Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: tangkaan
MS: tangkaan
The front of something is the part of it which people usually see or use (e.g., the front of a house), or the part of it which is first (e.g., the front of a motorbike).

Def.: minsan nekey ne eggamiten ne helesanan te malehet ne sitwasyun
something which someone uses to hide the real situation.
That shop is just a front for an illegal drug market.
Ka sika ne tindaan [tinda͡an] helesanan ne belegyaanan te ingkenè ne druga.
He acts loud and confident, but that is a front; he is really very shy.

in front of
Def.: te kewun-aan [kewun-a͡an]; katangkaan; te tangkaan
MS: kewun-aan, te; katangkaan; tangkaan, te
If something is in front of another thing, the other thing is behind it.
I can't see because a tall person is standing in front of me.
Kena a egpakakita su ka malayat ne etew migsasindeg diyè te kewun-aan [kewun-a͡an] ku.
There is a tree in front of my house.
Due kayu diyè te tangkaan te baley ku.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; GSL0476-0500
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012