVernacular word: threshed
threshholdVernacular word: threshhold
threshingVernacular word: threshing
thriceVernacular word: thrice
thrillVernacular word: thrill
thrilledVernacular word: thrilled
throbVernacular word: throb
throbbedVernacular word: throbbed
throbbingVernacular word: throbbing
throbeVernacular word: throbe
throbedVernacular word: throbed
throbingVernacular word: throbing
throbsVernacular word: throbs
throneVernacular word: throne
throngVernacular word: throng
throughoutVernacular word: throughout
throwingVernacular word: throwing
throwing somethingVernacular word: throwing something
throwing_somethingVernacular word: throwing_something
throwsVernacular word: throws
thrustVernacular word: thrust
thudVernacular word: thud
thumbnailsVernacular word: thumbnails
thumbsuckingVernacular word: thumbsucking
thumpVernacular word: thump
thunderclapVernacular word: thunderclap
thunderingVernacular word: thundering
thunderstormVernacular word: thunderstorm
thursdayVernacular word: thursday
thwartVernacular word: thwart
tianakVernacular word: tianak
tibuliVernacular word: tibuli
tibuwalanVernacular word: tibuwalan
tickVernacular word: tick
ticketsVernacular word: tickets
tickleVernacular word: tickle
tickledVernacular word: tickled
ticklesVernacular word: tickles
ticklingVernacular word: tickling
ticklishVernacular word: ticklish
tidalVernacular word: tidal
tidilyVernacular word: tidily
tie aroundVernacular word: tie around
tie/bundleVernacular word: tie/bundle
tie_aroundVernacular word: tie_around
tiedVernacular word: tied
tiesVernacular word: ties
tig-Vernacular word: tig-
tigerVernacular word: tiger
tighlyVernacular word: tighly
tightenedVernacular word: tightened
tightlyVernacular word: tightly
tikVernacular word: tik
tik"tikVernacular word: tik"tik
tiklingVernacular word: tikling
tilapiaVernacular word: tilapia
tillaVernacular word: tilla
tiltVernacular word: tilt
tiltedVernacular word: tilted
timbakukagVernacular word: timbakukag
timbegVernacular word: timbeg
timberVernacular word: timber
timbrelVernacular word: timbrel
time–SpanishVernacular word: time–Spanish
time/dateVernacular word: time/date
timedVernacular word: timed
timerVernacular word: timer
timesVernacular word: times
timidVernacular word: timid
timyásVernacular word: timyás
tinderVernacular word: tinder
tingkalusanVernacular word: tingkalusan
tingkulitVernacular word: tingkulit
tinigibVernacular word: tinigib
tinkleVernacular word: tinkle
tinnedVernacular word: tinned
tinyVernacular word: tiny
tip-toesVernacular word: tip-toes
tippedVernacular word: tipped
tipsVernacular word: tips
tipsyVernacular word: tipsy
tiptoeVernacular word: tiptoe
tiptoesVernacular word: tiptoes
tipuluVernacular word: tipulu
tipèVernacular word: tipè
tiredVernacular word: tired
tirednessVernacular word: tiredness
tiresVernacular word: tires
tiresomeVernacular word: tiresome
tiringVernacular word: tiring
tirisVernacular word: tiris
to attachVernacular word: to attach
to awakenVernacular word: to awaken
to be awakeVernacular word: to be awake
to cutVernacular word: to cut
to guardVernacular word: to guard
to lickVernacular word: to lick
to screamVernacular word: to scream
to setVernacular word: to set
to use internetVernacular word: to use internet
to you(plVernacular word: to you(pl
to+Vernacular word: to+
to+callVernacular word: to+call
to+controlVernacular word: to+control
to+dawnVernacular word: to+dawn
to+decideVernacular word: to+decide
to+orderVernacular word: to+order
to+seeVernacular word: to+see
to+smokeVernacular word: to+smoke
to+standVernacular word: to+stand
to+stretchVernacular word: to+stretch
to+throwVernacular word: to+throw
to+whoopVernacular word: to+whoop
toBasakVernacular word: toBasak
to_attachVernacular word: to_attach
to_awakenVernacular word: to_awaken
to_be_awakeVernacular word: to_be_awake
to_cutVernacular word: to_cut
to_guardVernacular word: to_guard
to_lickVernacular word: to_lick
to_screamVernacular word: to_scream
to_setVernacular word: to_set
to_use_internetVernacular word: to_use_internet
to_you(plVernacular word: to_you(pl
toadVernacular word: toad
toadsVernacular word: toads
toastVernacular word: toast
toastedVernacular word: toasted
tobogganVernacular word: toboggan
tobosalVernacular word: tobosal
tobounceVernacular word: tobounce
today/nowVernacular word: today/now
toddleVernacular word: toddle
toenailVernacular word: toenail
toenailsVernacular word: toenails
toesVernacular word: toes
togethernessVernacular word: togetherness
togopVernacular word: togop
togtherVernacular word: togther
toiletVernacular word: toilet
tokenVernacular word: token
tolerateVernacular word: tolerate
tomahawkVernacular word: tomahawk
tomatoVernacular word: tomato
tomato-likeVernacular word: tomato-like
tomatoesVernacular word: tomatoes
tommorowVernacular word: tommorow
tommorrowVernacular word: tommorrow
tomorowVernacular word: tomorow
tomrrowVernacular word: tomrrow
tongsVernacular word: tongs
tonguelessVernacular word: tongueless
tonight'sVernacular word: tonight's
tonsilitusVernacular word: tonsilitus
too manyVernacular word: too many
too muchVernacular word: too much
too_manyVernacular word: too_many
too_muchVernacular word: too_much
took-ko-uaoVernacular word: took-ko-uao
tooksVernacular word: tooks
toolsVernacular word: tools
tooth-acheVernacular word: tooth-ache
toothacheVernacular word: toothache
toothbrushVernacular word: toothbrush
toothedVernacular word: toothed
toothlessVernacular word: toothless
toothpasteVernacular word: toothpaste
toothpickVernacular word: toothpick
top of fieldVernacular word: top of field
top_of_fieldVernacular word: top_of_field
topicsVernacular word: topics
topmostVernacular word: topmost
toppingVernacular word: topping
toppleVernacular word: topple
