Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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you (sg)
Kenè nu uyana ka bula diyè te baley niyu.
Don't you bring the ball to your house.
Wrd.Gloss: you(sg); by_you(sg)
Gramm. 2nd person singular non-focus (Set II, brief form)
Eng. you(sg)(non-focus II)
Tag. mo
Ceb. mo
Binukid: nu
OCM: Grammar (193)
DDP: Pronouns (9.2.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G
(nud, -d) you (sg) (with completive aspect)
Gramm. 2nd person singular non-focus pronoun (Set II, brief form) with completive aspect
Eng. you(sg)(non-focus II), with completive aspect
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
your (sg); of yours (sg)
Wrd.Gloss: your(sg)
Ipamilig-pilig nu ka belad nu!
Shake (the water) off your(sg) hand(s)!
Gramm. 2nd person singular possessive pronominal specifier (postpositional)
Eng. your(sg); of yours (sg)
Tag. mo
Ceb. mo
Binukid: nu
OCM: Grammar (193)
DDP: Pronouns (9.2.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G

Updated by: RJH,AAA,RJH,NJK
Last updated: 17/Jun/2010

Links to texts

"nu" in text "Examples of Anit"

"nu" in text "Childbirth"

"egpakapenu" in text "Cooking in Bamboo"

"nu" in text "Prophecy About Future"

"nu" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"nu" in text "Two carabaos fighting"

"nu" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"nu" in text "A Father Tells His Children about School"

"nu" in text "Aurelio's Marriage"

"nu" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

Links to phrasebook

"nu" in text "Inse wey tabak"

"nu" in text "Ke due masakit"

"nu" in text "Ke due masakit"

"nu" in text "Ke due masakit"

"nu" in text "Egbebasbas te duma ne lalag"

"nu" in text "Te pegkeen"

"nu" in text "Pegbebeli wey peg-isues te bali"

"nu" in text "Pegbebeli wey peg-isues te bali"

"nu" in text "Pegbebeli wey peg-isues te bali"

"nu" in text "Pegbebeli wey peg-isues te bali"

Links to health books

"nu" in healthbook "Mania te keilangan neg lu-luan ta ka me belad ta?"

"nu" in healthbook "Nekey-a ka kahew?"

"nu" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

"nu" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

"nu" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

Links to songbook

"nu" in song "Panugtuli a ki Hisus"

"nu" in song "Panugtuli a ki Hisus"

"nu" in song "Legpad ku ne langun"

"nu" in song "Legpad ku ne langun"

"nu" in song "Manama ne matulus"