Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (eg-ehet, mig-ehet/in-ehet, agent, eg><ø-) to tell off or be upset with someone else (eg-ehetan, in-ehetan/mig-ehetan/pig-ehetan, location, eg><an-) for a reason (ig-ehet, ig-eheti, reason, ig><ø-)
Ka eg-ehet iyan ka egkabelù wey egkatameneng te duma. Egkarumaan seini te himu ne egbehey te palinneu te pegkabelù iling te eglalag te mareet, egdew-ey, egpasakit.
Eg-ehet ka anggam ku ke eg-ubalen ka kasangkapan din.
My uncle gets angry when his things are messed up.
Kenè e pad eglewuk-lewuk kuntee su eg-ehetan a te Amey ku.
I will not wander around today because my father will tell me off.
Iyan din ig-eheti te anak din su amana ne hambuhen.
His son is naughty so he scolded him.
O. Syn. sapadscold
Eng. angry; tell-off; upset; annoy; antagonize; harrass; fight; argue; oppose; conflict; scold; nag
OCM: Drivers and Emotions (152)
DDP: Upset (, Angry (, Annoyed (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(ehetanan, -an-an) the reason for conflict
Ka seini ne lalag iling seini te egpuunan te samuk, egbunsuran te samuk.
Iyan dan man iya ehetanan ka nasuntukan ka asawa rin dengan te ipag din.
The cause of their conflict is that when his wife pounched by his sister-in-law.
Eng. cause of conflict; reason for conflict
DDP: Angry (
Tag. dahilan; alitan
Ceb. hinungdan
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
(ehetanan, -an-an) a place for war
Seini ka lugal ne eg-ugpaan te egpeehetey wey ke egpabunuey.
Diyè ki egpatemuwey te Delag su diyè ma ka lugal ne ehetanan.
We will meet at the wilderness because there is the place of war.
Eng. place war
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for a rope (egpekeehet, pekeehet, agent, egpAkA-) to be tied up by someone or something for a reason (igpekeehet, impekehet, reason, igpAkA-)
Eng. tied up; tie
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for a person or animal (egkeehet, neehet, agent, egkA><ø-) to be strangled by a rope for a reason (igkeehet, ingkeehet, reason, igkA><ø-)
Diyè niyu ihiket te mapatag ka kalabew su kema ke egkeehet.
Tie up the carabao on the plain for it might be strangled.
Eng. strangled
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for someone (eg-ehet, mig-ehet/in-ehet/pig-ehet, agent, eg><ø-) to use a rope to hang or strangle a person or animal (eg-eheten, patient, eg><en-) for a reason (ig-ehet, ig-eheta, reason, ig><ø-)
Eg-ehet ka amey ku te tinggew pinaahi te lubid.
My father kills a bird by tying a rope around its neck.
Eg-eheten te eggimatey ka patu su eyew amana ne meupiya.
To kill a goose, it should be tied by a rope around its neck, so that it will be be delicious.
Iyan din ig-eheta te miyew su mabulut nahud.
He tied up the neck of a cat because it's aggressive.
Syn. luhè
Eng. tied; tying; hang; strangle
OCM: Suicide (762)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for someone (eg-ehet-ehet, mig-ehet-ehet/in-ehet-ehet/pig-ehet-ehet, agent, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to commit suicide by drinking poison for a reason (ig-ehet-ehet, in-ehet-ehet, reason, ig-rdpRT-)
Ka ehet-ehet iyan ka eggimatey te pegkeetew rin pinaahi te peggiket te lieg. Masalig ka egkeilingan kayi iling te egluhe, eggileng te belad, eg-inum te gilu, egtunugpù te titikangi, egbibitin, eg-epuk, wey masalig pad ka paahi te peggimatey te pegkeetew.
Eg-ehet-ehet e perem si Dikuy tenged te dakel ne prublima rin.
Dikuy almost commited suicide because of his big problem.
Syn. luhè
Eng. suicide; commit suicide; drink poison; poison, drink
OCM: Suicide (762)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 29/Jul/2014

Links to texts

"egpekeg-ehet" in text "Prophecy About Future"

Links to health books

"neehet" in healthbook "Ka an-anayan ne peg-uyamu ni Lolita te mig-anak"

Link to Bible concordance


Links to songbook

"peeg-ehetey" in song "Nahale-gale a"

"in-ehetan" in song "Libed kad"