topsVernacular word: tops
torchVernacular word: torch
torchesVernacular word: torches
tormentVernacular word: torment
tormentedVernacular word: tormented
tornadoVernacular word: tornado
torrentialVernacular word: torrential
tortureVernacular word: torture
torturedVernacular word: tortured
tossVernacular word: toss
tossedVernacular word: tossed
tossesVernacular word: tosses
tossingVernacular word: tossing
totalledVernacular word: totalled
totallyVernacular word: totally
totalsVernacular word: totals
touchedVernacular word: touched
touchesVernacular word: touches
touchingVernacular word: touching
touchyVernacular word: touchy
tourismVernacular word: tourism
touristVernacular word: tourist
towVernacular word: tow
townsVernacular word: towns
toy(sVernacular word: toy(s
toysVernacular word: toys
tracedVernacular word: traced
tracesVernacular word: traces
tracksVernacular word: tracks
trade unionVernacular word: trade union
trade_unionVernacular word: trade_union
tradedVernacular word: traded
traderVernacular word: trader
tradesVernacular word: trades
tradingVernacular word: trading
traditionalVernacular word: traditional
traditionallyVernacular word: traditionally
traditionsVernacular word: traditions
traditonalVernacular word: traditonal
tradtitionalVernacular word: tradtitional
trafficVernacular word: traffic
tragedyVernacular word: tragedy
tragicVernacular word: tragic
trailVernacular word: trail
trailerVernacular word: trailer
trailingVernacular word: trailing
trainedVernacular word: trained
trainingVernacular word: training
trainsVernacular word: trains
traitVernacular word: trait
traitorVernacular word: traitor
traitorousVernacular word: traitorous
trampleVernacular word: trample
trampledVernacular word: trampled
tramplingVernacular word: trampling
trampolineVernacular word: trampoline
tranceVernacular word: trance
transactionVernacular word: transaction
transferableVernacular word: transferable
transferedVernacular word: transfered
transferingVernacular word: transfering
transferredVernacular word: transferred
transfigureVernacular word: transfigure
transformationVernacular word: transformation
transformedVernacular word: transformed
transformeeVernacular word: transformee
transformingVernacular word: transforming
transformsVernacular word: transforms
transitive verb, intransitive verb, auxiliary verb, reciprocal verbSeeEntry
translatedVernacular word: translated
translucentVernacular word: translucent
transmittedVernacular word: transmitted
transparentVernacular word: transparent
transplantVernacular word: transplant
transplantationVernacular word: transplantation
transplantedVernacular word: transplanted
transplantingVernacular word: transplanting
transportationVernacular word: transportation
transportedVernacular word: transported
tranvestiteVernacular word: tranvestite
trap onVernacular word: trap on
trap on the shoulderVernacular word: trap on the shoulder
trap_onVernacular word: trap_on
trap_on_the_shoulderVernacular word: trap_on_the_shoulder
trapingVernacular word: traping
trappedVernacular word: trapped
trappingVernacular word: trapping
trapsVernacular word: traps
traps on the shoulderVernacular word: traps on the shoulder
traps_on_the_shoulderVernacular word: traps_on_the_shoulder
trasferVernacular word: trasfer
trashVernacular word: trash
traumaVernacular word: trauma
traveledVernacular word: traveled
travelingVernacular word: traveling
travelledVernacular word: travelled
travellerVernacular word: traveller
travellersVernacular word: travellers
travellingVernacular word: travelling
travelsVernacular word: travels
traverseVernacular word: traverse
traysVernacular word: trays
treacherousVernacular word: treacherous
treadVernacular word: tread
treadedVernacular word: treaded
treadingVernacular word: treading
treadleVernacular word: treadle
treasonableVernacular word: treasonable
treasurerVernacular word: treasurer
treatedVernacular word: treated
treatingVernacular word: treating
treatsVernacular word: treats
treatyVernacular word: treaty
treesVernacular word: trees
trembledVernacular word: trembled
tremblingVernacular word: trembling
tremorVernacular word: tremor
tremorsVernacular word: tremors
trenchVernacular word: trench
trendsVernacular word: trends
trespassVernacular word: trespass
tresspassingVernacular word: tresspassing
triallingVernacular word: trialling
trialsVernacular word: trials
triangleVernacular word: triangle
trianglesVernacular word: triangles
triangularVernacular word: triangular
tribalVernacular word: tribal
tribesVernacular word: tribes
tribulationVernacular word: tribulation
tributaryVernacular word: tributary
tributeVernacular word: tribute
trickedVernacular word: tricked
tricksterVernacular word: trickster
trickyVernacular word: tricky
tricycleVernacular word: tricycle
triedVernacular word: tried
triesVernacular word: tries
trifoliateVernacular word: trifoliate
trigerVernacular word: triger
trillVernacular word: trill
trimVernacular word: trim
trimesterVernacular word: trimester
trimmedVernacular word: trimmed
trimmingVernacular word: trimming
trip overVernacular word: trip over
trip_overVernacular word: trip_over
tripleVernacular word: triple
tripletVernacular word: triplet
tripodVernacular word: tripod
trippedVernacular word: tripped
tripsVernacular word: trips
triumphVernacular word: triumph
trodVernacular word: trod
trogonVernacular word: trogon
trophyVernacular word: trophy
tropicalVernacular word: tropical
trotVernacular word: trot
trotterVernacular word: trotter
trouble makerVernacular word: trouble maker
trouble_makerVernacular word: trouble_maker
troubledVernacular word: troubled
troublesVernacular word: troubles
troublesomeVernacular word: troublesome
troughVernacular word: trough
