Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eggeraman
MS: eggeraman
If you test something, you try it to see what it is like.
She tested the soup and decided that it needed more salt.
Miggeraman din ka sabew wey natuenan din ne keilangan pad te asin.
He tested the water temperature with his foot before he jumped in.

Def.: eg-el-elehan; egpitawen
MS: eg-el-elehan; egpitawen
If you test someone or something, you do something to see if they are strong, or good or real.
This race is long and hard, and will really test your fitness.
Ka seini ne lumba mariyù wey malised, wey kayi ta iya egkeel-elehi ke mamenu iya ka katuenan nu.

Def.: peg-eleg-eleg; peggeram
MS: peg-eleg-eleg; peggeram
something that shows if a person or thing is strong, good or real.
This race will be a test of your fitness.

Def.: eggeraman ka minsan hentew wey ke minsan nekey te nateil ne kasangkapan eyew egkatahaan ke due ka sika ne butang diyè te kandan.
If you test someone or something for a particular thing (e.g., a chemical), you study them to see if they have that thing in them.
They tested the sportsmen for drugs.
Miggeraman dan ka manggalaway ne me lukes para te druga.
They tested the food for insecticides.

Def.: pegtengteng eyew te pegnengneng ke due nateil te kasangkapan.
something that you do to a person or thing to find if they have a particular thing in them.
The test for TB is quite reliable.

Def.: eggeram eyew te pegnengneng te katuenan
If you test someone, you ask them to do things or answer questions to check if they know something or can do something.
Our teacher tests us every Friday on the things we've studied during the week.

Def.: peggeram ne due igpeyimu wey ke due igpatabak ne me inse eyew te pegnengneng ke due natuenan dan wey ke egpekeyimu naa sikandan.
MS: peggeram
a set of questions or activities which you do to check if you can do something.
We have a spelling test every morning.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0451-0475; keyterms
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012