Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: warè im-immana ne sitwasyun wey ke pangitabù (layun mareet, wey masakit ka etew)
MS: aksidinti
something that happens without anybody planning it. It is often something bad, and someone gets hurt.
I didn't mean to drop the cup; it was an accident.
Warè ku tuyua ne egkeulug ka pakawan; neulug due.
There was a car accident on the highway.
Due aksidinti te terak diyè te kelesadda.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1351-1375
accidentally, by accident
adv, phrase.
Def.: warè im-immana; warè tuyua
MS: warè im-immana; warè tuyua
If something happens accidentally or by accident, it happens without anyone planning it.
I found the letter by accident, while I was cleaning the room.
Warè ku im-immana te pegkakita ku te sulat, te pegpanlinis ku te sinabeng.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012