troughsVernacular word: troughs
trouserVernacular word: trouser
trousersVernacular word: trousers
truckVernacular word: truck
truck'sVernacular word: truck's
trucksVernacular word: trucks
trulyVernacular word: truly
trumpetVernacular word: trumpet
trumpetsVernacular word: trumpets
truncheonVernacular word: truncheon
trustedVernacular word: trusted
trustworthyVernacular word: trustworthy
truthfulVernacular word: truthful
truthnessVernacular word: truthness
tryingVernacular word: trying
tsampuradoVernacular word: tsampurado
tshirtVernacular word: tshirt
tsinillasVernacular word: tsinillas
tubVernacular word: tub
tuberVernacular word: tuber
tuberculosisVernacular word: tuberculosis
tuberosumVernacular word: tuberosum
tuberousVernacular word: tuberous
tubersVernacular word: tubers
tubesVernacular word: tubes
tubuVernacular word: tubu
tuckVernacular word: tuck
tuck-inVernacular word: tuck-in
tuckedVernacular word: tucked
tug-tugVernacular word: tug-tug
tuhuwisenVernacular word: tuhuwisen
tuitionVernacular word: tuition
tukólVernacular word: tukól
tulayVernacular word: tulay
tuliyukVernacular word: tuliyuk
tuluVernacular word: tulu
tululungVernacular word: tululung
tulungtulungVernacular word: tulungtulung
tumbleVernacular word: tumble
tumbledVernacular word: tumbled
tumblerVernacular word: tumbler
tummyVernacular word: tummy
tumorVernacular word: tumor
tumourVernacular word: tumour
tumultVernacular word: tumult
tunaVernacular word: tuna
tundanVernacular word: tundan
tunedVernacular word: tuned
tungew-tungewVernacular word: tungew-tungew
tuningVernacular word: tuning
tunudVernacular word: tunud
tupiVernacular word: tupi
turbanVernacular word: turban
turbidVernacular word: turbid
turkeyVernacular word: turkey
turmericVernacular word: turmeric
turn backVernacular word: turn back
turn intoVernacular word: turn into
turn-overVernacular word: turn-over
turn_backVernacular word: turn_back
turn_intoVernacular word: turn_into
turnedVernacular word: turned
turned-inside-outVernacular word: turned-inside-out
turned-upVernacular word: turned-up
turningVernacular word: turning
turnip-likeVernacular word: turnip-like
turnip-shapedVernacular word: turnip-shaped
turnsVernacular word: turns
turntableVernacular word: turntable
turrrVernacular word: turrr
turtaVernacular word: turta
turtleVernacular word: turtle
turtlesVernacular word: turtles
tuskVernacular word: tusk
tussleVernacular word: tussle
tuvuVernacular word: tuvu
tweezersVernacular word: tweezers
twelfthVernacular word: twelfth
twelveVernacular word: twelve
twentyVernacular word: twenty
twenty-dollarVernacular word: twenty-dollar
twenty-eightVernacular word: twenty-eight
twenty-fifthVernacular word: twenty-fifth
twenty-firstVernacular word: twenty-first
twenty-fiveVernacular word: twenty-five
twenty-fourVernacular word: twenty-four
twenty-nineVernacular word: twenty-nine
twenty-oneVernacular word: twenty-one
twenty-pesoVernacular word: twenty-peso
twenty-sevenVernacular word: twenty-seven
twenty-sixVernacular word: twenty-six
twenty-threeVernacular word: twenty-three
twenty-twoVernacular word: twenty-two
twiceVernacular word: twice
twigVernacular word: twig
twigsVernacular word: twigs
twilightVernacular word: twilight
twinVernacular word: twin
twineVernacular word: twine
twinkleVernacular word: twinkle
twinklingVernacular word: twinkling
twinsVernacular word: twins
twistedVernacular word: twisted
twistingVernacular word: twisting
twitchVernacular word: twitch
twitchingVernacular word: twitching
twoVernacular word: two
two-edgedVernacular word: two-edged
two-facedVernacular word: two-faced
two-hourVernacular word: two-hour
two-prongedVernacular word: two-pronged
two-pronged spearVernacular word: two-pronged spear
two-pronged_spearVernacular word: two-pronged_spear
two-stringedVernacular word: two-stringed
two-wingedVernacular word: two-winged
twosomeVernacular word: twosome
tyingVernacular word: tying
typedVernacular word: typed
typesVernacular word: types
typewriterVernacular word: typewriter
typhoon-strickenVernacular word: typhoon-stricken
typicalVernacular word: typical
typicallyVernacular word: typically
typingVernacular word: typing
tyreVernacular word: tyre
uVernacular word: u
ubalVernacular word: ubal
udderVernacular word: udder
uderVernacular word: uder
ugpitVernacular word: ugpit
ukraVernacular word: ukra
ul-ulVernacular word: ul-ul
ulaulaVernacular word: ulaula
ulcerVernacular word: ulcer
ulcerousVernacular word: ulcerous
ulcersVernacular word: ulcers
uluVernacular word: ulu
umVernacular word: um
umbilicalVernacular word: umbilical
umbilicusVernacular word: umbilicus
umbrellasVernacular word: umbrellas
un)certainVernacular word: un)certain
un)certaintyVernacular word: un)certainty
un-Vernacular word: un-
un-equalVernacular word: un-equal
unableVernacular word: unable
unaccompaniedVernacular word: unaccompanied
unaccustomedVernacular word: unaccustomed
unactualisedVernacular word: unactualised
unactualizedVernacular word: unactualized
unannouncedVernacular word: unannounced
unanticipatedVernacular word: unanticipated
unawareVernacular word: unaware
unbelievableVernacular word: unbelievable
unbrushedVernacular word: unbrushed
unbuttonVernacular word: unbutton
uncaringVernacular word: uncaring
unceasinglyVernacular word: unceasingly
uncertainVernacular word: uncertain
uncertaintyVernacular word: uncertainty
unchangeableVernacular word: unchangeable
unchangingVernacular word: unchanging
uncircleVernacular word: uncircle
uncircumciseVernacular word: uncircumcise
uncircumcisedVernacular word: uncircumcised
uncladVernacular word: unclad
uncle'sVernacular word: uncle's
uncleanVernacular word: unclean
unclearVernacular word: unclear
unclesVernacular word: uncles
uncomfortableVernacular word: uncomfortable
