Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egdulihis, migdulihis, indulihis/pigdulihis, agent, eg><ø-) to unjustifiably treat others (egdulihisen, patient, eg><en-) as guilty by association (e.g., to be angry at a whole family for the misdeeds of one) (igdulihis, indulihis, igdulihisa, reason, ig><ø-)
Migdulihis din pangeheti ka me batè diyè te tangkaan din minsan warè labet te ehetanan dan.
He got unjustifiably angry at the children in front of him even though they were not part of the ones they were angry at.
Egdulihisen ku buwad iya te egkamet seini se langun ne me pinamula?
Maybe I will cut down all these plants grown.
Iyan din igdulihis te me batè te eg-ehet su egkewubug nahud sikandin.
The reason that he includes the children to treat it's because he was drunk.
Eng. unjustifiable; unjustifiably; treat all; including other
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for someone (egdulihis, migdulihis, indulihis/pidulihis, agent, eg><ø-) to request something from others (egdulihisen, theme, eg><en-) even if there's no chance of getting it (igdulihis, indulihis, igdulihisa, reason, ig><ø-)
Egdulihis iya egbuyu ka anak ku te pisu te warè.
My son is forcing me by asking for one piso even when there's none.
Egdulihisen ad iya te asawa ku te egharek ne kenè e ma iya.
My husband harrasses me to kiss but I don't.
Iyan din igdulihis keddì su neiyam e kun e.
He forced me because I seems new looked for him.
Eng. force; harrass; request; ask for
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 16/Nov/2016