Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: aliddanan
MS: aliddanan
The reason for something is the thing which causes it to happen or to be true.
The reason that I went home was that I felt sick.

Def.: meupiya ne suman-suman
MS: suman-suman, meupiya ne
good and careful thinking about something, which causes you to make good decisions
I told her it was not a good idea to travel alone, but she wouldn't listen to reason.
Migkahi a kandin te kenè sika ne meupiya ne pamaahi ne egsabsabeka ka eggipanew, piru warè din pamineha ka meupiya ne suman-suman.
vi, vt.

Def.: egpalintutuu puun te migsuman-suman
MS: egpalintutuu puun te migsuman-suman
If you reason that something is the case, you believe it after you think carefully and use logic.
She reasoned that if she could ride a bicycle, she could probably ride a motorbike too.
Migbehey sikandin te puhawang ne ke egkateu sikandin ne eg-uyan te bayik, due kasiguruwan din degma ne egkateu sikandin eg-uyan te mutur.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0276-0300
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012