uncommonVernacular word: uncommon
unconfidentVernacular word: unconfident
unconsciousVernacular word: unconscious
unconsumableVernacular word: unconsumable
uncontentedVernacular word: uncontented
uncontrollableVernacular word: uncontrollable
uncontrolledVernacular word: uncontrolled
unconvincedVernacular word: unconvinced
uncookVernacular word: uncook
uncookedVernacular word: uncooked
uncountVernacular word: uncount
uncountableVernacular word: uncountable
uncoverVernacular word: uncover
uncoveredVernacular word: uncovered
uncuredVernacular word: uncured
undecidedVernacular word: undecided
undemocraticVernacular word: undemocratic
under the jurisdictionVernacular word: under the jurisdiction
under/behindVernacular word: under/behind
under_the_jurisdictionVernacular word: under_the_jurisdiction
underarmVernacular word: underarm
undercookedVernacular word: undercooked
underhandVernacular word: underhand
underhouseVernacular word: underhouse
underliesVernacular word: underlies
underlineVernacular word: underline
underlyingVernacular word: underlying
undernourishedVernacular word: undernourished
undernourishmentVernacular word: undernourishment
underpantsVernacular word: underpants
underpartsVernacular word: underparts
undersideVernacular word: underside
understandableVernacular word: understandable
understandingVernacular word: understanding
understandsVernacular word: understands
undervalueVernacular word: undervalue
underwaterVernacular word: underwater
undilutedVernacular word: undiluted
undisciplinedVernacular word: undisciplined
undoVernacular word: undo
undoneVernacular word: undone
undoubtlyVernacular word: undoubtly
undressVernacular word: undress
undressedVernacular word: undressed
uneaseVernacular word: unease
uneasyVernacular word: uneasy
unedibleVernacular word: unedible
uneducatedVernacular word: uneducated
unembarrassedVernacular word: unembarrassed
unemotionalVernacular word: unemotional
unendingVernacular word: unending
unespectedlyVernacular word: unespectedly
unevenVernacular word: uneven
unexpectedVernacular word: unexpected
unexpectedlyVernacular word: unexpectedly
unfairVernacular word: unfair
unfaithfulVernacular word: unfaithful
unfamiliarVernacular word: unfamiliar
unfavorableVernacular word: unfavorable
unfedVernacular word: unfed
unfinishedVernacular word: unfinished
unfoldVernacular word: unfold
unfoldedVernacular word: unfolded
unfortunateVernacular word: unfortunate
unfortunatelyVernacular word: unfortunately
unfriedlyVernacular word: unfriedly
unfriendlyVernacular word: unfriendly
unfriendly/talkativeVernacular word: unfriendly/talkative
unfulfilledVernacular word: unfulfilled
ungivingVernacular word: ungiving
ungutVernacular word: ungut
unhappinessVernacular word: unhappiness
unhappyVernacular word: unhappy
unhealthyVernacular word: unhealthy
unhelpfulVernacular word: unhelpful
unhomeVernacular word: unhome
unhonorVernacular word: unhonor
unhookVernacular word: unhook
unhuskedVernacular word: unhusked
uniformedVernacular word: uniformed
unimportantVernacular word: unimportant
uninhabitedVernacular word: uninhabited
uninhibitedVernacular word: uninhibited
unintensionallyVernacular word: unintensionally
unintentionalVernacular word: unintentional
unintentionallyVernacular word: unintentionally
uninterestedVernacular word: uninterested
uninterestingVernacular word: uninteresting
unintimidatedVernacular word: unintimidated
uninvolvedVernacular word: uninvolved
unitedVernacular word: united
unitesVernacular word: unites
unitsVernacular word: units
unjustifiableVernacular word: unjustifiable
unjustifiablyVernacular word: unjustifiably
unkeekVernacular word: unkeek
unkeepVernacular word: unkeep
unkemptVernacular word: unkempt
unkeptVernacular word: unkept
unkindVernacular word: unkind
unkleVernacular word: unkle
unknottedVernacular word: unknotted
unknowinglyVernacular word: unknowingly
unknownVernacular word: unknown
unlawfulVernacular word: unlawful
unlikeVernacular word: unlike
unlinedVernacular word: unlined
unlockVernacular word: unlock
unluckyVernacular word: unlucky
unmanageableVernacular word: unmanageable
unmarriedVernacular word: unmarried
unmetVernacular word: unmet
unmixedVernacular word: unmixed
unnailedVernacular word: unnailed
unnaturalVernacular word: unnatural
unnaturallyVernacular word: unnaturally
unnecessaryVernacular word: unnecessary
unnecessary/badVernacular word: unnecessary/bad
unpackVernacular word: unpack
unpaidVernacular word: unpaid
unplannedVernacular word: unplanned
unpleasantVernacular word: unpleasant
unpredictableVernacular word: unpredictable
unpresentableVernacular word: unpresentable
unravelVernacular word: unravel
unreachVernacular word: unreach
unreachableVernacular word: unreachable
unreliableVernacular word: unreliable
unrespectVernacular word: unrespect
unrespectfulVernacular word: unrespectful
unripeVernacular word: unripe
unrollVernacular word: unroll
unrolledVernacular word: unrolled
unrollingVernacular word: unrolling
unsafeVernacular word: unsafe
unsecretiveVernacular word: unsecretive
unseparableVernacular word: unseparable
unsheathVernacular word: unsheath
unsheatheVernacular word: unsheathe
unsightlyVernacular word: unsightly
unstableVernacular word: unstable
unsteadilyVernacular word: unsteadily
unsteadyVernacular word: unsteady
unstopVernacular word: unstop
unsualVernacular word: unsual
unsuccessfullyVernacular word: unsuccessfully
unsufficientVernacular word: unsufficient
unsuitableVernacular word: unsuitable
unsuitedVernacular word: unsuited
unsupportedVernacular word: unsupported
unsureVernacular word: unsure
untamedVernacular word: untamed
untangleVernacular word: untangle
untetheredVernacular word: untethered
unthinkinglyVernacular word: unthinkingly
