Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpangguhud (meyitenged te nakita wey ke natuenan)
MS: egpangguhud
If you report on something that you have seen or learned, you speak or write about it.
He reported that three people had been injured in the accident.
He met with his colleagues and reported on his research.
The children listened excitedly to his report of his trip.

Def.: guhuren ne sinulat wey ke pangasak (meyitenged te nakita wey ke natuenan)
MS: guhuren
a piece of speaking or writing about something that you have seen or learned.
The police officer wrote a report of the accident.
He presented a report on his research.

Def.: egpanugtul
MS: egpanugtul
If you report a crime, or report someone to an authority such as the police, you tell the authority about the person's bad action.
I reported the robbery to the police.
They reported the dangerous driver to the transport authority.
vi, vt(+prep).

Def.: eggendiyè te ahalen (eyew te pegtrabahu)
MS: eggendiyè te ahalen
If you report to someone in your work, they have authority over you, so they can tell you what to do.
I report to my supervisor at work.
Miggendiya a te ahalen ku eyew te pegtrabahu.

Def.: eggendiyè (eyew te nateil ne himuwen)
MS: eggendiyè
If you report to a place for something, you arrive there to do something.
You need to report for work at 7am tomorrow.
Keilangan ne eggendiyè ka te trabahu nu kaaselem te alas siti te maselem.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0226-0250
Status: ready

Last updated: 28/Sep/2012