Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egbehayan te geem eyew te pegpame-bè wey peggimu
If you represent a country, group, or another person, you speak and act for them.
He wants to represent the Philippines at the Olympics.
An attorney represents people in court.
Ka abugadu iyan tigpame-bè te me etew diyè te kurti.

Def.: egpasabut
MS: egpasabut
If something represents another thing, it is a symbol of that other thing, so that you understand it to mean the same as the other thing.
In this picture, the circles represent people.
Te seini ne litratu, ka mallibusen egpasabut te me etew.

Def.: egpamalehet
MS: egpamalehet
If you represent someone or something as a particular thing, you say that they are that thing.
He represented his boss as very unkind, but in reality, she was a very good boss.
Migpamalehet sikandin te ka ahalen din amana ne dereti, piru ka kamalehetan, amana sikandin ne uupiyei se batasan.
The advertisers represented the product as being environmentally friendly.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0551-0575
Status: ready

Last updated: 29/Jun/2012