untidyVernacular word: untidy
untieVernacular word: untie
untiedVernacular word: untied
untightenedVernacular word: untightened
untillVernacular word: untill
untreashingVernacular word: untreashing
untrueVernacular word: untrue
untruthVernacular word: untruth
untruthfulVernacular word: untruthful
unusedVernacular word: unused
unusualVernacular word: unusual
unwantedVernacular word: unwanted
unweededVernacular word: unweeded
unwelcomingVernacular word: unwelcoming
unwellVernacular word: unwell
unwiseVernacular word: unwise
unworthyVernacular word: unworthy
unwrapVernacular word: unwrap
unwrappingVernacular word: unwrapping
up-and-downVernacular word: up-and-down
up/downVernacular word: up/down
upalanVernacular word: upalan
upholdVernacular word: uphold
uplandVernacular word: upland
upriverVernacular word: upriver
uproarVernacular word: uproar
uprootVernacular word: uproot
uprootedVernacular word: uprooted
upsVernacular word: ups
ups downVernacular word: ups down
ups_downVernacular word: ups_down
upsideVernacular word: upside
upside-downVernacular word: upside-down
upsidedownVernacular word: upsidedown
upstairsVernacular word: upstairs
upstreamVernacular word: upstream
upwardVernacular word: upward
upward-slopingVernacular word: upward-sloping
upwardsVernacular word: upwards
upìuVernacular word: upìu
uranVernacular word: uran
urandaVernacular word: uranda
urinaryVernacular word: urinary
urinateVernacular word: urinate
urinatedVernacular word: urinated
urinatingVernacular word: urinating
urineVernacular word: urine
usVernacular word: us
us(exclVernacular word: us(excl
us(inclVernacular word: us(incl
us–chaosVernacular word: us–chaos
us.(brothersVernacular word: us.(brothers word:
usageVernacular word: usage
useageVernacular word: useage
usedVernacular word: used
usefulVernacular word: useful
usefullVernacular word: usefull
usefulnessVernacular word: usefulness
uselessVernacular word: useless
uselesslyVernacular word: uselessly
userVernacular word: user
usesVernacular word: uses
usingVernacular word: using
using zitherVernacular word: using zither
using_zitherVernacular word: using_zither
usuallyVernacular word: usually
usurpVernacular word: usurp
ut-utVernacular word: ut-ut
utencilsVernacular word: utencils
utensilVernacular word: utensil
utensilsVernacular word: utensils
utilizingVernacular word: utilizing
utterVernacular word: utter
uttersVernacular word: utters
uwakVernacular word: uwak
vVernacular word: v
vacancyVernacular word: vacancy
vacantVernacular word: vacant
vacationVernacular word: vacation
vacationsVernacular word: vacations
vacillateVernacular word: vacillate
vacuumVernacular word: vacuum
vagabondVernacular word: vagabond
vaginaVernacular word: vagina
vagrantVernacular word: vagrant
valanceVernacular word: valance
valuablesVernacular word: valuables
valuedVernacular word: valued
valuelessVernacular word: valueless
valuesVernacular word: values
valuingVernacular word: valuing
vampireVernacular word: vampire
vanVernacular word: van
vanishableVernacular word: vanishable
vanishedVernacular word: vanished
vanishesVernacular word: vanishes
vansVernacular word: vans
vapourVernacular word: vapour
variable, various, varietySeeEntry
variantVernacular word: variant
variedVernacular word: varied
variesVernacular word: varies
varietiesVernacular word: varieties
varietysVernacular word: varietys
varnishVernacular word: varnish
varyingVernacular word: varying
vaseVernacular word: vase
vastVernacular word: vast
vatVernacular word: vat
vauntVernacular word: vaunt
veerVernacular word: veer
vegestablesVernacular word: vegestables
vegetableVernacular word: vegetable
vegetablesVernacular word: vegetables
vegetationVernacular word: vegetation
vehementVernacular word: vehement
vehiclesVernacular word: vehicles
veiledVernacular word: veiled
veinVernacular word: vein
veinsVernacular word: veins
velarVernacular word: velar
vendorVernacular word: vendor
vendorsVernacular word: vendors
venegarVernacular word: venegar
venerableVernacular word: venerable
venomVernacular word: venom
venomousVernacular word: venomous
ventVernacular word: vent
ventralVernacular word: ventral
ventriloquistVernacular word: ventriloquist
venueVernacular word: venue
verandaVernacular word: veranda
verballyVernacular word: verbally
verbsVernacular word: verbs
verdantVernacular word: verdant
vergeVernacular word: verge
verifiedVernacular word: verified
verifyVernacular word: verify
versesVernacular word: verses
versionsVernacular word: versions
versusVernacular word: versus
verticalVernacular word: vertical
verticallyVernacular word: vertically
vertigoVernacular word: vertigo
very fastVernacular word: very fast
very quickVernacular word: very quick
very_fastVernacular word: very_fast
very_quickVernacular word: very_quick
vespaVernacular word: vespa
vestedVernacular word: vested
veteranVernacular word: veteran
vianVernacular word: vian
viandVernacular word: viand
viandsVernacular word: viands
vibrateVernacular word: vibrate
vibratedVernacular word: vibrated
vibratesVernacular word: vibrates
vibratingVernacular word: vibrating
vicariousVernacular word: vicarious
viceVernacular word: vice
vicinityVernacular word: vicinity
viciousVernacular word: vicious
victimsVernacular word: victims
victoriousVernacular word: victorious
videoVernacular word: video
vidoingVernacular word: vidoing
viewsVernacular word: views
vigorouslyVernacular word: vigorously
vileVernacular word: vile
villagersVernacular word: villagers
vineVernacular word: vine
vinegarVernacular word: vinegar
vinesVernacular word: vines
violatedVernacular word: violated
violatingVernacular word: violating
viperVernacular word: viper
virginVernacular word: virgin
virtuousVernacular word: virtuous
virusVernacular word: virus
