Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: kuneen
MS: kuneen
If you assume that something is the case, you believe it without asking or checking.
She assumed that I wanted to go, but she didn't ask me.
Kuneen din ke egkeupian a ne egduma, piru warè mig-insè sikandin keddì.

Def.: egbunsud
MS: egbunsud
If you assume something such as a job, you start doing that job.
He will assume his new role next month.
Egbunsud e sikandin te iyam ne himu rin te seup ne bulan.

Def.: egweilen ka lawa
MS: egweilen ka lawa
If you assume a position, you move your body to have that position.
He assumed a sitting position.
Migweil din ka lawa rin eyew te pegpinnuu.
Sem.Dom.: AWL1

Def.: 1 pegsuman-suman ne due ka warè; 2 pegbunsud
MS: pegsuman-suman ne due ka warè; pegbunsud
the action of assuming.
Many people were unhappy about his assumption of the role of director.
Def.: sumansuman; puhawang
MS: sumansuman; puhawang
something that you believe without asking or checking (make an assumption).
Don't make negative assumptions about people before you know them.
Kenè ka eggimu te mareet ne sumansuman te me etew ne warè nu pad neileyi.
Note: this example sentence translation needs checking
Your assumption about him is incorrect.
Status: ready

Last updated: 03/Oct/2012