Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpanugtul; egnangen
MS: egpanugtul; egnangen
If you tell someone something, or tell them that something is the case, you say it to them.
He told me a secret.
He told me that he was hungry.

Def.: egsuhù eyew te pegpeyimu te minsan nekey
If you tell someone to do something, you say that they must do it.
My mother told me to come home before dark.

Def.: egpakataha
MS: egpakataha
If you can tell that something is true, you know that it is true because there is some evidence.
When I saw her, I could tell that she had been crying.
Te pegkakita ku kandin, nakataha a ne ligkat pad sikandin te pegsinehew.
vi, vt(+prep).

Def.: egpakabehey te mareet diyè te keykew
MS: egpakabehey te mareet
If something tells on you, it has a bad effect on you.
The lack of sleep began to tell on the young mother, and she had dark circles under her eyes.
Ka kakulangen te peglipereng ka egbunsuran te mareet ne egpangkusan te batè pad ne iney, wey due mallahem ne mallibusen ne egpakapalingut diyè te mata rin.
Irreg.  told, told.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0101-0125
Status: ready

Last updated: 04/Feb/2013