visayanVernacular word: visayan
visiblyVernacular word: visibly
visionaryVernacular word: visionary
visitationVernacular word: visitation
visitedVernacular word: visited
visitingVernacular word: visiting
visitngVernacular word: visitng
visitorsVernacular word: visitors
visitsVernacular word: visits
vissionVernacular word: vission
vitalVernacular word: vital
vitaminVernacular word: vitamin
vitaminsVernacular word: vitamins
viteligoVernacular word: viteligo
vivaciousVernacular word: vivacious
vocabularyVernacular word: vocabulary
voicedVernacular word: voiced
voicesVernacular word: voices
volcanicVernacular word: volcanic
volcanoVernacular word: volcano
volcanoesVernacular word: volcanoes
volcanousVernacular word: volcanous
volleyballVernacular word: volleyball
voltVernacular word: volt
voluminousVernacular word: voluminous
voluntarilyVernacular word: voluntarily
volunteersVernacular word: volunteers
vomitVernacular word: vomit
vomitingVernacular word: vomiting
vomittedVernacular word: vomitted
voodooVernacular word: voodoo
votedVernacular word: voted
votersVernacular word: voters
votingVernacular word: voting
voucherVernacular word: voucher
vowVernacular word: vow
vulgarVernacular word: vulgar
vulgarisVernacular word: vulgaris
vulnerableVernacular word: vulnerable
vulneraryVernacular word: vulnerary
wadeVernacular word: wade
wagVernacular word: wag
wagerVernacular word: wager
wagesVernacular word: wages
waggingVernacular word: wagging
waggleVernacular word: waggle
wagonVernacular word: wagon
wagtailVernacular word: wagtail
wailVernacular word: wail
wailingVernacular word: wailing
waistbandVernacular word: waistband
wait forVernacular word: wait for
wait onVernacular word: wait on
wait_forVernacular word: wait_for
wait_onVernacular word: wait_on
waitedVernacular word: waited
waitingVernacular word: waiting
waitsVernacular word: waits
wake upVernacular word: wake up
wake_upVernacular word: wake_up
wakesVernacular word: wakes
wakingVernacular word: waking
walkedVernacular word: walked
walkingVernacular word: walking
walking+stickVernacular word: walking+stick
walksVernacular word: walks
wall(boardsVernacular word: wall(boards
walledVernacular word: walled
walletVernacular word: wallet
wallingVernacular word: walling
wallowVernacular word: wallow
wallowingVernacular word: wallowing
wallsVernacular word: walls
wanderedVernacular word: wandered
wanderingVernacular word: wandering
wandersVernacular word: wanders
want'sVernacular word: want's
want/needVernacular word: want/need
wantedVernacular word: wanted
wantingVernacular word: wanting
wantsVernacular word: wants
warblerVernacular word: warbler
wardVernacular word: ward
wardrobeVernacular word: wardrobe
warmedVernacular word: warmed
warmed-upVernacular word: warmed-up
warmerVernacular word: warmer
warmingVernacular word: warming
warmlyVernacular word: warmly
warms upVernacular word: warms up
warms_upVernacular word: warms_up
warnedVernacular word: warned
warningVernacular word: warning
warpVernacular word: warp
warppedVernacular word: warpped
warrantVernacular word: warrant
warriorVernacular word: warrior
warriorsVernacular word: warriors
wartVernacular word: wart
wartedVernacular word: warted
waryVernacular word: wary
warèVernacular word: warè
was supposed toVernacular word: was supposed to
was+fruitfulVernacular word: was+fruitful
was_supposed_toVernacular word: was_supposed_to
waseyVernacular word: wasey
washbasinVernacular word: washbasin
washclothVernacular word: washcloth
washeVernacular word: washe
washedVernacular word: washed
washesVernacular word: washes
washingVernacular word: washing
washoutVernacular word: washout
wasn'tVernacular word: wasn't
wasn’tVernacular word: wasn’t
waspVernacular word: wasp
waspsVernacular word: wasps
wastedVernacular word: wasted
wastefulVernacular word: wasteful
wastingVernacular word: wasting
watchedVernacular word: watched
watcherVernacular word: watcher
watchesVernacular word: watches
watchfulVernacular word: watchful
watchhouseVernacular word: watchhouse
watchingVernacular word: watching
watchmanVernacular word: watchman
water'sVernacular word: water's
water+Vernacular word: water+
water—anVernacular word: water—an
waterbedVernacular word: waterbed
wateredVernacular word: watered
waterfallVernacular word: waterfall
waterfallsVernacular word: waterfalls
wateringVernacular word: watering
watermelonVernacular word: watermelon
waterpoleVernacular word: waterpole
watersVernacular word: waters
waterwayVernacular word: waterway
wateryVernacular word: watery
wattleVernacular word: wattle
wavedVernacular word: waved
waverVernacular word: waver
wavesVernacular word: waves
wavingVernacular word: waving
wavyVernacular word: wavy
waylayVernacular word: waylay
waysVernacular word: ways
we'dVernacular word: we'd
we'llVernacular word: we'll
we'reVernacular word: we're
we'veVernacular word: we've
we've(exclVernacular word: we've(excl
we(exclVernacular word: we(excl
we(inclVernacular word: we(incl
weak-kneedVernacular word: weak-kneed
weakenedVernacular word: weakened
weakerVernacular word: weaker
weaklyVernacular word: weakly
weaknessVernacular word: weakness
weak—itVernacular word: weak—it
wealthierVernacular word: wealthier
wealthyVernacular word: wealthy
weanVernacular word: wean
weanedVernacular word: weaned
weaningVernacular word: weaning
weaponsVernacular word: weapons
wear-outVernacular word: wear-out
wearerVernacular word: wearer
wearinessVernacular word: weariness
wearingVernacular word: wearing
wearsVernacular word: wears
wearyVernacular word: weary
weatheredVernacular word: weathered
weathersVernacular word: weathers
weavingVernacular word: weaving
webVernacular word: web
websVernacular word: webs
websiteVernacular word: website
weddingVernacular word: wedding
