Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: due nakapulit ne malindit; tapil; tuus
MS: tapil; tuus
A mark on a surface is a small area which looks different. Maybe someone put it there (e.g., a pencil mark or a question mark), or maybe it was an accident (e.g., a spot on a shirt, or a scratch on a table).
You can't wear that shirt because there is a dirty mark on it.
He kicked the wall, and his black shoe left a mark on the wood.
She slapped my hand, and it left a red mark.

Def.: egpulitan; egsulatan; egbaglisan
MS: egpulitan; egsulatan; egbaglisan
If you mark a surface, you put a mark on it (see sense 1).
She marked the wall with a pencil to show how tall she was.
Migpulitan din ka alabat te lapis eyew egkakita ke kamenu kalayat sikandin.
She marked the book with her name, so that she would not lose it.
Migsulatan din ka libru te ngaran din, su eyew kenè egkatarin.
If you leave something wet on wood, it will mark the wood.

Def.: palinneu
MS: palinneu
A punctuation mark is a symbol used in writing (e.g., a question mark (?), an exclamation mark (!)).

Def.: neumaan [neuma͡an] ne nateil ne katamanan
MS: neumaan ne nateil ne katamanan
a particular level or number which someone or something reaches.
The floodwaters have reached the 1 meter mark.
Ka baggiyu te weyig nekeyinguma te sabeka ne mitru ne katamanan.
The runner in the race reached the 200 meter mark very quickly.

Def.: egtuus
MS: egtuus
If something marks a particular position or place, it shows where it is.
This fence marks the edge of our property.
Seini ne alad ka tuus te ilis te impangamuney ney.
She used a piece of paper to mark her place in the book.

Def.: palinneu ne kanengnengan
MS: palinneu ne kanengnengan
If something is a mark of another thing, it is a sign which shows that the other thing is real or is there.
The ability to listen to advice is a mark of maturity.
Ka katuenan te pegpammineg te pegpanulù iyan sika palinneu te pegkatesan.
The desire to serve others is one of the marks of a good leader.
A bad cough is one of the marks of tuberculosis.

Def.: egpeila
MS: egpeila
If something marks a person or thing as a particular type, it shows that they are that type of person or thing.
Her accent marks her as a Matigsalug.
Ka peglituk din egpeila kandin ne Matigsalug iya.

Def.: eleg ne karakelan te tabak ne egkuen
MS: eleg ne karakelan te tabak ne egkuen
a point that you get for a correct answer in a test.
This question is worth two marks.

Def.: naangey ne karakelan te tabak puun te hinimuwan
MS: naangey ne karakelan
the result that you get in a test or for a project.
What mark did you get in your test?

Def.: egbehey te eleg ne naangey ne karakelan wey ke kamenu keupiya ka himu
If a teacher marks students' tests or work, she checks it and writes a number or letter to show how good it is.
Our teacher marked our tests and gave them back to us.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0576-0600
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012