weddingsVernacular word: weddings
wedgeVernacular word: wedge
wedlockVernacular word: wedlock
weededVernacular word: weeded
weedingVernacular word: weeding
weeding-toolVernacular word: weeding-tool
weedkillerVernacular word: weedkiller
weedsVernacular word: weeds
weedyVernacular word: weedy
weeklyVernacular word: weekly
weeksVernacular word: weeks
weepVernacular word: weep
weepingVernacular word: weeping
weevilVernacular word: weevil
weighedVernacular word: weighed
weighingVernacular word: weighing
weighsVernacular word: weighs
weightsVernacular word: weights
weightyVernacular word: weighty
weirVernacular word: weir
wekwekVernacular word: wekwek
welcomesVernacular word: welcomes
welcomingVernacular word: welcoming
weldVernacular word: weld
welderVernacular word: welder
well-behavedVernacular word: well-behaved
well-beingVernacular word: well-being
well-builtVernacular word: well-built
well-doneVernacular word: well-done
well-knownVernacular word: well-known
well-madeVernacular word: well-made
well-offVernacular word: well-off
well-organizedVernacular word: well-organized
well-receivedVernacular word: well-received
well...sorryVernacular word: well...sorry
wellsVernacular word: wells
weltVernacular word: welt
weptVernacular word: wept
weren'tVernacular word: weren't
wet-riceVernacular word: wet-rice
wetherVernacular word: wether
wettedVernacular word: wetted
wettingVernacular word: wetting
we’llVernacular word: we’ll
what Vernacular word: what
what'sVernacular word: what's
what/howVernacular word: what/how
what_Vernacular word: what_
whateveryVernacular word: whatevery
wheeledVernacular word: wheeled
wheelsVernacular word: wheels
wheezVernacular word: wheez
wheezingVernacular word: wheezing
when/duringVernacular word: when/during
wherVernacular word: wher
where/whatVernacular word: where/what
whereaboutsVernacular word: whereabouts
whetstoneVernacular word: whetstone
whichsVernacular word: whichs
whilstVernacular word: whilst
whimperVernacular word: whimper
whimperedVernacular word: whimpered
whimperingVernacular word: whimpering
whineVernacular word: whine
whingeVernacular word: whinge
whiningVernacular word: whining
whinnyVernacular word: whinny
whirlVernacular word: whirl
whirlingVernacular word: whirling
whirlpoolVernacular word: whirlpool
whirlwindVernacular word: whirlwind
whiskerVernacular word: whisker
whiskersVernacular word: whiskers
whiskeryVernacular word: whiskery
whisperingVernacular word: whispering
whistlingVernacular word: whistling
white-belliedVernacular word: white-bellied
white-breastedVernacular word: white-breasted
white-earedVernacular word: white-eared
white-eyeVernacular word: white-eye
white-skinnedVernacular word: white-skinned
white-throatedVernacular word: white-throated
whitebaitVernacular word: whitebait
whiteheadVernacular word: whitehead
whitishVernacular word: whitish
whittleVernacular word: whittle
whittle woodVernacular word: whittle wood
whittle_woodVernacular word: whittle_wood
whizzVernacular word: whizz
who'sVernacular word: who's
whoopingVernacular word: whooping
whooshVernacular word: whoosh
whoreVernacular word: whore
wichVernacular word: wich
wickVernacular word: wick
wicksVernacular word: wicks
wide upVernacular word: wide up
wide/largeVernacular word: wide/large
wide_upVernacular word: wide_up
widelyVernacular word: widely
widenVernacular word: widen
widerVernacular word: wider
widow(erVernacular word: widow(er
wife'sVernacular word: wife's
wigVernacular word: wig
wiggleVernacular word: wiggle
wiggledVernacular word: wiggled
wigglingVernacular word: wiggling
wiilVernacular word: wiil
wilVernacular word: wil
wildernessVernacular word: wilderness
wildflowerVernacular word: wildflower
wildlyVernacular word: wildly
wildsVernacular word: wilds
will be cutVernacular word: will be cut
will be shownVernacular word: will be shown
will breakVernacular word: will break
will turnVernacular word: will turn
will+buildVernacular word: will+build
will+commandVernacular word: will+command
will+makeVernacular word: will+make
will+offendVernacular word: will+offend
will+put+poisonVernacular word: will+put+poison
will_be_cutVernacular word: will_be_cut
will_be_shownVernacular word: will_be_shown
will_breakVernacular word: will_break
will_turnVernacular word: will_turn
willedVernacular word: willed
willfulVernacular word: willful
willingVernacular word: willing
willingnessVernacular word: willingness
willlVernacular word: willl
wiltVernacular word: wilt
wiltedVernacular word: wilted
wimperVernacular word: wimper
winceVernacular word: wince
wind,beVernacular word: wind,be
windedVernacular word: winded
windingVernacular word: winding
windowsVernacular word: windows
windsVernacular word: winds
windsockVernacular word: windsock
windyVernacular word: windy
wingeVernacular word: winge
winglessVernacular word: wingless
wingsVernacular word: wings
wingspanVernacular word: wingspan
winkVernacular word: wink
winkedVernacular word: winked
winnerVernacular word: winner
winnersVernacular word: winners
winningVernacular word: winning
winnowVernacular word: winnow
winnowedVernacular word: winnowed
winnowingVernacular word: winnowing
winsVernacular word: wins
wipedVernacular word: wiped
wipesVernacular word: wipes
wipingVernacular word: wiping
wiresVernacular word: wires
wisdomVernacular word: wisdom
wishesVernacular word: wishes
wishfullyVernacular word: wishfully
wishingVernacular word: wishing
witchVernacular word: witch
witchcraftVernacular word: witchcraft
witchesVernacular word: witches
with regard toVernacular word: with regard to
with/outVernacular word: with/out
with_regard_toVernacular word: with_regard_to
withdrawVernacular word: withdraw
witherVernacular word: wither
witheredVernacular word: withered
withholdingVernacular word: withholding
withstandVernacular word: withstand
witnessedVernacular word: witnessed
witnessesVernacular word: witnesses
wittyVernacular word: witty
witwitVernacular word: witwit
wllVernacular word: wll
wobbleVernacular word: wobble
wobblyVernacular word: wobbly
woddleVernacular word: woddle
wokVernacular word: wok
wolfVernacular word: wolf
wolvesVernacular word: wolves
woman'sVernacular word: woman's
womaniser/maniserVernacular word: womaniser/maniser
woman’sVernacular word: woman’s
wombVernacular word: womb
wonderedVernacular word: wondered
wonderfulVernacular word: wonderful
wonderingVernacular word: wondering
wondersVernacular word: wonders
wondrousVernacular word: wondrous
wontVernacular word: wont
won’tVernacular word: won’t
wooVernacular word: woo
woodboringVernacular word: woodboring
woodpeckerVernacular word: woodpecker
woodplaneVernacular word: woodplane
woodsVernacular word: woods
woodsmanVernacular word: woodsman
woodyVernacular word: woody
woopingVernacular word: wooping
wopeVernacular word: wope
wordedVernacular word: worded
wordingsVernacular word: wordings
wordsVernacular word: words
work withVernacular word: work with
work_withVernacular word: work_with
workedVernacular word: worked
workerVernacular word: worker
workersVernacular word: workers
workingVernacular word: working
worklessVernacular word: workless
workplaceVernacular word: workplace
workroomVernacular word: workroom
worksVernacular word: works
worldlyVernacular word: worldly
worldviewVernacular word: worldview
wormsVernacular word: worms
worriedVernacular word: worried
worriesVernacular word: worries
worryingVernacular word: worrying
worshipingVernacular word: worshiping
worshippingVernacular word: worshipping
worthlessVernacular word: worthless
worthwhileVernacular word: worthwhile
worthyVernacular word: worthy
would ratherVernacular word: would rather
would_ratherVernacular word: would_rather
wouldn'tVernacular word: wouldn't
woundedVernacular word: wounded
woundsVernacular word: wounds
wounds everywhereVernacular word: wounds everywhere
wounds_everywhereVernacular word: wounds_everywhere
wovenVernacular word: woven
wowVernacular word: wow
wrappedVernacular word: wrapped
wrapped(aroundVernacular word: wrapped(around
wrapperVernacular word: wrapper
wrappingVernacular word: wrapping
wrapsVernacular word: wraps
wrathfulVernacular word: wrathful
wrenchVernacular word: wrench
wrestleVernacular word: wrestle
wrestledVernacular word: wrestled
wrestlingVernacular word: wrestling
wriggleVernacular word: wriggle
wrigglyVernacular word: wriggly
wringVernacular word: wring
wrinkleVernacular word: wrinkle
wrinkledVernacular word: wrinkled
wrist-watchVernacular word: wrist-watch
wristwatchVernacular word: wristwatch
write toVernacular word: write to
write_toVernacular word: write_to
writerVernacular word: writer
writer/secretaryVernacular word: writer/secretary
writersVernacular word: writers
writesVernacular word: writes
writhed-billedVernacular word: writhed-billed
writingVernacular word: writing
writingsVernacular word: writings
wrongdoingVernacular word: wrongdoing
wrongedVernacular word: wronged
wronglyVernacular word: wrongly
wrungVernacular word: wrung long/philippines-lat-long.htmlVernacular word: long/philippines-lat-long.html word:
xVernacular word: x
xxxVernacular word: xxx
xxxxxxxxxVernacular word: xxxxxxxxx
y-shapeVernacular word: y-shape
yamVernacular word: yam
yamsVernacular word: yams
yankVernacular word: yank
yapVernacular word: yap
yappingVernacular word: yapping
yautiaVernacular word: yautia
yawnVernacular word: yawn
yawningVernacular word: yawning
yeahVernacular word: yeah
yearsVernacular word: years
yeastVernacular word: yeast
yeildVernacular word: yeild
yellVernacular word: yell
yelledVernacular word: yelled
yellingVernacular word: yelling
yelloVernacular word: yello
yellow-backedVernacular word: yellow-backed
yellow-crownedVernacular word: yellow-crowned
yellow-grayVernacular word: yellow-gray
yellow-greenVernacular word: yellow-green
yellow-skinnedVernacular word: yellow-skinned
yellow-ventedVernacular word: yellow-vented
yellowedVernacular word: yellowed
yellowishVernacular word: yellowish
yellsVernacular word: yells
yelpVernacular word: yelp
yelpingVernacular word: yelping
yes-or-noVernacular word: yes-or-no
yesterday'sVernacular word: yesterday's
yieldingVernacular word: yielding
yikesVernacular word: yikes
yoghurtVernacular word: yoghurt
yokeVernacular word: yoke
yokesVernacular word: yokes
yolkVernacular word: yolk
yonderVernacular word: yonder
you'llVernacular word: you'll
you'reVernacular word: you're
you'rèVernacular word: you'rè
you'veVernacular word: you've
you(plVernacular word: you(pl
you(plural)(non-focusVernacular word: you(plural)(non-focus
you(sgVernacular word: you(sg
you(sg)(non-focusVernacular word: you(sg)(non-focus
you-plVernacular word: you-pl
youngerVernacular word: younger
youngestVernacular word: youngest
youngishVernacular word: youngish
youngpeopleVernacular word: youngpeople
yourVernacular word: your
your(plVernacular word: your(pl
your(sgVernacular word: your(sg
your+companionVernacular word: your+companion
yoursVernacular word: yours
yours(plVernacular word: yours(pl
yourselfVernacular word: yourself
youthfulVernacular word: youthful
yrsVernacular word: yrs
yummyVernacular word: yummy
zealousVernacular word: zealous
zeastfulVernacular word: zeastful
zeastfullyVernacular word: zeastfully
zenithVernacular word: zenith
zestfulVernacular word: zestful
zigzagVernacular word: zigzag
zipVernacular word: zip
ziplineVernacular word: zipline
zipperVernacular word: zipper
zitherVernacular word: zither
zooVernacular word: zoo
zoologistVernacular word: zoologist
°Vernacular word: °
Vernacular word: →